Date : Monday, October 31, 2005
Time : 3:49 PM
Title : ` be.strong.zhixiang! : :

all i can do now is pray hard..and hope tat zhixiang is fine.. he is a nice guy.. he will be fine! yao jian qiang..! miracle will happen de..!
God bless him..please.. =..( i dunwan anything to happen to such a great fren.. =..(

Date : Saturday, October 29, 2005
Time : 5:28 PM
Title : ` : :

*` 爱一个人不一定要拥有她,但拥有一个人就一定要好好去爱她。

*` 每一个女孩都曾经是一个无泪天使,当她遇见了自己喜欢的人,她学会了流泪。所以一定要好好的珍惜自己的女孩,因为她们曾为了你,放弃了整个天堂。-- fl0rence =D

Date : Friday, October 28, 2005
Time : 1:00 PM
Title : ` hate.being.suspected.and.misunderstand : :

went to civic ard 12.40pm.. help mummy go bank do smting.. then went to cwp alone and rot..needa wait for BK and fl0r to buy BY's bdae gift.. [ belated de =X ] hmmx.. BK fl0r and ZY like competing sia.. c who reach cwp 1st.. l0lx.. in the end i saw fl0r 1st.. =X then went sbw de tis fashion and find l0rx.. [ hope she like the shirts bahx.. =D ] then went to mac and mug l0rx.. as usual.. but todae seems to have a larger grp.. =X hmmx.. let me c.. got BK fl0r me en 4 girls.. and got bunny yanyan [ yanhan ] zhuoyou kianwee weizhang chunwei zhixiang.. hmmx.. zhixiang came awhile with chunwei then he left but ccw stay.. then after awhile at 8pm went to 806 to play bball.. [ with BK fl0r yanyan bunny ccw zy wz kianwee ]
play awhile then rain abit liao.. went to shelter.. but oni me and wz didnt play.. in the end rain stop liao.. they ask me go play.. jiu go lorx.. who noes.. daddy called.. 5missed calls.. ><" ask me go home and acc my sister... =\ then i dunwan.. mummy sae nvm.. go home at 10pm.. [ but tat is as usual mahx ] who noes.. i went back to the game.. daddy called and scold.. rainy day play bball.. told him no rain liao shouted at me and chase me home.. okiex.. i listen to him.. go home l0rx.. who knows.. they spy me l0rx.. i reali dunno y they haf to do all these.. worried abt me? okiex i understand.. or tod im having relationship i oso dunno.. actuali dunwan anyone to send me home.. but then BK bu fang xin.. so0oo ZY send me home.. cos he didnt play.. then mummy called again when im reaching the blk.. she ask me l0ts of 2pid qns.. who is tat guy? zhuoyou ar? i tod shld got one left one right? y 2 of u walk so0oo slow..tok wat huhx? I HATE BEING MISUNDERSTAND! reali madx at my mum tis time l0rx.. =\ suspect me.. spy me.. ask those 2pid qns.. ><" i was so0oo angry tat i cried.. =\ reali spoilt my mo0d sia.. it has been a long time since my parents last spy and suspect me le l0rx.. '
我不知道为什么他们要怀疑我?为什么不要直接问我? 为什么一定要跟踪我? 我讨厌被误会。 讨厌被%u6

Date : Thursday, October 27, 2005
Time : 4:23 PM
Title : ` happiex.biirthdae.beeyee : :

get to noe the fact todae [ 26.11.05 ] at ard 12+ bahx.. when i noe it..i was crying like hell.. tod i wun cry even if i noe it.. but to0 bad.. i still canot control.. i called fl0r.. and xia dao her.. l0lx.. [ flor: dui bu qi ar =X ] went mac at 11++.. then went to schx to celebrate BY's bdae.. cut cake oni.. then went back to mac.. then listen to song.. heard dao " ghost of you and me ".. memories flows back into my mind.. and tears started to roll dwn lia0.. ><" sianx diao sia.. at mac lehx.. so0oo maLu.. =X then decided to went out with BY BK flor and ZY to celebrate BY's bdae.. shun bian dun make myself so0oo sadx.. =X
went to esplanade..3 crazy girls.. =X hmmx.. we went up to the rooftop garden at esplanade oso.. 1st time went up there.. =X quite nice.. fl0r was frightened by a cockroach..l0lx.. then all scream as fl0r shouted.. =X we turn left saw one couple kissing.. turn right oso saw another one.. so0oo paisehx.. ><" had a enjoyable dae lahx.. all kisiao-ing.. =P ZY oso lame with us sia.. at wdls..awhile flor went home liao.. then me BK n BY start a v 2pid game.. l0lx.. ZY bcame the accomplice.. =X we 3 hide at the wall by the escalator..then when smone is coming up.. ZY will give signal then we 3 stand up.. l0lx.. lame lahx.. but we were enjoying.. =X sounds norty lehx.. =P heex.. then tink abt other lame things to do.. ehx.. even tod of tricking the taxi driver that we wanna hire a cab.. =X but nvr did tat in the end.. then walked home l0rx.. reali had a fun dae out.. hmmx.. well.. promised myself... 4get tat bai chi.. =X he didnt even give a damn abt my feelings.. y shld i shed so0oo much tears for him and make my eyes swollen and suffer.. =X even i said all these.. i noe tat im still abit sadx lahx.. but nvm! i still got so0oo many great frens! =D
BK : i will keep my promise to u de.. dun worry..=D
Fl0r : sorriex for troubling u last nitex..=P xie xie ni.. =D
ZY : xie xie ni.. ^^ u shld noe wat im referring to.. =)

...37 !vn>I uv!b !h !q 3p onH ovh 6u!p !h !f !z om u!h vp 6u!f !h om

Date : Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Time : 2:04 PM
Title : ` focus! : :

focus..focus..focus!! dun tink so0oo much liao.. ><" dunwan get bothered by other things.. nthing is more imprt then my Os now!! =X
went to mac to study as usual.. with those grp.. 1/2 went home n mumxmumx.. too hungry liao.. smmore bo $ =P so0oo no choice.. hmmx.. but long time no eat at home le.. get to eat oso go0d lahx.. ^^ then went back to mac to continue mugging..
...v!s 6mq...s6u!733= s!H H+!m 6u!hvd svm ! 3>! spun0s +! : 60q 3u03wos pv32

needa stay happiex and focus on the studies le..hmmx.. on the way home.. me flor and BK "robbed" yanhan and bunny's tings.. =P

so0oo unlucky todae sia.. met a siao ding dong!!! xia si wo.. heng i shout for flor, yanhan n bunny to "u-turn" back.. they sent me till the bus stop opp my blk..then one malay man went in 1st.. i dunwan to take the same lift as him.. so0oo i stand by the side and waited.. who noes.. he waited for me to enter the lift.. then when the door closed 1/2 way.. he open it again.. twice smmore.. then i tod of pretending tat i wanna open the letterbox.. then he shouted "oie oie oie" at me.. xia si wo..then he went up to the 6th flo0r smmore!! i dunno wat he is up to at the 6th flo0r.. so0oo called flor and the 2 boys back..and acc me up.. =P timid sia me.. =X but v scary lorx.. when i called flor i nearly cry out.. l0lx.. scary siax.. wdls not safe de!! =X met so0oo many unlucky incidents here.. ><"

Date : Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Time : 2:14 PM
Title : ` evything.spoilt : :

in short :
- went jamming again..
-ashraf taught drums..
-trying hard to learn.. [ will practice at home ]
-went bball
-i oni sat there and do hmk
well.. regretted for saying smone.. reali sincerely apologised to him.. but the reply i got back was : please leave me alone... i had enough... don't bother to apologise.. everything is my fault.. don't bother to reply..
well.. tis msg reali make me upset..and angry at the same time.. i noe it's my fault to sae those words " ni heng guo fen" b4 i understand the whole situation.. i apologised.. and if tis is wat u ans.. u give me a feeling tat u treat my apologies like nthing.. no one push all the fault to need to sae all ur fault.. and u reminded me of my 1st stead.. he oso evytime "it's my fault" whenever we quarrel.. and i reali was hurt by those words.. and i hate those 3 2pid words.. i admit i cried alittle.. but i was reali upset.. since i had apologised.. and u reply me in tis manner.. reali make me angry.. well i noe..tat's you dui mahx? =\ kicked the wall with BK to fa xie..
- evyone had their period of sadness in their life..
- not oni u will be sadx.. others will oso be..
- not oni u will get hurt.. others as well..
if u r reading tis.. i sincerely apologised to u again..u wan to 4get and 4give anot.. up to u.. once words are canot b taken back.. but words can be added on to it.. and i added the word "sorriex"...

Date : Monday, October 24, 2005
Time : 2:49 PM
Title : ` : :

went jamming studio again.. with flor..zhuoyou..haojie..kian wee [ dunno spell correctly anot..=X ] and jiahao.. haojie wanna find tat studio..and learn drums.. and found lorx.. jammed awhile lorx.. an hr oni.. he is a fast learner.. then zhuoyou use one magic trick to exchange and ask tat little boy who noes how to play drums to show us his skills.. [ li hai horx ZY.. use magic exchange.. =X ] tat little boy was GREAT.. PRO sia.. l0lx..
ZY: xie xie ni ar.. ^^ abt the learning drums thing.. heex.. =D
hmmx..then went to mac.. bunny was there..so0oo he asked if we're goin.. so0oo dropped by and "pay him a visit" which is equals to BULLY him.. [ hohox =P ] then zhuoyou suan ming again.. hahax.. evytime oso suan ming.. =X helped yanhan suan.. flor suan.. i oso suan.. actuali is wanna suan career oni.. then love oso shun bian lorx.. [ hmmx.. suan le..i oso 4get..l0lx.. ]

Date : Sunday, October 23, 2005
Time : 5:08 PM
Title : ` : :

爱一个人没有错,可是爱得太深,往往会让你做出一些让她感到害怕的事。 而你是在不知不觉的情况下做出的。。。
well.. hurting someone is awful.. i noe.. but im v pressurized by wat u did and wat u say.. sorriex to hurt u again n again.. it's pointless to do all those things for me.. getting sadx over me when i did nthing at all.. useless and pointless.. honestly.. i feel tat im starting to be abit scare.. it's the 1st time tat smone told me so0oo many tings.. and is willing to do so0oo many tings for me.. xie xie ni.. but hope u treat me as a vvv normal fren.. those tat jk along.. laugh and lame tgt de.. instead of those tat keep avoiding me.. not toking to me.. i felt relax after telling u all those things.. =) i noe im relaxed.. u're hurt..and bleeding more.. and might even be crying.. dui bu qi.. but i reali need time.. i need time to get over my previous relationship.. i need time to cfm my feelings.. i need time to clear my tods.. time is needed.. and mayb a v long period of time.. sorriex..O's my main focus now oso.. a brand new wendy who had 4gotten abt her past is wat u wan.. i dunno when will tat brand new me arriving.. i have bad adaptation.. need alot of time to get adapt and use to new environment.. and im afraid of being hurt once again.. being hurt 2x is vvvv scary and painful.. waiting is painful oso.. i noe.. cos im experiencing it.. trying hard to 4get is oso painful.. i noe.. cos im experiencing it as well..
ZY : xie xie ni.. =)

Date : Friday, October 21, 2005
Time : 3:19 PM
Title : ` mo0dLess? : :

well..dunno y feel abit mo0dy.. dun have the feeling to bl0g.. but nthing to do... =X jiu come blog yi xia bahx.. todae..went to attend after recess de lsn oni.. emath mahx.. math weak le..canot dun go.. =] hmmx.. then went to jam with ashraf..khalis and BK.. yishun there de jamming studio.. ashraf taught me drums while khalis teach BK guitar.. well.. starting off was reali v difficult.. =X canot get the hands and legs to coordinate well.. =P no choice.. i 1st time learn and reali played with a drum set.. =P thx ashraf for his patience.. l0lx.. had fun lahx.. =) learnt smting oso.. must practice at home.. i tink the beat is for the song "still got the blues" de.. ^^
then went home..bathe..went dwn to mac lorx.. with flor n BK..hmmx.. heng qi guai.. todae fri.. mac v little ppl oni.. then ard 9pm went to play bball.. with BK..flor..weizhang..jiahao.. haojie..those same old ppl.. =P
dunno y feeling moody.. somehow feel tat smting is missing todae..why lehx? wo bu zhi dao.. jus feel tat smting is't ritex.. or m i tinking too much lehx? ><"
bu xiang qu xiang liao le.. let nature takes its course bahx..是你的就是你的。。那。。你是我的吗?我不知道。。可是我知道。。我不想再让宁一个人再次伤害我的心。。我已经被伤了两次。。心已经很痛了。。我不喜欢也不想又有那心痛的感觉。。

Date :
Time : 7:35 AM
Title : ` sub.sci.practicaL : :

ytd went to mac with BK and flor to study as usual.. but ytd mac was nearly "full hse".. =X but still manage to get a table and settle dwn.. we were revising for our sci practical.. then.. morning dom sae wanna ask me things abt sci pract.. then actuali asked me to call him at nitex.. instead i asked him to call me hp..while i was at mac.. then i can sunbian revise while answering his qns oso.. =X but those qns he ask.. vvvvv weird lorx.. wat grp1 metals is wat reactive dunno wat de..he sae read from guidebk.. hmmx.. then follow guidebk lorx.. =X then tok for quite some time lahx.. he so0oo many queries.. --" then actuali oni ask me chem.. in the end phy oso ask me.. let him ask lorx.. i can sunbian revise oso.. =P well.. quite surprising tat got contact with him again.. lolx.. cos long time nvr contact liao.. =D

todae pract was EASIER then PRELIM.. =X to me lahx.. i tink mrs chew set one harder.. so0oo tis time chem pract shld b "okiex..mei wen ti!" as for the phy one.. i tink quite fun lehx.. keep rolling the ting.. time oni..=X but v noisy.. grad got 8.87.. dunno suan correct anot lehx.. =\ hope so0oo.. =D so0oo happiex after the pract.. =P cos quite confident abt it.. =X those who dun tink they will do well/pass: dun give up! still got theory paper! jiayou!

v weird lehx.. both my bio and sub sci pract horx.. evytime i got missing equipment de.. bio is the cover slip i dun have.. whole shift oni i dun have.. then todae.. sub sci.. lucky i got check the equipment list on the board.. i dun have distill water.. asked from examiner again.. both pract oni i got thing missing.. --" sianx diao sia.. anyway.. last practicals of my life le bahx i guess.. ^^

then got quarantine in the AVA ro0m.. omg.. from ard 9.30 to 1.30 lehx!! so0oo long.. 2pid lehx.. ><
but we had alot of fun in the ava room lahx.. play alot of games.. 2pid and lame and trick ppl de.. those tat we played at mac ytd.. i got tricked afew times.. =X but i oso got cong ming de shi hou.. =X heex..

ltr mayb goin to mac and mug again bahx... it's a daily thing.. =X hahax..

Date : Thursday, October 20, 2005
Time : 3:28 AM
Title : ` O's.bi0.pract : :

hao nan ar!! nan si liao le!! [ ahhh! ] so0oo hard the paper! killer paper! comparing.. stating the differences and similarities.. wo bu zhi dao! i dunn0! wan dan liao le!! =..(
since it is over.. then suan le bahx.. needa work super duper hard on theory paper le!

tml is sub sci [ phy.chem ] pract.. shift one.. quarantine like siao.. =X in ava ro0m.. cfm like at northpole de.. =X
to all tat will be quarantine : bring jacket n fo0d.. if not u will die terribly in the ava ro0m.. =P

ytd after leaving mac.. went to 846 with BK, fl0r, zhuoyou, yanhan n bunny [ ignantious ].. zhuoyou fortune tell.. =) hmmx.. dunno wan believe anot.. =X he helped BK flor n me to "count" [ lolx..dunno wat's the word =X ] i dunnno wan to believe anot lehx.. sounds tat my life is too go0d.. =X tat's y i dun believe.. =P career good.. love life good.. money oso good.. life oso long.. how can it be so0oo go0d de.. i dun have such wonderful life.. =P as time pass then noe accurate anot liao.. [ l0lx ] he oso answered some of BK's qns.. hmmx.. oso dunno he will correct anot.. =X [ ZY : kai wan xiao de horx.. =P ]

Date : Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Time : 7:49 AM
Title : ` happiex.witch : :

after so0oo much 2pid and sadx things tat happen.. i decided lia0.. alwaes start my dae with a SMILE.. and stay happiex the whole dae thru! [ yeahx! =D ] oni a happiex pers0n can bring j0y and happineSs to evyone mahx.. =)
hmmx.. s0meone t0ld me.. 哭是一个人哭,笑是大家一起笑 [ i agree! ] so0oo decided to smile n smile n smile.. =P [ abit over liao..=X ]
anyway.. todae got back report slip.. hmmx.. L1R4.. quite well done lahx.. =X cos they take CCA marks as one of the subj.. =X if not v jialat lia0.. =P R5 lehx..hahax.. bad enuff for me to sae BYEBYE to my 3mths.. =P [ sound so0oo happiex ya? ] anyway.. decided to make full use of the 3mths to do all those things tat i wanna do.. learn drums from ashraf.. learn how to play the song "because i'm a girl".. and mayb hopefully contribute to help ashraf make his "plan" come true.. [ l0lx.. ] glad tat he is so0oo willing to teach me drums.. thx buddy! ^^

actuali quite troubled over smting oso lahx.. but dun feel like letting so0oo many ppl noe.. =P keep it secretive bahx.. make evyone xin yang yang.. =P

ltr goin to 883 mac to study again.. heard tat the " C.A.B " gang will be there.. sianx lorx.. ltr bu shuang me for nthing.. who cares.. =D [ wo bu pa ni!!! =D ]

tml is the start of the Os...[ yipee! ] happiex cos goin to start which means.. goin to end so0n.. =P [ tink to0oo far liao.. =X ] tml bio practical.. wish me luck.. go0d luck n jiayou to all the 4E1s.. ^^o jiayou!

Date : Monday, October 17, 2005
Time : 9:53 AM
Title : ` 爱.情 : :


[ ] 字收藏一颗完整的心
[ ] 字依靠一颗站着的心


[ 希望 ] 是一种甜蜜的等待
[ 想念 ] 是一份温馨的心情
[ 朋友 ] 是一生修来的福份
[ 爱情 ] 是一世难解的缘份




Date :
Time : 3:57 AM
Title : ` : :

discovered tat recently i have been crying quite al0t.. isit cos i stress? or things jus go against me all at the same time? i reali dunno myself oso.. let me vent my anger and evyting here bahx..todae is en's bdae.. already told my parents i goin to acc her todae liao.. in the end they oni allowed me to play bball in the morn with en, BK, flor, haojie, weizhang and choonchuan.. i oso dunno wat happen to my dad recently.. he seems to b "not himself"... usually he will jk.. whenever he called me and ask me where m i.. he wun b in a angry tone.. but tat dae he called, i told him im at mac..with BK and flor.. he asked me y go out w/o informing..but i did told my sister to let them noe.. in the end he said tat my sister didnt tell him.. when i double check with my sister.. she sae she did tell him.. [ who's ritex? who's wrong? i dunno ] then he on the fone tone was bad.. [ haix ] then..ytd nitex.. chatted on fone with BK until 6.30am.. from ard 2.15am start...he knew i slept so0oo late yet waking up at 8+ go acc frens play bball.. he was angry.. i noe he cares for me.. for my health..and dunwan me to fall sick.. i understand.. then when i was at the bball court.. he called me..asked me where m i.. i told him where im and with who.. then his tone started to sounds serious again.. he warned me to get back home b4 12no0n.. and he dun care wat m i doing orr wat so0oo ever.. i reali dunno y recently he is so0oo odd.. is he facing some prob outside? and is venting his anger at us? i reali dunno.. my mum oso kanna weird to0oo.. they told me to b home by 12 no0n.. and it was raining.. to avoid their nagging and scolding.. i obey.. i walk home in the rain.. when i got home.. all wet.. they scold me again.. y ling yu hui lahx? blahx blahx blahx.. then i told her.. u all sae b4 12 no0n reach home de mahx..i reached liao still wan scold.. then went straight to take my bathe.. then she was scolding me all kinds of things outside the bathro0m.. her words was hurting.. and i cried in the bathro0m...silently..and came out.. pretending tat nthing happened.. i reali dunno wat happen to my 2 gao siao.. jking parents.. wo zhen de bu zhi dao.. feel v stressed up now.. feeling confuse abt smting.. and now tis 2pid prob.. part of growing up? i dunwan! i hate this kind of life.. y can't things jus go smoothly like wat happen in the past? smtimes i reali hope time can be rewind.. and let me get back into the past again.. i bet i will cherish evy single thing.. but bcos time canot rewind..tat's y the memories are valuable n precious.. haix.. reali confused abt evy single 2pid thing happening ard me.. family..frens.. studies.. FAN AR... haix.. it had been a long time since i was so0oo vexed.. wat actuali happen? can smone pls tell me? lend me a listening ear? or a shlder to cry on? i reali felt so0oo lost..
- where am i?
- who am i?
- what happen to me?
- when did all these start?
- how come i felt this way?

answer : N.A


Date : Sunday, October 16, 2005
Time : 2:47 PM
Title : ` basketball : :

wo0tx..todae went to buy en's bdae present with fl0r and BK.. then went to mac.. hmmx.. do hmk awhile oni lahx.. the zhuoyou came.. magic time again.. =P he reali li hai sia.. i wan wat cards he oso can turn.. but he BIAN WO.. sae can turn the card i like out when we chatting in msn.. then i tod he reali can.. but he sae he not so0oo li hai..canot.. =\ hmmx.. but dun blame u lahx.. cos u try to make the Spade A fly..although in the end not whole card fly out lahx.. but got use alot of power.. happiex liao lahx..l0lx..

anyway went to 806 to play bball.. with BK.. flor.. en.. weizhang.. haojie.. choonchuan.. zhuoyou.. and xiao jiji [ a boy..dunno wat name..but he lo0ks like the chicken little at the adverstisement in mac..so0oo give him a nick =X ] kanna hit by the ball while replying a sms.. --" anyway.. no loss of memory lahx..=D then got new nick.. 84.. ><>

anyway..tml goin to play bball with en again.. tml her birthdae.. must follow her orders.. =P en: tml u biggest! l0lx..

Date : Saturday, October 15, 2005
Time : 1:52 PM
Title : ` 3mths.JC? : :

as usually went to mac n study lorx.. try to cut short my entry..=D
-zhuoyou show magic tricks..
-v li hai ar him.. =D
-1st time c magic tricks and experience it myself..^^
-he oso noe lips reading.. >< [ tested him liao. =X ]
-play games with ZY, yanhan, BK they all
-left mac early..8.30pm jiu go back home liao..

pondering..should i go for the 3mths JC? if i wanna go.. my R5 can oni let me enter innova.. but who will wan to join me? haix.. the tod of goin to try out the JC alone makes me reali wanna shed.. =\ [ hate being lonely in a stranger environment ]

Date : Friday, October 14, 2005
Time : 2:20 PM
Title : ` : :

lots to blog..=X may b lengthy.. bear with ar.. i try to summarise...=D

12 Oct 05:
-mac study with flor n BK
-play with the "stress" ball tat mrs koh give as sourvenior
-got powder inside..=X
-flor n BK wanna to "tu" it all on weizhang n yanhan..
-they even chase them ard..
-kelian de yanhan..kanna almost all..=X
-weizhang bu jiang yi qi..runawy..

13 Oct 05:
-went mac study again..BK and flor..
-study awhile oni..
-then acc them go play bball..
-with haojie, weizhang, "bunny", choonchuan, etc
-went to walk ard with BK..

she told me smting tat someone told her.. haix.. mayb is reali tat we dun understand each other..u dun understand wat kind of personalities i haf..so0oo u dislike me.. and still sae tat one dae u will let me haf a taste of ur "power".. i reali dun understand lorx.. if tat sentence "so0oo easy oso wan to ask..dun need to take Os liao lahx" makes u so0oo bu shuang me.. i bwg..and the jialat thing is I DIDNT SAE TAT.. if i sae it... i will admit it.. cos if tis sentence reali make u so0oo unhappy.. i will face the consequences.. but i didnt sae it..

BK: i noe u told him wat kind of person i m le.. and try to warn him not to do anything to me.. xiexie ni..=) dun worry.. i didnt do anything wrong.. wo bu pa! =D

u ppl must be wondering who i offended.. well..ask me urself.. =D if i wanna tell i will tell.. anyway..thx haojie...lend me his mp3... xiexie ni ar.. =D

went to pastamania with en n gina to eat todae.. en sae she wanna eat.. so0oo acc her lorx.. =D 3 of us reali lame sia..=X keep laming the whole dae..=P enjoyed myself lahx.. =]

Date : Thursday, October 13, 2005
Time : 4:42 AM
Title : ` graduation.dae.2o05 : :

todae is our graduation dae.. =D finally graduated le..=X sec schx life goin to end liao.. well.. mrs koh's speech wasnt long actualli...not as lengthy as last time.. =P then shiyu oso made her speech..the tchers so0oo nice.. made a powerpt presentation for us.. showing pics tat they to0k when we r in sec1..until we r in sec4.. omg.. so0oo touching.. gan dong until i cry.. =X [ i was controlling liao! ] in addition..they asked the form tcher to walk dwn the roll and shake our hands while giving us the year bo0k.. tis make me cry until even worst.. =X dunno wan smile n laugh or wat to cry.. mr cheng shoke my hand n he was laughing..l0lx.. but reali touching lahx.. =D [ i to0 emotional liao..=P ] then got the tchers to sign..including mrs koh.. she oni wrote " best wishes" then signed her name oni.. l0lx.. those short n long msgs tat those tcher left for us r v valuable..must cherish it.. gueSs i started to bu she de evg life liao.. ><

Mr Cheng's msg [ emath.amath tcher cum form tcher ] :
All the best! You are the best!
Wendy, i know that you are trying but you have to try harder. Cannot stay in the border line cases! I am there to help you! I am glad that you have the right attitude & don't ever give up! Wendy ROCKs!

Mr Joseph Teo's [ phy tcher ]:
Noone reach or achieve success by accident! It is achieved through perservance and hard work. Wish you success in all that you do! 祝你快乐

Mdm Tan's [ bio tcher ] :
Thanks for being part of the wonderful 4E1. All the best & may your dreams come true.

Miss Teng's [ sec3 chem tcher ] :
亲爱的Wendy. People always say "人小鬼大" But you r "small" but sweet. Stay cheerful.

Mdm K7's [ sec4 EL tcher ] :
Stay cheerful and don't let others - HJ dominate! Good luck!

Mr Sanjay's [ PE tcher ]:
All the Best! Take care and Good luck!

Mdm Kartini's [ humanities tcher ]:
she oni said to me..didnt write anything..but left her signature..=P

Mrs Choong's [ sec2 form tcher ]:
May you find joy and success in all you do.

Mdm Mu's [ sec2 chinese tcher ]:

Miss Wong's [ sec4 chinese tcher ]:

Miss Ng's :
sweet & pleasant. Quiet & good worker. These good points will bring you far. Work hard. All the Best!

Mrs Jackie Chew's [ sec4 chem tcher ]:
Be Good & Be Kind to Animals.

hmmx..all are those wishes i got tchers.. l0lx.. wondering if mrs chew is from SPCA.. =X but these wishes reali meant alot alot alot.. priceless words.. some words can contain thousands of meanings in them..guess i reali canot bear to leave all my tchers n frens.. must stay in contact!! =D

Date : Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Time : 3:06 PM
Title : ` another.studying.dae : :

went to schx todae.. not like BK.. pon schx.. =P after schx went to cwp with en to have lunch.. then help BK buy her wat fish keropok.. then i put inside my bag.. in the end when i got home my bag got tat fishy smell... --" sianx dia0.. then to0k the bag for a "bathe".. =D

hmmx..todae legs quite suan.. >< practicing for the drums lorx.. legs keep moving.. [ tat's wat ashraf taught me n ask me to practice on! ] hard work will pay off de!! =X todae oso got back eng p2 results.. heng heng i passed.. but once my p1 fail.. i fail.. so0oo needa depend on p1 le.. =\ [ worry ]

went to mac to study oso.. do the emath p1.. do until i v upset sia.. =X i finish doing then when i marked myself.. and lo0ked at my mistakes again.. 11 marks due to carelessness.. at tat moment i reali feel like slapping myself and cry.. =X dunno y so0oo careless.. haix.. when can i stop being so0oo careless lehx? alwaes make 2pid n baichi mistakes.. [ jiayou!!! ]

pers0naL tods :
- if 2 person has the chance to b tgt... shld they cherish each other?
- if 2 person has the chance to b tgt... shld they let go of tat chance?
- if a person is waiting for another person.. shld he/she keep on waiting?
- if a person is waiting for another person.. shld he/she stop waiting?


Date : Monday, October 10, 2005
Time : 5:31 AM
Title : ` did.i.or.i.did.not : :

did i hurt smone? or did i not? got a feeling tat i had hurt someone.. ><
tis kind of feeling is v 2pid n bai chi.. [ i hate it! ]

Date : Sunday, October 09, 2005
Time : 4:05 PM
Title : ` sLacking.dae : :

slack..slack..slack...todae whole dae can b sae to b slacking..=X morning woke up quite late.. cos tired..then woke up liao..actuali preparing to go n return fone bills de.. in the end.. raining.. then nvr go.. but in the end still went to deposit $.. cos no $$ in bank liao! [ which means no $ to pay schx fees..=X ] smm0re need to meet my relative.. she passing thing to my mother thru me.. after tat went to mac with BK and my sister... acc BK go 888 have her dinner.. then on the way back to 883 mac.. saw a little girl.. so0oo cute.. we kept smiling n play with her..l0lx.. her mum dun mind.. =D back at mac.. chit chat n slack again.. nvr do anything.. then went to play swing.. l0lx.. hmmx.. jiu go BK hse watch prince turns frog.. so0oo sweet lehx!!! then i replay tat sweet scene n watched again.. [ sounds abit baichi n 2pid horx? =P ] but reali to0oo sweet liao.. =X nthing much happen todae oso lahx.. ^^ shld have a go0d rest.. =D

Date : Saturday, October 08, 2005
Time : 6:47 AM
Title : ` diSappOintment.saTisfieD : :

finaLLy went to schx todae.. l0lx.. [ absent for 2 daes lia0.. =X [1] wed pon.. [2] oversLept ] didnt write letter f0r mr cheng todae.. =X gueSs mondae he wouLd had 4g0tten bahx.. =P heard tat todae getting back eng papers.. but tat rumour isn't true.. [ unreliabLe =X ] instead of getting back eng results.. we were asked to do a report writing.. ><
g0t back SS paper..section1..[ ytd got back section 2 liao ] quite satisfied lahx.. cos i FINALLY passed my humanities..!!! since last yr.. either my geo fail ss passed but overall fail.. or the vice versa.. finally for prelims i can pass both! dun need to depend on mdm kartini to pull me up le! [ cos tat time got 49/100 for overall.. she add 1 more mark.. =X ] but upsetting is my bio paper 2.. cos i failed!! 1st time got so0oo la0ya de resuLt f0r bi0.. =\ [ need t0 buck up liao ] but bio paper 1 pull me up.. so0oo.. now oni need to noe pract. results then noe i will pass anot le.. ^^ hmmx.. got back combined sci [ both chem n phy ] to0ooo.. physics.. okiex.. unexpected..chem oso unexpected! midyr is phy pull dwn chem.. prelims is chem pull dwn phy! =X phys. pract..g0t a vvvv surprising results..cos tat time came out evyone had diff graphs..tod mine grad was wrong n graph to0.. smm0re alot ppL failed their phy pract untiL v jialat.. =X but i passed! [ weex! =X ] but paper 2 oso quite okok done oni.. passed stiLL.. =) chem was the one tat pull me dwn!!! pract passed but not WELL.. paper 1..passed.. but oso not go0d.. paper2.. faiL by 1/2 markx.. overall for chem still passed.. combine sci.. g0t a B.. if chem is well done.. shld b getting an A bahx.. =X chem dropped alot siax.. x.X die lahx.. from A2 [ midyr ] to C6 [ prelims ].. deserve it anywae.. =..(

summary of my current grades :
sci [ chem/ phy ] -- b4 [ aim: an A ]
humanities -- c5 [ aim: c6 ]
emath -- c5 [ aim: at least a b4 ]
amath -- d7 [ aim: c6 ]

so0oo unsatisfied with my grades! 2pid me..

Date : Thursday, October 06, 2005
Time : 1:50 AM
Title : ` felt.so0oo.2pid : :

ytd went to mac again..with BK fl0r ev0nne and yusi.. [ evonne is having her dinner at 883 so0oo sat dwn n join us ] did eng p1 hmk.. and amath l0rx. [ ALOT OF HMK AR!! ] do until wanna mad lia0.. =X then sm0ne called BK..tell her tat emath p2 results is out lia0..so0oo she helped us to ask tat pers0n to check our results.. well..abit disappointing lahx.. lucky got frens there to try to jk n cheer me up.. if not the tears cfm DROP de.. [ xie xie ni men! =D ] not scoring v well for prelims tis time... those shld score weLL i didnt.. those i expect to faiL.. yet passed.. [ dunno wat the heaven l0rx.. =\ ] then after 10pm mac closing le.. me n BK went to 846 to continue our amath hmk.. die die oso must finish.. cos mr cheng sae tat those who didnt complete n let him check.. will have to drop amath... [ i dun even noe i wanna drop anot..so0oo btr keep it 1st =X ]
todae nvr go schx.. =X [ ponten ! ] feel so0oo bad lehx... dunno y s0me ppL can p0n untiL so0oo shiok.. =P [ no offence! ] mayb im those kind tat dun reali like to pon de lahx.. but pon dou pon liao.. l0lx.. pon cos i wanna slp smmore.. =P [ heex ]

Date : Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Time : 7:26 AM
Title : ` : :

dunn0 shld b happiex or shld b upset.. =\ got back emath paper 1.. [ the dumb paper i tis dumb girl cry for =x ] c all the X x X x X.. nearly cry out again.. but i dunwan mr cheng to worry abt me crying..so0oo i REN..=] actuali b4 he gave back the paper.. and when he wan us to c where our mistakes are.. he lo0ked at me.. v obvious is asking me to take note.. at tat moment i nearly drop tear liao.. [ thx BK..she help me sae mr cheng =X ] but i do correction for one pg oni.. 6marks of carelessness le.. i nearly angry of myself until cry.. ><
dunno y i so0oo careless.. haix.. =..( [ bai chi ]
got back chem paper 2... oso another big bl0w.. =( gueSs i reali need heLp.. =\ well.. at least i got back geog.. quite satisfied lahx.. cos i got passed.. but i nvr study for geog.. =X the worrying thing is SS le.. if SS fail.. mayb humanities will fail AGAIN..=X SS canot fail more than 3 marks.. [ arghx! reali angry abt myself! >< ]

luyi darling : happiex biirthdae ! stay happiex ^^
marilyn : i pass u the prelim papers when i got aLL those tat u wan..

Date : Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Time : 9:51 AM
Title : ` 1st.dae.after.preLims : :

hmmx..todae went back to normaL schx dae.. nvr bring any bo0ks for less0n.. cos got 98% cfm is go thru papers.. =X and indeed there is goin thru of papers.. start the dae getting back our amath paper 1.. hmmx.. i had seen the paper b4 le.. but todae as i calculate how much marks i lost due to carelessness.. i nearly vomit blo0d and collapsed on the flo0r on the spot.. =X 12 marks! can reali kiLL me.. ><
[ smm0re 1st dae oni so0oo many hmks liao >< ] then mr cheng after schx actuali got amath remediaL.. in the end he canceL it.. but he to0k the paper 2 to class.. and i saw mine.. saw the "SO CARELESS" word written there.. feel like banging on the wall =X when can my maths paper be clear of the word "careless" nehx? [ reali dunn0 ]
ohya.. at the lib having eng lsn tat time.. hui sae she hungry.. then i jkjk give her my hand.. sae i v kind let her eat my flesh.. then she reali go n bite.. smm0re is hard de l0rx..!!! still got the trace of the teeth there.. ><
then now got blue black liao lahx.. she stiLL sae add colours to my life.. add such a sadx and co0L colour worx.. [ 1st time lehx! hui ar.. pain de lorx.. =..( l0lx.. ] goin to mac n mug ltr bahx.. ^^

Date : Monday, October 03, 2005
Time : 2:14 PM
Title : *[[! -//`

hmmx..todae went to mac with flor, BK and en.. start mugging le..^^ b4 tat we went to drink teh bin.. =P [ teh bin siao =X ] after tat went back to mac and mug.. feel so0oo malu.. =P cos i noe my emath results v bad le.. then BK n en keep tokin abt emath results.. saeing who got highest.. then they oni get watwat.. hear liao i v sadx.. then dunno y tears jiu drop liao.. =X trying vvv hard to bear liao.. but still canot ren.. >< [ sorriex ar xia dao u all anot? =X but i try v hard to ren liao.. ] 2pid me lahx.. so0oo bai chi.. =X gueSs weizhang, yanhan and tat dunno wat name de guy [ flor call him bunny =X ] shld have seen bahx.. so0oo malu!! then after awhile haojie came.. gave me one pair of drumsticks!! so0oo shocked lorx.. dun expect tat he reali go n buy.. smmore cost $18.90!! [ tod he sae buy for me on my bdae..then wun give me so0oo so0n ] btw..xiexie ni ar haojie.. l0lx... then went home and watch THOUSAND CHICKEN CHANGING [ qian ji bian ] hahax.. direct translation.. so0oo nice.. =X got shuai ge[s] and mei nv[s] =P goin to bring tissue tml..=X cfm taking back results.. gueSs i have to train my ren gong! canot drop tear so0oo easily..

Date :
Time : 3:55 AM
Title : *[[_______study.hard! -//`

haix..just checked my emath n amath results from mr cheng's f0rum..reali bo mo0d liao le..=( suddenly feel like dr0pping yan lei.. =..( nvr so0oo upset over my results b4...reali upset...upset..upset..sadx..sadx..sadx..disapp0inted.. disapp0inted...disapp0inted.. guess i shld work harder then ever le.. =..(
"sadx" is the oni thing to desribe how i feel now.. just simply sadx..

Date : Sunday, October 02, 2005
Time : 1:15 PM
Title : *[[_______happiex.children's.dae!! -//`

1st thing 1st.. HAPPIEX CHILDREN'S DAE [ to me ] =D
boring dae todae..=X in the afterno0n oni bahx.. asked hui and en to go out.. in the end nvr go out os0.. [1] dunno can go where [2] en's bro not at home she canot go stayed at home lorx.. chatted with gina on the fone oso.. awhile oni lahx.. [ gosSips =P ] then she asked me to watch movie at nitex.. free movie tickets mahx.. =X [ her mum's fren's girlfren got free de..cos the girlfren work at cathay..then got 4 free tickets to "the red shoes" ] free movie tickets..bu qu bai bu qu lehx.. =P [ sound so0oo "scrooge" l0lx.. ] quite a nice movie lahx... quite scary oso... oh ya! my 1st NC16 movie.. wuahahax.. =X i dunno y must b nc16 lehx.. mayb is those murdered scenes to0 groSs bahx.. hmmx..quite scary lahx.. the sound effects.. [ watched with gina, her sis, gillian and her dad..hahax.. ] after tat i left 1st.. then went to KFC to da bao lorx.. jiu go home liao..
en: nxt time go out drink teh bin horx.. ^^ hahax..ask flor and BK oso.. =P nxt week? or one of the weekdaes? =X

Date : Saturday, October 01, 2005
Time : 6:38 AM
Title : *[[_______yeahx! byebye.preLims! -//`

yipeeeeeex! l0lx.. preLims OVER lia0.. weex! =D so0oo happiex.. =X after weeks of hard work.. burning of midnitex oiL.. lack of sLp.. doin of TYS.. reading up of txtbk and notex.. finaLLy! prelims over lia0! [ wuahahahax =X ] todae last paper... sci paper 1 and amath.. but sadx to sae lahx.. amath n sci paper 1.. i no confidence to score weLL..=X end of prelims = start of Os.. [ stiLL happiex! ^^ Os faster come faster go mahx..=P ]
after the last paper..went to meet evonne.. having lunch with her and BK, en, flor, hui, eunice and mic.. [ girls' outing =P ] went to cwp de fo0dcourt f0r lunch.. [ l0lx.. ] then after tat went to swensens for iceE-creaMm..^^ [ abit weird..lunch eat fo0dcourt..desSerts went to restaurant..=P ] each of us oni need to pay $2.. can eat 5 diff flavours de.. [ worth it..! ] then eat finish le.. stiLL played s0me games.. [ quite fun lahx.. sort of guesSing and tricking ppL de games.. ] to0k pic to0.. [ post it when von sent me =D ] after tat mic n eunice jiu went home liao.. von, en, BK, flor and me jiu stroLL at cwp lorx.. then saw lvl1 seLLing baskets of swts.. jiu go there and buy l0rx.. =X pick and mix those kind.. bought abt $2.50 de swts.. =X [ xiao hai zi mahx..canot live w/o swts.. l0lx.. ] then take pics again.. with the aid of the mirror at the waLL below the escalator.. =X after tat me and BK jiu went home liao.. pouring outside.. ><" so0oo relax now.. =] at least can have a short rest liao.. ^^ but my sister's EOY examinatin0s jus started.. hope she study hard.. [ dun alwaes play maple.. =\ ] rest is oni for awhile.. need to start work so0n le.. canot sLack.. =D
mondae cfm take back results.. mondae = tearfuL dae =X alot sae mayb taking back english paper.. [ fail liao..other subj then 4get it.. =X ]

- STILLhavingSTUPIDfluANDcough -


  • WENDY.
    21st June.
    Everything else, you'll know when you know me. (:


  • I’m unique, very;
    or perhaps just weird?


  • Leave some of your love. (:


  • xueni


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