Date : Friday, April 30, 2010
Time : 9:08 PM Title : let's jump up high ![]() Let's Jump Up High! :D I'm all ready to be drown in the 4 months free from school readings! (: - - - - - P.S. Don't ask me anything about the Stats Paper. I just want it to be left behind in the examination hall. I'll get it back on results day. Labels: *snap, PRIVATEspeech, RANDOM
Date :
Time : 10:14 AM Title : one last deadly one. the day i've been looking forward to during this period of time.
my last and final paper for this semester. (: knowing i have to go through such period a few more years, but it's okay. at least i get to enjoy after 5pm today. last paper, statistics, same as last semester. what a coincidence huh? but i do not hope that my grades would be the same though. it was terrible than any horrible vegetable for last sem. im going to put as much fertilizer as i can to prevent it from rotting. (: - - - - - - yesterday's film paper was alright? lols. mcq questions were easy. short answers, not really. but im so happy that we are asked to define "Fred Astaire". x) that 2marks confirm get! =X the 3 essays, 20marks, 30marks, 30marks, killers! don't even have time to really organize my points. and i don't know why my friends can write up to 4 pages for a question! i can only manage to write 2 pages per question, & i don't have time to really complete all the questions properly either. -.-" let's hope for a decent grade, cos im the only one who didn't s/u it. :\ - - - - - - back to studies, and shall post a happy entry tonight after i officially end my paper. and seriously, im so excited now! xD Labels: PRIVATEspeech, RANDOM
Date : Thursday, April 29, 2010
Time : 9:55 AM Title : TOP HAT ![]() Studying for Fictional Film makes me want to watch Top Hat, again! Simply love this musical. (: Labels: PRIVATEspeech, RANDOM
Date :
Time : 12:39 AM Title : time flies or slows down? it's already Wednesday.
Tomorrow is Thursday (Fictional Film Paper). The Day After is Friday (Statistics Paper). Shall I say time flies? or it slows down? I kind of feel that time passed rather fast when Im really studying and reading my lecture notes. An hour seem like 15 minutes. But when I think back, time seem to pass much slower than usual school days. It's always *blink*, and it's Friday. Why not these two weeks? Is it just me? Or everyone in exam period felt this way? I'm convincing myself that two days would pass by very quickly. Tomorrow paper is at 5pm, till 7pm. Reach home, eat and bath, study a bit, sleep. Wake up, Friday, paper is at 2.30pm to 5pm, can study abit early in the morning. Then, im off for my last paper. (: Sound Fast eh? Hope it really would be. (: Off to bed. Got to read up on Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, Monsoon Wedding, Top Hat analysis points that I wrote, and some other key terms for the course. Good Luck Wendy. Labels: PRIVATEspeech, RANDOM
Date : Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Time : 8:01 PM Title : another one down, two more to go. as the title said it all. (:
done with social psychology! it's really an interesting module, but simply too much terms and experiments to remember! Well, it's over and done with. (: Coming up, Fictional Film and Statistics, back to back! The positive side it'll be over much faster with two papers back to back. The negative side, it's STATISTICS and FILM! I won't mind if it's developmental psychology with film. Just, why two of my weakest modules? :\ I seriously need to buck up, and STICK TO MY PLAN! Im really a "leader of tomorrow". P.S. I looking forward to the holidays! Even if I need to work, I don't mind! :D Labels: PRIVATEspeech, RANDOM
Date : Monday, April 26, 2010
Time : 11:41 AM Title : interpersonal relationships What causes Attraction between people?
1) The Propinquity Effect / Proximity It means that the more you expose and interact with someone, the more likely you will become friends with the person. For example, Westgate West Building study. Two types of distances were measured, the physical and functional. Physical distance refers to how far the doors are apart from each other, and functional distance refers to the architectural aspects of the building such as the stairs and mailboxes area. At the end of the studies, these participants are asked to list out 3 best friends, and about 40% mentioned their next door neighbours, 20% mentioned neighbours who are two doors away and 10% mentioned the opposite ends neighbours. "Mere Exposure Effect" meaning that the more one is exposed to a stimulus, the more likely that they will have positive evaluation about the stimulus. Another experiment was done by Moreland & Beach. They planted a female confederate into different classrooms. She did not interact with anyone, and will just sit in the first row of the class. At the end of the semester, students were asked to evaluate the attractiveness of the female confederate's personality. And results show that the more visits the female confederate made to a class, the more positive evaluations were made by the students about her personality even they did not interact with her. Remember how you feel when you first see your new classmates? Or entering a new working environment? Well, we would usually feel mild discomfort and uneasiness. But not to worry! It's normal for us to feel this way! It is because of evolutionary adaptive, meaning that we will be uncertain of potential danger when we first met someone, and it's alright to feel mild discomfort. With repeat exposure to someone, without any negative consequences, positive emotions will increase. (: 2) Similarity Ever wonder why you could be close to a particular friend or someone? It is due to similarity! We are more attracted to people who we are similar with in attitudes, values, beliefs and preferences, this is known as the attitude-similarity effect. How about people who have very different beliefs, values and preferences from us? We tend to like them less, or dislike them, this is known as the Repulsion Hypothesis. An experiment was done by randomly assign male students to their dormitory at the start of the school year. At the end of the school year, they became friends. Reasons could be their similarity in demographic areas (e.g. coming from same country), or similarity in attitudes and personality. Another study had also shown that gay men with stereotypical masculine traits would prefer their partner to be logical, and gay men with stereotypical feminine traits would prefer their partner to be more affective. According to the Matching Hypothesis, people would usually choose a partner who are of similar physical attractiveness as them. And it is proven that couples who are most similar on the level of attractiveness fell more deeply in love after 9 months! Similarity is important in a relationship as people who are similar to us validate our characteristics and values, and make us feel that we are right. We would tend to make negative influences about someone who disagrees with us on IMPORTANT issues. 3) Reciprocal Liking Everyone likes to be liked by someone. Knowing that someone else likes us will make us more likely to initiate a relationship with the person, and we will usually like the person back. Sometimes, this could be due to self-fulfilling prophecy. A study was conducted by pairing students up. The students will then be told privately that either the other student like or dislike them before the start of their interaction. Observations had shown that students who know the other party likes them behaves in a more pleasant manner, disagrees less on the discussion and there were more self-disclosure. 4) Physical Attractiveness "Never judge a book by its cover", how true is this saying? Saying is easy, doing is hard? A study (Elaine) was conducted by pairing college students up for a blind date at a dance. Although they all took personality tests before the study, they were being randomly paired up. During the dance, they were chatting with their date for a few hours. After the dance, they were asked if they would date their dating partner again. There could be a few determinants to whether they will like to date their partners again, such as intelligence, sensitivity, or independence. But what overrides all these determinants is physical attractiveness! There is no gender difference in this results as both females and males values physical attractiveness similarly. Another study was also carried out by Regan. Participants were asked to rank 23 desirable traits (inclusive of physical attractiveness) in a potential sexual partner (meaning not a serious relationship). Later it was found out that both genders ranked physical attractiveness as the most desirable trait in a potential DATING partner. How about a potential MARRIAGE partner? Well, males see physical attractiveness as more important in their potential marriage partner compared to the females. What is considered to be physically attractive? Some standards for physical attractiveness in males are big eyes, prominent cheekbones, wide chin, wide smile; females would be big eyes, prominent cheekbones, small chin, wide smile, high eyebrows, large pupils, narrow cheeks. People from across the cultures are proven to have the same perception of physical attractiveness. Symmetrical faces are seen to be more attractive than asymmetrical ones. Symmetrical faces are regard as markers for good health, "good genes", overall high quality of development, ability to resist the environmental stressors, and ability to cope with challenges of the environment. Computer-generated average face is also more attractive than most of the normal average faces that it is constructed from. Human beings have a natural selection that favors average features than extreme features (e.g. too big, too small). People have prototypes of human faces, and average faces are consider to be more prototypical. For bodily features, what is attractive then? The "S" shape figure? Hah. Well, for males, the Waist to Hip ratio (W:H) should be close to 1, and for females should be less than 1. What Happen to our Brain when we fall in Love? Study was conducted with college students from New York who claimed that they are "intensely in love". They are to bring a photograph of their beloved and a photo of a acquaintance of the same age and gender as their beloved. A brain scan (fMRI) was done while showing them the photograph of their beloved to them. Result shows that Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA) of the brain was highly active! It is described to be similar to someone who ingest cocaine! The feeling of euphoria, restlessness and sleeplessness! Another way to active your VTA is to EAT CHOCOLATES, especially dark chocolates. Close Relationships Theories What make us stay in a relationship? Social Exchange Theory This theory explains that when in a relationship, one would maximize their rewards and minimize the costs they have to incur. If the benefit is more than the cost, one would stay in the relationship, but leave if benefits are less than the cost. How people feel about their relationship would depend on (1) the amount of rewards they would receive from the relationship, (2) the amount of cost they have to incur into the relationship, (3) their perception of what kind of relationship they deserved and (4) the possibility of them having a better relationship with someone else. There are two types of comparison levels - Initial expectation and Comparison level with alternatives. Initial expectation refers to people's expectation of the amount of rewards and punishments he/she would received from a particular relationship. Current and further relationships could be affected due to past relationships. Comparison level with alternatives is one's expectation of the rewards and punishments they would received in an alternative relationship with someone else. What if I have commitment in a relationship? Would I still consider about the alternatives? Commitment and evaluation of alternatives influences each other. Over time, rewards in a relationship would increase, so do the cost. However, satisfaction would decrease. Commitment in a relationship could make one feel that the other alternatives are less appealing compared to the current partner. What are the predictors for break-up? There are three predictors - The Satisfaction level of the relationship, the level of investment in the relationship and the comparison level of alternatives in the relationship. The higher commitment one has in these areas, the less likely they would break up. Equity Theory This theory explained the idea that people are most happy when rewards and costs, and contributions made by both parties in a relationship are roughly equal. In an inequitable relationship, there would be someone who feel either overbenefited or underbenefited. Both parties would feel uneasy about such inequity. One who felt overbenefited would feel guilty for not contributing as much. This is a type of social norm that one would feel guilty if he/she is receiving more than what they deserved. There are two types of relationship - exchange relationship and communal relationship. One would governed exchange relationship with the need for equity. There should be equal amount of rewards and costs for both parties involved. Such relationship is usually between acquaintances. For communal relationship, an individual's main concern is being responsive the needs of the other person, regardless if the other party would give back or not. This is usually the relationship between families, very close friends and romantic partners. Attachment Styles - Ainsworth 1. Secure Attachment Trusting, not concern about being abandoned. Parents are responsive to child's needs and usually interact with positive emotions. Most stable and lasting relationships. 2. Avoidant Attachment Suppression of attachment needs, difficulty in getting close with others. Parents are usually aloof and distant. Reject the child's initiative for intimacy. Least likely to get into a romantic relationship. 3. Anxious-Ambivalent Attachment Anxious that someone would leave them. Worried that people will not reciprocate their desire for intimacy. Most upset and angry with their love are not reciprocated. Implicit Theories of Relationships Do you believe that love is destined or it can be cultivated? For people who believe that it is destined : Destiny Theory (Innate Compatibility) For people who believe that it can be cultivated : Growth Theory (Compatibility can be cultivated) How do these different beliefs in the theories affect or influence relationships? Perceived Changeability of Partner and Relationship Destiny Theory: People would believe that there are elements of fixedness in partner and self, meaning that personality of self and partners could not be change, hence resulting in low perceived changeability in partner and the relationship. Growth Theory: People would have the willingness to compromise to their partner and relationship, and believe that there is high changeability in the partner and relationship. Reactions to Negative Events in the Relationship Destiny Theory: As destiny theorists would believe that their partners cannot be change, and they would see negative events in the relationship as suggestion to incompatibility between the partner and them. Usually negative events would be cope by disengaging. Growth Theory: Unlike the destiny theorist, for growth theorists, they would see negative events/conflicts in a relationship as opportunities to enhance the relationship, and they would usually resolve the conflicts with effective coping strategies. Relationship Dissolution and Reflection after Breakup Destiny Theory: More likely to initiate break up, and less likely to remain on friendly terms with partner after break up. Growth Theory: Less likely to initiate break up, and less likely to say "it was never meant to be". Which theory is better than? Destiny or Growth? Well, the best would be having a partner that believe in the same theory as you. And there is neither one that is better than the other. It depends on the situation as well as the interaction partner. (: Labels: PRIVATEspeech, RANDOM
Date :
Time : 10:25 AM Title : renovation, again. Social Psy Paper tomorrow.
Again, not a good start for the day. Set my alarm at 7am. I know I would snooze till around 8 plus. =X But who knows, I didn't even realise that my alarm had already went off. Guess my Dad came in and turn it off for me. Yes, OFF. Not even snooze it. I'm glad that I am not having any morning paper or afternoon paper today! If not, I think I will missed the paper! Gosh. Oh, and I woke up at 9am. (: The moment I open my eyes, the drilling begins! Damn it. One day before my next paper. No peace! Wanted to pay RP a visit, yet it started raining. What a GREAT morning. :\ Labels: PRIVATEspeech, RANDOM
Date : Sunday, April 25, 2010
Time : 4:09 PM Title : behind time? definitely! just finished writing the notes for Social Psy.
im seriously behind time now. -.-" got to write CS119's notes today. got to devote tomorrow for social psy cos Tues is the paper. Lucky that Tues is early paper. till 11.30am only. Need to spend Tues on Statistics! Wed on Statistics or CS119? :\ Dilemma. - - - - - I'm feeling so guilty for using facebook and blogging when im so clear that im behind time! ): seriously, i know Saturday / Labour Day will come soon. Real soon. (: Labels: PRIVATEspeech, RANDOM
Date : Saturday, April 24, 2010
Time : 12:47 PM Title : Social Psychology - Conformity, Compliance & Obedience As mentioned in the previous entry. (:
I would update a little on what I have touched on yesterday. Although I have not started on the memory work, but at least I wrote the notes! Conformity · When we change our response to real/imagined social pressure. · People usually conform because they want to be accepted by others. · They usually see other people as a source of information. o Informational Social Influence Informational Social Influence · The influence of others people leads us to conform as we see them as a source of information to guide our behavior. · We would conform to the behavior of the source, and we usually choose the “source” to observe. · An experiment done was Sherif’s Autokinetic Study (1936) When do people conform? · Situation is ambiguous · Situation is a crisis o Need immediate action (e.g. Outbreak of Fire) · When other people are experts o More expertise/knowledge a person is, the more likely he/she will be the source of information in an ambiguous situation. (e.g. Fireman) Importance of Being Accurate - A study on eyewitness identification was done. - 3 confederates gave the wrong answers, and will the participants conform? - When things are more important, people would be more likely to seek answer from others and conform. How long do Informational Social Influence last? - Study was done, and it was shown that it can actually last about 10 generations!
Normative Social Influence - The influences of others that make us conform in order to be like or accepted by them. - People usually conform to groups’ social norms. o Group social norms refer to the implicit or explicit rules a group has for the acceptance behaviors, values and beliefs for its own member. - Usually such conformity would lead to public compliance with the group beliefs and behaviors, but not necessarily private acceptance of those beliefs and behaviors. o Meaning that one might conform to the groups’ beliefs and behaviors, but privately do not agree with those beliefs or behaviors. - Asch Line Judgment Study was done. o Results shown that there is high conformity rate. o Participants would conform to the other confederates’ answers even knowing that it was wrong, but will still think their own judgment is correct. o Reason for conforming would be that they do not want to risk social disapproval. - Manipulations do to Asch Line Judgment Study o Participants to write answers on a paper instead of saying out loud. o One of the confederates to choose the same answer as the participants. o One of the confederates to choose a answer between the correct answer and what the other confederates chose. o One of the confederates to choose an answer that is even more obviously wrong than what the majority has chosen. o All these manipulations have caused the conformity rate to drop. o Reason being that the unanimity of the group of confederates was broken. - When everyone in the group has the same opinions, there will be more group pressure; hence one would have the tendency to conform to the pressure. - But, if there were one or two (or more) members in the group that disagree with the majority of the group, group’s unanimity will be broken, and hence conformity will drop. When will people conform? - People usually conform due to 3 variables o Strength: how important is the group to you? o Immediacy: how close to you are the group in space and time during the attempt of influencing you? o Number: how many people are there in the group? - When strength and immediacy increase, conformity will increase. - When group size increase to 3 or more, conformity did not increase much. - By conforming to group overtime help one to earn idiosyncrasy credits, and with enough of idiosyncrasy credits, one can then behave defiantly with the group rejection without worrying about being disapproval by the group. - When one has no ally in the group, he/she would tend to conform. There are actually MORE! but I think people would get rather bored by all these facts. xD Update more interesting one next time bahs. x) Oh, if you managed to read until this line, You can go youtube or google for those experiments and watch! :D Kind of funny and interesting. x) Labels: PRIVATEspeech, RANDOM
Date : Friday, April 23, 2010
Time : 3:50 PM Title : just another random update had a bad start for the day.
got waken up by the musical performance of my neighbour's renovation. great thing about it is that i got the VIP seats! (: it's just directly above my bedroom (and bed!) me and my sister were wondering if they were trying to drill a hole through the ceiling and kidnap us. well, lucky the ceiling are rather thick. but I have to praise them for being so determined. it was the bedroom, then the living room. they seem to be stalking us with some radar technology or whatsoever. i moved to the living room to study, they moved to living room too. although no more drilling, but more knockings (which is much better than drilling). soon, the knockings get softer. though the performance ended. but NO! guess some people asked for encore? i was guessing that they were dancing and singing too high on stage, and as I was concentrating on writing my notes, there's a sudden LOUD NOISE, sounded like they dropped a whole box of tools, tiles and anything you can think of that are heavy onto the floor. you got it, i got a GREAT BIG SHOCK as i was writing, and my pen line went way offfffff on the paper. -.-" and came a second one again. lastly and finally as I was writing this entry, it was silence. (: finally some peaceeeee, not. now, the ice cream man ringing the bell downstairs. (it's ok. he will be gone soon) guess that's enough for a morning & early afternoon of musical performance. - - - - - Went to one of my friend's blog, and saw one of his entry regarding something that happened yesterday after the paper. i had a hard time laughing at his lameness and creativity. xD the scene went this wayyyy: Felicia: So, how's the paper? Guoyong: Oh, the paper was fine. BUT I'M NOT. hahahahaha. Felicia: *she couldn't stop laughing for quite a while* Felicia: means the paper is in good condition, no tears or crumples right! Felicia: *continues to laugh* Guoyong: Ya, it was in perfect condition! :D I was laughing so hard at the side as well. But that's a good sign that she's laughing. (: She received some bad news after the paper, hopefully she's fine now. Stay Strong Girl! - - - - - Quite a long random entry. x) I'm rather bored with my studies already. =X Maybe I should try blogging out some interest facts about what I studied for my Social Psychology eh? That would benefit people who read my blog. HAH! Labels: PRIVATEspeech, RANDOM
Date : Thursday, April 22, 2010
Time : 6:59 PM Title : Developmental Psychology End of First Paper - Developmental Psychology.
So much for all those memory work, those spelling learning, acetylchoine, gamma aminobutyic acid, dopamine. But well, that's for my own benefit. (: 20 MCQs, honestly, I did it in like 10 to 15mins? Know most of the answers, and as usual, sure will have some that cannot decide on the answer. (: the 1 compulsory essay question. 30marks! that's the real killer. -.-" to discuss continuity-discontinuity debate, and to give 3 theories and explain the debate. -.-" P.S. it's like to discuss "Nature VS Nurture". but well, that will be much easier! and did i mention that I DID NOT STUDY ON THAT nor PREPARED!? HAH! good game liaoooo. next, 3 choose 2 essay questions. 25marks each. Another heavy weightage component. Lucky me, cos I don't know how to answer one of them, but I am clear about the answers for the other 2. x) but well, i already threw every piece of information i can think of but i doubt can get the full 25marks lahs. LOL! - - - - - Next paper, Social Psychology 27th. With remaining 4 days, I need to study 3 modules! Social Psychology, Fictional Film, and Stats! All these three are my weak, weaker and weakest modules! GREAT! -.-" Labels: PRIVATEspeech, RANDOM
Date : Friday, April 16, 2010
Time : 11:24 AM Title : enjoyable lunch out of our busy and different work and school schedule,
we finally managed to have a short meet up over lunch. it's really a short one that lasted about an hour. it's so nice to be meeting these ladies after such a long time! the usually catching up and laughter. (: have to wait till May for more gatherings liaooo. All the dates I have arranged till end of April are all with my lecture notes, textbooks and examinations! :\ well, that's part and parcel of a student's life. can't do anything to it, right? All the best for whatever papers you have people! (: Labels: PRIVATEspeech, RANDOM, spell L-O-V-E
Date : Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Time : 3:28 PM Title : running out of time Labels: *snap, PRIVATEspeech, RANDOM
Date : Sunday, April 11, 2010
Time : 11:23 AM Title : considering ![]() birthday celebrations never fails to warm one's heart. (well, that's what i think) went for Felicia's 21st, at Costa Sands Downtown East. Seeing how her relatives, friends from different walks of life, her loved ones, all gathered together, it's really touching and heartwarming. (: Saw Huishan (sec sch senior) in school on Friday, she was asking if I am holding a birthday celebration, why? cos she wanted to attend mine! hah. cute girl isn't she? xD Honestly, some other things she mentioned did set me thinking, maybe I should have one as a gathering? Combined the above two situations, really make me think I should have one. (: Just a small one, to gather all my loved ones, those i haven't see for a long time, those i missed badly. well, although i think most of the poly ladies will be in Boston? okayy. leave this aside first. (: exams over already then start planning. LOL. initial 20% of having a celebration is now increased, maybe 60%? hah. Labels: *snap, PRIVATEspeech, RANDOM
Date : Friday, April 09, 2010
Time : 6:47 PM Title : thicker hair i want a volumized hair. i want my hair to grow thicker. i want my hair to be healthier. Labels: PRIVATEspeech, RANDOM
Date : Thursday, April 08, 2010
Time : 11:16 PM Title : dreams ![]() dreams. what actually are they? - - - - - what is/are your dream(s)? why do you have that/those dream(s)? are you working towards it/them? how did you work towards it/them? - - - - - a chat with joanne really sets me thinking, why do i dream to be a child psychologist? im so not convinced by my own reasons; But, somehow i know that there's a real reason behind this dream, that is hidden deep down somewhere i can't reach, yet. i will find out this reason after some time, i believe i would. thanks beloved. (: although i became your "subject" for you to practice your "questioning/empathizing" skills on me, but i appreciate and is grateful for your help. (: Labels: PRIVATEspeech, RANDOM
Date :
Time : 8:31 AM Title : predictions & loves it's over. (:
yups. the fearful presentation on tiger woods. it's done. somehow i can predict my own flaws in presenting, and i couldn't control it. -.-" i made the same mistake even though i foresee it. hah. whatever. it's over for now. will worry about it the next public presentation. - - - - - So, what's up next? Yea, the stats project work which I am totally lost in. Hopefully my group members would get irritated due to my questioning about the proj. LOL! - - - - - Meiryl and Felicia's birthdays are coming up. Seeing these uni friends prepare those cards, and writing those wishes for them really made me felt LOVED. weird huh? not for me i also felt loved. haha! imagine those are for me, i could be shedding tears of touched-ness? well, except the black, sexy lingerie present maybe. HAH! I do hope they would be surprised, and love those as much/more than i do. they made me feel that they are just like those poly sisters. even though there are guys this time, but they can be real sweet and motivating (not to mention lameness) at times. im starting to enjoy their company. that's a good sign! (: one step at a time! :D - - - - - i do miss those days spent on writing birthday wishes, handmaking those birthday cards, laughing at each others' craft work, teasing each other at some random speech errors. those were the days (i sounded old. -.-") - - - - - P.S. I LOVE BIRTHDAYS & SPECIAL OCCASIONS. it's the time that you could receive or spread love to others. (: Labels: and so i wonder, PRIVATEspeech, RANDOM |
WENDY. 21st June. Everything else, you'll know when you know me. (: hi; i love you. :) Leave some of your love. (: xueni joanne.beloved jenn.beloved xf.pei flor janice ziqi yuchin xinting lina linda yvonne beekwoon weiearn mic.tan jie March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 January 2011 April 2011 May 2011 November 2011 February 2012 March 2012 June 2012 January 2013 Designed by { ★CRUSHthespeaker } Thankful to { blogskins l xox } Blogged to { 53-percent } |