Date : Friday, August 31, 2007
Time : 1:09 PM
Title : Stomach Flu

wendy is sick.
boo. =(

hate being sick.
smmore is stomach flu.
vomitting, fever, flu.
all these really are sucky!

was wondering how i got this.
1) not enuff sleep
2) cos of xiaofong. =X
she also got symptoms of stomach flu (vomit, laosai, fever)
and i shared food with her 1-2 days b4 she is sick. =X

just guessing only. x)
pray hard
i will get well by saturday.

Date : Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Time : 1:28 PM
Title : Random Post

holidays are here, and im sort of like..
nothing to blog about.
everyday is like working.
morning at childcare
afternoon till late night at sentosa
weekends accompany my dear boy
GONE, my week.

& im so excited about
ziqi and lydia coming to work with me
although they might not like the job
but at least they kept me company for
that single day. =)
i know you girls are excited about it too. x)

that day a child vomitted on my leg. -.-
my pants also kanna.
but i kept myself calm, and she did not cry.
today, a child vomitted on the form teacher's leg
the teacher scream and shouted at the child,
the child cried.
maybe we teachers should keep ourselves calm at such time.
poor child kept crying.
for like whole 30mins?

went pastamania-ing with my sister
just feel like treating her something nice.
=) im a good sister ehs?

oh! my sister is going to china on thurs night
for 9 nights, im going to sleep on the big bed,
all alone.
guess im going to miss her, badly.
& i know you will miss me too. xD

oh well~
just some random post.
cos i really dunno what i want to blog about
suddenly everything else seems
so uninteresting to blog about.
just type some rubbish here for ppl who visit to read
cos i know,
when you visit a blog, and there is no new entries to read
it's kind of boring. x)

wendy got a surprise for you.

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Date : Monday, August 27, 2007
Time : 12:33 PM
Title : Singapore

This is where we belong

actually want to blog this pic on national day,
hahas. but i didnt upload to my com.

Date : Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Time : 12:45 PM
Title : First Day to MYMCA as Contact Teacher.

I went to my attachment centre (MYMCA) today,
to work, not attachment. =)
Just to get the extra experience?
I don't really know why I went either.
Partly I guess is because I told my mentor that my friends want the job.
But, ended up, not wanting to disappoint her,
so, i picked up the job.
Anyway, it's like attachment. 4hours only.

This morning, I totally do not have the mood to go lahs.
Just so damn tired, and wanted to rest.
No choice lahs, FORCED myself up.

I guess I will most probably not be blogging after tonight.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday will be working.
Most likely the next post is Saturday or Sunday bahs?

& not forgetting...


i miss my dear boy, so much can?!

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Date : Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Time : 2:06 PM
Title : End of Exams. =)

finally, the long awaited holidays. =D
can get the time to:
- earn money
- rest well
- meet up with my pretties
- more time with my guy
- more social activities? hopefully.

- - - - -

went to TTSH skin centre
for consultation on my allergy thing
and it's atopic eczema
LOL. don't really know what it is.
although i had read the brochure the doc gave.
and this doc is damn good can?!
he at least didnt ask those questions
that all the doctors i had seen asked.
Did you change your bedsheet? YES, OF COURSE!
Did you went for camps? NO!
Did you went to the beach? NO LAH!
I think is mosquito bites. -.- YA, RIGHT!

this doc didnt as any of the above questions!
and he gave me cream to apply
and med to stop the itch at night n day. =D

he's a nice doctor. =))
& hope i will get well soon.


boy, i still miss you lots.

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Date : Monday, August 20, 2007
Time : 11:16 AM
Title : Happy Birthday Xiaofong





Date :
Time : 11:14 AM
Title : Happy Birthday Xiaofong

slept from 3am to 8.30am
pull myself out of bed,
not to study, but to go fetch my boyfriend
at khatib.

then he bathed,
i read one page of my notes, w/o absorbing a single info.
went out for lunch.
Seoul Garden. =)

initially dated xiaofong and cong an,
but too bad, cong an is only free in the afternn
when my guy is not free. LOL.
so it's only the two of us. =D

went to walk around at CWP.
went back to his house.
planned to study while he does his things.
but i ended up falling asleep,
left him playing his computer game
and his poor bro, slping in the living room

but im really damn tired.
and my morning and afternoon are gone!
no mugging at all. =(

and now, at home.
lucky no show tonight
due to the rally speech.
tv is off, but laptop is on. xD
and i don't feel like mugging at all.
although i tried.
but im still tired.

just 3 more weeks.
it will be his POP. =D
wendy is happy.

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Date :
Time : 11:08 AM
Title : Cow Boy and Weave Girl


牛郎织女 应该 相会 了吧?


Date : Saturday, August 18, 2007
Time : 9:42 AM
Title : Fireworks

finally, first paper is over.
left with the last paper. LOL. (only 2 papers)

my dear boy having guard duty this week.
booking out only on sunday.
poor me. poorer him.

there's fireworks tonight!
my sister went with her school.
and i wanted to go with my guy~
thou tml night oso have, but tml is saturday.
he's still in camp. hais!
what a pity.

he feels lousy when he knew about the fireworks thing.
he is always so.. s-i-l-l-y. =X
there's always next time. =D

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Date : Friday, August 17, 2007
Time : 1:26 PM
Title : Tears of Missing You

Thou you ain't beside with me,
your voice is comforting enough
to make me teared.

Yes, I admit, I am really stressed up
by this CD 2.1
cos I really can't seem to remember most of the info.

plus, you know the reason.

i miss you.

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Date :
Time : 7:44 AM
Title : AHH! Nothing get into the brain.

NOTHING, yes nothing seems to get into my brain.
first time experience such thing.
at least last sem something can get in.

can you be with me now,
explaining these information in simpler words
for me to understand better?

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Date : Thursday, August 16, 2007
Time : 3:34 PM
Title : Wish You Were Here

How I Wish You Were Here,
Right Here, Beside Me.

Cos' I know you will give me

all your support as I mug for my exams.

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Date :
Time : 7:52 AM
Title : I am Proud of You

I am really proud of my guy. =)
really proud of him.

cos he has remarkable results in his NS.
thou it's only a short period of time,
but he made me proud of him. ^^

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Date : Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Time : 9:46 AM
Title : Tagged By Xin Ting

List out your top 5 birthday presents that you wish for:

ONE- Let Everyone Around Me Be Happy =)

TWO- Let Me Get What I Want! xD

THREE- Not Yet Think of It. =X

FOUR- Not Yet Think of It. =X

FIVE- Not Yet Think of It. =X

Answer the following questions.

1.(the person who tag you is ...) Xin Ting

2.(your relationship with him/her is ...) Friends

3.(your 5 impressions of him/her ..) Quiet Looking, Good at Drawing, Always Carry Alot of Things (Eg. Laptop, Jacket), Loves her Boyfriend Alot, Loves Dogs (Casper & Charcoal?)

4.(the most memorable thing he/she had done for you) Erm. I don't know lehs. xD Drawing of the Big Book? LOL.

5.(the most memorable words he/she had said to you) I can't really remember lehs. LOLS.

6.(if he/she becomes your lover, you will..) Aww~ I will love her alot! LOLS.

7.(if he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be) Be A HANDSOME GUY. xD

8.(if he/she becomes your enemy, you will...) She will NEVER be. =)

9. (if he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be ...) She is far too nice? hahas.

10.(the most desire thing you want to do for him/her now is ...) Erm. Not Sure lehs. What you want me to do for you? LOL.

11.(your overall impression of him/her is ...) She's not quiet, quite lame at times, introvert, really good at drawing those anime characters. hahahas.

12.(how you think people around you will feel about you?) Ask them? LOL.

13.(the character you love of yourself are ...) SENSIBLE (right lydia?), patient =)

14.(on the contrary, the characters you hate of yourself are ...) sometimes too introvert, sometimes will use wrong tone of voice and make myself sound as if I am angry when actually I am Not. =X

15.(the most ideal person you want to be is ...) Nobody, just be WENDY! =D

16.(for people that care and like you, say something to them ...) I LOVE YOU PEOPLE! and always know that i do care and love you all as well. =) sorry if i hurt you people in one way or another, but wendy still loves and cherish everyone of you. *ALMIGHTY HUG*

17.(pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wish to know how they feel about you)

1) Peipei

2) Xiaofong

3) Joanne

4) Florence

5) Xue Ni

6) Lina

7) Lydia

8) Jennifer

9) Linda

10) Beekwoon

11.(who is no.6 having relationship with?) Nobody?

12.(Is no.9 a male or female?) Female

13.(If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?) I think they can click quite well? LOL.

14.(How about no.8 and 5?) Cannot imagine the two of them together

15.(What is no.2 studying about?) Early Childhood!

16.(When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?) Just Now, in MSN. =)

17.(What kind of music band does no.8 like?) Im Not Sure lehs. LOLS.

18.(Does no.1 has any siblings?) Yes. 1 Elder Sister, 2 Younger Brothers.

19.(Will you woo no.3?) OH! She's already mine! xD

20.(How about no.7?) She's also mine! (My affair!)

21.(Is no.4 single?) Nope. She has got a boyfriend that loves and dote on her.

22.(What's the surname of no.5?) POH! same as me!

23.(What's the hobby of no.4?) Erm, frisbee, singing, going to the beach? Spending time with her boy. am i right?

24.(Do no.5 and 9 get along well?) They Don't Know Each Another.

25.(Where is no.2 studying at?) Ngee Ann Polytechnic

26.(Talk something casually about no.1) She's tall, skinny, permed hair, attached.

27.(Have you try developing feelings for no.8?) She's also mine already, and yes, i love her. xD

28.(Where does no.9 live at?) Bukit Panjang Area?

29.(What color does no.4 like?) I have no idea. =X Purple? I think she likes all colours.

30.(Are no.5 and 1 best friends?) Nah.

31.(Does no.7 likes no.2?) I think that's a yes. =)

32.(How do you get to know no.2?) CCA in Primary School?

33.(Does no.1 have any pets?) I don't think so.

34.(Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?) Oh, well, she is one of the sexiest people in MY WORLD. =)


Date : Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Time : 3:07 PM
Title : Almighty Hug

One of the most positive assurances of worthiness a caregiver can receive on a daily basis is that almighty hug given unconditionally as a gift from the gleeful toddler who sweeps down upon you when you playing on the floor.

This hug, which is often accompanied by a loud and joyful sound, enters your space with such forcused positive energy that each of you feels the impact. The result of this positive energy is felt by the two of you, and brings out smiles on the faces of all who observe it.

this is why children are amazing,
cos they never fail to make me smile with their hugs.

& so are your hugs.

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Date :
Time : 8:31 AM
Title : Child Development 2.1 Revision

I am glad to announce that I had finished studying reading CD 2.1
Chapter One and Two within 2.5 hours. =)

But the thing is,
I feel like all those information are more on understanding,
and I don't really know what to memorise and study for.
Those informations are like,
mentioned by Lavina and Lynn often,
and it has been in the head, so it's more on reading i guess?

And I strongly believe that my dear friends will feel the same as well.
I think that they had those information in their head already as well.

My Dearest Ladies,
No Worries, No Stress! =)
You ladies will do well. =D

i miss those mugging days with you.

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Date : Saturday, August 11, 2007
Time : 5:14 PM
Title : Myanmar Minister

today is quite a fun and relaxful day for me.
well, they said the dinner is a VVIP dinner.
make me so worried,
in the end, it's the myanmar's minister who came
with other 19 ppl.
well, he's an old old man, with a few strands of hair left.
but i guess he's quite nice?
from what i heard from my myanmar working friend
the western dinner dishes doesn't suit their taste.
they prefer hot and spicy food than these expensive good food.
when one guest asked me what is abalone,
i told him is abalone, and he asked me to explain
which i can't, so do my myanmar friend.

after the dinner,
my captain give me white wine to drink
OMG! it's damn nice can?!
i kept drinking lahs!
cos it's quite a newly opened bottle,
and the guests can't finish it, so well,
don't let it go to waste. xP
but it's really nice,
and cheap! $30+ only.
initially wanted to buy one for my dad/mum
then my captain also purchasing some for his bday next month
and he said he will buy one for me.

and yes! one forgetful guest
called and complained that he/she lost a HP.
and cause all of us to search the room upside down.
the manager who went home
and is at AMK, came all the way back
and in the end, the guest called and said
he/she found the phone, in the car!
we were all laughing our heads off.

okoks. enough updates on my working thingy
sounds so boring to people.
oh well, tml's gurmeet's bday "party".

& wendy miss haojie

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Date : Friday, August 10, 2007
Time : 12:27 PM
Title : entry on daily events.

NOTE* this is kind of a boring, random update of my daily events. =X

wednesday (080807):

went to sch for the FM test.

finally over, and im relieved!

went mudpie-ing with my darlings!

ate mudpie, banana split, teh tarik icecream!

and joanne wonder why teh tarik icecream is so nice to us.

hahas. thou the session is short, but i enjoyed alot!

thanks my dearest darlings! =D

more outing to island creamery please~~ x)

after the mudpie-ing,

went to work. but im happy!

initially planned to leave early

cos my boy will be fetching me at harbourfront.

so i requested to leave early at 10 - 1030.

well, the captain is kind of "i don't want you to go back early"

but i told him national day i need go countdown

which im only joking, he believes it.

he still can ask me, "later you going marina bay ar?"

i was laughing there. i told him im going to meet my boy

he smiled and allowed me to go back early.


well, that's INITIALLY.

in the end, i asked my captain if my boy can come in

and help out.

my captain was like..


wendy: "later the cab how?"


guess he really need help that night.


and my boy came. =)

wendy is happy. xD

thursday (090807):

national day. =)

met my boy in the morning.

had breakfast with him, cos i needa go work in the afternoon.

yea, i know, u ppl must be thinking.

"he booked out, and you are working? why don't want acc him?"

i wanted to cancel my work schedule for that day.

but, if i do so, the captains sure nag nag nag.

smmore my boy encourage me to go work.

and he accompanied me to harbourfront.

so nice of him. =D lovess.lovess.

wonder why national day, ppl oso want to have a..


and it's kind of not fun.

they had fashion show.

but the "models" are like..

the club's admin office ladies?

hahahas. not even professionals lahs!

cheap stake dinner! =X

after dinner, we need to do the preparations for tml's dinner.

well, there are 5 girls and 6 guys working.

and i don't really like the other 4 girls.

keep whining when they work lahs!

get two girls to iron the table cloths,

keep complaining the hot water "burnt" their hands.

WTH! as if i dunno it's painful!

please lahs! i kanna how many times already?!

and you?! one time only, complain so much.

when the captain get me to do the setting for the 2 VIP tables.

i wanted her to help me put the show plate on the table,

she is like so damn afraid that i ask her to help me iron the table cloth lahs!

she gave that "huhs~what again" look.

and i said, nvm, you go help the other girl.

im pissed with her can?!

keep whining she is tired,

another girl keep asking what time can go back.

another girl is better? at least she does her work.

but all the 4 girls are from the same nationality,

and they are like all chatting away

when the captain is like "can faster anot?! i want go home one ok?!"

they wanted to go back as well, but.

are still talkative and not working fast.

ended up, im like setting up the tables all by myself.

and thanks to two girls who helped me to.

clean the culteries and iron the table cloth.

(sorry for the complaining. LOL)

friday (100807):

well, thanks to my alarm clock.

if not i won't be able to wake up.

going to work again today.

yea, working makes me richer,

and time will pass faster. =)

and i will get to see my boy tml morning. =D

yes! morning! woohoo~ lalala!

wendy is joyful today. =)

hopes nothing spoilt her mood.

Date : Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Time : 11:11 AM
Title : I AM ANGRY

im angry.
so damn angry that i cried.
i know it sounds stupid.
cry cos im angry.
but, yes, that's me.
i hate being misunderstand
i hate being accused
i hate being assumed to be that way

im really so damn angry,
and i could not control
i cried.

right this moment,
i do wish you are by my side.
there's your shoulder to lean on
your chest for me to cry in
your arms to hug me
your words to console me
and your kiss on my forehead to comfort me
i miss you.

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Date :
Time : 6:19 AM
Title : RED NERD specs

feel like having a red, nerd specs out of a sudden.


Date : Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Time : 11:22 AM
Title : Just Some Thoughts

wonder why you told me that reason
or excuse.
do you know how i feel when i know the truth
or real fact.
have you ever put yourself in my shoes?
and spare some thought for me.

& i had learnt, to ignore.


Date :
Time : 8:44 AM
Title : cornflour with water

went back to sch for FM consultation.
well, quite useful.
im feeling more confident to pass the test now~
note* pass only, not A. hahas.xD
and im looking forward to wednesday.
it's an eventful day!
FM test, island creamary, work, and meet my boy.
woots! happy wednesday! =D

i had lunch with jennifer, joanne and shuting.
they helped kick away my lonely lunch. =D
initially i had to have my lunch alone
but ended up having it with them! wees~
thanks thanks.
and oh!
all the laughters we had just now. =D
about how our dear joanne "seduce" guys.

i played with cornflour with water!
wees~ hahahahahahas.
i know it sound random
but ya, i enjoyed it alot. =)

feel like going to esplanade out of a sudden
cos long time never go liao.

i love you dear.

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Date : Monday, August 06, 2007
Time : 2:01 PM
Title : RANDOM mood swing

im kind of having a random* mood swing now.
super duper.
initially, im still not upset that he booked in today.
cos wednesday he's booking out cos of national day.
then as i watched tbee.
nothing wrong. just a sudden outbreak of mood swing now
i guess partly is cos of the FM consultation?
tml going back for FM
time confirmed, yet don't even know who is going.
ouunp os7v 6u!H+h23^3 '3uoh23^3

and now im reading the FM notes.
im stressed up!
joanne! you know what will happen right?
hais~ im really so demoralised now.

i need hugs, and words of assurance.
& you.

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Date :
Time : 3:34 AM
Title : The Secret

went home aft sch, slept for 1.5hours.
took cab down to "fetch" my boyfriend.
cos i overslept and i tod i will be late.
but the timing quite accurate,
but im still earlier than him.
saw his sergeant on the train. LOLS.
we saw the sergeant's gf as well. x)
went to watch ALONE, midnight show.
very scary. (to me) very funny. (to him) -.-"
and he fell asleep during some parts.
guess he's tired, but still want to pei me watch.
thanks & i appreciate your company =)

morning went for mentoring.
well, i still can recall my emath for sec 4.
LOLS. for the time being, still can cope. =)
then my silly boy, bought big breakfast for me
and waited for an hr for me.
cos mentoring shld end at 11am,
but got debrief till about 12pm.
after breakfast, went to yishun's small mini army market
to get his things.
OH! the shop got 2 parrots!
and they really can talk! (like chit chat!)
wendy: HELLO!
parrot: HELLO!
wendy: BYEBYE!
parrot: COME BACK!
first time i encountered a parrot that really talk lahs!
after that went to AMK hub for just a while.
had ice cream! =D
took bus back to wdls for movie.
movie: the secret
with who: peipei, nicholas, xiaofong, cong an
we were late. =X sorry ehs.
but at least you girls didnt miss abit of the front part.
but i guess cong an did? =X
after movie, acc him to play his bball.
my dear boy still can't sweat. HAIS.
hope your body can sweat soon.
the secret, consider a nice movie.
i love the piano-ing part lahs!
so cool!
and the story plot is unpredictable.
no one expect it to be this way.
can go and watch. =)

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Date : Sunday, August 05, 2007
Time : 3:44 PM
Title : My Tarot Card is . .

You are The Lovers

Motive, power, and action, arising from Inspiration and Impulse.

The Lovers represents intuition and inspiration. Very often a choice needs to be made.

Originally, this card was called just LOVE. And that's actually more apt than "Lovers." Love follows in this sequence of growth and maturity. And, coming after the Emperor, who is about control, it is a radical change in perspective. LOVE is a force that makes you choose and decide for reasons you often can't understand; it makes you surrender control to a higher power. And that is what this card is all about. Finding something or someone who is so much a part of yourself, so perfectly attuned to you and you to them, that you cannot, dare not resist. This card indicates that the you have or will come across a person, career, challenge or thing that you will fall in love with. You will know instinctively that you must have this, even if it means diverging from your chosen path. No matter the difficulties, without it you will never be complete.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Date :
Time : 3:43 PM
Title : What Girls Want

every girl dreams that one day she will find a guy that does these things forher. even the smallest action can havethe BIGGEST impact in someones life.


• give her one of your t-shirts tosleep in
• leave her cute text notes.
• kiss her in front of your friends.
• tell her she looks beautiful.
• look into her eyes when you talk to her.
• let her mess with your hair.
• touch her hair.
• just walk around with her.
• FORGIVE her for her MISTAKES.
• look at her like she's the only girl you see.
• tickle her even when she says stop.
• hold her hand when you're around yourfriends.
• when she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her.
• let her fall asleep in your arms.
• get her mad, then kiss her.
• stay on the phone with her even ifshes not saying anything
• tease her and let her tease you back.
• stay up all night with her when she'ssick.
• watch her favorite movie with her.
• kiss her forehead.• give her the world.
• let her wear your clothes.
• when she's sad, hang out with her.
• let her know she's important.
• kiss her in the pouring rain.
• when you fall in love with her, tell her.
• and when you tell her, love her like you've never loved someone before.

Taken from Huiwen's Blog.


  • WENDY.
    21st June.
    Everything else, you'll know when you know me. (:


  • I’m unique, very;
    or perhaps just weird?


  • Leave some of your love. (:


  • xueni


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