Date : Monday, April 30, 2007
Time : 9:06 PM
Title : love you for good :3

a picture speaks a million words

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Date :
Time : 2:11 AM
Title : blur-ness

will i experience blur-ness
and lost without you?
i'm thinking

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Date : Sunday, April 29, 2007
Time : 2:22 PM
Title : just a note to Agnes =)

it's just a note.
from us.

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Date : Friday, April 27, 2007
Time : 12:43 PM
Title : love notes.

today, i have got a nice & comfortable ride to school
all thanks to my beloved xiaofong!
cos she's late,
so we took cab, and she paid it.
love you!
late more please! xP

thursday = long day
8am to 10am : Designing Learning Environment (DLE)
10am to 11am : break time!
11am to 1pm : Financial Management (FM) make up lect
1pm to 2pm : break time!
2pm to 4pm : Financial Management (FM) tutorial
4pm to 6pm : Academic Writing (AW) lecture

long day ehx?
actually wanna skip AW, and go home sleep.
but in the end, i stayed.
maybe cos of the word "No" bahx. =)
*ask me personally if you wanna know.*

good news? or bad news?
i can't decide.
there's a change in my year 1 sem 2 results.
getting the new result slip tml.

hope it's good. =D


love notes, i will write you one everyday. <3

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Date : Monday, April 23, 2007
Time : 11:45 AM
Title : that's love

it ain't infatuation
it ain't anything

it's love. =)

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Date :
Time : 8:45 AM
Title : just a short conversation.

"i go bath first."

30 minutes passed.

no answer, silence.

15 seconds passed.
door opened.

"are you drowned?"
"yea, i nearly drowned."
"oh, but you survived?"
"of course, if not you think im a ghost now ar?"
"ha, okay. just be careful next time."

;and sweetheart knows the story. =)


Date : Sunday, April 22, 2007
Time : 4:44 PM
Title : Grooming To - Don't List

Read this article in "my paper" 我报 Saturday, 21 April 2007

- - - - - - - - - -

Yes, women wish that men would spend more time taking care of themselves in the grooming department. But there's a fine line between being clean for a hot date and appearing like a pansy.

Grooming To - Don't List

YOU are overdoing it if you:

1. Waxes your eyebrows

David Copperfield, with his were-wolfish eyesbrows, still managed to snag Claudia Schiffer. So having brows like bushes can't be that big deal.

Waxing them, however, is.

"Strong eyebrows make a man look more intense, and that can be very sexy," said Claudine,33.

Waxed and too-neat brows can make you look like a pansy, or worse, like her middle-aged mother.

2. Waxes your pubes

Other than being terribly painful and awfully embarrassing, it really doesn't do much.

"My ex-boyfriend completely waxed his groin area once, and he looked really strange - I couldn't look at him for months," revealed 26-year-old Ling.

By all means give it a trim if you feel she might miss the tree for the forest; but waxing, for men, should always involve a car.

3. Sports a fake tan

A bronze glow is the by-product of spending time under the sun (with sufficient sunblock, of course) doing fun stuff.

It shouldn't be the result of sitting in a UV booth for 30 minutes.

The difference, for the ladies, is the thought that while you're out there having fun, you're also building muscle and stamina.

4. Drowns your hair in gel

The only people who can get away from plying their hair with more gel than necessary are Chicago mobsters.

Who's going to tell them that they look grimy?

You, on the other hand, have no excuse for looking like you shampooed your head in maple syrup and left the house before rinsing.

Too much gel will clog up the pores on your scalp.

And Cynthia said, "too much hair product makes a guy look dirty. Not cute and scruffy. Just dirty."

If you need an entire tube of the stuff to keep your hair in place, it's time for a haircut, Kitaro.

5. Moisturises your hands

The only "smooth" things that a man needs are then skin on his face and his pick-up lines, so leave those rough hands alone.

A pair of weathered hands at the end of two sinewy forearms also makes a womam feels safe and good hands.

"Women do notice a man's hands," said Michelle, 31. "It's very sexy if he looks like he's used them for some heavy-duty work."

But if your hands are smoother than hers, your pick-up line might as well be "what brand of tampons do you use?"

6. Shaves your legs

Unless you are a swimmer trying to shave seconds off your personal best, don't even think about shaving those limbs.

"Hair on your legs is what separates the boys from the men," said Sally, 25.

That, and a pair of muscular hamstrings, of course.

7. Manicures your hands

Fine, some guys are getting their cuticles worked on by professionals these days. It's not such a bad thing, considering that the other option would be to see you cutting your nails on the bed.

So go ahead, if you must. But just stick to these two rules when you're at the nail parlour - pass on the pedicure and skip the glossy polish. Pretty feet and shiny nails aren't the sort of things that girls talk about in the same breath as broad shoulders and a sense of humour.


Date : Saturday, April 21, 2007
Time : 12:06 PM
Title : attachment centre, known!

thursday, long day! 8am to 6pm.
but ytd, we THOUGHT 11pm-1pm our FM lecture
so, we got 5 hours break.
hence, me, xiaofong, jennifer and may
went to jurong point
and catch a movie. (200 pound beauty)
nice movie. =)

half way through the movie
someone called xiaofong
it's the FM lecturer.
whole class didnt turn up for lecture
then we know,
is tutorial that is cancelled, not lecture

*hahax, united class! wuahahax*

on our way back to sch from JP,
workplace called
asked me to work at 7.30pm
( they know i got lesson till 6pm )
no choice, they short of staff
and it's really busy ytd night!
the grandmother story shall NOT continue.
LOL. kind of boring. hahaax.

- - - -

finally, year 2 attachment childcare centre is OUT!
lucky me!
althought i was hoping to get back
to the centre i had in year 1.
but it's ok, as long as it's in wdls. =)
blk 688C, drive 75. =D
anyone know how to go? =X

bad thing!
out of 10 visits to the centre
i have to conduct 3 art lessons, 3 music & movement lessons
and maybe 1 mathematics lesson. - . - "
hope evything will turn out fine.

wendy, jiayouss!
be less self-conscious, the kids will love you. =D

i simply HATE the MAYC lecturer!

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Date :
Time : 2:24 AM
Title : 爱与被爱

我喜欢 被爱
我喜欢 被你爱护的感觉
我喜欢 被你关心的感觉
我喜欢 被你宠坏的感觉
我 就是 喜欢 当你温室里的

小花, 有一天 也许要 独立
小花, 有一天 也许要 靠自己
小花, 有一天 也许要 习惯 没你在呵护 的日子

但,小花 很 脆弱
害怕 自己 无法习惯 没有你照顾 的日子

小花 知道 六月十四日
是 自己 需要独立 的 开始
小花 她 哭了

但 你大可放心

她 会 坚强 的 活着
等 她的 “温室” 回来
她的。 =)

很爱 她的 “温室”

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Date : Thursday, April 19, 2007
Time : 11:44 AM
Title : wireless

i got my own wireless network
at home. =)
*dance around*


Date : Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Time : 2:59 PM
Title : 才刚刚在想








Date : Sunday, April 15, 2007
Time : 2:24 PM
Title : year 2 starting.

yups, school is starting SOON.
soon = 1 more day
kind of excited, yet sianx.

get to meet my darlings n sisters =)
starting to get busy, and i wont complain
about rotting at home all day long. xP

got to wake up early evyday
and can't slp as long as i want.
lesser time with HIM =(
lesser time to go out / work

i guess sian-sa-tion is more than excitment.
can i don't start school yet?
im lazy to travel now!

just simply lazy lahx. =(

wendy, forget it.
this day is gonna come one day.
get use to it, you'll be fine.


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Date : Friday, April 13, 2007
Time : 2:28 PM
Title : girls' day out. =)

girls' day out
with xiaofong & peipei

shopping at bugis
(of cos. =P)

so many things happened
from neoprint shop incident
to bugis street ( that lady )
- - - -
bought 2 shorts, 1 long sleeve top
always wanted to get a long sleeve top
( that suits me)
and FINALLY i got one. =)
- - - -
so, how's my new haircut?

i'm starting to like my fringe. =)

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Date : Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Time : 2:12 PM
Title : finally we met up!

i cut-ed my hair.
but i dun really like the fringe.
look so weird on me. =X

anyway, thanks chenghui. =)

sorry that i went to cut my hair,
cos sch is starting so..
i don't want to drag any longer le.
next time ok? promise. =)

met up with not only chenghui for haircut.
met mich and siewting as well.
had dinner at pizzahut with the 3 pretties.
chatted, joked, crazed.
so much fun. =)

more gathering ehx?
although i didnt talk much lahx. (as usual)
but i enjoyed listening to you girls. =D
hope next time more sisters can join us. =)

love you girl. <3

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Date :
Time : 2:12 PM
Title : life is unpredictable

life is true enough, unpredictable.
heard from florence
one of her poly friend had passed away
due to a motorbike accident.
it bring those unhappy memories of mine, back.
i started to remember those days,
how i felt when he passed away.

this girl of my friend, is a pretty girl.
ony 19 years old, and she left, w/o a word of goodbye.

dear friends,
please take super extra care of yourself.
cos i love all of you to bits and pieces.
i won't wish to see anyone of you getting hurt.
and especially YOU


Date : Monday, April 09, 2007
Time : 3:53 PM
Title : fear

i don't know when
i started to feel insecure
i started to be afraid of the dark

since friday,
every night i went to bed,
i need the lights from the toilet (in my room)
to be on.

yes, wendy is afraid of the dark


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Date : Saturday, April 07, 2007
Time : 3:26 AM
Title : you

taught me how to love unselfishly
how it is to be loved by someone

the one and only
who told me all my mistakes
all my foolishness
all my stupidity

the one who always asked me
to put myself in the shoes of others,
including you

who taught me to not think abt myself only
but to think of how you feel
whenever we quarrelled

the one whose hugs are always the one
i am looking for

the one whom i cherished the most
yet, you don't felt cherished

the one and only who can break my heart
yet mend it back

are the one
who i love so deeply

the one
who i want the fullest trust
and faith from you

you know who you are.

it's all you.

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Date : Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Time : 2:35 PM
Title : the darkest side of me.

there is always a dark side of a person
so do i

darkest side of me
never want to know
and you
better not know

me and my hidden identity

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Date : Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Time : 4:26 PM
Title : it's just the 2 of you

once it's four of US
it's still four
but is four of YOU

no more me

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Date :
Time : 4:17 PM
Title : walk till old age with me

let's walk together

let's walk together till our hair turns white
let's walk together till our teeth falls
let's walk together till we turn partially deaf

let's grow old together
till a ripe old age

i promise

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Date :
Time : 2:30 PM
Title : shopping trip

went shopping today =)
bought a mini skirt
( i wanna buy shorts too! )

lots of funny things happened
right ? hees.
the candy incident
the mrt incident
unforgetable. =3

watched "pathfinder"
i find it quite nice.
more exciting than 300. =P



  • WENDY.
    21st June.
    Everything else, you'll know when you know me. (:


  • To me, life is art;
    & art is life;


  • Leave some of your love. (:


  • xueni


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