Date : Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Time : 1:21 AM
Title : ` grown.up? : :

tinking abt the present me..and the past me.. i guess i had grown up alot.. alot more then i expect myself to be.. i was crying while blogging this entry.. why? cos i was worried abt my family finance prob.. got a bad feeling tat dad was jobless.. but im not sure.. didnt wan to ask him.. he kept asking me when i start working.. and was asking it every single dae.. i noe he cares.. and he wants me to play a part to contribute to the family income.. so0oo do i.. i wish i could do so0oo too..

todae went to interview with gillian and ZY.. fullerton hotel.. jade restaurant.. intro by BK.. tod tat they wanted 3 full timers.. but in the end.. they sound like they will hired part timers.. and the pay was reali too low.. $500 for part timer.. i oni went for interview todae.. dad called 2x.. and asked whether i got the job.. and when start working.. he sounds happiex on the fone tat i sort of nearly got a job.. but all i brought home is disappointment for him..
actuali after the interview i tod of lots of things.. and tears did well up in my eyes..

jus now when i got online.. bunny came to tok to me.. and i noe BK flor bunny and i tink yanhan got the job at orchard..the pay was not bad.. congrats guys.. =] must work hard.. and cherish the frenship btween each other.. =)

Date : Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Time : 3:50 AM
Title : ` rotting.decomposing.rooting : :

rotting..decomposing..rooting [ growing roots ].. life after Os.. b4 work.. so0oo boring.. nearly rot at home.. =X had been a long time since i blog? hmmx.. nthing much to blog oso.. =P hmmx.. ytd went to catch zathura.. quite a nice movie.. v adventurous.. and abit funny.. l0lx.. the little boi was cute.. =P after movie went to 806 bball court and meet up with frens.. =D

wondering m i tinking too much? or m i too sensitive? got a feeling tat i had been isolated or ignored by tat grp of frens.. 1st they hardly tok to me ytd.. 2nd they hardly walked with me oso.. sitting dwn to eat.. okiex.. at least they did tok to me.. and i felt btr.. forget it! take it as i m too sensitive.. life is still the same.. they are still all my great and wonderful frens.. im being too sensitive liao..

[ but i still life had changed alot for me..]

Date : Friday, November 25, 2005
Time : 4:08 AM
Title : ` s.t.a.r.t : :

[ 23.11.05 ]
ehx..1st dae of holidae? lolx.. no more Os! [ weex ] but still went back to schx for the short briefing on PAE.. hmmx.. no 3 mth JC for me.. lolx.. can't get it lahx.. results not go0d.. but i can get in the Millennia Institute.. l0lx.. to0 bad.. i not interested.. =X hahax.. so0oo nvr even tink of entering.. =P eligible for it..but i dunwan.. =D went to cwp to have brkfast/lunch with frens..[ phoebe.BK.flor.ting.hui ] ate at the fo0d court.. =D long time since we last ate lunch at cwp fo0d court le i guess.. =X after tat jiu went back home liao.. then went to orchard.. torture sia.. =X c so0oo many skirts wan buy.. shirts wan buy.. alot of things wan buy... ><>
[ update 24.11.05 at nitex ]

Date : Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Time : 8:13 AM
Title : ` : :

yipee! finally the dae arrived! 22 nov 2005 3pm.. marks the end of the big Os..!! wee!! woot! no words can express the excitment and happiness in me.. =D jus feel so0oo GREAT.. =P hmmx..goin to find a job and start work asap.. finance at home wasn't go0d.. need to earn $$ asap le.. well.. tat's the start of the new chapter of my life! =D

to those who are "concern" abt how m i now.. im v fine.. and living happily with my great frens.. enjoying my SINGLE LIFE.. i hope all those rumours and gossips can stop.. i hate those gossips and rumours.. and those who tink tat u can determine whether im single or attached w/o asking me.. jus to tell u.. u can b a fortune teller liao.. i dislike those untrue and unreliable one-sided source.. those 2pid things irritates me.. anyone who is/are spreading it.. pls stop.. i dun like it..

Date : Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Time : 6:52 AM
Title : ` : :

from the start of start of start of the big Os.. i had been studying with diff study grp at 883 mac.. mid with BK en flor wenkang linfong KK and some others boi from my class.. prelims.. most of the time im studying at home..but i did study at mac with some ppl.. BK flor en some sec5 guys.. then the preparation for Os.. studying at mac.. with BK flor bunny yanhan zy tionglun weizhang iyeu kianwee chicken little and some other sec5 guys.. owaes 3 or 4 girls oni.. but made alot of new frens thru the study period at mac.. have great fun.. snatching bunny's wallet..hp.. threatening him with the slight bending of his i/c.. and wateva cards tat can b found in his wallet.. the teasing of frens.. all the lame jks.. the chemistry tat happen between ppl in the study grp.. we had been thru happy times.. and times which tears play a part.. from goin to mac.. the study grp oso go play bball tgt.. then even go jamming tgt sometimes.. been thru those times.. learnt alot of things.. the "sianx diao dance" invented by bunny and yanhan? [ lolx ] the singing of the chicken little song.. had been thru alot with these ppl.. but "tian xia mei you bu shan de yan xi".. todae is the last dae we will be studying tgt at mac.. tinking back.. had a confuse feeling.. glad tat Os is ending.. sad tat there will be no more studying tgt at mac.. guess evyone will be bz with their own life then.. working.. making new frens outside.. will the study grp lost contact? i hope no.. tis might be the best study grp i ever had.. =D evytime there will be things to laugh at.. to jk abt.. to lame abt..and magic tricks to c? [ hahax ] guess im goin to miss the studying time.. todae is the last dae oni.. i oready canot bear liao le.. ><" sianx diao.. hope tat the study grp remain in contact and while bz-ing with each other own things.. the whole study grp will b still in each other's mind bahx.. not 4getting the chicken little advertisement at mac which play a part in entertaining us too.. [ =P ]


on the way home from mac juz now..i suddenly came to tink of the past.. i feel tat i still canot 4get "someone" lorx.. y can't i juz step out of my past? y can't i stop tinking abt those times tat i had with "someone"? almost everyting tat i c i will tink of "someone".. i noe it's not worth it to let "someone" stay in my mind for so0oo long.. i noe i had to 4get "someone".. but whenever im goin to erase those memories and "someone" from my mind.. "someone" will reappear again.. i dunno y.. even not "someone" reappearing infront of me.. songs will remind me of him oso.. either the songs i hear from my com or the radio.. sometimes i dun even wan to tink of "someone".. fate will still make me c "someone".. i dunwan anyone to be taken as the replacement of "someone".. i dunwan to treat anyone unfairly.. the oni way is stay alone..single..till the dae i completely can 4get "someone" and let go.. y m i not the type tat pick up and let down easily? no point holding on and not letting go and not giving other a chance..i noe.. but i still did those pointless things.. i guess im used to my single life.. im afraid to get into another r/s tat will cause me pain again.. i wan no more pain.. im afraid.. but i guess if im not brave enuff to step out of the "darkness" i will stay frightened and timid for a long time.. getting hurt is v painful.. but the pain can oni b felt by the one being hurt.. time is needed.. how long? i dunno.. and let nature take its course.. love canot b force.. if there's fate.. 2 person will be tgt no matter where they are.. and no matter wat obstacles they face..


..h2l2los ..3w!† jo po!2l3d v 3w 3/\!6 3sv3ld..!Hz 6u!h 3p v† unx ovHz 6uvHs 6u3Hs !u 6uo> 6uvm !x uq 3h ..6u!d !† !vp 3p v† 6nvp !u vq 6uv!x nq om ..uv!f !Hs ovh nx 3p u3Hz om 6uv!x om n6 ovHz 6uv!x 6u3H 3h..ovH 6u3H om !np !u ovp !Hz om 6u3p !nH !u ovp !Hz 3h om..ovH 6u3H om !np !u ovp !Hz om : u32l 36 !h o†

Date : Friday, November 18, 2005
Time : 3:58 PM
Title : ` happiex.biirthdae.BEE/KEE KWOON and SHAWN: :

ytd is a memorable dae for 3 of my frens.. beekwoon keekwoon and shawn.. noe all of them since sec1.. turning 16 tis yr.. l0lx.. finally for BK? =X cos she can enter pool centre "legally" liao mahx.. hahax.. went out with alot of ppl todae to celebrate their bdae.. BK KK shawn.. the 3 main artists.. =P and flor..yusi..ZY..iyeu..YH..bunny..chicken little..ccw..i tink tat's all bahx.. [ sorriex if i missed out anyone.. =X ] actuali is plan to eat lunch 1st then play p0oL de.. in the end play po0L 1st cos huihuang goin off ard 1+.. then went to play po0L lorx.. since HH at po0L centre liao.. dunno open how many tables sia.. me and flor dunno how to play.. ask yusi and BK teach lorx.. then anyhow play.. =P after p0oL went to have lunch lorx.. then all dispersed.. some wan eat sakae.. some wan eat dunno wat.. some dunwan eat pasta.. in the end oni me BK yusi flor chicken little iyeu went to pasta and eat.. then KK and shawn acc us to pasta.. ard 3 then they leave for sakae.. after meal.. ccw tell me smting.. then i left the grp for awhile.. then meet up again at 4.45 for movie.. [ harry potter ].. the whole cinema was full? i tink so0oo as we went in i scanned the whole area.. i tink shld be full bahx.. it's a long movie.. 2.5hrs i tink.. nice movie. ^-^ then after tat.. went to cresent park.. walked there.. cos got pasar malam on the way mahx.. then saw tommy and his fren afew times on the way.. then we were complaining.. hahax.. cos v long way to cresent park.. so0oo threw our bags to ccw and ask him carry.. =P [ no choice.. kor mahx.. =X ] we 4 girls [ BK flor yusi me ] walk and play along the way.. then finalli reach cresent park.. hmmx.. nice park.. at night go v nice atmosphere.. =D but got alot of snails.. --" scare step on one.. cos step b4 once.. v scare liao..=X hang ard there and loiter until ard 11+ then we left for 768 for dinner/supper.. then eat abit lorx.. jiu sent flor home.. then yusi.. then at the bus stop all parted.. left me BK KK and Yh on the same way.. in the end Yh oso parted.. BK and KK sent me home and they went home.. have a great dae? well.. quite good i tink.. although got unhappiex things tat happen which i didnt blog abt it..hmmx.. hope the 3 enjoy jiu can liao.. ^-^ it's their dae anywae.. =D

Date :
Time : 3:35 PM
Title : ` ending.of.O'lvl.so0n : :

havent been updating my blog for daes? l0lx.. busy with Os and revision.. no choice.. =P

[15.11.05] -amath P1
sat for the amath paper 1..well..actuali was pondering whether to take anot.. cos i dun reali prepare for amath.. but in the end still went and risk it.. =P then was tinking tat is paper 1 is hard then 4get abt paper2.. and not goin to sit for paper2.. well.. paper1.. i can sae it is reali easier then prelims.. and all the exams tat mr cheng set.. =X so0oo decided to went for paper 2..

[16.11.05] -geography elective
todae geo paper.. like nvr study much for it..=P jus went in and write craps lox.. [ hahax. ] but overall the geo paper i tink quite easy lahx.. i managed to finish the paper.. leaving one min to "check" my work.. l0lx.. didnt check anyway.. =X i oni arranged them.. and tied them tgt.. cos i dunno how to check lorx.. check liao need add in points.. oso no space.. =X

[17.11.05] - amath paper 2
i dun have much confidence with my paper2..mayb cos i didnt reali put in my effort and study for it bahx.. =\ nvm.. evything is over.. and wat's left is the sub sci paper 1.. MCQ oni.. =D HAPPIEX BIIRTHDAE TO BEEKWOON KEEKWOON SHAWN!! all 16 liao.. l0lx..
BK: can enter pool centre liao horx? v happiex rite? l0lx...

feeling abit down actuali.. after hearing all those things u sae.. nearly cried.. but i controlled.. cos i dunwan to spoil the mo0d..

Date : Sunday, November 13, 2005
Time : 4:50 AM
Title : ` O'lvl.period : :

let me try to recall and update wat happen afew daes ago.. =P

[ 09.11.05 ] - english P1.P2. sci phy P2

finally settle the most imprt subj.. english.. =D dun have to do those comprehensions and write compo liao.. [ yeahx! ] tis time the comprehension i tink was understandable.. meaning tat i can understand wat the whole story is toking abt.. compo..the narrative one..quite hard for me..cos i have no ideas to write tat.. =X then i chose the one word de to write.. can make up story mahx..so0oo anyhow make up one lorx.. =P
sci phy P2.. abit tough? i tink so lahx.. =X shld b able to passed? =P dunno lehx..

[ 10.11.05 ] - bio P1.P2

todae one dae settle diao bio paper.. =D actuali i didnt study for bio tat much.. =X cos i feel tat i had read the topics repeatedly..then abit..sian? =X oni read and scan thru roughly oni.. not much confidence in bio bahx.. =\

[ 11.11.05 ] - emath P2

hmmx..emath paper2.. i tink tis is the 1st time tat i did emath p2 quite smoothly.. =X it is not as hard as i tink..not as tedious as wat mr cheng expected.. shld b able to pass bahx i guess..

left with 4 papers.. amath P1.geog.amath P2.sub sci P1...yeahx! 4 more oni... jiayou! ^^o

Date : Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Time : 6:29 AM
Title : ` beginning.of.the.O'lvl : :

[ 07.nov.05 ]
todae marks the "official opening" of my Os..1st paper emath paper1..and SS.. well.. emath paper1..afew qns dunno..but lucky not i dunno oni.. =X afew from my class oso dunno.. =P [ afew more ppl dunno feel more an xin mahx.. =X ] hmmx.. as for the SS.. haix.. 1st time a paper made me shed tears sia.. =P went into the examination hall.. when the examiner announced the start of the paper.. i flipped to the last page.. read the 3 essays qns.. immediately..automatically *pu.tong* the tears dropped out.. =P cos all the essays qns i didnt study dao anyone of it.. wuahahax.. =X 1st time in all my SS examinations sia.. anyway attempted the one on sri lanka de..cos last yr mdm kartini got keep "nagging" to us abt the sri lanka thing..so0oo based on memories liao lorx.. g0d bleSs bahx.. =D

happiex biirthdae fL0rence.. ^-^v

[ 08.nov.05 ]
2nd dae of the major exam.. hmmx.. a dae nearer to freedom le bahx.. =X woke up with a stiff neck.. [ bu hui sui jiao =P ] but still had to go for chem paper2.. the paper was.. i tink so0oo so0oo bahx.. no confidence.. =X g0d bleSs lo.. ><>

hmmx..wish all those taking Os all the best and go0d Luck.. ^-^o jiayou!

Date : Monday, November 07, 2005
Time : 4:16 AM
Title :

wo0tx.. kind of excited and kind of worried and streSsed up lia0.. ><" the imprt examination tat we had been preparing is arriving.. jus TML! haix.. SS and emath paper1.. hmmx.. guess tonitex btr have a early rest.. to prevent my sickness of CARELESSNESS to happen tml.. if it did happen tml.. i reali will burst into tears.. =X such a major exam and i still careless until sia0.. i will cry sia... >< we are like still slacking? most seniors smsed me and asked me to work hard..and wishing me go0d luck.. but still dun tink im working hard..and giving in all my hard work lehx.. =X haix.. wat happen to me huhx? wanna to be like prelims again? last min? tml is the paper and todae chionging like siao? i dunwan tat again..but i dun tink i can avoid.. =\ tml is SS paper.. and till todae im still studying for it.. ><
jialat sia me.. major exam and i still like take it lightly.. =\ must reali work hard liao! guess afew daes wun bl0g le.. unLess im reali streSsed up and reali no one to turn to.. then i guess i will blog all my thoughts here.. not meaning no one i can tok to.. as now it's the examinations period.. so0oo..btr dun bother my frens to0.. they oso have their own probs to settle.. =) hmmx.. all must jiay0u tgt norhx.. work hard jus once.. and we can enjoy liao le.. ^^
xian ku hou tian..
tian xia wu nan shi..zhi pa you xin ren..
chi de ku zhong ku..fang wei ren shang ren.. =P

` go0d luck and jiayou! ^^o

Date :
Time : 4:13 AM
Title : ` starting.so0n! : :

wo0tx.. kind of excited and kind of worried and streSsed up lia0.. ><" the imprt examination tat we had been preparing is arriving.. jus TML! haix.. SS and emath paper1.. hmmx.. guess tonitex btr have a early rest.. to prevent my sickness of CARELESSNESS to happen tml.. if it did happen tml.. i reali will burst into tears.. =X such a major exam and i still careless until sia0.. i will cry sia... ><
tml is the start of the major exam and we are like still slacking? most seniors smsed me and asked me to work hard..and wishing me go0d luck.. but still dun tink im working hard..and giving in all my hard work lehx.. =X haix.. wat happen to me huhx? wanna to be like prelims again? last min? tml is the paper and todae chionging like siao? i dunwan tat again..but i dun tink i can avoid.. =\ tml is SS paper.. and till todae im still studying for it.. ><
tues the chem paper.. paper 2..and i had oni studied afew chps? haix.. sianx dia0 sia... jialat sia me.. major exam and i still like take it lightly.. =\ must reali work hard liao! guess afew daes wun bl0g le.. unLess im reali streSsed up and reali no one to turn to.. then i guess i will blog all my thoughts here.. not meaning no one i can tok to.. as now it's the examinations period.. so0oo..btr dun bother my frens to0.. they oso have their own probs to settle.. =) hmmx.. all must jiay0u tgt norhx.. work hard jus once.. and we can enjoy liao le.. ^^
xian ku hou tian..
tian xia wu nan shi..zhi pa you xin ren..
chi de ku zhong ku..fang wei ren shang ren.. =P

` go0d luck and jiayou! ^^o

Date : Saturday, November 05, 2005
Time : 5:21 AM
Title : ` xi.huan : :

`*- 我喜欢你不是因为你的好,可是你的好是喜欢你。

Date : Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Time : 3:59 PM
Title : ` : :

woke up in the morn.. saw ccw's msg.. jus 3 words.. " He is gone ".. i gave him a call..but no ans..so0oo i called tommy..and from his voice i guess he had cried.. when i knew it.. i called fl0r...and when i told her.. my tears jus burst out.. she canot believe it either.. haix.. then i called bunny..when i told him.. i cried again.. and even worst this time round.. after hang up.. ccw called me.. and i was crying until vv jialat.. i dunno y.. haix.. 1st time.. i lost a fren jus like tat.. and i remember tat i still saw ccw and him at mac afew daes ago.. and when they went out.. i still chased after them and tell them not to go smoke.. i still c zx smiling and jking with the frens at mac.. haix.. zhen de dunno wat happen sia.. =..(
then me and fl0r went to schx and wait for those taking MT Os de to b released.. then after tat.. i cried out..cos i canot control my tears and ren lia0.. after tat went dwn to guang ming shan there with bk, fl0r, ZY, bunny, yanhan, iyeu, kianwee [ dunno got miss out who ].. to0k mrt dwn.. reali saddening sia.. reached there.. saw zx laying there.. i wanna cry.. but jus couldnt..i dunno wat happen to my eyes.. i wan to cry..but it dun allow me too.. mr cheng oso came to0..after tat we went home then to mac to mug again.. haix...
我很辛苦。好想哭,可是哭不出来。 心很痛,好想哭,可是哭不出来。 心很闷,好想哭,可是哭不出来。心很酸,好想哭,可是哭不出来。我很痛苦,很辛苦,很不好受。怎么办? =..( in'll 4ever be remembered in our hearts.. friends to the very end.. may u find happiness in the other world..


  • WENDY.
    21st June.
    Everything else, you'll know when you know me. (:


  • I’m unique, very;
    or perhaps just weird?


  • Leave some of your love. (:


  • xueni


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