Date : Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Time : 12:15 AM
Title : Meet up! :D

Met up with these lovely ladies! :D
As usual, lots of chatting and laughing.
And updates of each other's lives. (:
Meeting up again on Friday! Woots.
Cos Janice can't make it today. LOL!


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Date :
Time : 12:06 AM
Title : Movies with Boy. (:

Sometimes, we have to break the routine.
& spend some time with
just each another. (:
Movies with my Boy, and just him.
P.S. We usually watch movies with a group of friends. hah.

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Date : Monday, September 28, 2009
Time : 11:31 PM
Title : Just Wanna Whine.

I Just Wanna Whine Here.
It's MY space, so, just let me be.

- - - - -

I felt so damn freaking frustrated and easily-irritated,
the whole of today.
Can you believe it? the WHOLE of today. Damn it.
The feeling sucks ok?!

There are definitely different factors that contributed to all these shitty feelings.
The 'rejections'.
The 'order' in that damn rude tone (which sounded as if it's a MUST for me to do that)
The neglection, ignorance, raise in tone of voice.

I thought I would be feeling better when I met my boy.
Hell NO! He made it worst. Much Worst!
I know he did try to cheer me up, but well, as usual, he ran out of patience rather fast.
It's obvious when he ran out of patience, cos everything will turned 180degree, and it will be MY fault to be 'ignorant' to his efforts in cheering me up.
Then, the usual thing happened, the increased in volume in his tone, the harshness in words used.
I initiated a movie, he agreed.
Just before the movie, he warned me,
wanting me to not be like this (i was damn moody the whole day) after the movie.
Well, I tried ok? Who would feel good when your boyfriend just kept playing his game whole day while you are already showing signs of boredom, and needed his attention?!
Indeed, after the movie I was feeling much better.
But this feeling doesn't last. Ha-Ha.
Went back to his place, again, back to his game,
this time worst, his new "addiction", a stupid anime, BLEACH!
I told him repeatedly that I don't want to watch.
Well, he insisted me to watch with him, so I did.
But, I was kind of being 'forced' to watch it.
Well, seeing all those excitement he had when i agreed to watch with him,
he continue episodes to episodes.
Obviously he didn't notice that I wasn't really enjoying it totally.
Forget about that.
- - - - -

Oh, did I mention that the freaking hot weather is one of the stupid factor?!
Shit the weather! Made me more hot-tempered only.

- - - - -

All I want to do is WHINE!
And I did. Thanks for reading all my ventings.
I do hope that no questions will be asked.
I doubt I would enjoy recalling all these shitty happenings.

Btw, Beloved Joanne, my FB status has nothing to do with you ok? (:


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Date : Sunday, September 27, 2009
Time : 11:56 PM
Title : Meet Up with Loves.

Met up with these lovely ladies,
just for a short dinner, at City Hall.
Though the food was rather disappointing,
but not (and never) the catching up!

- - - - -
I really love them. <3
P.S. & the day was the first day of F1 race.

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Date :
Time : 1:30 AM
Title : Megan Foxy

Which direction? Right or Left?
Shake it! hah!

To be a boy or a girl? Shake it!
Oh, I guess this is designed for Megan Fox?
Ok. that's what my sister commented.

- - - - -
Recent craze over ipod touch. =X
games, and online. haha.

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Date : Thursday, September 24, 2009
Time : 12:03 AM
Title : Beloveds Meet Up

I am so glad, it's actually more than just glad,
that I am able to meet up with my two Beloveds!
With so much changes to each of our lives,
being able to sit together, have dinner, updates on each other,
then talk crap and rubbish (as usual) is happiness,
that's beyond description.
(Ok, maybe because my vocabulary is rather limited. But simple writing is better!)

This will be the photo for 22nd Sept 2009.

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Date : Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Time : 12:11 AM
Title : Randomness.

Some random notice found on a piece of wall,
just behind 883 (Woodlands North Plaza).
Well, first impression that came into my mind,
is that this notice is for a particular group of people.
Go interpret it yourself. (:

I don't know why I took a photo of these.
But, they just looked so colourful, and cute to me.
Well, at least it seems happy to me. (:

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Date : Sunday, September 20, 2009
Time : 11:36 PM
Title : Official Start of "Daily Random Snaps" Project

That's a Place, that I will always love, and miss.
A place, that I spent most of childhood at.
P.S. Jasmine just lives like in one of those flats? LOL!

Some said that Life is like a box of chocolates,
you never know what you will get. (or something like that)
Well, it's also like a box of donuts!
You have the rights to choose the favours you want,
and make decisions for yourself. (:

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Date : Saturday, September 19, 2009
Time : 11:21 PM
Title : A Photograph A Day, Keeps the Memory Right in the Brain.

I'm currently reading a book,
titled Before I Forget, by Melissa Hill.
It made me want to start a practice;
a practice that the main lead did.

A Photograph A Day, Keeps the Memory in Your Brain.
To be more specified, in your Hippocampus. ;)

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Date : Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Time : 11:45 PM
Title : Just Another Update About My Life

Begin, or should I say, already, used to uni's life.
Getting more and more independent nowadays.
Stopped getting lost weeks ago.
Which is something great!
At least i manage to find the nearest library and spend my one hour break there.
Well, had friends, and even a friend that lives in sbw
whom I sometimes travel home with.
Well, still, most of the time im alone. x)
Doesn't matter to me now.
Cos I will always have a book to keep me company. (:
Reading is a good habit. ;)
Anyway, I still think the best companion on train or bus trip is still my beloved Joanne.
Sometimes I can't help, but to think about what she once told me,
about her traveling to school alone during her secondary school days.
Guess, I am starting to feel how she felt that time? LOL.

Moving on, assignments, still manageable.
Of course manageable!
Used to rush out so many projects per sem,
now only 5 modules, what's so difficult? HAH! Yea~ right. >.<
Going to hand up my very first assignment tomorrow.
Hopefully it's alright.
The fear that I always had when submitting assignment is back to haunt me,
since monday! that's terrible.
anyway, im still very worried about my electives. ):
foundation of math, which is NOT foundation at all.
introduction to lit study, which is NOT introduction at all.
im so not going to let my electives pull down my gpa.
I was once in poly, and I know how important it is to maintain my gpa
from the start.

Recently, I am starting to doubt if I had picked the right course.
Ya. I know. What am I thinking right?
Somehow I feel that one part of me wanted to go NIE,
wanted to be an educator.
Well, that will not be part of my short term plan for now.

School work aside. (:
Recess is coming! Woots!
In a week's time! Cool huh?
Going to plan several meet ups with beloveds, friends, and all! :D
Well, I guess it's the "old" friends who are keeping me going.

Shall update more often, since my Beloved Joanne
wants to read about my life. (:
It's touching to know that someone actually
wants to know about what's going on in your life,
when you ain't any celebrity. HAHA!

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Date : Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Time : 1:18 AM
Title : Happy Teachers' Day 2009

Aspire to Teach, Teach to Inspire.
Making a Difference in Someone's Life.
Be an Educator.

Happy Teachers' Day to All the Wonderful Teachers.

- - - - -

Make me wonder if I should have join NIE.

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Date :
Time : 1:08 AM
Title : Motivation & Encouragement

Just sitting there and letting the thoughts flow non-stop.
School isn't busy, yet.
I seriously need something to motivate me
to attend school,
to work hard like how I once did,
to enjoy my current life.

And please, tell me now.
What and where is my "motivator"?

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  • WENDY.
    21st June.
    Everything else, you'll know when you know me. (:


  • Laugh, cures a multitude of ills.


  • Leave some of your love. (:


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