Date : Sunday, December 31, 2006
Time : 4:06 PM
Title : lonely new year eve.

maybe you're right
i shld initiate at times.
i shld be the one asking them out occasionally
i think cos i rejected their invite in the past
therefore they stopped asking me out le bahx.
=myself to be blame.
nobody else.


evybody's blog is saying about 2006 is ending.
making plans for 2007.
me? ha.
all i wan is more time with my friends.
friends as in secondary school friends.
not forgetting my poly sisters oso.

the older you get,
the more responsibility you have,
the more busy you are,
the lesser friends you have.

i wonder,
will i really be lonely, alone
when you left for NS?

i dunwan.

Date : Saturday, December 30, 2006
Time : 10:40 AM
Title : old memories.

all i had with me are only our old memories?

are we still friends just like how we are in the past?

i am missing you girls and our happy moments together.

Date :
Time : 6:50 AM
Title : death note 2.

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highly recommend!
worth more than 5 stars.

i watched it 2x.
with penguin.
with my sister.


*buy the tix early*

Date : Thursday, December 28, 2006
Time : 3:18 PM
Title : 3 girls = 1 gang

went to jurong libr
with joanne, foongling and jennifer
for our math proj


3 girls that shoot foongling

we have been shooting her
when we met her?
kind of lahx.


actually wanna watch death note2 de.
who noes.

so planned to watch
the 1st session tml!

i love L!
and my penguin. xD

Date :
Time : 9:45 AM
Title : alone.lonely.loner.

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rainy days.
i might be forgotten,
but you ppl, my friends.
i will not forget anyone of you.
you'll always be remembered.

i love you ppl
i miss you too.

Date : Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Time : 4:06 PM
Title : secondary school friend-less.

emotional christmas
for me?

felt so friendless.
really, i hate this kind of feelings.
i once had it, blog it.
i tod it'll come to an end.
but it didnt i guess.

i really miss my sec sch friends alot.
to them, they might not even rem me.
ya, some do sms me.

get kind of emo
after reading 2 sec schx friends' blog.
hope they had enjoyed their xmas.

and i really miss my old friends alot.

emo christmas.

Date : Monday, December 25, 2006
Time : 9:16 AM
Title : tang yuan making.

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tang yuan making.
me and my sister was making it.
we made it ourselves okiex?

had fun.


went carolling with joanne and foongling
with lydia and her church friends.
carolling was fun.
nice experience.

thanks joanne n foongling
for their xmas gifts too.
so nice and sweet of them.
love you girls.

Date : Saturday, December 23, 2006
Time : 11:53 AM
Title : 。微笑的鱼。

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Date :
Time : 11:29 AM
Title : ampio musica.

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tickets to ampio musica

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during the performance.

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we were all dressed up,
but we only took one photo.

Date : Friday, December 22, 2006
Time : 2:56 AM
Title : victoria concert hall.

went there ytd nitex/evening
to support shuting n jurongville sec band.

ampio musica
(did i get it wrong?)

i love the "under the sea"
"beauty and the beast",
"high school musical"

congrats. you guys did it great

joanne was cute lahx.
cos of me n xiaofong

but i seriously think that
joanne can't be the one who lead
she's a lu chi

made us walk here, walk back
actually we shld take a cab.
but joanne looked so serious
about WALKING there.
anyway, joanne, thanks for trying hard.

*i'll post the photos when i got it.*

-goin chalet with meimei later. weex~

Date : Thursday, December 21, 2006
Time : 3:13 AM
Title : interesting breakfast.

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top : on the way to IMH
bottom : on the way for FP

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honey stars + daisy milk
milo + HL milk
equals tooooooooo

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ha. interesting breakfast.
pour the honey stars n milo
into the packet of milks.
get a spoon from the lady, a straw.

tat's our breakfast.

this is when there is no BOWL for you outside.

Date : Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Time : 2:40 PM
Title : movie craze.


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open season
cute and funny.
rating: 3.5 stars

korea horror.
abit confusing lahx.
rating: 3.0 stars

happy feet
great movie!
rating: 4.0 stars

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the holiday
nc16, funny love movie.
rating: 3.5 stars

exciting! but ending abit rush.
rating: 4.0 stars

charlotte's web
marvellous movie!
a must watch!
bring tissue ar. xP
rating: 5.0 stars

i had watched 6 movies! omg.
so many. ha.
and i just realised it.
1st movie starts on 3rd dec.
6th movie on 18 dec.

charlotte's web is the nicest of all.
it is touching!
ya. a spider died and i CRIED.
ha. see, imagine how touching it is.
*girls, bring tissue!*

Date : Monday, December 18, 2006
Time : 12:55 PM
Title : i love them

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this is corina.
the one who said
"i like nvr see u b4 in my class lehx"
to me.

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my class sisters.
(not classMATES)
i love them all.

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my click.
i love all these girls.
they nvr fail to make me smile or laugh
they're crazy.
you girls rox.

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not forgetting my darlings.
joanne.( 2nd wife )
lina. ( 1st wife )
lydia. ( secret affair )
they love me lots,
i love them lotss too.
thanks girls, for making my life
so wonderful
and full of love.

Date : Saturday, December 16, 2006
Time : 4:09 PM
Title : friendship, how much it worth to you?

Everyday we face different people at different situations. But how often do we make friends with them? Friends, to some, are just people who come into their lives and friends will and can leave at any moment without prior notice. But what happens when there’s a deep bonding in between them?

Bonds are made not instantaneously. Bonds come along hard, bonds tie people with people, and bonds make sure that no one is left out. When a friend is quarrelling with another friend, the situation doesn’t just affect both of them, but affects those whom are bonded with them.

Bonds are to be cherished; bonds can heal broken hearts and once-disappointed trust. Bonds can heal quickly, and damage devastatingly. People with strong bonds are people who would excel fast in life, and people who don’t cherish whatever bond in between them, tends to lose out equally fast.

How often do you actually take some time to smile to your friend and tell him/her how much you cherish his/her company? How often a friend does tell you that too? Not as often as how a friend whom turned into a foe tells you how much she hates you I bet. Friends don’t come by easily, lots of people said that. But I can gladly prove that to you too. Try going on the streets, and making a friend out of the whole group of stranger. You’ll be regarded as a loony. So instead of trying to find new friend who might regard you as a loony, why not just love your friends and not let some other kind of sticky situation get into and break the bond up? Friendships goes far, hatred doesn’t.

p.s: thanks. =)) i love you, cos i know u'll always be there for me no matter rain or shine.

Date :
Time : 3:31 PM
Title : friendship.

it seems so strong, yet fragile.
it needs two hands or more to claps.
it can't be preserve or create alone.

don't ruin friendship
as and when u like.
it doesn't worth it.
i once lost a friend.
i don't want anymore friends to be lost.

fun day todae.
so many things had happen.

completed my "teacher" role.
with a bunch of cheeky children.

how dare corina sae
"i like nvr see u b4 in my class lehx."
please lahx!
im in ur class since sem2 week1 lahx!
how can u not rem me?!
so diao~

but her lesson is so enjoyable todae.
playing, and playing, and it's still playing.
love my course man!
all so enjoyable lesson.
envy me? xP

watched "step up" with my click.
nice right girls?
ha. thank me by loving me more.

went to watch ERAGON todae.
great n nice movie!
the dragon was cute when it hatched.
love it.

p.s. joanne cutie. when u have any troubles, you can always consult me okiex? =) im always there/here for you. to lend u my ears to listen, my mouth to advice u, my eyes to see your cuteness. =D i'll miss u during these holidays. =))

Date : Friday, December 15, 2006
Time : 3:06 PM
Title : boring blogger?

suddenly feel so LAZY to blog recently.
feel tat there is nthing to blog abt.

my field practicum todae.
cute kids as usual.
but my darlings
had PROMOTED to nursery.
so is my observed child
and my lil boyfriend.
but i didnt see him todae.
*wondering why*

ended the tiring practicum
went to school
discuss about tml "teaching" stuff.
ya. thanks to kukuna lahx.
appoint me to be the "teacher"
out of 7 ppl. -.-
so LUCKY lo.

wish me luck for tml then.
suddenly rem smthing.

do it once, do it great.
(rem this joanne?)
since only "throw face" for a few minutes
then just PING LE!
wo HUO chu qu le.!
(right jennifer?)

i miss my lil bf, henry.

Date : Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Time : 3:33 PM
Title : penguin days.

so "penguin" these two days.

posted a penguin comic on sundae.
todae went to watch happy feet.

ya. really nice show.
so adorable lahx.

those baby penguins are like
our kids.
never fail to make u smile
and laugh at them.

learnt smthing:
everyone is unique,
and has their own special talent.
don't feel down
just because you're different.

i love bobo lahx.
cute lehx!

happy feet!

Date : Monday, December 11, 2006
Time : 11:00 AM
Title : i found my mr.penguin

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taken from foongling's blog.

sweet comic.

i had found mine.

Date : Saturday, December 09, 2006
Time : 10:32 AM
Title : more about myself.

Your view on yourself:

You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

-am i straight4ward? hmmx. might hurt ppl unknowingly lehx. xD

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

- woots.girls,love me more. xP

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.

- hmmx.quite true. =D

The seriousness of your love:

You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

-hello?! im dont behave seductively okiex?! omg. but im flirt lahx. right girls? if im nt flirt how will i get my wife, my mistresses and even a secret affair? ha.

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

-YEAH! studies are imprt to me! =D

The right job for you:

You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

- hmmx..this set me thinking. ya. i love to work with kids, cos i love them. =)

How do you view success:

You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

-okieX! then i tink i shld work hard towards it. =))

What are you most afraid of:

You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.

-huhx?! no lo.

Who is your true self:

You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

-ohx. now u ppl know who to approach when u nd advice ya? xP

Date : Friday, December 08, 2006
Time : 4:34 PM
Title : they ROX my world.

they ROX my world!

who else, those kids!

as usual, went to childcare centre
observed alicia's (my targeted child)
social/emotional development.
she was playing with her friends
at the dramatic corner.
seek permission to took down
her play with video cam.
(i use my hp instead)

first time play with her at the
dramatic corner
felt like a child again.
so FUN!

when me n xiaofong are goin to leave
those kids really did things
tat made us so happy!

when we're leaving, it's their naptime.
so as our mentor sat on the floor,
looking after them, asking them to slp,
she was also talking to us
hence, me and xiaofong also sat on the floor.

those kids
kept shouting "byebye teacher wendy"
"byebye teacher xiaofong"

then this girl came.
dawn. she came. and hugged me n xiaofong.
she even kissed me on my cheek!

as expected.
kids like to copy one another.
hence one by one all came towards us
hugged us good bye.

felt so loved by them!

alicia even sae im her mummy!
and she's my baby.
omg, ain't they great?

im falling deeply in love
with them!

i love you all!
my darlings, and lil bfs.

Date : Thursday, December 07, 2006
Time : 2:02 PM
Title : i so loved!


my first HONEY wife

she's pretty. (of cos lahx!)
and crazy.
she never fails to make me smile

tat's y
i love her.

my 1st mistress

she's cute!
makes me smile too.

tat's y i love her.

my secret affair

her english so good!
but her chinese.. errr
okiex. let's skip tat. xP
she makes me smile, with her chinese

tat's y i love her!

my 2nd mistress

she's a great artist!
got crazy when she dun have enuff slp.

i love her for her drawings!

my 3rd mistress

(jus got her todae! lols)
she's pretty!
and jokes too. lols.
and she kissed my hand todae!
so sweet of her.

i love her!

tat's y i felt so LOVED!

Date : Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Time : 2:56 PM
Title : our big book.

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the authors!

OUR big book!
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see the illustrators?
actually xinting did ALL the drawings.

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woots. nice right?
i love xinting
cos she draws well!
and she did most of the bigbook.

you rox!
love u.

sorry tat i didnt contribute much

i counted!
u had drawn 89 ducks!
including the mother duck!


you're now a certified
"ducklings" artist.


  • WENDY.
    21st June.
    Everything else, you'll know when you know me. (:


  • Laugh, cures a multitude of ills.


  • Leave some of your love. (:


  • xueni


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