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Title : finally! 28 june! book out!
YEA YEA YEA!wendy is happy!yes, she is very.wondering why?there are reasonS.yups, B-I-N-G-O. one reason is that. x)cos tml handing up FP assignment.which means one assignment down!and that's the last assignment we have to hand upthis week! =)can rest awhile?but grammer test tml!eeks!my english is terribly can?!Labels: *snap, and so i wonder, get what i mean, happyness, iLOVEyou, just some thoughts, PRIVATEspeech, spell L-O-V-E, theJOY, when im happy
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Title : if only crying.
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Title : bad bad dream.
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Title : thanks for the birthday wishings.
Thanks to all these people for theirbirthday wishings for me. =)through different kind of..ehs.i dunno SmSes, gifts, msn, comments, tagboard thanks to all. =)Note* names are all typed according to who wished me earlier. xPstarting from the second person who wished me. =)- Peipei- Gina- Joanne- Yi Jun- Shaheila- Lydia- Beekwoon- Lina- Mic- Esther- Luyi- Zhiping- Huiwen- Lifen- Jiajun- Jasmine- Weili- my Clique- Xiaofong- Cong an- Xiankai- Cheryl- Chenghui- Phoebe- Eunice- HuiJun- Tiong Jun- Fu Qiang- Tommy- Fanny- Jie Mei- Jinlong- Jennifer- Rita- Yan- Sherry- Florence- Shuting- Foongling THANK YOU!it's very sweet n nice of you guys to rem my bday.even though some are just "hi-bye" friends. =)i still appreciate all these. =Dand not SISTER! she wrote a blog entry delicated for me. =)my boyfriend - haojie. (in case some of u, dunno his name. xP)he's the first. =)& im still missing you.Labels: and so i wonder, ENJOYment, FRIENDship, get what i mean, happyness, iLOVEyou, just some thoughts, PRIVATEspeech, spell L-O-V-E, theJOY
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Title : creative birthday gift.
thanks to the following sisters n darlings for the shirt they gave me.although it's not really my kind of shirt,but im really touched, very.=)(in alphabetical order)- Foongling- Huiwen- Jennifer- Joanne- Lina- Linda- Lydia- Nazeema- Shaheila- XintingThanks for the designers top you girls gave me.=..) so touched. *hugss*i will hug you girls!!& i miss you so much.Labels: *snap, and so i wonder, happyness, iLOVEyou, just some thoughts, misses in the air, PRIVATEspeech
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Title : and THESE hurt!
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Title : Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Personality Test
You scored 81% SWEET, 66% CHUNKY,
and 62% UNIQUE!
brownie batter ice cream with a rich brownie batter swirl are a very sweet mix indeed! You are warm, loving, and caring to all those around you, but you're not boring in the least! You have a wild streak and a creative, unique streak, too. You are a great friend, an interesting person, and you know how to have fun without ending up crouching over a toilet bowl. Nice!
Labels: *snap, and so i wonder, just some thoughts, PRIVATEspeech
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Title : how much love you girls gave me.
  after HE left for NS,i realise how much you girls love and care for me. only when HE's not with me i realise how important you girls are to me.
only till HE's in NS, i realise i need friends alot more.
you girls are more than friends more than best friends more than just sisters more than just darlings you girls are just like my wives.
i love you girls, so so so much.
thanks for loving wendy so much i really love you girls so much that none of the words in the dictionary can express it.
& i miss him badly, terribly and it's unbearable. Labels: *snap, and so i wonder, FRIENDship, get what i mean, iLOVEyou, just some thoughts, misses in the air, PRIVATEspeech
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Title : moodless without you.
without you around,i could not concentrate in doing anything.yes, anything.including my assignments.thinking back at those days.whenever i finished my assignments,you will be my editor.always editting my lousy and shitty english.but now, you can't edit anymore.whenever i finished my assignments in the past,i would happily announced to you,as if you would throw a celebration for me,and you would at least give me a reply immediately.but now,i can't even tell you the moment i completed it.and im really restless.i don't feel like doing anything.i just wanna cover myself in my blankets,slp for days, without having to wake up.and i hope i could slp all the way till the day you booked out.and unfortunately!the day you are booking out is on a thurs.and i hope i could skip AW and go pasir ris and fetch you.but who knows,i got tat grammer test on that way i can skip it.i hate this kind of's worst than being dumped by you.dear friends,im sorry if i dun seems to be myself these sorry if i dun really help out in the proj these days.cos wendy is just moody.and i promise i will try to be normal, and help out in anything.okays? sorry.& i really miss him badly,so terribly. =(Labels: *snap, and so i wonder, heartBREAK, iLOVEyou, misses in the air, PRIVATEspeech, spell L-O-V-E, when i realised
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Title : great friends.
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Title : i know you will be there. <3
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Title : special need child.
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Title : separation anxiety.
wendy still has separation anxiety.shall not go into details, ask me if you're curious.Labels: *snap, and so i wonder, get what i mean, heartBREAK, iLOVEyou, just some thoughts, misses in the air, myHEART, PRIVATEspeech, spell L-O-V-E
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Title : the best breakfast ever.
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Title : & wendy will wait
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Title : 一点点的美好
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Title : 假装
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Title : small eyes.
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Title : The Magic of Love
The Magic of Love Love is not judgmental, Love is lending a hand to anyone in need. (we help people in need, don't we?) Love is not painful, Love is knowing the sacrifices are well worth it. (we sacrifice for our friends, don't we?) Love is not biased, Love is recognising someone's pain & comforting them. (we comfort our friends when they're sad, don't we?) Love is not difficult, Love is opening your heart to those who want to give. (we accept our friends for who they are, don't we?) Love is not blind, Love is being able to look in the mirror & know you are someone special. ( we all know that we're all special, don't we?) Love is not complex, Love is a sincere smile. (we smile at each other sincerely, don't we?) Love is not distant, Love is a heartfelt hug. (we always hug when we see each other, don't we?) Love is the one true gift we have to share with everyone, anywhere, in an unlimited supply. =) - - - - - - wendy is serious here. she loves all her sec sch friends. she loves all her poly darlings. they all stand by her make her smile and laugh. she loves them. <3 so people, love wendy too okays?! you girls are missed by wendy. Labels: *snap, and so i wonder, FRIENDship, get what i mean, happyness, iLOVEyou, just some thoughts, misses in the air, PRIVATEspeech, spell L-O-V-E, theJOY
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Title : headphone ladies
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Title : i'll survive, and i did!
I WILL SURVIVE!I WILL SURVIVE!oh, yes i did! =)*proud*i survived and did not really fell asleep in class.thanks to my darlings. =)during DLE, joanne is the one!trying all means to keep me awake.okay, i did rest awhile, but not sleepcos not more than 5mins.thanks joanne!during FM,it's joanne again! =)entertaining mewith songs! aww~ i love the song! STAND BY ME! =Doh!hahas, i love the layer hair thingy!tat really made me had a good you girl! <3continue to make me laugh EVERYDAY alrights? hees.during the 3hrs break.thanks to lydia, lina and jennifer!they kept me awake,cos we're doing the play kit proj.want sleep oso cannot.took silly n funny photos at the library!hahas. ( upload the photos once i got it =D )during AW,actually im not so tired liao.but still thanks to shaheila n jennifer.keeping me awake by talking to me. x)andWENDY SURVIVED THE DAY!woots!*11 claps*kind of naggy and nonsense entry.but who cares?x)Labels: *snap, and so i wonder, ENJOYment, FRIENDship, get what i mean, happyness, iLOVEyou, just some thoughts, PRIVATEspeech, spell L-O-V-E, theJOY, when im happy
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Title : GREAT and not so great day
GREAT and not that great day in school today.Joy found out that friends are helping friends to mark attendance today.although im not involved this time,but i admit, i do helped friend to sign once or maybe twice.knowing it ain't right, yet we still do it.why?i guess we love each other too much le bahs.don't worry girls (those involved),you girls are brave enough to admit it,it had already shown that you girls are good n girls with integrity.isn't that the main thing? =)no matter what, you girls are still loved by wendy. =Dokays, that's the not so great part of the day.the GREAT part,i guess are those games we played during SAM. =)most of the time we had great time during SAM. righty?i guess i shall not get into details regarding the game bahs.we all know it's fun. =Dbut i guess OUR GROUP will alot more BETTER? xP- - - - - - - - Tomorrow's the DAY!for what?going to a new childcare centre,teaching my 3rd Art lesson plan,without knowing the children's name.great challenge to both me, and joanne.but i guess we both can do it ehs?wendy got a really bad thought in her now.i feel like skipping AW lecture this thursday.why? simply cos i will be working on wed.and is confirm that i will work till passed to wake up at 6am for 8am lesson,it's normal and i can do it. (with the help of my alarm).but having to stay awake all the way till 6pm?!okay! wendy will try!do anything and try every means to keep her awakeif you saw her slping in class okays?!Love you girls so much, that i can't express in the hugs n kisses you girls gave. =D(although it's once in a while, or once only.)Labels: *snap, and so i wonder, ENJOYment, FRIENDship, get what i mean, happyness, hugs, PRIVATEspeech, spell L-O-V-E
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Title : wendy is bored.
im seriously very bored.OKAYS!i admit! i got lots of things to's because im LAZY.and seriously, im not in the mood lahs!im already in the holiday now!cos it's the last week of school!and just 4 more days to my 2 weeks vacation!i want the holidays to be here! ASAP!i want my sleep!! xDbut holidays seem to be more of "assignment-days"but i don't care!i just want the holidays! =)Labels: *snap, and so i wonder, boredom, just some thoughts, PRIVATEspeech
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Title : Child Development 2.1 Quiz Tomorrow
CD 2.1 test tomorrow.yea, tomorrow.wendy starts revising at 9.40pmand finished at 11pm.isn't she great?she is GREAT,cos she simply have no mood to revise.=Pbut at least she triedand revisedright people?People: Yea, right! =)Labels: *snap, and so i wonder, just some thoughts, PRIVATEspeech
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Title : personality test
Your Power Element is Wood | Your power colors: green and brown Your energy: generative Your season: spring Like a tree, you are always growing and changing.And while your life is dynamic, you are firmly grounded.You have high morals and great confidence in yourself and others.You have a wide set of interests, and you make for intersting company. |
Your Deadly Sins | Sloth: 60% Envy: 20% Wrath: 20% Gluttony: 0% Greed: 0% Lust: 0% Pride: 0% Chance You'll Go to Hell: 14% You will die while sleeping - and no one will notice. |
Men See You As Understated | You are an intreguing mix of girl and woman.You're feminine, quiet, and a total mystery to most men.Yet they often feel the urge to protect you, even if they don't know you.You *are* a flirt, but you usually only flirt with those you know well |
Your Learning Style: Cooperative and Relaxed | You work well with others and enjoy learning practical skills. You Should Study: Culinary ArtsDentistryEducationEnvironmental Science Fashion MerchandisingInternational Studies MedicineNursingNutrition Science Psychology |
You Would Choose Love | Money may buy a little happiness, but not the happiness of true love.You rather have a true soulmate than a private jet.And while many people may claim they would choose love too...You're one of the few who would really do it. |
You Are 21% Selfish | In general, you are a very giving person who treats others very well.But at times, you insist on getting your way - when it matters most to you. |
Labels: *snap, and so i wonder, believe it or not, get what i mean, just some thoughts, when i realised
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Title : he's back to work.
21st June.
Everything else, you'll know when you know me. (:
Look at others' virtues, not their shortcomings.
Leave some of your love. (:
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