Date : Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Time : 10:45 AM
Title : enjoyable dae.. =D

well.. having mondae's blues? nahx.. *shake head
hahax.. enjoyed todae's lecture..=D
especially SUKUNA's!
she's reali a great, funny n dramatic lecturer!
i jus simply loves her.. =P

she was toking abt one of the theories todae..
hmmx.. psychosexual aka psychoanalytic..
she was saying tat boys at certain young age..
will tends to hold on to their *toot* =X
whenever the tcher scolds him..
his hands will automatically hold it..
hahax..her actions are reali funny.. =P
tat's the best thing when the whole class are GIRLS..
well..consider it as a girls' tok? l0lx..

so happy tat tml's CS lecture was cancelled..
and thus allowing me to rest at home..
no sch! weex~ hahax.. =X
too bad.. no sch tml.. wanna work.. event tml.. =\
so dun nd to work lorx..
shld b staying at home to complete all my assignments..


(so lame)

there's still a long week ahead..
praying hard tat nxt week faster come..
vacation week arrived at the blink of an eye..
so i can work..and got $$ to buy things i wan.. =X

there are simply so many things tat i wanna buy..
i wan to buy slippers..dun have to wear shoes to schx..
more plain tees.. so dun have to trouble wat to wear for schx..
contact lens.. maybe lorx..
tat's another thing ppl with eye sight prob had to spend on.. =\

okokx..enuff of these craps..
evytime sae so0oo much craps..
no wonder ppl dun read.. l0lx..
such a long blog.. who will spend time reading it?
end here.. blog again when im free.. =))


Date : Sunday, May 28, 2006
Time : 6:31 AM
Title : boycotting?

finally weekends came.. =D yeahx..
had a fun n enjoyable fridae in schx.. =)
early in the morning.. joanne n i was oready LATE for IT lessons.. =X
but who cares? =P tat tcher oso dun care..
as long as u r there for her lessons..
u r PRESENT.. =)
huiwen was late too.. but she is still earlier then us.. =X
after the IT 2 hrs brk..
went to canteen 2 and have our lunch lorx.. =)
played with the leftovers again.. hahax..

after lunch we went to the library..
and we were using our laptops..
discussing whether to skip that chomchom's lecture..
[ chomchom is the nickname of a tcher we hate! =P ]
we all prefer another lecturer [ pang li yee ]..
it was PLY's lecture actuali..
but chomchom was doin the teaching tat dae.. =\
we were all planning..
if is pang li yee teaching, we stay..
but as we went in to the lecture hall..
we oni saw pang li yee..
so we stayed.. but who noes..
chomchom came in later!
we wanna take the attendence then leave..
but couldn't escape with pang li yee sitting at the back.. =\
so we were being FORCED to stay.. =X

throughout her lesson, wat i did was copying wat i shld had..
and daydreaming..
hoping it ends..=X
lina sitting beside me was goin crazy..
hahax..too bored liao..
but she drew funny pics..
pics of our class girls.. =X

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

so funny all those drawings.. =X

frog : xin ting
mickey mouse : jennifer
witch : wendy [ me lahx ]
big eyes : foong ling
old granny : nazeema
banana : lydia
monkey : lina
fish : huiwen
turtle : joanne

Date : Friday, May 26, 2006
Time : 12:22 PM
Title : interesting events at FP

todae went for my FP [field practicum- sort of attachment?] again.. hmmx.. todae a boy
U-R-I-N-A-T-E-D on his chair! the worst is.. his used his H-A-N-D-S to touch the U-R-I-N-E !-!-!
luckily he didnt use his hands to touch me.. if not i reali will go bath for 3 hours.. l0lx.. =P such a bad tcher.. =X heex..

went to celebrate eunice's bdae on wed..
so happy! heex..
got ah ting.. hui..mic.. yijun..
all long time no c frens..
same old habit..
being C-R-A-Z-Y..
reali enjoyed my time with u gals..
m u a c k s s

ps: i tink i shld update with pics nxt time.. =D more attractive..heex..=P

Date : Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Time : 3:13 AM
Title : S K I P P E D

l0lx.. poly life was goin on well for me.. stressful? okok lahx.. evytime with those monkey, fish and those crazy grp of girls.. stress oni bcos of them.. wun stress abt sch work oso lahx.. =P

ytd was wrking from 1pm to 1am.. so late at nitex.. cos there is a thank you dinner for the PAP ppl at sentosa golf club ( where i work ).. but i was so0oo happy to receive a call from xiaofong saying tat 1.2 lecture is cancel.. kelly smsed me too.. thx.. =D but i 4gotten that there is still a IT lesson at 12pm till 1pm.. hahax.. i tod oni start 1.1 lecture at 2pm.. xiaofong called me ard 11.20am..and told me.. then i was so shocked.. hahax.. no choice.. if i rush dwn..i will be late still.. no way to ask me take a cab there! jux for that 1hr aunty's lecture.. and im living in wdls! NP is at clementi.. no way l0rx.. =X so0oo i smsed lina.. hahax.. ask her to help me sign attendence.. =P cos that IT lesson's attendence is we sign ourselves one mahx.. =P smmore that aunty so0oo blur de.. hahax.. so0oo sianx dia0.. =P hahax.. hope no more nxt time lia0 lahx.. hahax..

PS: thanks lina.. =D muackxx

Date : Friday, May 12, 2006
Time : 1:40 PM
Title : 1st Field Practicum

wee..heex..todae went for my 1st field practicum at the child care centre.. hmmx.. sort of a "practical" lahx.. =D i meet up with Jaime and went there we are in the same CC [child care].. we arrived there..and saw so0oo many kids.. they arr grped into two main grp.. the toddlers are under the "play grp" whereas the olders one are K2s..

those kids were so0oo cute and HYPERACTIVE! reali adorable! =D feel like pinching them on the face [ opps..sound like child abuse =P ] we arrived b4 the mentor came to the the tcher was asking us to take a look ard the place both of us went ard.. the toilet bowls and basin and mirrors..were all so0oo LOW.. hahax.. suitable for those kids mahx... =D but the most "amazing" thing is tat... ... ... ... ... THERE IS NO DOORS FOR THE TOILET! hahax.. the kids were all so0oo OPEN MINDED.. l0lx..

initially, i was with Jaime..playing with the playgrp's toddlers.. they were all very approachable..and friendly.. they waved to you.. tok to you..and even play with u.. after awhile the toddlers started to crowd ard us.. carrying chairs n sitting beside us.. then ard 9+ the mentor came.. then she put me to observe the K2s..

when the mentor introduced me to the K2s kids.. they were even more friendlier.. [ is there such words? =X ] they said HI to you.. and when u tok to them.. they will ans u with a smiling face..when i 1st entered the "classroom", they were having their english lesson.. they were doin a writing.. abt wat they wanna be when they grow up.. i saw a girl's.. she wrote :
it was quite funny for a little girl to wrote smting like tis.. hahax..

and there was a little plump girl.. she was so0oo active.. hahax..i was toking to a little girl.. then when i feel smting near my back.. i turned my head.. OMG! she was CENTIMETRES AWAY FROM MY LIPS! she nearly KISSED ME! after tat she suddenly came from the back and HUGGED ME at the waist.. then another 2 girls came.. and oso hugged me.. [so sweet =P ]

when the tcher brought the guys to bath.. the girls were playing with me.. then there were 3 girls.. trying to snatch me.. to PLAY WITH THEM.. reali cute sia.. =P then tis nice little gal.. she was SOOOOOO SWEET! she made an envelope for me.. and she put a note in.. and she wrote.. I LOVE WENDY.. omg.. so0oo sweeeeeeeeeet.. =D these kids reali can do reali swt things..

like todae..they were making cards for tis cming mothers' day.. they oni wrote simple msgs like "i love mummy".. "mummy is pretty".. "happy mothers' day"..but i can feel the love they used to write all these words.. some of them oso asked me how to spell "pretty".. after looking at wat they did for their mothers.. i was so guilty.. have i do all these simple but touching things for my mummy? tis sundae is mother's dae..and yet im working.. haix.. so0oo guilty.. =..( reali must do smting for my mummy.. =)

p.s. i love you mummy.. =D

Date : Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Time : 11:52 AM
Title : tiired..

honestly IM TIRED! i really dunno wat makes me so tired oso.. school is okok.. not much PE oso.. oni once a week.. but even b4 the PE lesson on wed im oready tired liao.. y? y? y? i oso dunno myself.. jus woke up from a reali short hr oni.. but i m being forced to wake up.. haix.. y m i so tired nowadays? have i overworked myself? well..i tink mayb is cos sundae i worked till 1130pm..then slept at 1230.. woke up early the nxt dae for lessons.. not enuff slp i guess.. must have enuff slp!! if not will have dry eyes! then i cry no tears! [ hahax..tat's wat we learnt in child development.. =P ]

i tink i dun have the time n worst still the mo0d to study.. [ OMG! ] wat if i fail the module?alamak! m i tinking too much? hahax.. okoks.. enuff..enuff.. l0lx..

Date : Saturday, May 06, 2006
Time : 11:08 AM
Title : new "scho0L" "friends"..

wee..todae got to noe which child care centre we are being posted to for our FP.. sukuna had told us last week tat we will most likely b posted to somewhere near our home.. i got posted to blk407's child care centre..smwhere in wdls st 41.. in the estate im living in.. but my fren who stayed at blk 300+ got posted to blk 848's child care centre! which is 5min walk from my hse!! ARGHX!!

xiaofong got posted to SENGKANG! *faintss.. hahax.. pity her.. hope sukuna can help her change the childcare centre.. change to the same as mine! heex.. then can go tgt liao mahx.. =P

todae got al0t of assignments to0.. all at one go.. =\ gonna complete all these by todae or tml.. sundae working..cfm no time to complete de lorx.. suddenly had a feeling tat 24hrs a dae is reali not enuff for me.. =P i nd time to do work.. to go out.. to acc acc family..etc.. TIME NO ENOUGH!

p.s. looking forward to the visiting of childcare centre.. heex..

Date : Friday, May 05, 2006
Time : 11:22 AM
Title : early childho0d .x

2nd week traveling to schx.. evydae travelling to sch by bus.. oni 1st 2 weeks n im oready complaining..l0lx.. [ how to survive for 3 yrs like tat? ] goin to schx by bus is oritex.. the prob is coming back!! the crowd on the bus was like so0oo OMG.. we can wait at the bus stop for afew buses to pass by and left [ but w/o us ]..

i agreed tat ECH was quite a tough course to take.. =X [ but im not giving up! ] we reali needs al0t al0t al0t of READING! reali nd to try n LOVE READING.. if not i will be DEAD MEAT..

we had a class blog too.. not bad! go0d idea lehx.. =P for someone like me.. evytime 4get got wat hmk one.. hahax.. can go check it out and will know.. =P thx to the classmate who updated the hmk.. heex..

went for the 1st lesson of our sports n wellness class.. [ PE lahx.. ] i joined vball.. heex.. FUN SIA.. heex.. reali enjoyed myself.. but the warming up was like.. sec sch's PT.. but btr then sec sch lahx.. hahax.. as for me..someone who didnt xercise for a few mths.. to do such warming up..can kill sia.. l0lx.. having muscle ache now lia0.. =P [ SO WEAK! ]

Date : Monday, May 01, 2006
Time : 4:34 PM
Title : new life in NP

wootx.. have a loooooooooonnnnnnnnng time since i last updated.. l0lx.. bz working n getting lazier to update my blog liao mahx.. hahax.. apologise for that.. =)

btw sch had started for me.. starting a new journey of my life in NP.. let me start from commending abt the orientation.. starting at 5pm.. but i ran away at 1pm.. after i took the goodie bag n my time table.. =P jus told the mentor tat i got to work ltr on then i jus "ZOOM" and ran away.. hahax.. but knew afew new frens on tat dae.. exchanged num.. so tat we can meet up on the 1st dae of sch for lesson mahx.. =D

1st dae of schx.. went to sch with xiaofong n congan.. [ feel so lightbulb..=X ] 1st lesson starts at 9am.. the time table was so confusing.. but nvm.. at least i still understands it.. ended sch and went home with evg's frens.. xiaofong.peipei.congan.junlong.zihao.yanhan.haojie.. it was raining then..then they took the mrt instead of the bus.. so crowded lorx..=\ in the end we took diff trains back.. but waited at cwp for those who boarded the later train.. took us a v long time to reach home.. cos the train got prob.. the crowd get bigger n bigger.. so v late then got home.. 2nd dae oso went back with them..but took the bus.. hmmx.. almost evydae oso went back home with the same old frens.. =D

after the 1st few of the lecturer told us tat tis course is one of the toughest course in NP!! [ OMG! ] we got to learn about THEORIES! wat this philosopher saes.. n tat one sae wat.. so confusing.. dunno wat we had to learn tis for.. but there is oso lesson which are fun..n funny.. l0lx.. got a lesson which we actuali learn how to SING! hahax.. the lecturer taught us how to sing twinkle twinkle little stars.. sing by using the diaphgram..etc.. l0lx.. then told us to go back home n find nursery rhymes n the origins.. nxt lesson when she told us abt some of the origins.. i was so amazed.. i dun even noe tat nursery rhymes oso got a origin behind it one.. and i dun even noe tat "london brigde" have other verses too..

london brigde is falling down
falling down, falling down
london brigde is falling down
my fair lady

build it up with iron bars
iron bars, iron bars
build it up with iron bars
my fair lady

iron bars will bend n break
bend n break, bend n break
iron bars will bend n break
my fair lady

build it up with gold n silver
gold n silver, gold n silver
build it up with gold n silver
my fair lady

isit it long? all i noe abt it was the 1st verse oni.. l0lx.. fridae went to work after school.. i was carrying so many heavy!! but in the end managed to get to work on time.. but soaked..cos it's raining heavily..=\

have been working at sentosa for quite some time.. reali enjoyed working there.. free nice food to eat.. friendly environment.. nice ppl.. great chefs who treat us things.. l0lx.. reali dun bear to stop working there.. hahax.. pay oso not bad.. =)

currently im oni worried tat i couldnt cope with my sch work.. having sch n assignments to do.. but have to work part time at the same time.. poly life i dun tink last min work can help.. time management is reali imprt for me now.. no time management.. im dead then.. l0lx.. [ sounds too serious liao =X ]

i guess i shld update frequently nxt time.. reali miss those sec sch days.. n all the great frens tat we jk ard with.. tchers who we are close with.. reali miss those days.. sec sch life rox.. =)

P.S. frens..must keep in touch kk? no matter wat.. must must must.. hahax.. miss u all..


  • WENDY.
    21st June.
    Everything else, you'll know when you know me. (:


  • hi;
    i love you. :)


  • Leave some of your love. (:


  • xueni


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