Date : Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Time : 1:22 PM
Title : RANDOM*


Florence wrote in her blog,
wondering how i actually pull through
all these agonizing, tormenting & racking weeks
without my boyfriend.
but her words make me wonder as well.
actually, i also dunno how i survive.
guess partly is my dearest darlings bahs.
they made me laugh and smile every single day.

well, i do miss him alot at times.
it's kind of random kind of missing him.
when im busy or engrossed in something
i tend to stop thinking about him.
but once im done,
and have free time.
i miss him again.
is that normal?

but i realise something weird.
although i know i miss him alot.
but as time goes by,
im like enjoying the process of missing him.
oh well, i know this is weird.

the more i blog about this
the more i miss him. =(
i envy linda, xiaofong, xinting and florence so much
i know it's stupid and silly.

& i know you will be booking out soon.
real soon. =)

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Date :
Time : 1:54 AM
Title : Depression Test

DisorderYour Score
Major Depression:Very Slight
Dysthymia:Very Slight
Bipolar Disorder:Slight
Seasonal Affective Disorder:Very Slight
Postpartum Depression:N/A
Take the Depression Test

this test shows that

im a happy and depressionLESS person!



Date : Monday, July 30, 2007
Time : 12:20 PM
Title : shopping spree

shopping spree today!
with my darling meimei. =)
went AMK hub. LOL.
bought so quite a number of things!
spent alot of money lahs!
but it's okay, we enjoyed it. =D

i bought
- 2 baby doll tops
- 1 tee
- 2 pencil cases (1 for my sister)
- 1 shorts
- 1 pair of shoes for my sister
- sunglasses =D
- 1 top for haojie

well, for my sister cos she wants
but im the one who pay. LOL.

and yes, i found a necklace that i wanted to buy!
so so much! but it's ex. =X
wendy, forget abt it.

well, i really love the two baby-doll tops
so much! fall in love in first sight!
friday i will wear one! =D hees.
cos wendy is going on a date.
- - - - -

oh! and me and my sister realise something.
people, put on your sweaters 1st.
cos it's gonna be lame and cold. =X

transformers need a room to transform.
and it's room two, where's room one?
- - - - -

i can't wait to see your expression and smile
when i gave you the tee. hees.

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Date : Sunday, July 29, 2007
Time : 5:06 AM
Title : All those i love.

(if im wrong)

(please let me know)

(i will try my best to change)

(if you're wrong)

(and i let you know)

(please, have an open-heart)

(listen to me)

(open your heart)

(learn to accept others)

(learn to understand others)

(learn to think on the bright side)

(learn how to walk out of the dark)

(learn to walk towards sunlight)

(happy, unhappy)

(is a choice)

(hope you choose happy)
- - - - -

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Date : Saturday, July 28, 2007
Time : 1:00 PM
Title : just one small camp.

no one understands anyone totally.
no one understands themselves fully.
sometimes, i just can't help but wonder.
yes, just plain wondering.
people always expect others to understand them
to change and suit them.
sometimes, im one too.
but, i came to realise.
sometimes, being yourself,
wanting things to be your way, many more will get upset.
but i know everyone has their own reasons.
the stress people putting on them
causing them to have no choice,
but to do things they don't like or don't wish to do.
people do have expectations of themselves.
worry that they can't reach that aim,
they pressurized themselves.

well, friendship is something that is hard to come by
yet easy to lose.

huiwen, first, i know i don't really understand you well.
so i dunno if the following words i said will be right anot.
but i just decided to blog it out.
i know you are pissed and super upset
with us not attending the passion synergy camp.
and you have no choice but to make it compulsary.
i know you don't want to do that either.
i know you understand that people will be unhappy.
i guess you have you own reasons to do all these things.
just remember, don't give yourself too much pressure
on the camp thing.
there will be solutions to everything,
including this.
no hard feelings when i said all these alright?
kind of sad when i went to your blog, and see those entries.
cos i know im one of the reasons that made you so mad.
im sorry, but hope you are back to normal soon.
jiayouss. and cheer up.
cos we all love you.

- - - - - -

& i miss working with you so much yesterday.
that i did a stupid thing, and have idiotic thoughts.

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Date : Friday, July 27, 2007
Time : 1:59 PM
Title : Academic Writing

lots of things happened in sch today.
the "truly", "madly" and "deeply" girls.
the O2jam craze of lina n joanne.
i guess the funniest is the
"national day parade" during AW lecture.
it made joanne n me laugh for a long time.

well, speaking of AW.
i had finished my AW essay.
yups. it's in editing process liao le.

my boyfriend is going for his first field camp tml.
well. hope he's fine.
& he is super happy when his sergeant said
that he is very on when he does things.
im happy for him too. =)
no contact with him for 5 days.
wendy is independent now,
she can bear the pain
and overcome her separation anxiety.
yes, she can.

& yes, i love you.
** ** ** ** ** (our code.) hees.

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Date :
Time : 11:56 AM
Title : it's the tone that shows

it's the body language that shows.
it's the facial expression that is visible.
it's the tone that express it all.
it's these three that shows your patience,
and attitude to your ( to whoever may it concern)

although, i'm abit upset today.
over something minor to others.
but major to me.
forgive and forget.

you are still the one who treat me the best.
although you made me cried 2 tears,
but i dont mind crying for you. =)

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Date :
Time : 2:08 AM
Title : one assignment down!

one assignment down.
tml will be MAYC
actually MAYC can sort of consider as done.
yeah yeah. happy. =)

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Date : Thursday, July 26, 2007
Time : 2:17 PM
Title : Assignments are driving me crazy

ASSignments are seriously driving wendy nuts.
although my friends are even more last min then me.
people like jennifer, karine, joanne.
actually today i only print out the assignments only.
well, MAYC group's conclusion.
i don't know what to say.
but it's the reason that made me wanna cry
hais~ forget it. i had done my best.
leave it to tml bahs.
- - - - -
wendy is a perfectionist.
she wants everything to be perfect
(at least to her)
she wants things to be organise and neat
(at least to her)

can she achieve these?

you're the only one that listen to my naggings and complains, not because of your curiousity or KPO-ness, but just to make me feel better after vomitting all my troubles out. you're always the only one. i love you.

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Date : Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Time : 4:14 PM
Title : just venting my stress out

this post is just wendy, venting all her stress up moods out.

why must i be same group as her?
yes, i know i should not discrimate her.
but, i really don't know how to communicate with her.
at times, i pity her.
but when i try to talk to her nicely,
in both english and chinese
just to get her to answer to my question,
she gave me a feeling that, she is stubborn
and is insist on her point
which is not answering my question.

i know i should not complain.
but it's like 1.10am
i just completed the group's introduction (citations)
and conclusion (repharsing, organising and citations)
ok, janice did help repharse the intro, and conclusion.
but the conclusion are like..
well, not very well discussed,
so a few points only.

only janice sent me her evaluation,
karine havent carry out,
joanne i can't contact her
and xiuhui, suppose to email hers to janice
but she didnt.
guess i will remind her again n again tml.

alright people,
end of my complaining.
feeling much more better.

& you silly boy, don't worry unneccessary things.
i love you.

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Date : Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Time : 1:22 PM
Title : Can it be my privacy?

can it be our little secret?

& wendy only shares all her secrets with him.

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Date : Monday, July 23, 2007
Time : 12:06 PM
Title : 5 Important Lessons.

Lesson #1 - Cleaning Lady

During my second month of college, our professor gave us a pop quiz. I was a conscientious student and had breezed through the questions until I read the last one:"What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school? "Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the cleaning woman several times. She was tall,dark-haired and in her 50s, but how would I know her name? I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Just before class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our quiz grade. "Absolutely," said the professor. "In your careers, you will meet many people. All are significant. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say "hello." I've never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her name was Dorothy.

So people, you know the name of our school cleaner?
- - - - -

Lesson #2 - Pick Up in the Rain

One night, at11:30 p.m., an older African American woman was standing on the side of an Alabama highway trying to endure a lashing rainstorm. Her car had broken down and she desperately needed a ride. Soaking wet, she decided to flag down the next car. A young white man stopped to help her, generally unheard of in those conflict-filled 1960s. The man took her to safety, helped her get assistance, and put her into a taxicab. She seemed to be in a big hurry, but wrote down his address and thanked him. Seven days went by and a knock came on the man's door. To his surprise, a giant console color TV was delivered to his home. A special note was attached.. It read: "Thank you so much for assisting me on the highway the other night. The rain drenched not only my clothes, but also my spirits. Then you came along. Because of you, I was able to make it to my dying husband's bedside just before he passed away... God bless you for helping me and unselfishly serving others."Sincerely, Mrs. Nat King Cole.
- - - - -

Lesson #3 - Always Remember those who serve

In the days when an ice cream sundae cost much less, a 10-year-old boy entered a hotel coffee shop and sat at a table. A waitress put a glass of water in front of him. "How much is an ice cream sundae?" he asked. "Fifty cents," replied the waitress. The little boy pulled is hand out of his pocket and studied the coins in it. "Well, how much is a plain dish of ice cream?" he inquired. By now more people were waiting for a table and the>>waitress was growing impatient. "Thirty-five cents," she brusquely replied. The little boy again counted his coins. "I'll have the plain ice cream," he said. The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill on the table and walked away. The boy finished the ice cream, paid the cashier and left. When the waitress came back, she began to cry as she wiped down the table. There, placed neatly beside the empty dish, were two nickels and five pennies..You see, he couldn't have the sundae, because he had to have enough left to leave her a tip.

have you ever leave a tip for someone who serve?
- - - - -

Lesson #4 - The obstacle in Our Path.

In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way. Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. Upon approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. After the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the King indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many of us never understand! Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition.
- - - - -

Lesson #5 - Giving when it Counts

Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at a hospital, I got to know a little girl named Liz who was suffering from a rare & serious disease. Her only chance of recovery appeared to be a blood transfusion from her 5-year old brother, who had miraculously survived the same disease and had developed the antibodies needed to combat the illness. The doctor explained the situation to her little brother, and asked the little boy if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister. I saw him hesitate for only a moment before taking a deep breath and saying, "Yes I'll do it if it will save her." As the transfusion progressed, he lay in bed next to his sister and smiled, as we all did, seeing the color returning to her cheek. Then his face grew pale and his smile faded. He looked up at the doctor and asked with a trembling voice, "Will I start to die right away". Being young, the little boy had misunderstood the doctor; he thought he was going to have to give his sister all of his blood in order to save her.
- - - - -

& wendy wants to be his strong little girl.

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Date : Sunday, July 22, 2007
Time : 1:46 PM

just watched VACANCY with haojie.
nice nice movie =)
although ending abit chop-chop finish up kind
but the process is exciting lahs!

oh, btw this movie is NC16.
and when we purchase the tix
the girl ask for my i/c
im so damn happy can?!
i looked so young. x)

oh ya,
saw my Mr. Nice Guy at cwp too.
& i got to know more about him now.
and i admire him even more!
woots =D

& only my guy know who is my mr.nice guy
cos i only told him. =3

& wendy is gonna miss her boyfriend for 2 weeks.

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Date : Saturday, July 21, 2007
Time : 12:00 PM
Title : happening day.

today is such a happening day!
first is the school belle n hunks thing.
oh well, saw them at the atrium in the morning
while we are doing our MAYC project.

after school, saw those "finalists"
well, for the ladies.
not pretty. (to me.)
for guys.
oh well. "let's go"
none is handsome lahs!
no wonder NP always lose. LOLS.

fun? kind of lahs.
those kind of busy setting up learning corners
kind of fun. =)
but agnes sucks lahs.
first, accuse my affair for taking her manipulative.
second, waste our 10min of presentation time
on explaining to her the triangle activity.
anyway, it's over. =D

oh! the fun part!
outing to the playground with my darlings!
yea. DLE project. assessing the playground!
we (lydia, lina, jennifer, me) went to the playground
at AMK. =)
the greatest thing about the place is.
after taking photos of the playground
w/o playing it, cos too much "children"
we went to the nearby mac
and discuss abit of it.
after that, off we went.
too bad lina went off liao.
cos after we left mac,
the playground is empty!

& the three of us (jennifer, lydia & me)
are like back to 3 years old.
dashed to the playground
and started to play on the swings.
we had so so so much fun lahs!
& lydia n me taught jennifer
how to swing herself.
hahahahahas. right jennifer?

today is really a super duper fun day!
especially the swing!
oh, and the side effect of playing the swing too much is.

& im going to see you tml!

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Date : Friday, July 20, 2007
Time : 2:11 PM
Title : a new word learnt

i learnt a new word today. =)

mon noun, plural mons, verb, monned, mon-ning, interjection - noun
another pronunciation for MAN.
come on, MON!
let's go, MON!


& saturday is coming soon! yea!

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Date : Thursday, July 19, 2007
Time : 8:17 AM

finally all my lesson plans are over!
& being assessed by one of the teacher.
which i don't really wish that she is the one assessing.
but anyway, it's over! wees!
and i bet the children enjoy it lahs.
when i get them to come back for closure,
all were like i-still-want-to-dance kind of look.
happy happy!

& it's terribly having fever lahs.
smmore on, off kind.
morning nothing, after FP, on the way home,
feverish liao. stupid lors.
oh! and thanks joanne for sheltering me to the bus stop.

now, im so damn worried can?!
i scare that i got dengue.
smmore exams are ard the corners.
pray hard it just normal fever, not dengue or whatever.
*pray pray*

so boring to stay home.
okay, you people must be thinking,
do assignment lahs!
but today actually planned to go bugis shopping
with my darlings!
bcos of this stupid on-off fever,
i can't go!
humphs. shoo fever! go away!

& i need you badly.

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Date : Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Time : 1:03 PM
Title : Wendy is Sick.

WENDY is sick.

flu fever.
which means my fever is due to flu instead of having sore throat.
my throat is fine & im not coughing.
if 4 days later, my flu recovered, but fever still persist
i will have to do blood test.
and the doc even keep a record on which school im studying in lahs.
i guess he is afraid that i got dengue. LOL.
got 2 days MC.
but i doubt i will be using bahs.
smmore tml FP, i still wondering should i go anot.
last music lesson liao lehs!
i think i will go.
get it over and done with.

& i love you so.

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Date :
Time : 10:55 AM
Title : ENVY - The GREEN Notes

the GREEN note:

Joanne said she envy me.
cos i know the cute guy, she don't know.

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Date : Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Time : 1:56 PM
Title : Perfectionism

Perfectionism is killing me
of my time, and money.
and my health.
i need your hugs.

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Date :
Time : 8:26 AM
Title : See Hao Jun

HE is such a mr. nice guy
with GREAT english and
curvy, wavey brain.
oh, & he's good looking.

HE isn't my boyfriend.

& i miss see haojie.

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Date : Monday, July 16, 2007
Time : 11:56 AM
Title : Life Theory

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take;
but by the moments that take our breath away.
-Taken from Joanne's Livejournal

how many breaths have i left?

i want to spend my last few breaths with you hugging me.

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Date :
Time : 8:38 AM
Title : harry potter & the order of the phoenix

quite disappointing.
not as nice as i thought it would be.
not better than HP 1,2 and 3.
Transformers is much nicer.
& i am starting to miss you already lahs.

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Date :
Time : 2:52 AM
Title : & wendy is envious

and now i envy them.
so much.

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Date : Saturday, July 14, 2007
Time : 11:44 AM
Title : RANDOM*

Another RANDOM* post. x)

this is my 444th post.
sounds so unlucky.
& today is black friday. (friday the 13th)
i know, i sound superstitious.

just finished mind-map
for my AW essay.
i failed to finish up my plan again.
planning want to finish AW by this weekend.
but i failed again!
nvm. i will do it later. when i am free. x)

i really got no idea what to do
for my music n movement lesson plan!
teaching on spiders~!
ahhs!! i dunno how to teach!!
help me please!!

oh, i enjoyed this week's MAYC lesson!
hahas. cos doesn't seem to be like having lessons
we are purely doing activities for our learning corners.
and im loving it!
cos i love doing art & craft can?!

oh! TEN TONS tml!
wees~ wendy is goin to collect newspapers!
for charity. =)
feel so happy to be involved in charity work!
hees. guess it would be fun?
hope so. x)

i want go shopping tomorrow!
with my boyfriend!
i want! i don't care!
i know im ego-centric.
but i don't care! =X

i get to work next tuesday!
i know, tues is the worst day to work.
cos wednesday there is FP!
and i should not be working on tues
instead i should be doing things for FP.
but no choice.
wendy's account got not enough money
for her expediture and her school fees.
wendy is poor.
someone donate money to her?
*slap* wake up lahs!

i think i got lots of things to do
this weekend.
do i have time for him?
i scare i dun have.
but i guess he understand that bahs.
he's understanding. =D
but i still want spend many many hours with him.

let me see..
things to be done by this weekend.
- music & movement lesson plan #3 (urgent)
- MAYC learning corner's flowers
- props for m&m lesson (urgent)
- aw essay? (optional?)
- SCV storytelling props! (urgent)
- SCV group write-up (urgent)

WENDY IS BUSY and stressed up.

nvm! i can finish it on time!

wendy loves saturday!
& she loves her boyfriend.

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Date : Friday, July 13, 2007
Time : 1:53 PM
Title : 9th monthniversary

& when wendy envious.
today is a special day. =3

i love you.

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Date : Thursday, July 12, 2007
Time : 1:02 PM
Title : corn flour with water!

i felt like a toddler again!
playing with cornflour & water.

i felt like a mother!
bathing and diapering baby alfred.

motherhood class!

& joanne,
next time attend the class
when you got your first child huhs.
don't wait till it's your second.

and i miss you so.

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Date : Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Time : 12:10 PM
Title : 6 weird things about me.

Please read the rules first:each player of the game starts off by giving 6 weird things about themselves.People who get tagged needs to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly.In the end, u'll need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names.

1) I need MOOD to do my assignments.

2) I like to watch horror movies, but will get scared at times.

3) I enjoy looking at what kind of shoes people wear.

4) When i get too bored, i stared into space, and dream.

5) I always re-consider if i should get something while shopping, but when I decide to buy, it's gone.

6) I like myself being short. =)

Next 6 very weird persons i'm tagging:

- Xiaofong/Peipei
- Janice
- Linda
- Florence
- Xueni
- Joanne

Date :
Time : 11:56 AM
Title : you never know your words hurt.

sometimes, you just say what you want to say.
but not knowing your words leave an impact on another.
so, think before you say anything.
u never know how much it affects another person.

& i really miss you and need you NOW.

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Date : Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Time : 10:50 AM
Title : RANDOM*

i am just blogging for the sake of blogging this time. i feel like saying or rather blog about alot of nonsense things. but i just don't know where to start from. well, im kind of emo-ing now. feel so empty inside me. hope i wish there are lots of assignments piling up on me now. assignments as in running record or anecdotal record or like AW. yeah, people, i people are thinking that im mad or ate some kind of make-me-go-crazy medicine. but no worries, wendy is still WENDY. she is adNORMAL. i just feel kind of so free now. can say partly assignment-free, and this made me so moodless and there's ample of time for me to emo around. i guess i shall blog about whatever stupid things that flashes into my mind. so this entry is going to be lame, bored, sucky and idiotic. stop reading if it doesn't make you continue reading. Thanks for paying attention till this sentence.

some thing bad and shameful happened to my dearest joanne today. how i wish that bad bad thing doesn't happen to her. poor joanne. *sayang sayang* okays? and i envy joanne. yes, i committed one of the seven sins. cos she can attend the first aid course. and wendy want to attend too. i want a cert in first aid. yes, i want. nvm. i will get it some day. yes, one day i will get it.

and i love milo nuggets and ovalteenies so much recently. and im like munching milo nuggets now lahs. oh, speaking of chocolates, wendy is proud to announce that she is 39kg now. she gained 1kg over the weekend. =D i shall weigh again this weekend and see if i still maintain at 39kg or there will be improvement. hees. well well well, i really got stupid and dumb cravings now. i wanna eat swensens celebrity brownie now. ahh. actually not now, is since saturday. but im controlling! i need to save up! for what? for my shopping spree. yeah, and wendy had not been working for one whole week. im broke now. i need money, but i don't want to work. someone pays for me please! *dreaming*

wendy is upset now, cos haojie is booking out on saturday this week. and he say most likely. cos he booked out on friday last week, so this week saturday. it's an alternating thingy. and booking out on saturday is so sian lahs. no shopping or maybe short shopping trip, a few hours with his company on sunday. and he got to book in again. AHH. yes, i told him it's okay as long as he got to book out. but deep in my heart, i know, his company will never be enough. wendy is greedy (another sin). i miss him!

i know there are lots of assignments to do, but all i want to do now is randomly type out all my thoughts. i got to do FM time line, AW planning and draft, M&M lesson plan #3 blah blah blah. SO BAH BAH can?!

i miss drumming! yea. i miss it so much. after enter poly, no more time for me to jam. i was browsing my drawer this morning, i saw my very first pair of drum sticks. i miss those drumming and laughing at each other days. maybe we should find one day to go back and jam. and that pair of drum sticks, is the token of love. *winks*

my legs are super numb now. due to long period of leg crossing. ha. i know this is super duper random. LOLS. sometimes i wonder, is money important in life? i was watching the 7pm show on channel 8. the old aunty got stroke, and her daughter-in-law is like so niao with money. but what she said is quite true, no money, don't get sick, cos it will only be a burden to the family members. another quote, money is the only thing that talk in the world now, is that true? why we need money? why can't we just live life without money? i wonder, and i am still wondering.

AHH! when harry potter is younger he is cute lahs! i saw him in another show when he was younger than he is in harry potter episode one can! and he is cuter!! woots. so so so cute. LOLS.

anyone can tell me where can i print tees? as in print my own tees? please let me know okay? quite urgently needed. =) thanks.

end of this RANDOM* post. *applauses*

i miss you badly, real badly.

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Date : Monday, July 09, 2007
Time : 3:37 AM
Title : his 2nd book in day.

time do FLIES!
his book in day again.
and his ankle is injuried.

i know i should not be posting so much abt him.
cos ppl dunno what to tag abt.
righty right ppl?

im going to miss you.

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Date : Saturday, July 07, 2007
Time : 2:35 PM

nice nice movie! =D
- - - - -
yea, book out day.
went to meet him for dinner
and movie.
then acc him go play bball
with his buddies till 10pm
then headed home.
- - - - -
his discovery centre trip is cancel tml.
but mentoring is still on for me.
nvm. guess i will be goin out after mentoring tml.
need to get my friend's birthday gift
and going for her "surprise" bbq party.
- - - - -

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Date : Friday, July 06, 2007
Time : 2:16 PM


i was already sitting at the egde of the seat at the bus stop.

HE ask me to move nearer to the lil boy beside me,

so HE can sit beside me,

when there's a big space beside the lil boy for HIM to sit.

okay, fine.

and HE started to smoke

in the early morning, 6.30am.

and the smoke is like being blown in my directions.

i started to "wave" my hands, to let HIM know

i hate those smoke.

and HE was like staring at me

looking from top to toe.


when the bus came, HE was so kiasu.

went to stand at the front, wanting to board the bus 1st.

but when the bus didn't stop infront of HIM,

HE squeezed, and pushed a lady beside HIM away.

so HE can board the bus first.

and HE was sitting at the seat whereby HE can see everyone on the bus.

HE kept looking at me, and this pissed me off.

i stared back, YES! WENDY STARED BACK, fiercely.

cos im pissed. HE then turned and talk to a lil kid beside him.

poor kid.


tomorrow is BOOK OUT day!

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Date : Thursday, July 05, 2007
Time : 11:05 AM
Title : random stuffs.

wendy is in love with the pair of earrings.
wendy is in love with the movie.
wendy want to watch that movie.

wendy hates YOU!
and wendy is starting to dislike YOU!

& wendy miss you.

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Date : Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Time : 12:35 PM
Title : good job wendy!


yea! i finished up my props

for my 2nd music lesson

from abt 6pm to 8.45pm.

and i get it done by 9pm.

*big wild smile*

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Date : Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Time : 1:33 PM
Title : wendy is pissed with YOU!

im angry;

im stressed;

im super duper pissed;

i feel like telling you str8 in the face;

but i did not.

i called him;
cried and tell him all the unfairness
i felt for myself, and my friends.

thank you. & i miss you.

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Date : Monday, July 02, 2007
Time : 9:57 AM
Title : he had booked in.

another week had passed,
just like this. *BLINK*
yups, he had booked in today
during evening.

just finished my M&M lesson plan 2.
it just simply sucks.
that's how i view it. x)

got to do self evaluation for lesson 1 still.
wendy is sians!
and i cannot believe it.
those ECH girls on my msn list,
NONE is online!

wondering why.
but anyway,
wendy wants to complete her assignment
so that her weekends are free.

& im starting to miss you already.

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  • WENDY.
    21st June.
    Everything else, you'll know when you know me. (:


  • I’m unique, very;
    or perhaps just weird?


  • Leave some of your love. (:


  • xueni


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