Date : Friday, September 30, 2005
Time : 3:02 AM
Title : *[[_______biol0gy.paper.1 -//`

went back to schx from 8 to 9 oni..f0r biology paper 1..finished the paper within 30mins.. =P - 15mins do 1st time - 10mins redo 2nd time - 5mins shading [ shading at super sl0w speeeeed =X ] but stiLL checked my work lahx.. jus in case.. made stupid n careleSs mistakes.. =X
after the paper..then mr cheng came to the NE library to teach me, BK and ting relative velocity [ amath ] tis topic..so0oo hard.. dun understand wat true speed..wat relative speed... wat maximum speed.. [ wo de tian ar! ] then try my best to understand lorx.. =)
oh..dui le! b4 start of bio paper..he passed dwn a class list.. our prelim amath paper 1 de results.. [ his efficiency rate so0oo high =X ] got 40/80 [ weak amath! can pass im happy liao..=X ] jus passed oni..i was stiLL tinking tat.. border line pass..not goin for Os.. need to sae liao.. then in the lib he brought n show us our papers.. goin to FAINT liao.. i flip the papers.. "careless"..."careless".. PENG! so0oo many careleSs mistakes lorx.. smm0re reaLi so0oo 2pid de mistakes! [ y so0oo careleSs!? ] as he check through..add one more mark for me..so0oo is 41/80.. [ ting n BK stiLL sae..can go for Os liao..not border line pass liao.. --" 41 not border line pass mehx? T.T ] hmmx..shld not disapp0int mr cheng! must buck up for paper2..which is TML! =\ [ must reali score btr then paper1 ]
tml..amath paper2 and sci [ phy.chem ] paper1..dunno which one to study 1st.. ><"

Date : Thursday, September 29, 2005
Time : 6:09 AM
Title : *[[_______n0isy.n0isy.n0isy -//`

so0oo0oo0ooo NOISY!! [ wo de tian ar! ] dunn0 wat the ppL renovating for my blk.. >< so0oo0ooo0oo noisy.. came back from schx..then b4 enter lift [ from 1st flo0r ] jiu heard the noise liao..then the lift came up..and reached the 6th flo0r.. sianx dia0 liao.. cos the whole flo0r was so0oo dusty..cfm near my lvl de lia0.. climb up the stairs..so0oo suay lorx.. same lvl as where i live.. ><" saw one indian man sitting on the flo0r..covering the mouth and nose with toweL.. sianx diao lehx.. =\ wanna have a short nap oso hard liao lahx.. =X [ canot blame them..gueSs is work ordered from govt de renovating the whole blk ]
todae's chem paper.. hahax.. siao liao lo..=P so0oo hard.. [ mrs chew choose de qns mahx ] dun even noe can get a B anot.. =\ then amath paper.. do-able..but dun tink al0t c0rrect..l0lx.. i might b able to do..but with the wrong methods and steps.. [ not confidence at aLL ] tmL one paper oni.. great... [ heex ^^ ] bio paper 1.. MUST DO TYS.. =]

- there goes my nap! =( -

Date : Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Time : 4:13 PM
Title : *[[! -//`

jus finished mugging for my chem and amath.. o0oo..gueSs update tmL bahx.. oready 1.12am lia0..><" dunn0 enuff sLp mahx.. [ cfm not enuff =X ]
m0m0ren: sorriex.. paisehx.. ><" last min sms u saying tat i need to study for my amath... =X nxt time treat u tang guo lahx.. =P sorriex.. but ur heLp is needed for my Os.. =] xiexie ni

Date :
Time : 5:52 AM
Title : *[[_______m0ther.t0ngue.preLims -//`

weLL...t0dae ishs the dae f0r mother tongue paper..actuali dun nd go back schx..but i stiLL went back with en..lo0k for mr cheng f0r heLp in amath..so0oo pLan aLL sp0iL..=X actuali ytd nitex planned to practice amath untiL quite late the end mum chase me to bed..=\ [ r0LL n roLL n roll on the bed..untiL v late then sLp ] so0oo worried abt my amath.. ytd nitex i did smting so0oo damn bai chi de..=X [ hahax ] i cried..=X cos? stress up lahx! last min got tuition..troubling for my amath..havent practice..then worrying abt chem..etc..to0o0oo pressurized liao..=P [ cry out at least btr then do siLLy things..=X ] then chatted with mr cheng n miss ng tgt with BK KK en n fanny..[ but stiLL got heLp from mr cheng..=D ] hope can pass amath bahx.. if not scoring weLL..i dun tink i goin for the Os liao..=X if border line pass i dun tink i wanna take tat risk..[ mayb shld ask mr cheng to give me 10qns to do daily..=X cos w/o assessment by tchers i wun so0oo hardwking go practice daily myself de..=X ] sianx..ltr goin out to study..=\ [ hope can absorb weLL bahx ]

Date : Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Time : 5:37 AM
Title : *[[_______emath.paper.2.biol0gy.paper.2 -//`

haixXXxxXx...emath paper 2..DIE LIAO LAHX!!! =..( biology paper 2.. DUN NEED TO LIVE LIAO!! dun even n0e i study so0oo hard f0r bio f0r wat..=\ study lia0..go to schx.. dun seems t0 rem anything..=X [ STM! :- Short Term Memory ] al0t tat i read and memorise by hard..didnt came out..=\ those tat i HATE and canot get it into brain de jiu came out.. ><> *breathe in*breath out* [ relax! ] whole exam coughing and sniffing away..[ bad health ] get weLL so0n wendy! =P

went to have lunch with BK and si.. [ evytime eat untiL sianx lia0..>< ] went home..so00oo suay.. dunn0 y sudden vomitted.. [ so0oo groSs to sae here..=X dun sae liao..=P ] getting weaker n weaker daily.. DYING! =X [ wonder wat if i die suddenly lehx..=X i cfm regret untiL sia0..hahax ]

hmmx..btw changed the bl0g song.. tis song is titLed "臭男人" hahax..not scolding any of the guys btw..[ no offence ] i oni like the lyrics..=P f0r no reason.. ^^ i posted the lyrics if u wan..=)

臭男人 - huang yida

我就是你们女生最讨厌的那种人 专门欺骗女人感情的臭男人
我就是那个家里有了一个还嫌不够 还在外头养了一个小女人

喔 喔 喔 喔
我就是你们所谓的不在乎天长地久 只在乎曾经拥有的臭男人
我就是那个一三五会在家 二四六哪还用说 而星期天是平靜的渡过

奇怪的是这世界 男人不坏女人不爱
要帅要体贴又要关怀 这种男人已不存在

我就是那个让你不明白 让你看不开让你好无奈
对了就是那个臭男孩 让你叫天 天不理睬

就是那个让你失去 让你心痛 让你泪流 让你一生好痛恨的臭男人
我就是那个让你无法自拔 无法渴望 无法预料 一生痛恨的臭男人

*comment whether this song nice anot..xie xie*

Date : Monday, September 26, 2005
Time : 7:06 AM
Title : *[[_______midnight.0iL -//`

ytd nitex was burning midnitex 0iL..burn untiL todae 1+am.. actuaLi shldn't study untiL so0oo when a pers0n is sick + slight fever.. can cause brain damage de..=P [ study to0oo much bi0 lia0 ] todae m0rning w0ke up quite early smm0re.. ard 10+am.. w0ke up jiu start t0 study again.. [ havent eat brkfast jiu study lia0 >< ] then went to buy lunch.. after lunch..back to bo0ks again.. bombarding myseLf with bi0.. =\ n0 choice..tmL bi0 paper.. smm0re math paper 2..i os0 v weak.. die lia0.. ltr b0th paper oso die.. [ liang bai ju shang ] haix..dunn0 wat happen t0 tat BK again.. =\

t0 la0gong [ BK ] : laogong ar.. he dun worth it de l0rx.. he so0oo idiotic.. =X dun even n0e how to cherish y0u.. u love him so0oo much but he os0 like bo chap u.. y bother to l0ve him so0oo much.. now he like dun even treat u as a normal fren lehx.. if he stiLL toks to u at least he is not so0oo cold-blo0ded.. he treats u as a stranger n0w lorx.. dun worth it..since u had chosen the route.. b determine.. focus on ur prelims and Os..tat's wat's the most imprt now... u oso v pretty mahx.. dun need scare no ppL wan u.. poly cfm alot ppL jio u de..^^ sec schx oready al0t liao l0rx.. =X [ but u belongs to us the 10 laopos lia0..=D ] dun b so0oo sadx over him..i wanna c tat siao ding dong BK h0rx.. dun wan the one sadx sadx evydae de.. c lia0 oso xin suan.. show him tat w/o him u can live happier then b4.. =D

so0oo long de msg f0r her..=X hmmx.. recently seldomly go dwn n study tgt with Bk they aLL.. c0s sick.. dun wan t0 spread the germs deviL to them.. btr qurantine myseLf at h0me..=X

pLan :
mondae :- practice AMATH!
tuesdae :- CHEMISTRY!

Date : Sunday, September 25, 2005
Time : 1:30 AM
Title : *[[ -//`

ytd to0k the ge0g and phy [sub sci] paper..i didnt even read up abit on ge0g the dae b4..=P [ 1st time nvr study f0r EXAM ] ge0g..can counted as quite easy lia0 least i manage t0 recaLL the p0ints and write..=) phy paper..so0oo many tricky qns..=\ [ not confident in scoring weLL ] i gueSs..the nxt paper onwards i shaLL wear a jacket t0 schx..=X my seat there..the fan so0oo big..smm0re i faLLing sick lia0..[ ishx sick liao >< ] so0oo sianx dia0..prelims then sick..=\ fLu..slight fever..c0ugh..l0lx.. whole exam keep c0ughing..=P [ disturb ppL ] skiPped ytd amath tuiti0n [ outside de ] faLLing sick lia0..then like wanna have fever lia0..so0oo faster g0 h0me and rest..=X [ g0t mum's permisSi0n to skip de..^^ ] went h0me and had a nap..after nap..went to mac to study with BK they aLL..awhiLe oni..[ c0s afew daes nvr g0 down study lia0..jiu g0 dwn awhile lorx.. ] gone h0me ard 7.09pm.. cos wanna watch tbee..untiL 8.30pm.. actuaLi can go0oo back d0wn de..but 9pm wanna watch X-fiLEs..=P [ tbee sia0 ] but g0t yi bian study bi0 yi bian watch tbee lahx.. =D [ becming y0ng g0ng liao! ] so0oo worried..=\ scare n0 time t0 study..><
mon - bi0 paper 2 . emath paper 2
tues - chinese [ i off! =P ]
wed - chem [sub sci] paper 2 . amath paper 1
thurs - bi0 paper 1
fri - sci paper 1 . amath paper 2
the scedule so0oo tight..><" smm0re i g0t lousy time management.. even worst! scare tat i faiL my amath..cos if faiL then O'lvl dun need g0 liao..=\ bio..so0oo many things t0 mem0rise.. tues..intend to use f0r chem revisi0n..but chem paper crushed with amath paper..><" [ sianx ] gueSs t0dae settLe dia0 bi0..then tmL practice amath n emath paper 2 bahx..=\ [ tired!!! sick!!! 2pid iLL deviL! ]
btw heard tat eng g0t 70% faiL.. i gueSs im one of the 70%..=X prepared f0r the worst lia0..
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
大笨蛋。大傻瓜。大白痴 =..。下不放。了不忘是还是可

Date : Friday, September 23, 2005
Time : 4:32 AM
Title : *[[_______emath.paper.1.SS -//`

glad tat SS is over..^^ but dun tink i can pass =P combine humanities to0 weak liao.. nvr passed for overaLL b4..=X either geo pass or ss pass oni..=P tis time i gueSs CMI again lahx..emath paper 1..hmmx..dunn0 can get the score i want an0t..=\ [ hope so ] have been coughing through the whole examination..the haLL so quiet..tat makes my coughing sound so0oo loud..><" tmL is geog and phys [sub.sci] paper 2...goin to sLp 1st.. if not i cfm zZzzZz at nitex while mugging..=P go0d luck to aLL again..^^
[ wendy!!! jiay0uuuu! ]

Date : Thursday, September 22, 2005
Time : 6:58 AM
Title : *[[_______breathleSs -//`

lucky i stiLL manage to survive to tag tis..=P ytd nitex was a tough nitex for me..><" feel breathleSs had been a long time since i last have it..=\ [ exam streSs? dun tink so0oo bahx ] smmore coughing non-stop..so0oo xinku..><" wondering wat if i reali die..=P wiLL regret nvr do anything anot? [ YES! yes! Yes! ]
tis morning..BK ask me whether i wanna study outside anot..dunwan go schx..but my mum cfm scold me de mahx..then she ask me wear schx U pon..--" [ siaox..if i kanna caught alot of tai ji de lehx..=\ mafan ] but i went to schx..^^ [ guai mahx..=P ] not a v tired or bored dae lahx..goin to study for SS lia0..tmL SS paper and math paper 1.. [ g0d bleSs =) ]
go0d luck to aLL..^^

Date : Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Time : 9:01 AM
Title : *[[_______bi0.practicaL -//`

wo0tx..todae went to schx at 9am..w/o the need to go DC..tchers have no rights to scold me for being late..=P c0s i g0t bi0 practicaL!! [ wuAhahaAx ] todae went to have brkfast with BK..en..n shawn..then i left at 9am n walked to schx..reporting time is 9.15 mahx..i walked in..ppL having PE..lo0king at me..with tat "y late stiLL so wei fong" lo0k..l0lx..then when i walked untiL the stairs near the generaL office r0und of late c0mers were sitting in a taufik was there to0..they aLL lo0ked at me..tod i oso late..smm0re later then the end i stiLL smiLe at mr taufik..and went upstairs..l0lx..[ so wei fong..=X late dun need tio DC n sc0lding..>< ] waited at the NE lib..miss tang then came up n bring us down..the bio pract..1st qns was the one tat i read up ytd..and questioned BK to see if she noes..l0lx...after her shift3 pract she told me they were discussing abt it in the lib jus now.. [ hahax ] so tai-co let me read tat pract..hmmx..but the overaLL pract..><" DIE LIAO LORXxXxx =\ histogram..dunn0.. table..drew one oni..but mdm tan sae need 2..so0oo jialat..><><" [ streSssSssSss ]

Date : Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Time : 7:12 AM
Title : *[[_______chem.pract.results -//`

ytd aftern0on went to my aunt's hse f0r angba0 smmore..--" cos she actuali tod me n my sister wiLL be goin to heLp her "fetch" the bride in the morning..but we didnt..=X oni my mum went..but she stiLL gave us..^^ then on the way hm..BK sms me..ask me at nite wanna go play candles anot..but i canot..cos at nitex got dinner..then she told me..junbia0 at nitex oso attending wedding dinner! then me n BK were saying..if reaLi attended tHe same wedding dinner as him h0rx..i wiLL ckp on the spot! [ lucky different! =P ] when i saw the bride..i was..SHOCKED..=X she quite plump..then the extra fats..--" [ 4get it..btr not sae =X miss mazlinda is slimmer then her..^^ ] long as she n my cousin love each other can liao..=D ytd my little niece..v young girl oni..she did a special performance on the stage..she played the VIOLIN!! weLL..she cfm gr0w up to b a fair lady..=D her family is rich..father n mother one so shuai one so pretty...she oso v pretty..noe how to play the violin..hard to find.. =X ytd nitex got home at ard 11+ goin to 12..so0oo tired..get to drink red wine at the dinner..=P actuali is mum's de..then i drink n drink..=X [ red wine go0d for the no to0 much oso.. ] actuali oso drank abit oni lahx..i glass oni..=P stiLL prefer my 7-up..=P

2dae..pure physic pract..stay in class n did self study again l0rx..[ revised SS =X ] then got back my amath cheng oni marked the 1st page..gueSs he wanted to v0mit blo0d after marking the 1st few qns bahx..=P did badly..c0s nvr study..=P during the pract period..mrs chew came in and gave us back the prelim chem pract paper..hmMx..afew ppL from my class faiLed..mayb c0s the paper reaLi to0 difficuLt lia0..i tink got higher tHen O'lvl standard..=X gueSs O'lvl wiLL be easier bahx..=D hope tat phy pract can passed to0..if passed oso then my sci pract overaLL is stiLL a pass..^^[ =P ] tmL..biology pract..btr study abit on theory..mid yr i didnt study the end qns on theory i dunno how to ans..=P

n0te:- i linked mr.cheng's go visit..heLp him revive his f0rum..=X

Date : Sunday, September 18, 2005
Time : 11:35 AM
Title : *[[ -//`

ytd abit fLu liao..then last nite abit feverish sia...so0oo worry tat i got fever when i woke up tis morning..=X 1st cos of preLim..2nd cos tmL there's a wedding dinner..[ biao-ge getting married =) ] lucky no fever..=D but quite serious de flu.. [ AHCHOO! ] keep sniffing..=\ start the dae so0oo early..8am jiu wake up lia0..canot sLp..block nose..did bio hmk...sianx sia..tink of goin f0r wedding tmL..gonna waste another dae of revision again..scare mondae sick..then dun need go schx lia0..>< color="#009900">criticaL period...wan jiu after O then sick..=X drink m0re h20..!!! troubled over wat to wear tmL...but settled it just n0w liao..=D oh ya..acc mum to cwp jus n0w..c0s she wanna buy high-heeLs...hmmx...heLped her choSe one..gueSs she liKe it bahx..^^ [ actuali i oso like..=P ] goin to do hmk and sm revision later..if not tmL go dinner oso wiLL tink abt schx work..=X

Date : Saturday, September 17, 2005
Time : 3:52 AM
Title : *[[_______engLish.preLim -//`

t0dae is quite an imprt dae f0r me..yet..i w0ke up late in the morning..><" lucky n0t late for schx..[ cos i prepare double the speed i use to in the morn =X ] rushing the whole morning..then while wearing sh0es..c the dark...then faster went to schx..so0oo worried..cos i nvr read up any good phrases for paper1..=P [ 1st time =X ] but stiLL have to sit f0r tat paper mahx..did qns2...narrative de..safer..=) but i scare i wrote out of point..>< [ hope wun lahx..] then got an hr brk untiL paper2..paper 2..haix.. DEAD! the summary..so0oo many points can write..but oni limit 150 words..=\ to0k out sm points oni..oh ya! so0oo nice of en! tat dae i sae i wan eat choco..then can concentrate more..i oso got mention abt rewarding myself with choco after evy paper..then i got motivation to study and do weLL..then she todae passed me a packet of choco b4 paper1..!!! [ so0oo gan dong =..) xie xie ni..=D ] i sae wan choco then she bought for me...hahax..anyway i tat time oni crapping oni lehx..=X nxt time dun buy lia0...i wiLL paisehx..=P [ i now eating whiLe blogging..=) ] ltr having amath tuition at 2pm..tod can rest early todae..=\ nvm..untiL 4pm oni..v fast de..v fast de..><

Date : Friday, September 16, 2005
Time : 6:50 AM
Title : *[[_______engLiSh.preLim.tmL -//`

o0oo..t0dae no morning run..haix..but went to take amath test..1st qns dunn0 how to d0 liao..=P [ dead meat! ] prelim nearing yet i stiLL so0oo much amath qns dunn0 how to d0..streSs..streSs..streSs..=X tmL wiLL english preliM paper lia0..imprt paper lehx..><" h0pe i wun faiL..=\ english..sort of my weakest subj other then humanities lia0.. [ must jiay0u..=D ] woahx..t0dae en passed me ytd de is hmk..so0oo thick! gueSs al0t of hard w0rk is reaLLy required..=)
forgiveness is not something that you do for someone else; it is something that you do for yourself...weLL..i reaLLy dunn0 y there is a "conflict" at my tagboard..=\ cos of tat nick "m0m0ren" oni..--" [ sianx diao ] whoeva is tat "m0m0ren2" n0t bothered anym0re l0rx..jiu shi bu yao qu guan ta..=) wat kind of person m i..ppL wh0 understands me know me..and evyone have diff points of mayb tink im a bai chi..a stupid girL..who cares..=X I AM WHO I AM =D so0oo..hope tat argument can stop..=) i dunwan to start a "conflict" at my tagboard..anyone who visited my blog..i wiLL be gLad..=] let bygones be bygones..*wink*
go0d luck to aLL taking engLish preLim tmL..=D

Date : Thursday, September 15, 2005
Time : 7:19 AM
Title : *[[_______sci.prac.dead.meat -//`

ytd nitex so0oo nerv0us..fr0m last nite tiLL t0dae morning..><" c0s todae sci pract mahx..prelim oni so gan j0ng lia0..O'lvl..die! haix..tis m0rning went t0 schx earlier..t0 find tcher..ask abt phy pract..but wat i asked is n0t tested..=\ [ nvm..mayb O wiLL ] haix..sadx..b0th the pract..die lia0..phy..abt balance de..quite easy t0 do..but dunn0 y the graph..alm0st vertical line fit came out..sae g0t curve..g0t weird points..g0t 's' shape graph..gradient is 0.8 or 1..[ density of water ] but i g0t 5.7..=\ [ 4get's over ] for chem..mrs chew ch0se de qns..v sianx dia0..last qns..3 marks..ask abt titrati0n de..[ pure chem ] i arga arga anyhow write..btr then nvr attempt..=X die lia0 this time..haix..4get it..once it's's over..then qurantined at ava ro0m..freeze untiL bc0me ice-cream lia0..did s0me seLf revisi0n..tHe watch tHe start of "charlie n tHe ch0colate fact0ry" [ fanban vcd =X ] then mr cheng came in and show us the vcd he recorded f0r tchers' dae..[ watched the 2x lia0 ] then went off at 1.30pm..went back to class and collect our eng paper 1 [ mock exam de ] weLL..i passed..but i know tat if tis paper is marked by mr tan..cfm faiL..lucky..over aLL stiLL passed..[ h0w i wish tis is my O'lvl resuLts..=X ] reaLi upset..haix..=..(

Date : Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Time : 9:00 AM
Title : *[[_______haVe.t0.w0rk.reaL.harD -//`

started schx witH a sh0rt m0rn tHe heAD of tHe engineeriNg c0urse representiNg 5 p0Lys..[ i tHink iS mr.f0ng..he's fr0m RP ><" ] actuaLLy tHis taLk iS f0r 4e2 t0 4e4 and tHE sec5 NAs..wHen our cLaSs knew it..we weRe c0mpLaining y 4e1 dun haVe..=X [ 1st time the cLass wan t0 have tHe taLk so0oo muCh ] he's here t0 teLL us m0re abT engineerinG de bahx... [ b0rin taLk =P ]
tHe this t0k aTe int0 our 1st peri0d..[ SS ] kartiNi liKe abit unhappy os0 lahx..c0s left 10mins oni..buT after receSs stiLL g0t an hr witH her...tHen had our 4peri0ds of engLish.. lucKy is mdm k7..[ she's a nice tcHEr ] at leaSt her lesSon n0t tHat sianx..=D g0t back tHe paper2 m0ck exam..wo de tian ar...i c tHe resuLts..nearLy faiNted..stiLL getting this kind of 2pid sc0re!! [ didnt paSs =( ] paper1 wiLL be receiving iT tmL...[ n0 h0pe in paper1..po0r engLish + limited vocab = f.a.i.L ]
t0dae's lunch..quiTE speciaL..=P c0s me co0k ! [ heex.. ] co0ked marc0roni f0r lunch.. f0r me sister and me..hmmx...1st time co0k marc0roni...resuLTs..quiTe niCE..=P [ my sister os0 sae n0t bad..=X g0t "wiTneSs" ] afTer lunch i went f0r a sh0rt nap..tmL haviNg sci [ phy.chem ] pract..1st shift..qurantined wh0Le dae...tink is at NE libr..n0t bad.. n0 lesSon..+ can seLf reVision..weex! greaT! muSt w0rk harD lia0!!! anyway i tink i recentLy turNed quiTe y0ng g0ng lia0..tHe p0wer of choc0Lates..=X evytime revise tHEn need t0 eat ch0coLates..[ ch0coLates can make u c0ncentrate better...and can DESTRESS..=P ] h0pe tmL's pract evythiNg is smo0tH..nthing brk..and can light the bunSen burNer eaSiLy.. [ c0s midyr de bunsen burner g0t prob..cauSe me t0 waste so0oo much time..c0s tat b0tak ye0 lahx..>< ]
go0d luCk to aLL tHoSe taking sub sci [ phy.chem/bio ] pract tmL..jiay0u...^^O
glad t0 n0e tHat was a imp0ster..c0s th0se w0rds are liKe needLes..s0rriex abT tHis incideNt..=(

happiex biirthdae PEIPEI! =D

Date : Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Time : 6:28 AM
Title : *[[_______1st.dae.of.term.4 -//`

finaLLy started tHe 1st dae of terM 4..=D th0se taking pure chem had their prelim pract t0dae..l0lx..titrati0n and QA..h0pe they d0ne it weLL...=) wed wiLL the c0mbined sci [ phys.chem ] pract..h0pe can survive thru lahx..=X spent tHe m0rning in the cLass d0in seLf-reviSi0n..realiSed tHat i reaLLy had t0 w0rk hard lia0..tHis examinati0n can affect my fuTure..IT"S IMPORTANT! =X btw..p0n the streSs management thing..=X gueSs i dun need it either.. [ im a streSsfree pers0n now..=D ]
weLL..having a tagb0ard isn't a go0d thing either...c0s..either the owner g0t p0sed..or the owner's fren g0t it..if tHe imp0ster is reading this..can u please stop wateva u r's 2pid...dun u have an identity? =\ sianx...--"

Date : Monday, September 12, 2005
Time : 9:56 AM
Title : *[[_______911.ceLebrati0n -//`

hmmx..just g0t home fr0m "911" ceLebrati0n..[ m0st ppl dunn0 wat 911 ceLebrati0n =P ] the gathering of the d0g family...[ ] went to pizzahut..=D last yr os0 celebrated at pizzahut..l0lx..but tis year we oni ordered a large hawaii pizZa..c0s yijun n0t eating..smm0re dun have the lunch set on weekend..--" reaLi have a fun time.. we didnt order any drinks oni "pLain water"..actuaLi is plain de..buT..tat eunice..go and add tHe chiLLi int0 our drinKs!!! [ c0s hui pour int0 eunice de..then eunice p0ur int0 ours..>< ] but stiLL drinkable lahx..=P then we went to waLk abt in cwp..[ cos hui having her guitar lsn at 6.15pm..so0oo acc her l0rx.. ] i brought a set of stickers..f0r keyb0ard de..v cute mahx..=P n0w my keyboard so0o0ooo c0LourfuL..=D colours can brighten the dae mahx..=) hmmx..then went h0me aLone.. saw him while on e bus..he is wif an0ther 2 girLs..shLd b cLasSmates..he's n0t mine..i have n0 right t0 feeL s0ur..but i stiLL havE tHat s0urneSs..why?
todae hui, shawn and KK als0 came to my hse t0 study...awhiLe oni lahx...i gave them a qian bian wen da ti abt the $2 n0tex..they gueSs untiL sia0..but hui stiLL didnt give up.. KK then called BK to ask f0r the ans..when he and shawn n0e the ans..they were botH laugHing..[ reali so0ooo Lame and qian bian ] schx starting tmL lia0..ohx...th0se taking pure cHem aRe having their preLim prac. tmL..wish them go0d Luck.and aLL tHe BEST...=D

Date : Saturday, September 10, 2005
Time : 9:45 AM
Title : *[[_______feel.so0oo.auntie -//`

:: aLL.tHingS.brigHt.aNd.beauTifuL ::
todae did abit of chem tys and geo hmk..[ at least nvr dui bu qi myself..=D ] then went to da bao lunch...[ sick of outside fo0d liao..>< ] after my lunch actuali intended to d0 chem tys again de..but c my ro0m flo0r like v dirty...[ cos mum working..recently nvr clean the hse ] the BTH...actuali wan to vacuum my study ro0m the end vacuum the whole hse..then oso m0pped..finally! [ clean! reali can0t stand the dirty flo0r! ] sweated al0t...><" then to0k a bath... [ SHIOK! =P ] the co0k rice..and heat up the s0up..feel so0oo auntie t0dae...=\ [ hahax.. ] but at least mum came back she is happiex..=D [ man zhu gan! ] can0t wait f0r sundae t0 c0me..=P g0in to pizzahut..=D t0 celebrate d0g family's birthdae..hahax..2 yrs old..=) g0in up t0 ah ma hse [ at jurong ] b0rrowed a car fr0m his br0..

Date : Friday, September 09, 2005
Time : 4:36 PM
Title : *[[ -//`

fl0r left at ard 8+...and i watch the colgate tbee show..><" [ cos fren sae her sis got go the of the dentist oni..=\ ] nvm lahx...bu watch dou watch lia0..=P then went to 7-11 with my sister..[ cos feel like drinking c0ke out of a sudden...=X ] brought ch0colateS treat en de..[ dunn0 y treat her..l0lx.. ] nvm lahx.. all frens..shld treat each other m0re..=X [ cheap stuffs ex fo0d ] hmmx..then sister was playing maple..AGAIN! [ sianx dia0 --" ] then i was cleaning the keyb0ard..=X c the keyboard so0oo dirty...c lia0..hand itchy..go clean it..=P [ anyway i oso nthing to d0 mahx..=D ] so0oo hungry now..><" [ go slp! can cure my hunger..=P ]

Date :
Time : 7:17 AM
Title : *[[ -//`

o0oo...dun need to g0 back schx tis week again..=X todae went to take the emath paper cheng go thru the ans on the spot...the score..not v go0d lahx..but btr then last time..tis paper set by miss ng de..not as hard as wat mr cheng usually give us de.. after the paper then went to 883 to eat with fl0r, en and BK..actuali not eat there..oni BK eat oni..en and fl0r buy drinks oni..i da outside fo0d eat until sian lia0x.. although eat afew daes oni..but evytime go the fo0d court dunn0 wan eat wat...><" just n0w had a short nap..then fl0r came lia0...g0in to do revision no matter wat... oh ya.. jus now hui sms me...sundae g0ing out to eat!!! [ yeahx.. ]

Date : Thursday, September 08, 2005
Time : 2:01 PM
Title : *[[_______end.the.dae.happily -//`


i agree with wat tis pic saes..=D no matter how upset is ur boring u terribly had u tough is the dae for u..alwaes end it with a smile..=D so0oo im g0in to end my dae..happily..=] tml there's a math paper1 test...must jiay0u..^^O

Date :
Time : 4:35 AM
Title : ______` engLish teSt

finally..finish the eng. test lia0..=D h0pe can passed bahx..=\ [ anyhow do de..to0 tired lia0 ] goin to do revisi0n later..

Date : Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Time : 2:12 PM
Title : -: baby.pic :-

hmmx..todae went to mac to study with sister and ha0jie..[ but he left shortly ] then in the end went to my hse and study again..l0lx..but todae btr then least todae we reali did our w0rk..=D then fl0r oso g0t come..BK got dinner at she went back early..en came to get s0ngs fr0m me then went back with fl0r to0.. hmmx..todae i loaded my baby pic..=D [ get help from en..thru msn ] hmmx..quite happiex..=P dian nao bai chi not tat bai chi lia0...=X mayb will load more pics nxt time..=D tml still need t0 g0 back schx f0r eng m0ck exam.. [ didnt prepare f0r it...=X ]

juz now i was watching a k0rea sh0w.. [ to0 boring lia0 ] the sh0w..the guy so0oo r0mantic..=X haix..he trying to wo0 the girl..but tat girl lo0k like his ex..but actuali is an0ther pers0n..he ask her whether she n0es h0w to play a pian0 anot..the girl dunn0.. he sae he is a magician and he can hypnotise the girl and she'll noe how to play... actuali he is not hypnotising her lehx..he place her hands on top of his..then he play... [ so0ooo sweet ... ^^ ] *slap.slap* must wake up..=P need t0o0o study oni..><"

btw..since the guys like to gueSs who i like n0w..let u all gueSs l0rx.. [ kpo kings! king of kings = wenkang! ]

Date : Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Time : 3:00 PM
Title : _: new.bl0gskin :_

weex..change new bl0gskin...[[ like nvr change b4..--" ]] thx to en! heex...she help me de..xie xie ni..=D tis m0rning went back to schx with BK to study..then ard 1+ went to my hse..flor and en came to0..then we keep enj0ying ourselves..nvr actuali study da0.. sianx dia0 lehx..wasted an0ther preci0us dae..g0in to study tml again..so0oo i gueSs btr g0 slp early..=X

en: xie xie ni..=D **

Date : Monday, September 05, 2005
Time : 8:39 AM
Title : -: b0ring.sundae :-

an0ther b0ring dae..=\ m0rning wake up..1st sentence heard is "i g0in out lia0" [[ dad said de ]] then c0uldn't find mummy..0ni saw sister infr0nt of c0m again.. [[ maple! --" ]] then ate r0ti prata f0r brkfast..did s0me math h0mew0rk..v fast afterno0n lia0.. [[ cos i wake up late bahx..=X ]] then online awhile..nthing t0 d0 oso lehx..listen t0 songs.. v slack..prelims c0ming so0n i still slacking! gueSs i shall c0mplete aLL my h0mew0rk toDae! then the reSt of tHe week can uSe f0r revisi0n..=)

i use c0m awhile oni..went to living ro0m..sister was slping on the s0fa lia0..tbee stiLL on..[[ waste electricity..=P ]] so0oo0ooo boring...><"

Date : Sunday, September 04, 2005
Time : 4:18 AM
Title : -: mizu :-

ytd went d0wn to 0rchard with hui and BK..[[ hui wanna buy pants ]] btr at contr0lling myself..=P [[ no $..i wun buy anything..=D ]] but i saw one pair of boots..fallen in l0ve with it lia0..=x [[ save $ ! ]] then went to cwp with BK..hmmx..saw one shirt at ebase.. fall in love at 1st sight lia0..but no size..><" the smallest size is "m" =\ then nvr buy...

then BK went to find liang..i go c mizu while waiting for her l0rx..mizu gr0wn up lia0..=D bigger in size le..=) [[ well fed..=P ]] then tommy let me c those video clips..1st time c ppl play drums play until neck fractured de..=x

then Bk came lia0..but she came = mizu have to be "lock" up..[[ c0s she scare d0gs..>< ]]

dunn0 y my father so0oo discouraging de..=\ tell him i wan learn drums after O..then he go sae those least my mum is worry abt the $, my time management and health..haix..tod parents shld encourage their children to do things tat they r interested in? no wonder i dunno anything now..evything oso dun let me learn..sianx..

todae m0rning wake up got sw0llen eyes..><>

Date : Friday, September 02, 2005
Time : 9:08 AM
Title : -: teachers'.dae.celebrati0n :-

-: 4e1 2005 r0x :-


Date :
Time : 8:39 AM
Title : -: n0.studiiex.mo0d :-

no schx todae..so0oo sianx..w0ke up in the m0rning..empty hse..with my sister still slping oni..=\ [[ dun like tis kind of life ]] last time evy morning was waken up by the vacuum cleaner more lia0..=\ [[ mum left for oso.. ]] h0pe Os can faster come and least i can go out and work..dun need to stay at home..so0oo lonely... sister oso went to fren's hse..=\ sianx..completed my amath hmk lia0..gueSs i shld spend this dae d0in hmk and revisi0n bahx..=\

Date : Thursday, September 01, 2005
Time : 7:28 AM
Title : -: happiex.teachers'.dae :-

woahx..teachers' dae celebrati0n todae..finali!! [[ cos can focus on studies liao =x ]] hmmx..ytd and the dae b4..went to en hse and stay until 12+ then go midnite! [[ dangerous! >< actuali ="P">

todae URBANERDS performance was GREAT!!! heex...chenghui r0x!!! [[ girls rulex ! =P ]] reali like her lehx..>< [[ the type of "avril" girl i admired..=P ]] hmmx..BK forget her lyrics..hahax..abit malu lahx..but one word oni..=D [[ well d0ne guys! =D ]]
URBANERDZ R0X! [[ =D ]] cheng said tat he did cry at the hall while they r performing..btw we raised the " mr cheng you are the best " poster up to0..just to let him c..=D [[ he cfm touched until sia0 liao le..=P ]] then when we go back to class..give him the presents..

got certificate..[[ we printed ourselves de ]] then got 2 "big" gifts inside..hahax.. wrapped in newspapers..layers and layers..he open until sia0...but he still rem wat i gave him last yr.. he thinks tat this present we gave him this year is btr then wat i gave him.. [[ cos i last yr reali wrapped in many many many layers..=P ]] guess tat he reali like it..

when he opened the class photo in the nicely decorated photo frame..i tink he quite touched..=x the class keep cheering to ask him cry..=P [[ bad horx? but nvm lahx..=x ]] he didnt in the end lahx.. [[ bet he wun cry infront of us de ]]

hmmx..oh ya! todae luyi and darling and dear come find me tok..=D o0oo..the remaining classmates [[ those not having chinese lsn de ]] all in the class..oni me outside tokin to them..=P chatting quite awhile..reali miss them...=x long time nvr c them lia0.. aiyahx.. the 2 still as chio as b4..or mayb even prettier lia0..[[ my darling and dear of cos chio mahx..=P ]]

then went to cwp with hui,BK,BY and fl0r..hui taught me guitar todae!! now i v c0nfuse lia0...dunn0 wan learn guitar or drums..but most probably is drums lahx..=P [[ still the same aim..give ppl diff side of wendy..=D smmore drums more fun..=x guitar hand will pain..=x ]]

happiex teachers' day to mr cheng! =D


  • WENDY.
    21st June.
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  • xueni


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