Date : Sunday, September 19, 2010
Time : 11:21 PM
Title : How's Life?

Surprisingly that I am actually blogging still. (:
Maybe this is the place that I could just voice out whatever I have in mind,
without having to worry about what others have to say?
This is somehow considered MY space? (:

HaoJie flew to California, San Diego on Friday 17 Sept 2010 in the early morning, at around 9.45am. He called around 9am, and we talked for a while before he boarded the plane.
Guess I am going to miss him real bad. :\
Initially I thought I was able to overcome the separation anxiety, since he had been to Taiwan for a month for training in the past. But sadly, I am not as strong as I thought I would be.
As time drew nearer to the night on Thursday, I felt the anxiety growing in me.
But well, he seemed pretty excited about the trip, so I suppose he didn't really sense my anxiety.
Hmm. but from his small little actions, I know he knew about my anxiety. (:
But those little things he did made me gonna miss him more.
It has already been 2 days. I am still coping well.
Just that I came to realize little things that I took for granted when he is around.

Oh. And I felt so loved on Friday morning after seeing my facebook. (:
Not only because of his post for me, but also because I have friends who liked that post.
I know they are there for me; They understand how I felt, and they are there supporting and encouraging me. (: You know who you are. Thank you. (:
And of course the short little post by my sister too. All of you are so sweet!

It's not possible that I won't miss him a bit, and it's impossible for me to not feel lonely at times without him around. But I will keep myself occupied with whatever I can so I won't really have the time to miss him too much? (:

There's like 3 birthday celebrations queuing up weekly? Plus school work, and revision maybe?
Quite a packed schedule till he is back? Come on Wendy, it's just ONE MONTH! (:

- - - - -

Btw, I have the thought of doing some voluntary work at some orphanage.
As usual, I always have the thought, no plan.
Have the plan, no action. :\ bad habit!

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  • WENDY.
    21st June.
    Everything else, you'll know when you know me. (:


  • Look at others' virtues,
    not their shortcomings.


  • Leave some of your love. (:


  • xueni


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