Date : Monday, September 25, 2006
Time : 5:34 AM Title : workaholic life sucks. workaholic life means NO LIFE! =X -------------------------------------------- starting to get sick of working. why?! tod im a workaholic? ya. i am still one. BUT! i simply hate those rubbish work tat they asked me to do like? pack the store? shit you lahx! everytime oso i pack! "ask wendy go pack the store" the only job i hate is this! don't ever ask me to pack again! esp to pack it ALONE! i'll go back home immediately! i will think of any stupid excuses! =) -------------------------------------------- barclays singapore open's pay is OUT! weex. so excited abt it. BUT wrong amt! stupid lahx! finance dept reali lousy lo! only gave me 1/2 of my pay i work like siao work until like ghost you gave me 1/2 my pay! no way man! pay delayed lo. =so much things i wanna buy okiex?! GIVE ME MY PAY! ASAP! -------------------------------------------- tml onwards gonna be a tiring week for me! mon to thurs 7am daily! fri 9.30am sat 1pm looking 4ward to sat! cos got wedding dinner! i love to work when there's wedding dinner! =P cos reali envy the bride n groom lo smmore most of the time there's dancing involved. so sweet! felt like getting married smtimes while watching lo. =X -------------------------------------------- workaholic life is really no life. even i have a no life life. i would still love and cherish every single people in my no life life. to meet is a fate. even it's only a glance. it's also fate. =)
Date : Thursday, September 21, 2006
Time : 5:13 AM Title : i hate myself. till todae. then i noe. im evil.cruel.heartless. ----------------------------- till todae. then i noe. i had hurt you so much. in the past. ---------------------------- sorry can't cure those pain you suffered. ----------------------------- i hate myself. for hurting you that much. ---------------------------- i suck
Date :
Time : 4:53 AM Title : hate it. woots. got my pay! i wanna SHOP! i wanna buy more tops more shorts ( i LOVE shorts! woohoos ) more shoes =P bag! ( although i bought 1 recently =X) BUT i fall for another one! =P ipod. ( don't nd to buy liao =D ) feel like cutting my hair. not reali CUT lahx TRIM =) but! i wanna work and earn more $ 1st. =P super duper workaholic =)) that's me! life is something to be enjoyed you only live it ONCE so live it ONCE, live it GREAT!
Date : Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Time : 4:00 AM Title : what WENDY means what WENDY means: W- U're very broad-minded. ( i nvr know im broad-minded =X ) E- U hv a nice ass. ( hahax..i dunno i got a nice ass lehx. =P ) N- U're absolutely beautiful. ( oh..thanks.. =X ) D- U hv 1 of the best personalities ever. ( really? but i dun tink my personality is good lehx ) Y- 1 of e best bfs/gfs any1 could ask 4. ( i can't comment on this, had to ask my ex ) try out your name: A- Damn gd kisser. B- Gd all-rd prsn. C- U're wild & crazy. D- U hv 1 of the best personalities evr. E- U hv a nice ass. F- Ppl totally adore U. G- U nvr let ppl tell U wat 2 do. H- U hv v. gd personality & loox. I- U gt hyper easily. J- Evry1 loves U. K- U like tryin new tings L- U live 2 hv fun. M- Success comes easily 2 U. N- U're absolutely beautiful. O- U're an awesome person. P- U R popular with all types of ppl. Q- U're a hypocrite. R- Sexy! S- EZ 2 fall in love with. T- U're loyal 2 those U love. U- U really like 2 chill. V- U're non-judgemental. W- U're very broad-minded. X- U nvr let ppl tell U wat 2 do. Y- 1 of e best bfs/gfs any1 could ask 4. Z- U're a little too hard 2 find.
Date : Sunday, September 17, 2006
Time : 3:21 PM Title : tagged. i have been tagged by jennifer and foongling. current mood : happy ( i guess so ) current taste : thirsty ( i nd water! ) current clothes : tshirt shorts ( undergarments too ) current desktop : i dun uds lehx. u mean the wallpaper? toenail colour : i nvr paint my toenails current time : 12.11 am current surrounding : study room current annoyance : nothing, nobody current best friends : haojie, beekwoon last crush : a guy ( lolx ) first movie : ju-rac-sic park? ( 4get oready lo ) last movie : little man last phone call : yuanfang last song played : down ( JJ ) have you ever dated one of ur best friends : YES! i DATED both of them b4 lo have u ever broken the law : of cos no lahx have u ever been arrested : nvr broke law, arrested for wat have u ever been skinny-dipped : dun uds, poor vocab have u been on tv : nopex have u ever kissed someone u dunno : NO LAHX! siao ar 5 things u r wearing now : specs, earrings, necklace, tee, shorts 3 things u can hear now : my typing sound, song playing, fan blowing 1 thing u will do when u are bored : complain tat im sianx 5 lucky people to do this : - huiwen - joanne - xueni - wei earn - beekwoon
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Time : 5:39 AM Title : confusion. confusion. is what im experiencing NOW reali confuse abt myself im losing my senses i dun reali noe WHO im now WHAT i want now i reali dunno confusion confusion and more confusion non-stopping confusion mayb im REALLY not READY for it give me time to think and make sense out of it LOVE is something that makes SOMEONE lose his/her SENSES and fall into CONFUSION
Date : Saturday, September 09, 2006
Time : 4:31 PM Title : things are getting complicated. FINALLY, got the time to update my blog long time since i last updated busy with WORK for the BARCLAYS SINGAPORE OPEN tiring lehx = evydae nd wake up so damn early =X but got the chance to met ADAM SCOTT! alot ppl dunno him lahx =P world's 5th golfer handsome lehx =X ( wendy's in love! wuahahax ) okiex. enuff of crapss =X -------------------------------------------------- things are getting COMPLICATED! even im in the state of CONFUSION! rem dunno wat the hell m i thinking abt dunno wat idiotic feelings im experiencing dunno wat kind of thoughts m i having have i overworked? =X ( hope not ) i reali dunno when i start thinking of such idiotic n moron things that i nvr expect myself to be thinking abt reali CONFUSED NOW! feel like doing nthing feel like feeling nthing work work work and NOT think think think ------------------------------------------- okiex! i owned up im happy when im with him i reali smiled n laughed alot i like to spend time with him no matter how tired im i nvr fail to hope to spend time with him ( i noe im crazy to have such tods ) SHIT! im getting more sensitive lo whenever his smses are SHORTER than USUAL i got panicked i got worried cos he is not longer the "old" him tat smses with me often ( daily? ) *hit head* *slap face* ENOUGH WENDY! stop all these thoughts LOVE comes and goes whenever and wherever IT WANTS and not when n where YOU WANT
Date : Monday, September 04, 2006
Time : 3:40 PM Title : barclays singapore open BARCLAYS SINGAPORE OPEN big major event had to work 5am evyday from mondae till wednesdae ( cab provided by SGC ) but is still tiring lo =\ i jus bathed after i got home from work and now wat time isit? 12.36am liao cab cming to fetch at 4.15am. need to wait for my hair to dry before i slp ard 1.30am then 3.30am need to wake up, prepare for work SIAO LAHX although it's fun but it's tiring! im oni looking forward to THURSDAY! OFF DAY! decided to go jamming wuahahax =X long time didnt touch the drums liao missing my drums! =P feelings came naturally wanna stop it? i dunno if i can do it all i hope is to LET NATURE TAKES ITS CAUSE
Date : Sunday, September 03, 2006
Time : 5:27 PM Title : 1st piggyback =P tired tired tired tired tired im reali tired todae working from 2pm to 11.30pm ya. as compared to last time it's short BUT! todae work non-stop lo non-stop in the sense no slacking time =X i had been ironing the table cloths the chair covers the whole dae lo --" my back is so damn tired HEN SUAN AR! but tml would be fun! all the "woodlands" gang are goin to work TOGETHER woots. haojie esther xiankai jianhong gillian me wuahahax it would be fun! weex.. =X hmmx. went for supper jus now and haojie "decorated" this hahax. i tink it looks cute lehx.. l0lx. hmmx rem my previous post? about my sister missing me? well i gt the "note" she gave me to be posted in this entry that's the pic =)) so sweet n nice of her =X okiex shall update more when im free then =)) oh ya. b4 i forget hahax. must thanks hj =X ( u shld noe wat lahx =P ) this is my life i live it the way i want it wendy, this is me this is my character and it's none of your business if you hate it don't comment much thanks
Date : Saturday, September 02, 2006
Time : 3:59 PM Title : blur girl came back to blog abt some things that i 4got to mention in the previous entry went shopping todae and i FELL IN LOVE ( wendy's in love! omg! ) with a WHITE BAG at ZINC i fall for it AT FIRST SIGHT =X i reali like it so0oo0oo much lo but then i didnt buy it =\ cos i 4get to bring my zinc membership card ( lolx. 2pid me ) so decided to buy it some time nxt week? or whenever im release early from work =)) yupx. and i bought a necklace todae! i fall for it at 1st sight oso wuahahax =X $6.90 and tat sales girl was. BLUR she told me is $13.80 which is the price for 2! she is reali gong lahx. =X when i hand her the necklace she went to look for it at her own stall trying to find what's the price and i pointed to her when is the necklace she saw the price and charge me for the price of 2! lucky i ask her she kept telling me 1 for $6.90 please lahx i noe and i oni bought one lo ONE ! NOT TWO! ( relax~ ) in the end she double check n confirmed tat i oni bought one can some one reali be tat blur? heng i got ask y $13.80 if not she CHEATED MY MONEY! =X okiex. tat's abt it =) 谁会来守护我? 至少还你 但我只需要一个 那,就是你 =)
Date :
Time : 12:00 PM Title : a great dae out =) FINALLY! an off day =D actuali shld b working todae asst. manager n cap dun let me off but luckily cap last min let me off liao WUAHAHAX =P so happy. no off dae todae means no off dae till end of sgp open ( ard 10 sept ) can die okiex? =X went out todae. with my dearest meimei =) went to bugis n fareast jus to shop for my BLACK PANTS and BLACK SHOES ( for work ) btr to get another part of pants ( cos i oni got 1 ) black shoe cos i DISLIKE HIGH HEELS! esp when im working long hrs my legs will get tired lorx =X well saw lots of couples =X envy? not reali lahx.. =P i oni wanna commend on their behaviors oni =X KISSING on the escalator! my own opinion lahx. i dislike tis kind of actions wan to kiss then kiss at home lahx smmore make so much noise X.X so diao lo =( okiex.enuff of these. so auntie.) feeling kinda of weird not working todae =X but lucky i did off todae if not i will be dying and REGRETFUL ( like that guy in "CLICK" ) i had been working since mondae when i got home my family are all aslp when i woke up all are out honestly i didnt noe tat i neglected my sister = till ytd nite i got home saw smthing tat she drew and wrote "jiejie, meimei miss you! muacks" then i realised i am reali is a failure haix. i reali neglected my sister well work isnt evything my sister is! when i read tat i nearly cried out cos i reali regretted not accompanying her for the passed few daes i went to her room and gave a kiss on her cheek it doesnt bother whether she knew it anot as long as i reali love tis little sister of mine =)) sorriex for neglecting u muacks jiejie still love u okiex? and is missing u when im at work de =D no more next time. promise. |
WENDY. 21st June. Everything else, you'll know when you know me. (: hi; i love you. :) Leave some of your love. (: xueni joanne.beloved jenn.beloved xf.pei flor janice ziqi yuchin xinting lina linda yvonne beekwoon weiearn mic.tan jie March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 January 2011 April 2011 May 2011 November 2011 February 2012 March 2012 June 2012 January 2013 Designed by { ★CRUSHthespeaker } Thankful to { blogskins l xox } Blogged to { 53-percent } |