Date : Sunday, August 31, 2008
Time : 12:35 AM

Somehow I just missed the sweetness we had
when we first begin.
Is it true that the longer two people are together,
the tiny sweetness that were once present will be dissolved?
Are you still there?
- - - - -
Maybe a Pastry Chef? =)
The Fetish; Uniforms.

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Date : Saturday, August 30, 2008
Time : 12:48 AM
Title : AIRFORCE, ABOVE ALL (Open House)

A force like nothing on earth.
Airforce; Above All
- - - - -
Open House 2008, an eye opener for me.
Not much fun though, but it's good experience.

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Date :
Time : 12:45 AM
Title : Teachers' Day Celebration 2008

The flowers, pens, hand-drawn cards
The hugs and surprised looks
I had a great teachers' day celebration with the kids.
- - - - -
P.S. I am starting work at LSH at OCC on Tues (2nd Sept)

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Date : Friday, August 29, 2008
Time : 1:39 AM
Title : Mobile Toy Library

Went to YCK Gardens School with Joanne,
and a group of cute Japanese ladies. (aaaaaaaaaa~)
First time interaction with exceptional children.
I proud to say that I am not afraid of playing with them. =D
They are actually nice and friendly kids.
It's really an eye-opener for me, and it's good experience.
- - - - -
Looking forward to tomorrow! =)

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Date : Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Time : 6:02 PM

I had the sudden urge, to go to the beach.
The Sun; The Sand; The Sea
I want to go!

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Date :
Time : 1:05 AM
Title : Just the Two of Us

I enjoyed the night walk.
When can I have such night again?
Soon please.
which i doubt so.

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Date :
Time : 12:48 AM

I am starting to have doubts in myself.
I need time off to clear my thoughts.
Busy week ahead.

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Date : Monday, August 25, 2008
Time : 8:26 AM

Fireworks Celebration 2008 at Marina Bay, Floating Platform.
The fireworks were amazingly beautiful. It's the best one I had ever seen.
The different types of fireworks shot out, quite a number was new to me.
Although there were some dis-coordination and weird choice of music,
but it was still the greatest. =D
Oh well, should be also lahs. It's still the FIREWORKS celebration.

& I guess the company plays an important part too. ^^

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Date : Friday, August 22, 2008
Time : 1:35 AM

Had a short chat with HaoJun on MSN just now.
Was chatting about MY future, and HaoJie&Me future.
Told him about my worries about the long learning years,
he agreed that it was really very long.
Well, the short conversation really sets me thinking about what I actually wanted.
NIE is just a shorter route for me.
The main road I wanted is psychology and art therapy,
yet it's a long journey, with NO expressway.
But no matter what, a degree is what I am going to get next after a Diploma.
- - - - -
Standing a split roads, with mutiple of road signs isn't something comforting.
It's plain confusion.
This sucks, yet it's something I want to make myself experience.
- - - - -

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Date :
Time : 1:22 AM

Basketball session as usual, but somehow different today.
Just a random post about what I had in my puny brain.
Today's session seems to have alot more "accidents" than usual.
A few of us injured their fingers and thumbs.
& I got bumped by YQ. No worries, I didnt flew off! HAH.
& got hit by the ball on the face, well, just a gentle touch after it hit my hand first.
was fine, cos it's really just a touch. LOLS.
JH broke his specs also.
What an accident day. HAH.
- - - - -
Had a Tiramisu session with Flor today. =D
Went shopping around for the ingredients at Cold Storage,
trying to replace brandy with Martell,
the idea of buying kopi-o from coffee shop instead of getting whole big packet of espresso.
The asking around for the electrical egg beater, and the plan of MAN-ually beat the eggs.
Well, last minute got a beater, so the MAN just came and be the little white mousey. HAHA!
Tiramisu was... quite successful, but kind of too sweet.
Oh well, we found our "kitchen" for baking sessions next time. =D
- - - - -
What a RANDOM post.

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Date : Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Time : 10:36 PM
Title : Dream VS Reality

Dream is beautiful.
Reality is ugly.
Yet, I am stuck between them.
Dream VS Reality
Which will you choose?

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Date : Sunday, August 17, 2008
Time : 6:52 PM

The Sudden Urge
to shop.
Psst. Ask me out! =D

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Date :
Time : 12:51 AM

I had been pondering over this same problem over months.

Yups, which route to take.

I had the interest in psychology and art therapy, but starting to consider about NIE as well.

Psychology, well I know NUS has it.

Therapy, I don't know. Had a talk with Rebecca, and she adviced me to get a Degree first.

& to be either a psychologist or therapist, I need a MASTER.

Which will take me quite a long time.

NIE, I started to enjoy the fun in educating people, making the difference.

- - - - -

Like what Joanne had said, I should go seek help from people, and not pushing this problem aside. Hmms. time to do something Wendy!

Autumn Fiesta Art with the exceptional kids might be a good start, right Joanne? =)

Shoutout: Anybody interested? Wanna join us? It's on 30 Aug, Sat. =D

- - - - -

Okay, that aside first. =D

Finally! I went shopping with my boy, and like.. it's really shopping.

Why I say so? HAH! Initially was supposed to shop like last Sat with my boy and Kianwee.

Ended up watching movie, and my shopping trip was cancelled. -.-

Yes, I admit I was quite sian diao and pissed. But these are keep within.

Today, i began to shop for long sleeves. (which is something that I dislike wear, other than jackets or cardigans lahs.)

To be honest, I still can't stop myself from looking at those sleeveless tops, tube tops, shorts and skirts. Again, I started to feel inferior, but this time I managed to come out from it, and tell myself, I can keep this problem under my control. =)

I was telling my boy, "If I can recover from it, and get back my normal skin. I'll wear skirts and shorts every time I go out." (Yeah, I am looking forward to that particular day! =D )

Note to all ladies, you have good skin, make use of it! Dress and doll yourself up! HAHA!

- - - - -

P.S. Looking for Tuition Jobs, anyone has any just let me know. =) Preferably in Woodlands area.

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Date : Friday, August 15, 2008
Time : 12:44 AM
Title : Blown Away Hopes

Bubbles-liked Hopes
I learnt to look on the brighter side now.
All I can do is, live with it.

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Date : Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Time : 10:31 PM
Title : NEW HOPE

In search of the New Hope tomorrow.
Wish it helps, and not any other false hope again.
Gleneagles, I just pray you are effective.

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Date :
Time : 2:39 PM
Title : THE 23RD

THE 23rd
I appreciate my boy's effort. =)
He booked out on our special day just to catch a movie with me.
Knowing that he have to reach camp either before midnight,
or leaving home ard 5plus in the morning to go back to camp the next day.
Watched "Journey to the Center of the Earth"
Was quite a nice movie. =D
Exciting, funny, and interesting. x)
- - - - -

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Date :
Time : 2:30 PM

Baking Session with the two Js.
Seriously speaking, none of us succeeded.
So, this proves that the 3 of us CANNOT bake together.
Nonetheless, we still attempt to try cooking another day.

Jennifer's Fruit Tart.
Which we planned to do this first, but ended up being the last.
The custard sauce is really hard to make.
My Chocolate Fondant served with ice-cream.
LOOK nice eh? But actually is not successful.
There is no chocolate "flowing" out.

Joanne's Bread Pudding.
Well, I never seen a bread pudding before, nor Jennifer.
But, according to Joanne, it's different from his brother's
so, FAILED! =X
- - - - -
Most importantly, we had fun!

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Date : Sunday, August 10, 2008
Time : 10:11 PM
Title : GET LOST

Do you know how much I hate being different from others, in such a ugly way?
I hate it so much that I just wish that all these do not appear on me.
I had tried all sort of ways just to get rid of it, but it just stayed on, and developed.
Every new way I tried, I had the hope of getting rid of it.
But every hope ended up as nothing, but just a thought.
I am worried about it.
Yes, I do.
How am I going to go out in the working society with it?
How am I going to overcome all those eyes on me, because of it?
How am I going to live with it?
It's on me!
I hate wearing long sleeves and long pants,
but what to do?
Please, GET LOST!
Get away from me!
P.S. Shopping? For long sleeves top and long pants eh?

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Date : Saturday, August 09, 2008
Time : 1:15 PM

Just "Thank You" is more than enough
Don't take things for granted.

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Date : Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Time : 9:06 PM

The Soul Song

I looked down upon a star
and up upon the ground.
I looked clear through a cold brick wall
and at a sightless sound.

I ate a glass of full ripe wine
and drank a piece of pie.
A rope did shine upon the earth.
A moon beam I did tie.

I blew upon a scented rose
and sniffed some smooth white stones.
I slumbered to a loud shrill noise
and danced to silent tones.

I put some jewelry in my hair
and then my ears I curled.
I looked outside upon my heart
and deep inside the world.

I flew up through the clear blue sea
and washed with angels' hair.
I breathed water from a crystal stream
and swam upon the air.

At last I felt myself awake,
I'd been spirit dead so long.
Living thoughts brought my soul alive
and it burst into song.

- Charles C. Manz

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Date :
Time : 3:02 PM
Title : Nathan Hartono!

Nathan Hartono
My Ear Candy
Watch him perform on NDP
with the Jazz version "Where I Belong"
& you will know why.

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Date : Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Time : 1:14 AM

oh well, what can i say?

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Date : Monday, August 04, 2008
Time : 11:54 PM


What is friendship to you?
Who is your true, best friend?

A nursery kid: Amy is my best friend. Because she always let me play with the doll.
A kindergarten kid: Benny is my best friend. He everytime lend me the golden colour pencil.
A primary school kid: Catherine always sit with me during recess time. She's my best friend.
A secondary school boy/girl: Danny is my best friend. He always let me copy his homework when I forgot to do.
A teenager: Ellen is always there for me when I need someone, she's the best friend!

Our "definition" of best friend keep changing.
When we are in our childhood days, everyone who is nice to you is your best friend.
As we grow up, the "criteria" to be one's best friend changes, and becomes tougher.

A best friend has to play the roles of
a shadow when you are alone
a listener when you need someone to talk to
a shoulder when you cry
a pillow when you need a hug
and the list goes on.

Why do a best friend or rather, a true friend need to juggle so many roles?
It's tough being a true best friend to someone.

How about being someone,
that just passed by anybody's life
as that person's true best friend?
Just passing by.

Will all these happen if what had happened did not happen?

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Date :
Time : 11:46 PM
Title : NDP Preview!

NDP 2008! preview
with this sweet girl.
Thanks for the company. =D
And of cos, I had so much fun with you.

Thanks to my boy for the free tix.

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  • WENDY.
    21st June.
    Everything else, you'll know when you know me. (:


  • I’m unique, very;
    or perhaps just weird?


  • Leave some of your love. (:


  • xueni


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