Date : Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Time : 7:44 AM Title : -: s0ft-hearted.again :- jus disc0vered tat my heart is indeed to0oo s0ft lia0..shld i give her an0ther chance? asking my frens..the ans will all be the same..i dunwan to l0se a fren either..mayb after i had let g0 of evything..then we can be frens again..time is the parents often tell me n0t to trust s0me frens to0 much.. [[ my dad got betrayed 2x ]] but i oni "okok" then 4get abt it..c0s i trust myself..i believe in my i "rem0ved" the pr0tecti0n against evy0ne.. evyb0dy is fren..i believe in their w0rds..and trust their pr0mises..but i dunn0 y will tis thing happen t0 me.. [[ i have n0 rights to hate just hatred inv0lve..]]
[[ dun w0rry..mayb after i had let g0 of this feelings..i will let g0 of all the "incidents" tat happened..i need's the 1st time im having this kind of pr0blem..nvr had any fren d0ne tat t0 me b4..i dunn0 h0w t0 s0lve this..i need time..thanks ]] 你还爱我吗 -jolin 夜里传来雨的声音 轻轻拨动心的旋律 情不自禁想起你 那些甜蜜的回憶 终是不小心就淋湿了我的眼睛 爱情需要一些呼吸 偶尔保持一點距离 回到朋友的关系 任你自由的来去 从此想念你只能放在我心里 你还爱我吗 一直好想问你这句话 却又怕 听到你真实的回答 你还爱我吗 为何你终是不说话 眼看我为爱不爱我掙札 你爱我吗 好久沒有你的消息 心里还惦记着你 在这冷冷的夜里 感觉那么的熟悉 好想再见你听听你的声音 爱情的路终让人好无助 我会学着面对孤独 给深爱的你祝福 你还爱我吗 一直好想问你这句话 却又怕 听到你真实的回答 你还爱我吗 这是我唯一的牵挂 不管你会有什么回答 我会一直等你 你还爱我吗
Date : Sunday, August 28, 2005
Time : 3:17 PM Title : -: all.sp0ilt :- jus now was jus one entry..
no more chance..i had given u al0t..once..twice..thrice.. i 4get abt tat "incident" tat fren with u back once again... but once again..u hurtx me.. i felt being betray by u noe? it's painful..vvvvv painful... worst then any u noe? ur reassure..ur promise..i take it into heart last time.. but sorriex tis more chance.. u hurtx me enuff.. u win lia0..u had made me shed tears.. it had been a lo0oong time since i shed my last drop.. u win lia0...can? pls let me go..dun make me suffer.. thank you..
Date :
Time : 2:52 PM Title : -: great.dae :- o0oo..tiring dae..=x [[ sounds like evydae is tired for me..=x ]] todae m0rning woke up mum not home lia0..[[ went to w0rk ]].. so is daddy...sister w0ke up and is playing maple..=\ [[ she's crazy over tat..h0pe it wun affect her grades...]] then i actuali wanna go 883 to have brkfast de..but tat sister..glued to the c0m had a simple brkfast..[[ biscuits and c0ffee ]] then i finish eating liao..she came and ask me whether wanna to go 883 and eat anot.. [[ sianx dia0 --" ]] i told her i eaten lia0..then i start to d0 my math hmk..[[ wanna finish up all the hmk asap mahx..then got time for revisi0n ]] at ard 12.30pm..she went out with her frens..left me al0ne at h0me..smmore i waiting for en's call..[[ cos goin orchard mahx ]]
starting to hate the kind of life im living n0w..=\ n0rmal schx dae..wake up in the m0rning.. dad either is out to work..or slping..mum is slping..then evydae remedial came back home.. oni sister at h0me..[[ in front of com ]] no sight of mum and dad..=\ at ard evening.. then they are back..once they are back..i'll in the ro0m doin my hmk..then they will be watching tbee..smtimes after they had dinner and rested awhile..they went out again..[[ the temple ]] then they oni come back ard midnitex..the time i get to spend with them is lesser and lesser..mayb im not use to it bahx..but i just detest it..h0pe i can get use to it so0n.. can sense tat my dad cares al0t for my mum..he passed me $50 todae..and asked me to get 2 long sleeve shirt for my mum..cos she is owaes complaining tat her hands have 2 colours..then v ugly..=\ so went to orchard and bought her 2 $58 [[ $8 i pay l0rx.. ]] then mum called when i was at orchard..gueSs tat she dunn0 dad asked me to help her clothes..she asked me to help her buy a bag..><" [[ bt i didnt buy in e end lahx..=x ]] saw so0oo many things tat i wanna buy..=x [[ clothes!!! ]] but have to WAIT..needa complete my Os..w0rk pay lia0 then buy! ><> when we are abt to go back..we stop to c a band perform at the street..they reali v "rox" lehx...><" esp the boy playing the drum! co0l..=x but the guitarist..v crazy..too engross liao i tink..=x he keep nodding his head..then jump here jump the end the hair super messy..=x i started to get tempt lia0..>< [[ h0pe O faster finish! then can ask khairul teach me drums liao! ]] in the mrt we jk quite al0t.. [[ esp. me and en..=x lame girls..38 po..=P ]] so crazy todae..><" evyting oso let us chat abt... [[ chatterb0x ]] little t0ds : gueSs tat even i n0e how to play drums no one will believe...most ppl will go "huhx? wendy play drum? canot be lahx.." tatz wat i wan ppl to c me.. the diff wendy..=P the one playing drums..the one studying..the crazy one..the lame one..the gentle one..[[ hardly lahx...=x ]]..the quiet one..the bubbly one..=D mo0d m0d3 : tiired..eyeliid cl0siing so0n..*miSsiing her* _*: being near is n0t the meaning of being cl0se. i may n0t be near but keeping in c0ntact are bridges that i cr0ss t0 make y0u feel i'm owaes there...=D
Date :
Time : 5:14 AM Title : -: bing0 :- ytd i was so0oo determined to finish up all the amath wksht [[ bin0mial, circular measure and quadratic functi0ns ]] hmmx..managed to finish 2 of them lahx..cos i need to complete sm other qns from other wksht..[[ amath now all is wksht..wksht and wksht =\ but gd practice.. ]]
mizu is on heat lia0..heex..she grow up le..=D btw..dun get so sensitive abt my entry lahx.. [[ l0lx.. ]] sorriex if tat entry cos u to worry so much..but im not referrin to u lahx..=x this morning i finished up emath paper 1 lia0..yeahx! lesser hmk..ltr goin to orchard with en again..tchers' dae thing..hope faster finish up with all these bz tchers' dae thing..then can focus in my studies lia0..i wan to study!!! _*: i may n0t have given what is expected of a friend, im human and n0t perfect but inside this imperfecti0n lies a heart that values y0u the best ways! =D
Date : Saturday, August 27, 2005
Time : 7:24 AM Title : -: nice.phrases :- 希望,是一种甜蜜的等待
想念,是一份温馨的心情 朋友,是一生修来的福份 爱情,是一世难解的缘份 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 人往往不懂得珍惜身边的幸福,常常盲目地追求不可能的梦想。 一旦幸福远去时才会后悔。已经太迟了。 别忘了曾经关心过你的人,也许只有今生,没来世。 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 错过的爱,通常也是爱的过错。 我,因为太爱你而失去自己。 你,则因为太爱自己而失去我。 感情或许一旦失去了,就真的不能挽回了。 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 友情就像白饭,是感情中最纯的一种。 它像白开水淡淡而能止渴。 我喜欢没有条件的友情,无需常联络,却把彼此放在心里。 我珍惜你,不常见的朋友。 ----------------------------------------------------------------- friends are for life.. -` treasure them -` understand them -` keep them company -` care for them -` help them -` love them =) ----------------------------------------------------------------- love..can be for needs.. -` understanding -` care and concern -` trust -` telepathy =P
Date :
Time : 4:44 AM Title : -: yi.qian.nian.yi.hou :- fridae!! yeahx! finali after so0oo many weeks' fridaes..finally todae is the fri tat im waiting after sch programme inserted by TCH [[ the pass few weeks we haf been havin toks from journalist ]]...=P 12.50pm i reached h0me lia0..heex..[[ shiok! =x ]]
starting to realise tat i start to like JJ's songs lia0..><" [[ to0 late? =x ]] yi qian nian yi hou..[[ although quite smtime de song..but recently i start to enjoy..=D ]] nice song...>< no after schx program bt ltr got tuition...=\ go get nap 1st..=D
Date : Friday, August 26, 2005
Time : 11:20 AM Title : -: tired.dae :- thurs..goin to fri dae passed by...prelim is nearing..and O'lvl are ard the corner... so is tchers' dae..><" so glad to noe tat our class is the oni band tat get to perform on tchers' dae..=D [[ great! u guys dun trouble ur best tat cheng will be happiex..=D ]]
todae went to marsiling and cwp with en after lo0k for tchers' dae gift again.. [[ sianx --" ]] tml still got amath test..nthing much reali happen todae lahx..hope tat i can b hardworking...><>
Date : Thursday, August 25, 2005
Time : 2:43 PM Title : -: wat's.l0ve? :- 爱是什么?
_* 爱是珍珠。珍珠难求,真爱难得。 _* 爱是爱,因为是来自天国的爱,是上帝赐给我的爱。 _* 爱是一根蜡烛。它点燃了人生的火,带来光辉。 _* 爱是结婚戒指。婚戒是成双成对的。钻石坚固,经得起考验,不受外在因数影响“生锈”。买时要注意尺寸所以要坦诚地告诉对方,没有隐瞒。爱如钻戒般,在黑暗的地方越能“闪耀”! _* 爱是一道彩虹,彩虹的七色紧紧相扣,就像心心相扣,是一种心灵的交流。 _* 爱是一颗糖果,让人甜入心扉。 _* 爱是一瓶药水,可以治好心灵上的创伤。 _* 爱是一个暖炉。爱能带给人温暖。 _* 爱是一对翅膀。少了一只,便飞不起来,也会失去方向。 _* 爱是一种付出。无怨无悔地付出。 _* 爱是一种工具。人与人之间产生感情的工具。 _* 爱是一种经过长时间累积而成的感情。 _* 爱是一碗饭。精心为所爱的人烹煮的饭。 _* 爱的付出。有付出才有收获,你可以给对方什么,而不是可以从对方那儿得到什么。 _* 爱是一张纸。纸张被烧了,爱被毁了,同样找不回来。 _* 爱是一本书。只要你翻开它,你就会发现里面的精彩内容。 _* 爱是晚霞。爱和晚霞一样美丽,一样让人想拥有。 _* 爱是带领我们走向幸福的途径。只要有爱,就有幸福。 _* 爱是一面镜子。爱是双方面的,你付出,相对地对方也一样会付出。 _* 爱是人与人之间的付出和关怀。 _* 爱是眼睛。没有了眼睛就没有世界。 extracted from sec 1E1 chinese class...=P [[ nice phrases...=D ]]
Date :
Time : 9:44 AM Title : -: orchard.auditiOn :- ytd nitex went to orchard..[[ with en ]] to lo0k for tchers' dae present..we went to wisma.. taka..heeren...fareast..walk n walk n walk..ard 1030pm then i got home...><" [[ tired! l0ng time nvr walk so00oo lia0..=x ]] at least we saw a few choice tat the class might agree to buy on..mayb thurs goin back again...><"
todae is the audition for the class performance...whether our class is entering the concert and whether we had a chance of performing for mr.cheng..all depends on TODAE'S AUDITION! ><" [[ imprt dae ? =P ]] results will out on fri..well..hope tat we can get in.. [[ go0d luck to us! =D ]] btw i didnt attend the audition as i went for the remedials..o ya! goin to write a letter..saeing tat im not attending the other remedials.. [[ except for e/a math and sci PRACTICAL..=x guess whole class is writing? at least a num of girls are..=x mr cheng suggest to us one..=x ]]
Date : Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Time : 7:14 AM Title : -: trUe.seLF :- being the true self isit a scary thing? i dun tink so0oo..reali disapPointed with i get to noe tat u're such a had been a lo0oong time since u last tell me abt ur secrets or feelings.. [[ dunno how to phrase =x ]] i can feel tat we aren't tat close lia0 le..but we are still friends lahx...><" mayb u jus dunwan me to noe wat kind of personality u reali have..mayb u dunwan anyone to noe abt ur doings..[[ i dunwan to noe..but smone happen to tell me.. ]] the greediest organ is the ears..[[ so no choice..i heard it..=x ]] i noe wat kind of ppl are u..honestly..i tink u and another person are almost ur true self is the best lahx! [[ tat's wat i tink..=x]]
smile when u are happiex.. cry when u are sadx or feel like.. shout when u are bottled up or angry.. do wateva u long as u like it.. no one have the rite to interfere ur life.. and it's ur life.. live it ur way...=D later goin out with en to lo0k for tchers' dae present for mr cheng..=]
Date : Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Time : 8:59 AM Title : -: disapp0iinting :- well..todae my mo0d is reali cancelled? sianx de l0rx...practice until so hard.. smmore not ALL dancers dunwan to ok with not dancing..but there's smthing tat im not happiex abt...the band singing part..not tat im unhappiex with the band lahx.. is cos.. from the start..our aim is to have a CLASS PERFORMANCE..since it is a class.. y shld there b oni the band ppl playing and the rest of the class did nthing? honestly..i noe there are afew girls that wanna continue with the dance..if dance is reali cfm least let the whole class get up the stage when the band are performing ritex? [[ shows unity mahx.. tat's our aim! ]] try to suggest this to en later bahx..=\
mdm tan not here after sch bio remedial cancelled...then i went to media lab with en and the band ppl..c them jam l0rx..not as "rock" as i tink..=x [[ jiay0u girls and boys! =D ]] but i noe i had fallen deep in l0ve..=x with drums! the drums..omg..i reali bwg..reali co0l lehx..><" wanna ask khairul to teach dream is to LEARN DRUMS! [[ heex..nvr wanna learn smthing so much..=x ]] mo0d mod3 : the blues...=\
Date : Sunday, August 21, 2005
Time : 12:22 PM Title : -: bye.bye.royston :- sianx..--" 2dae ti0 pangseh by 3 ppl..scary lehx...><" pei,xf and en l0rx..morning i wake up..saw pei sms..sae she and xf not goin to send royston off lia0..then pangsehx me..cos im meeting them mahx..then i leave home lia0..sms en..she no reply..then i called her..she told me she jus woke up!!! then her bro one person at she canot go out so early... [[ btw we are meeting 9am...]] so in the end is me, Bk and Beeyee meet up l0rx..then to0k 858 bus..until ard chong pang area then meet up with linfong on the bus..[[ we're so worried tat we might missed him..l0lx..but when we saw him..we were like "phew" =x ]] the bus journey is abt an hr..then we reached changi airport..saw royston and some of his frens...chatted with him..reali dun bear him to go..we smmore encourage him to confess his l0ve to the girl he like or else he'll regret when he boarded the plane..=x and he did when he went in..he sms the girl..=] hope to c him so0n nxt july..=D [[ we'll miss u ]]
then me, linfong, BK and BY went to eat burger king at the airport..then after tat we separated..cos BK and BY goin dwn to kallang..they got smting on...then me and linfong went back tgt by bus again l0rx..anyway i oso meeting en at cwp nvm.. gueSs tat evyone is super tired todae bahx..on the way there BK and linfong both were trying to catch some slp..on the way back with linfong he was dozing oso..=x but he slp until v funniex..=x but makes me worry..><" his head!!! keep dropping n dropping..scare his head land on my shlder..><" but lucky NO!! he managed to wake up in time..*heng* =x then we chatted all the way back to wdls..he is reali 1/2 a woman..=x [[ chatterbox ]] then it started to rain..><" but i heng..=x i meeting en at the bus enter the interchange..i wasn't drenched..[[ bet linfong is..cos he alighted b4 me.. ]] then met en lia0 we went to CCK [[ ch0a.chu.kang ]] she wanna eat the went there to have it with her l0rx..then saw huishan..havent seen her for a long long time lia0..but she still doesn't change abit..still the original huishan tat i noe..=D [[ so happiex to c her =) ]] then actuali intend to shop ard awhile de..but quite late went back to wdls..and to gangyi's hse again..she need to repair her com again..=\ [[ let her bao for 2 sats lia0..havent pay me =x en: when u paying me? =P ]] then we went to 768 mac..she treated me ice cream.. [[ is tat my pay? ><" hope not..=x ]] then we chatted awhile l0rx..after eating then we parted i was waiting for the "green man" at the traffic light near my hse..her mum called me..ask abt where we went todae..[[ spotchecking en bahx..i tink..but she got nthing to hide..=D ]] after tat i met my sister to go 883..she sae she wanna drink ice lemon tea acc her to buy l0rx.. gueSs it's enuff of my lo0oong bl0g lia0 lahx..to0 oso no ppl wanna read de..l0lx.. reali have a packed dae..but sad to c royston part with us to0..we'll miss u..=] stay cheerful..=D btw.. HAPPIIEX.BIIRTHDAE.CHELLE! =D
Date : Saturday, August 20, 2005
Time : 1:22 PM Title : -: tired :- end of another week..so0oo fast..[[ i felt as if ytd was mondae..><" ]] todae's amath test..die lia0 lahx..><>< ]]
after schx still g0t w0rkshop with matterw [[ journalist ]] so cold in the ava ro0m..evytime oso so c0ld..v sianx..evy fri is the oni dae we haf a free afterno0n..but tat mr tan!! got free time then he wan eat...=\ organise so many talks...>< [[ i still manage to "survive" through =x ]] after the talk i went hm..to0k a shower and went to haf a nap..cos later goin for tuition.. then w0ke up lia0..went to tuition amath paper oni lahx..actuali tutor sae is 2hrs the end dragged until 2.5hrs..until late..=x smmore todae is the 15th dae of the 7th lunar mth.. [[ tinking to0 much =x ]] g0t home oni sister at home..then co0ked instant no0dles [[ my dinner =\ ]] tml royston goin off lia0..haix..sianx..dunn0 wan to send him anot..=x v early lehx..>< again ="x"><" evy sat oso like tat..haix...71 daes oni lehx..prelim time table oso g0t lia0..streSsing lia0..><" need to finish hmk later...!!!! btw.. HAPPIIEX BIIRTHDAE XIIAOFONG!
Date : Friday, August 19, 2005
Time : 8:46 AM Title : -: superstar :- one word to describe more tired then being streSsed...=\ ytd nitex i was oni sitting on the bed..for leSs then 15mins i oready aslp..oni until ard 8+ then my sister came to wake me up...[[ cos of superstar ]] then watched shuai..=P he's becoming more and more yandao lia0.. [[ heex ]] he reali sang v well..o0oo..=P later goin to watch Kelly's performance..h0pe tat she did btr then xinhui..=x [[ biased ]]
tml still having amath integration n differentiation test..><" but these few daes mr cheng g0t give us wksht to practice..hmmx..can0t let him d0wn..=x he had been doing his part as a tcher..the rest is up to us lia0..jiay0u ^^o [[ heex ]] g0in to start prelim so0n lia0.. todae remedial..doin chem practice..we had to boil the solution for 2mins..die die oso must 2min if not canot c the result..but tcher tell us tat the solution will splash out..then i v scare..=x cos got 1 fren her solution splashed out and hurt another fren's hand..><" then i v scare..=P [[ to0 timid liao lahx me..=x ]] ``miSsing her..=] w0ndering h0w's she d0in..
Date : Thursday, August 18, 2005
Time : 9:23 AM Title : -: suffering :- bad dae f0r me..><" g0t stomach cramps..sianx dia0..actuali planned to revise chem and finish all hmk todae de..><><" heard tat mondae is the auditi0n for tcher's dae lia0..[[ w0rried ]] dunn0 whether can the class be united f0r once..=\ [[ h0pe so0oo ]] i tink i btr have dinner and start w0rk lia0..NO TIME TO LOSE!! btw dad g0t h0me 2 tables..YEAHX..can use to study later...=P
like wat "you" sae..use the remaining time to work hard and KILL the rest of the papers... =]
Date : Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Time : 10:55 AM Title : -: change.claSs :- well..tues..another dae passed..todae we had to change classro0m with 4a1..if i didnt rem wrongly..i tink cos got one gal in 4a1 like got asthma..or wat then jus discharge from needa fang bian her..><" from 2nd flo0r m0ved until 4th fl0or..the claSsro0m is last yr's 4e4 class..sianx dia0 lehx..climb until so0oo high...when we reached the 4th flo0r oready jiao luan lia0..><" climb until 4th fl0or f0r sec1 and 2 again..haix..sianx...
todae dance practice was reali fun! [[ although sm didnt attend ]] we were practicing it in the hall..on the stage..behind the curtain..=P to0 shy lia0 lahx...=x ppl playing badmint0n in hall cl0se curtains and dance n0hx..after a by one departed..then left with me...en..BK..KK and leewen..then we were so0oo crazy..hahax...they asked me to sit in the big green cloth..then they carried and SWING IT WITH ME INSIDE!!! [[ so scary..i kept screaming..=x ]] then we were all enjoying ourselves had been a l0oo0ng time since we last "crazied" time..=D
Date : Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Time : 9:08 AM Title : -: tired.0ut :- reali so0ooo tired 2dae..haix..dunn0 y..feel like keeping quiet..dun feel like t0king and jking and lame-ing ard..gueSs im to0 tired's the start of an0ther week.. [[ m i having m0ndae blueS? >< week =" a"><" s0memore todae got humanities..kartini lsn..so0oo slpy..=x after schx still g0t SS remedial..which she gave us a test tat she inf0rmed us during lsn time..><><>
enen` i acc u t0 eat tak0yaki s0me 0ther dae lahx...okiex? =D
Date : Monday, August 15, 2005
Time : 5:54 AM Title : -: :- well..todae is the end of this week lia0..so0oo sianx.. h0mew0rks n0t d0ne yet..><" bt dun feel like d0ing..all i wan to d0 n0w is slp..=x [[ todae v tired..dunn0 y ]] well..gueSs n0 matter h0w tired i will still c0mplete it de lahx.. ytd nite had vvvv painful and bad leg cramp! in the middle of the night is right leg..the wh0le leg was cramped! then ard dawn..the left leg's painful..><" i kept grapping on to the pillow..hate these kind of cramps..><"
错过的爱,通常也是爱的过错。 我,因为太爱你而失去自己。 你,则因为太爱自己而失去我。 感情或许一旦失去了,就真的不能挽回了。 人往往不懂得珍惜身边的幸福,常常盲目地追求不可能的梦想。 一旦幸福远去时才会后悔。已经太迟了。。。 别忘了曾经关心过你的人,也许有今生,没来世。 _*` 对号入座 =P
Date : Sunday, August 14, 2005
Time : 5:24 PM Title : -: sianx :- i was reading other ppl bl0g..when i read "hers"..i was abit angry..and abit of.. "why must u be like tis" kind of feeling..i gueSs i still will get jealous..i h0pe she g0t nthing to d0 with my "ex" [[ dunwan to menti0n any0ne ]]
Date :
Time : 2:42 PM Title : -: unlucky dae? :- well..todae al0t of things happen..b0th happiex and upset..[[ ar ]] todae w0ke up at 7am..then met BK at 7.57am.. [[ cos she's late..><" ]] then went to civic mac..had brkfast with BK, en and fl0r..then later liu shiyu, leewen, khairul and kimleng j0ined us..then went to chenghui's hse..managed to find somewhere f0r us to practice the dance.. hmmx..taught mic and eunice the dance steps.. [[ they came on their own.. ]] hmmx..they learnt it quite s0on.. tatz go0d..=P then we rehearsed again..hmmx..then went on to practice the c'est si bon dance steps...this week we g0t our respective partners lia0.. mine is siewting.. =D [[ eunice.leewen, en.kimleng, BK.chenghui, mic.shiyu ]] then had to tink of some dance steps ourselves lia0..><" to0 bad we dun have the genes of dancing..l0lx..[[ cos quite troublesome..need to dance out the "cuteness" of the song..mafan..><" ]] but manage to practice al0t lahx..then later me and fl0r acc en to gangyi her c0m..
here comes the bad news..BK's parents knew abt ZL and her relationship.. me, en and fl0r had oready tried to contact her and liang..b0th hp we had called several the wat i had predicted...we confessed to her father..and apologise.. the moment we owned up tat BK isn't with us..zhiliang called..and we said tat we couldn't help them anymore..cos KK and BY can't help them to0.. [[ sianx.. ]] then me, en and fl0r rush from gangyi hse to 768 to met BK..cos she's alone...then we tried to persuade her to g0 home..haix..the sianx dia0 thing is tat she dunwan t0 go the end still went back.. =\ w0rried abt her n0w..dunn0 wat actuali had happened..haix..w0ndering abt h0w's her conditi0n nw..=( g0t h0me then discovered i g0t blisters on me leg..><" gueSs mayb is tat i was rushing to 768 then t0 847..><" pain sia.. [[ shld b orite bahx.. ]] BK: be str0ng..=] we'll b there f0r u...n0 matter wat we'll alwaes be there f0r u de.. there is a s0lution to evy time passed evything will be orite.. stay str0ng..and be t0ugh.. jiay0u..*sayang.sayang*
Date : Saturday, August 13, 2005
Time : 7:17 AM Title : -: engLish oraL :- well..finished..both my o'lvl eng oral and ME! [[ haix ]] i reali canot c the link btwn the pic and the convers. topic..><" this time im reali DONE and FINISHED..[[ disapp0inted with myself ]] i had a limited vocabulary tat's bad enuff..and yet n0w..i have limited ideas to engage a convers. with the teachers..haix.. [[ upset ]] but when im unable to continue on.. neither did the teachers prompt me.. [[ why lehx? ]] the oral examination just ended like tat...[[ sianx..--" ]] as i walked of the ro0m..i nearly br0ke int0 eyes were oready abit wet..but i managed to control..=(
enuff of bad's the go0d news..[[ but actuali the bad thing spoilt my dae =x ]] todae is the BIG DAY! we g0t back our O'lvl MT results..[[ finally ! ]] well..all were nervous..[[ so m i =x ]] when in the class im oready starting to bcome nervous..hands were cold we walked to the hall..i was so0ooo w0rried..><><" then we were asked to get the results from mr cheng...well..a few of my friends who had seen came back and were so happiex.. cos they got A1 and dist for oral..of cos happiex for them..but one person b4 u got an A1 means one lesser "place" for u to get A1..then ppl beside me who havent g0t the results started to shed tears..BK, yusi and even choice..i canot cry..i must an wei them.. c them cry makes my eyes suan suan oso..><" then in the end..gina,me,chenghui,yusi and BK went to c the results tgt..but in the end need to sign one by is sort of seeing the results by ur own...then al0t cried..cos of the B3 they g0t..[[ i dunwan to mention anyone ]] dear friends: dun cry..tears will not make time turned u had 2 paths in front of u.. retake..and score reali well..two..focus on other subj and score well..tears will oni weaken todae's'll not strengthen ur will for tml...[[ translate from a chinese quote de.. =x ]] dun cry bcos u missed the sun..if not u'll missed the beautiful stars to0.. =] no matter wat happen..friends are there to acc u..lend u shlders..and accompany u thru evything..=D just `smile` ..79 daes to Os..
Date : Friday, August 12, 2005
Time : 9:48 AM Title : -: b0ring :- o0oo..todae back to schx lia0..after quite a long period of break..=P hmmx..nthing special happen todae lahx..=x todae had a "false alarm".. l0lx.. tod tat todae will be getting back the chinese Os results..but nopex..=\ [[ tml shld b getting lia0 ]] todae actuali got bi0 test.. [[ in fact is g0t lahx.. =x ]] then mdm tan nvr c0me in..we tod todae no test the end.. mr te0 sae he use his phys lsn to let us take bi0 test..><" [[ studi de can sae is nvr come out!! ]] then...todae we try to decide the dressing for the dance..mayb a white skirt and pink shirt.. [[ not cfm yet lahx.. ]] tis sat g0ing to have a dance practice again.. =) so happiiex.. =P [[ crazy over dancing n0w.. =P ]] dancing is a go0d exercise..l0lx..can keep fit.. ><><" dunno can get distinction an0t.. =\ [[ g0d bleSs =x ]]
Date : Thursday, August 11, 2005
Time : 5:52 AM Title : -: gosSips :- ytd chatted with en on the fone..well..recently flor and BK oso got their own she came n chatted with me.. i dun mind lahx... [[ friends shld lend their ears mahx..=) ]] but i dunno i can help her anot lahx..cos last time got ppl tell me tat i canot help s0lve pr0bs..i oni listen..and by listening canot help s0lve..[[ it's true lahx..listening is not solving..but i did sae alot of things to en..trying to help her tink less... ]] well..i dunno y i can sae those things to her..asking her to give up..but yet i canot put all those words in my case..><" speaking of this..tat dae KK tell me abt those boys..guessing who i like sae sae tom.. let me clarify here..u all can guess all u wan..whether u guess dom or tom or whoever... who i like now i dun tink matters anyone of u lehx...><" but oni one thing to b sure.. i will like none of our batch de.. [[ so dun put me and KK tgt liao!!! ]] haix...reali canot understand y can gossip until me...anyway..dun make wild guesses..hint: mayb i dun like anybody now..=P aiya..BGR not in my mind at most a "advis0r" to en or BK oni..tat's all.. chinese idiom saes : bing chong ku ru, HUO CHONG KOU i tink btr dun gossip so much..and anyhow spread rumours..
`family and friends are the ones tat will stay by u no matter wat happen... en/bk: stay p0sitive!!! 4get abt those sad things and live happily..=D u 2 still got so many friends..^^v
Date : Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Time : 11:02 AM Title : -: new stepS :- todae morning went to meet ting, leewen, jun, hui and kim at cwp...then went to flor hse there de blk to practice dance..hmmx..decided to add in "shui zhui piao liang" by 7 fl0wers de dance steps..hmmx..quite easy bahx..=x but tends to 4get lahx..=P sm of the dance oso need to act cute de..l0lx..but i guess all the girls enjoyed themselves..[[ oni one boi there..KK oni.. ]] oh one part of the dance v funniex..when we need to change places tat time..that "jumping" part..when we just start to dance it was so0oo funny..l0lx.. cos all "jump" until v weird..=x but still manage to get it in the end..=) after tat went to have lunch/dinner with KK, BK, En and Flor...then went home liao lorx..=\
BK: dun sadx le..cheer up h0rx..u still g0t 10 wives there f0r u de.. u still g0t FIM lehx.. smiLe! =D
Date : Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Time : 5:05 AM Title : -: natiOnaL dAy :- last national dae celebration in sec schx..=x quite a fun celebration lahx..[[ quite oni =x ]] still got EVGian and gina keep acting like the judgers of superstar..keep making remarks about their "head voice", "chest voice" and "gro0ve" etc..[[ we 2 are alwaes so0o0oo lame..=P ]]
after the celebration we went to the music ro0m..for? dance..need to practice dance for tcher's day..=D so happiex..lolx..cos learn new steps liao..[[ heex =D ]] hmmx..tml goin to florence hse there de "shelter" to practice..=] hope things went smoothly for us..=P i started to l0ve dancing liao..heex..=D went to 883 to have lunch after dance practice..girls are girls..chatting so0o0oo long..=P chatterbox..=x
Date : Monday, August 08, 2005
Time : 12:09 PM Title : -: fo0ds :- o0ooo..ytd went to BK's aunt's shop in amk..ate a wonderful meal with BK, BY and en.. we 4 little girls ordered 6 dishes!!! well, is those "zhu qao" stall.. reali canot believe tat 4 girls can finish up all tat 6 dishes and a plate of rice each..><" [[ wonder how passer-by lo0k at us.. =P ]] but reali had a wonderful and fruitful dae..=D 1st time went to eat such big feast with my friends..hahax..=P home quite late..=x but safe..=P got com to use.. send for it back's like buying a new com...NTHING!! hahax.. need to get friends to resend me all those tings..[[ btw, who noes how to change the control panel thing so tat we can type chinese words ar? =x if noe pls msg me in msn and teach me.. heex.. thx..=D ]]
Date : Saturday, August 06, 2005
Time : 7:04 AM Title : -: in schx :- now i was in schx..recording my oral..><><" red red liaox.. o0... sianx..
Date : Friday, August 05, 2005
Time : 12:47 PM Title : -: glad :- ytd chatted with my dear [[ luyi ]] for quite awhile..hmmx..well..she is more mature in thinking then i guess her words did make sense to me..=P [[ toking to a nice..evyting oso can sae..cos she is like had experienced evyting tat im experiencing n0w..=x ]]
todae got the schx's new PE the orange colour one.. actuali i tink this time the colours are all nicer then last time is nice..i tink the green oso not bad.. yellow..abit revealing..=x red..most ppl sae it is the nicest.. [[ diff ppl diff taste..judge for urself bahx...=D ]] well..regarding my past post..abt the thing my classmate had sae..well..actuali is no offence to anyone lehx..><" i oni saeing out my point of view might not be wat other thinks too..well..hope those who read tat dun tink so's oni the opinion of mine..anyway im not imprt in anybody's hope those words wun affect anyone..if it does..sorriex.. >< ``the beauty of life does not depend on how happiex u are..but on how happiex others can be bcos of u... dear friends/dears/great pals...u all had brought a smile to my face..=) thx..l0v3 ya aLL..=D
Date : Thursday, August 04, 2005
Time : 9:03 AM Title : -: coincidence? fate? :- ytd went to BK hse..with choose the dance for the performance..all the dance so diff..=x cos no ppl to teach us..[[ who noe how to dance? can volunter to teach? =D heex ]] we play the mtv again n again to look at the diff..but for the sake of mr cheng.. it's okiex..=P
well..todae went to schx..eye was so so so itchy..then i oso itchy hand..go rub..=x until the eye red..ppl tod i got sore eye..cos one of my friend got..then she is back ytd..but todae she is absent again..then got the english oral course..until 5.15pm..then went home.. when i walked out of the sch bus stop there..saw smone's back view..vvvv familiar...[[ tat person is on the bus lahx..=x ]] then he him..i vow not to shed a tear again for him..=x is it fate or oni coincidence? guess is oni coincidence bahx... [[ too serious? but i reali wanna to focus on my O'lvl...*mayb an excuse bahx* ]] well..was mo0dy on the way home..but once i got home..i had to smile..and stay happiex..if not parents will worry..then keep asking this and that..=x when i was home..i grabbed a kit kat from the frigde..eating it..i was thinking..rejecting someone's offer is reali hurtful..but i realise it too late..*flashbacks* i guess no chance will be given i walked into my room..i lifted my head..and saw the dried up sunflower that i got on 14.02.05...dried up flowers can nvr become beautiful again...why am i still hanging on??? it's so obvious that there's no more's obvious that there isn't any feelings in's obvious that there's no more chance...then y am i hanging on to it?? i reali hope that there's still hope and chance..but in my heart..i know there's none...*haix* i had dropped a tear in the ocean..the day i found tat drop of tear will be the day that i stop liking/loving you...--heard from en..=) but can a tear in an ocean ever be found?
Date : Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Time : 7:27 AM Title : -: motivation? :- so disappointed todae..imagine tat u r having a class performance..and yet someone said this.." i will not be performing on stage cos i wan to sit with the audience and c how they embarrassed themselves"... i reali canot believe tat such sentence came out from one of our classmates' mouth..this is too much.. since u dunwan to participate..then keep quiet..or give some nice idea and suggestions..why shld u make such awful remarks? dun be so arrogant..can u? haix...i wun mention who is this person.. but for those who knows..i guess u all shld b shocked by these words bahx? *sign*
no matter wat..this is the last year of sec schx life..i have been friends with this person for 4 years..and i guess he/she will regret after leaving EVG..disappointed in ur remarks.. is your remarks showing tat u are lo0king down on us? or is it a motivation for us to put in our best for the performance? no matter what is the hidden meanings..i shall take it as a motivation.. ``mAkiNg a THOUSAND frenDs a yEar iS nOt a mracLe...tHe MIRACLE iS tO haVe a Frend wHo stAnDs bY u fOr a THOUSAND reaSons
Date : Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Time : 12:18 PM Title : -: flu :- there is a trend in our class recently..=x evyone was falling sick..flu pass from one to another.. yusi to phoebe to mic to BK and gina oso got le.. i wonder when will it be me..><><" [[ nose abit itchy now..=x ]] finished my hmk todae le..
haix..todae found out tat one of my classmate is goin overseas to study after her Os.. reali canot bear lehx..friends for 2 years liao..cfm got the feelings liao le..well..guess she wun forget us bahx..=D started to fall in love with my class more n more each dae..=P `if u love someone deeply, never leave that person; you'll never know when u'll need tat person back in your life again...
Date : Monday, August 01, 2005
Time : 9:45 AM Title : -: statisfied :- quite happiex for myself..=x finally i started to become hardworking liao..=P i had completed almost all my hmk on Sat...=D left with oni geog..which i need the bo0k..=x hmmx.. did some revision on bio too.. [[ start revision liao!! ]] so glad and statisfied..[[ heex ^^ ]] ltr goin to study..and do my geog..complete it..and then i can study for my chem and revision for bio mayb..=)
1 2 3 HA da jia yi qi jia you bahx!
Date :
Time : 3:12 AM Title : -: little bro :- out of no another xiao didi..=P god little bro oni lahx.. [[ tod my mum pregnant ar? =x lolx.. ]] well..nthing to do so came and blog lorx..=x
just check my so many touching stories.. got one so touching and sadx...the dog followed the owner throughout his whole life.. when the owner was single..until the owner went to work..till he got married..till he bcame a father..but when this guy had to move to another place cos of his new work..the place dun allow pets..hence he got no other choice.. so he sent the dog to a association..the dog still waited for the owner's return for him.. but he waited and the end he had to be put to slp.. the vet shed a tear for the dog.. but the dog was still missing his owner.. so sadx..and touching..tatz wat great abt a is loyal..=] and wun break the owner's heart.. cherish ur pets..they are the ones tat can make u smile and cheer u up when u r sadx.. [[ i got this experience..=) reali love mizu..=D ]] [L]ove c[A]n lea[v]E y[O]ur hea[R]t li[K]e s[H]att[E]re[D] g[L]as[S] b[U]t k[E]ep i[N] min[D] t[H]at th[E]re'[s] s[o]me[O]ne w[H]o'll b[E] wi[L][L]ing [T]o en[D]ure t[H]e p[A]in o[F] pi[C]king u[P] t[H]e pie[C]es s[O] yo[U] c[O]uld b[E] w[H]ole a[G]ain |
WENDY. 21st June. Everything else, you'll know when you know me. (: Look at others' virtues, not their shortcomings. Leave some of your love. (: xueni joanne.beloved jenn.beloved xf.pei flor janice ziqi yuchin xinting lina linda yvonne beekwoon weiearn mic.tan jie March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 January 2011 April 2011 May 2011 November 2011 February 2012 March 2012 June 2012 January 2013 Designed by { ★CRUSHthespeaker } Thankful to { blogskins l xox } Blogged to { 53-percent } |