Date : Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Time : 3:59 PM Title : All I Want for Christmas
Date :
Time : 3:21 AM Title : WALK THE DOG Labels: *snap, RANDOM, spell L-O-V-E
Date : Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Time : 2:55 AM Title : LAGGING
Date : Friday, December 21, 2007
Time : 5:01 PM Title : SOCIAL NIGHT AT OCS Social Night at OCS Hah! There he is! His name Justin. =D ECH, from B class Actually I never see her before. =X - - - - - The night was quite fun for me, guess partly cos im sitting with boyfriend, and his group of joker friends. Which crack stupid, dirty, lame jokes and keep me & their dates laughing throughout the dinner. Eh, didn't sit with Foongling, cos they have to sit according to their Platoon. Guess she didn't really enjoyed lahs, HAH! Still can blank out halfway. =X Joanne, Jennifer, TELL ME ABOUT YOUR DINNER! Labels: *snap, spell L-O-V-E
Date : Thursday, December 20, 2007
Time : 4:40 AM Title : WEN.ANNE.FER (Jennifer : I look bald!) (I only got one short fringe) Actually, it's quite obvious that it's Joanne's drawing. =X =D Labels: *snap, ENJOYment, FRIENDship, spell L-O-V-E, theJOY
Date : Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Time : 4:47 AM Title : EVIDENCES OF MY HAPPINESS Trip To BOTANTIC GARDENS ![]() ![]() I think it's super funny, cos it made me laugh immediately when i saw this. hahahahas. BRA Shopping Trip Wenanne
Lydia, trying to act shock Naz, looks normal.
*our reaction is fast! right ziqi?* Our Carol Group! So much fun! Labels: *snap, FRIENDship, spell L-O-V-E, theJOY
Date : Monday, December 17, 2007
Time : 3:37 AM Title : A DAY FULL OF joyfulness, madness, happiness and first-timeness WARNING: This blog entry is going to be long, wordy and detailed of the events that happened. Pictures will be posted up some other day as the photographers had not send me the photos. Not suitable for impatient and sleepy people.
Had a field trip to Botantic Gardens with my wonderful classmates, met joanne at 7.15am, took bus, met xinting on the way to bukit panjang interchange and we are supposed to meet linda and shaheila at 7.45am the three of us (xinting,joanne,me) reached at abt 7.40am, and waited for linda and shaheila. and our dearest shaheila is so late, & we waited for like 15mins for her. but, it's ok, we are not late in the end. =) Took lots of photos during the field trip, well, it's kind of expectable. xD hahahas. i still wish and hope that we had been to the children's area. anyway, the trip was super duper fun with all those ladies around, those running and chasing up with people in front. lols. (photos will be uploaded at a later date) after the field trip which lasted about 2.5hours, it's time for our ladies shopping, which we name it BRA SHOPPING! don't know since when, our class (or maybe our clique?) had an outbreak of colourful bras epidemic and everyone is wanting to get coloured bras. Went to paragon's metro with my following dear ladies: Joanne, Lina, Naz, Lydia, Karine, Ziqi, Huiwen hmms. only lina bought hers. then we moved on to john little at, i forget where. =X and all of us went to try!! xD but i didnt buy any, cos i already like bought 5 different colours one last last week? hahahaas. all of them bought, except for huiwen and ziqi.=) yea, colourful ones. xD AND! Lydia! I like the bra you wore! the strips one!! =X after they had all bought their "goggles" (which the cashier aunty name it) we went on to walk around, but lydia is leaving us for her carolling, karine for work we went for lunch at Subway. i know im kind of sua gu, but it's my first time there. after lunch joanne suggested that we go cine and book a chamber/room for movies like what they did last time (but i wasn't with them then) Left only, Joanne, Lina, Naz, Huiwen, Ziqi and Me Book the room, but max only 5 people, Ziqi left and met her boyfriend, so just nice the 5 of us. We watched one and three quarter movie. Read on, and you will know why. First movie - Dead Silence Starting, we all screamed. =X cos influence? hahas. as the show moved on, we all started to cover our mouths and not scream lina wanted to slp, but ended up watching as well. huiwen was swearing. naz was afraid that she scream and she pee at the same time. (but she went toilet after saying that) joanne quietly sitting there, but she's scared, i know. =X Well, we were like saying.. If Linda were here, she will be the FIRST one to be killed by the ghost. hahahahahahas. Huiwen left after the first movie. Second Movie - You, Me & Dupree Not a very funny show actually, but we all are just spending our time there only but when it's like the climax of the show, which is kind of towards the ending the time we booked (3hours) is up, and they shut off the electricity. We were all so angry, and was expecting that someone will come in and tell us that it's time to leave, but there's none. Angry cos we wanted to know the ending!! xD ahahahas. After the movies, we (joanne,lina,naz and me) went to taka, then went to starbucks (awhile) then it's 7.30pm so we went to watch and support lydia's caroling. =) The four of us, were like standing on the seats, so we are higher and can see better and we are directly infront of the stage! okay, we are all doing stupid actions and singing in the end, passer-bys ain't looking at the stage, but us. esp. lina. =X ahhhaas. we went for the second slot at 9.30pm as well this time, it's worst! we are still standing directly infront, but lesser people are standing on the seats, and we are like all on drugs, going crazy esp naz singing. JOY TO THE WORLD! hahahhahahahas. im still can laugh when i typed this. This made more people to look at us. well, we are planning like finish all those dancing, singing and high-ness we will all rush home before evyone at orchard rem us. and we are also considering not coming back to orchard for two years hahahahas. xD we had our dinner at coffee club (well, my first time again) naz is trying to kop all those things there lahs! the teacups, salt & pepper shaker, teapot, the filter for the tea leaves we were like all thinking of how to hide these things, in like.. our bras? (hahahahas) and when the staff accuse us for kop-ing, we will act pityful, scold them for laughing at us, cos we have breast cancer, tumour dunno at where. hahahahahas only the four of us know how funny it was and it IS. lols. we were like saying guys can hide the teapot well? HAHAH! OH! there's this staff at coffee club, came to talk to naz and ask her if she had a sister name dunno what and we were like saying that guy wanted to know naz this adds on more stupid crazy ideas we had to kop those properties. hahahas! Well, it's really a long entry. But it's coming to the end already. =D I really had a super duper fun day ytd. I had experience many things for the first time. Like, eating subway, going e-max, coffee club, and going nuts at orchard road. hahahahas. thanks ladies, for so much fun. Did i mention that we had formed our own caroling group? HA! xD Long entry, but photos will be uploaded once i got it. =D Last but not least, I LOVE ALL OF YOU! SO SO SO MUCH! Labels: FRIENDship, happyness, mySMILEcandy, spell L-O-V-E
Date : Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Time : 1:26 PM Title : ONLY DURING HARD TIMES? I wonder,
do people only show their concern to someone only when someone is having hard times? only when someone is upset? only when someone needs love, care and concern? I guess I should try not be such a friend. It makes me feel like a lousy friend. A great friend should be someone who will always shower their love, care and concern on their friends no matter rain or shine, and not only provide their "umbrella" to friends during hard times. Just some thing random. =) Tomorrow's the BIG day! Labels: PRIVATEspeech, RANDOM
Date : Monday, December 10, 2007
Time : 1:47 PM Title : THE MOMENT I HAD BEEN AWAITING FOR After many days of torture and sufferings,
i finally bid goodbye to my ITA project! Do you people know how happy and relief i am?! I feel like screaming and shouting out to the whole world lahs! xD - - - - - - My dear ladies, we can all go celebrate on monday/tuesday! IT MARKS THE END OF ITA PROJECT! woots! Labels: *snap, PRIVATEspeech, RANDOM
Date : Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Time : 1:59 PM Title : EYE OPENER long, tiring day for me!
lesson at 9am in the morning. only 30mins break (IT lecture ended late) continue with ITA practical. ITA Practical: im so flared up with that boonteck! he only got one student in his eyes! kept calling him, telling him im done, no reply, ignored me, totally. well, i guess it's the first time i kind of "shouted" and "fa pi qi" in class x) but it's really very pissed off, when: 1) I hate doing IT stuff. 2) Having headache. 3) Calling the boonteck for a million times, he ignored me. like what joanne said, "teacher you not only have one student you know" well, bad ITA lesson. after ITA, went to RTRC to look for Sukuna with Joanne. HA! blur us, took the wrong bus, and ended up having to walk to the bus stop. xD Anyway, it's a "nice" walk under the hot sun with Joanne. hahahas. Sukuna said it's only a 15minutes bus ride down to RTRC, well, i guess 15mins is her car ride duration. xD we were late for about 25mins. =X & that Joanne, not nervous at all, still can sleep on the bus, all the way till RTRC. lols. in the end, she didn't read the book to Sukuna. =X oh! we drank milo and have biscuits there! xD hahahas. ok, i know, what big deal. =X & finally left RTRC at about 6.30pm. and went searching for the bus stop where i can take bus home. well, it's near bugis, so i can take 960 while Joanne went to meet her family members. =) was sleeping through the whole journey lahs! SEE! im so damn tired! cos i dun usually slp during bus rides. =X managed to complete my evaluation just now! *pat on shoulder* oh well, what a happening day! HOHO! Labels: PRIVATEspeech, RANDOM
Date : Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Time : 3:58 PM Title : HAPPINESS ALWAYS APPEAR IN MANY DIFFERENT FORMS Happy Birthday My Dear Boy. =)
This is important for me and him ok?! =X - - Initially THOUGHT i would be kind of moody for the whole of today. BUT NO! x) & I realise, when one form of happiness you have is away, happiness will transform itself to other forms of happiness just to keep moody away, and bring smile and laugher to me (and everybody). The other form of happiness is my poly sisters. like what joanne wrote in her blog, just knowing that i will be able to see my sisters when i go school every single stressful and packed day, i will definitely smile and enjoy going school. Well, I once told my guy about this as well. He's happy for me. These cheerful and always happy, crazy sisters never fails to make me smile and laugh. =) Because of them, I learn to express how much I love my friends and everyone. Because of them, I realise I am not alone, and even my boyfriend is not with me, they are my other form of happiness and love. Dear Ladies, all of you are miracles in my life. =) knowing each and every one of you is already a super duper wonderful miracle. I LOVE YOU ALL!! Well, old friends, i love you all too. =D Thanks for making a difference in my life. Labels: FRIENDship, just some thoughts, PRIVATEspeech, RANDOM, spell L-O-V-E
Date : Monday, December 03, 2007
Time : 3:12 PM Title : 20th BIRTHDAY 03 December 2007,
HIS 20th Birthday, it's a MONday. I didn't celebrate it beforehand with HIM. & now, I can't contact him for 5 days straight. How great it is, when it's his first birthday that WE are suppose to be celebrating it together. This feeling is so lousy can! Who can understand this? & HE still can ask me don't think too much. =..( Labels: heartBREAK, PRIVATEspeech, RANDOM, spell L-O-V-E |
WENDY. 21st June. Everything else, you'll know when you know me. (: hi; i love you. :) Leave some of your love. (: xueni joanne.beloved jenn.beloved xf.pei flor janice ziqi yuchin xinting lina linda yvonne beekwoon weiearn mic.tan jie March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 January 2011 April 2011 May 2011 November 2011 February 2012 March 2012 June 2012 January 2013 Designed by { ★CRUSHthespeaker } Thankful to { blogskins l xox } Blogged to { 53-percent } |