Date : Sunday, July 31, 2005
Time : 10:08 AM Title : -:: thinking hard ::- well..ytd was fridae..actuali can g0 straight home after schx de..but mr tan organised a talk for us..><" the same speaker as last week..well..this guy was reali pathetic..=x less then 1/2 the class attended the talk.. [[ it's v discouraging for him sia...]] nxt week there is another talk by him again..this time round i guess most will attend..cos mr tan will take actions against who didnt attend the 2nd session de..=]
well..evyone noe mr tan as tan chai hock..but he got a english name..hahax.. when i noe abt it..i was laughing..=x alfred..hahax..his eng name is call alfred.. [[ the class noe this thru his email..]] quite funniex.. he is a v funny tcher..=P [[ just like jackie chew..=x ]] hmmx...todae morning went for tuition..time flies..=x 2 hrs like v fast like tat..then went to buy lunch..on the way to 883 saw junbiao, xiaofeng and another guy [[ dunno who =x ]] guess tat they went back to schx for D&T..[[ cos junbiao ask me y no go schx for dnt..--" sianx diao sehx..=x ]] i didnt take dnt.. got home..ate..then start doin hmk liaox..><" [[ piles of hmk ]] i reali canot fork out time to revise..[[ i reali had a bad time management..=x ]] left with oni 91 daes [[ i guess ]] stress up liao sia...><" dun feel like staying at home and do hmk..=x dunno y nehx..=\ mo0d m0d3 : sianx norhx.. ><> l0v3 all my clasSmates..=P they rox..=D
Date : Friday, July 29, 2005
Time : 8:15 AM Title : -:: tired ::- so tired todae.. [[ hmmx.actuali is evydae lahx..]] ytd had gone to bed ard 10+..but still v tired todae..(x.x) dying so0n..=x [[ bleahx ]]
todae had a class discussion on the performance for tchers' dae.. pair up girls and boys..some of cos will object violently..while some agree to anything.. to be fair.. easiest.. draw they grouped the class into 3 grps.. [[ 1st grp : shortest, 2nd grp : normal height, 3rd grp : tallest ]] and of in the 1st grp lahx..><> they decided to sing song oni..but i tink will be quite boring..=x well..up to them lahx.. anyway im not the organiser..=P [[ which means i dun haf to bother so much..=x ]] tml still got amath test..on the relative velocity..><" [[ so0o0oo difficult..for me..]] dunno when then i can reali understand the chp..[[ haix..=\ ]] happiex birthdae zhixiang..=]
Date : Thursday, July 28, 2005
Time : 11:12 AM Title : -:: excited ::- had been a l0ng time since i last chatted on f0ne for so long..hahax.. ytd chatted with en on the fone..ard 2 hrs bahx..[[ for me is quite long liao..=P im not so talkative mahx..=x ]] from schx things until love life..hahax..girls are girls..but reali enjoyed the chat..=D
we had l0ts of ideas for tchers' dae concert..hahax..planning tat the whole class will be performing..=) aim : make mr cheng cry..=P [[ bad?? ]] hmmx..then mayb having a girl and boi dance..then goin to sing song lorx..[[ other then these canot think of any liao..=x ]] hope the class can co-operate well..and let mr cheng haf a memorable tchers' dae..=D but todae when en approach some ppl..quite a handful agreed to be the dancers..=) [[ quite successful liaox..=D ]] but those boys so weird de...sae tat jinlong dance then they dance.. [[ quite gay lehx..><" n0 offence..=x ]] hmmx..but in the end oso a few agreed..but all sae partner must be pretty..>< [[ so ha0 se =x ]] then after remedial went to cwp with en..hmmx..she bought her wallet..hahax..then she help me lo0k for a gift for zx lorx..his bdae tml..then anyh0w buy..=x [[ i reali dunn0 wat can i buy f0r him l0..oso dun reali understand him mahx.. ]] g0t h0me ard 7+ bahx.. so tired.. [[ dunn0 when then i wun feel s0 tired..><" ]] just n0w got walk passed the "water fountain" at the civic centre there.. saw th0se kids playing in the water..h0w c0ntented and j0yful they are reali inn0cent and ad0rable..and L0VEABLE..=x [[ to me bahx..i l0ve kids..=D ]] if oni life continues to be so xing go0d will tat be..but n0p3..this will n0t a pers0n gr0ws up..he/she will have to mature in the thinking..he/she will have to face l0ts of pr0blems.. family pr0blems..friends pr0blem..studies pr0blem..mayb even l0ve problem..all these problems are unavoidable..evyone will be challenged by all these problems...these problems are the factors that help a person to mature in the thinking..and "grow up"... this is part of a person's growing up life..dun tr0uble over these tr0ubles as tr0ubles tr0uble u..=) enj0y lifE! =D [[ once time had will never turn back..cherish evy moment u had now.. ]] l0ve y0u girLs..=D
Date : Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Time : 8:48 AM Title : -:: happiex birthdae ::- happiex birthdae gina! =P todae morning rain so heavy..but still manage to get to schx... when arrived at the and BK went to borrow marker from mr cheng.. then start to write birthdae wishes on the board b4 gina came..hahax..then she finally came liao.. actuali she todae abit late..but at least she came..=D i think tat she had a enjoyable birthdae bahx..=) so fortunate...
hmmx..but todae still got remedial as sianx..but todae i learnt smting new.. [[ actuali is evydae oso learn smting new..--" ]] i noe tat if the pair of chromosomes is "XX" then it is a girl..if is "XY" then it is a boi..but im "XW" !! [[ lame lahx.. XueWei mahx..>< ]] mdm tan todae oso told us smting tat KK damn funniex.. if u wanna know y ur child is not a girl or a boi.. tok to ur sperms.. the whole class was laughing like mad..hahax.. canot believe tat KK will sae tat... hmmx..need to save up $$ liao le... want to buy so many things..><" oh ya.. saw afew pics tat we to0k on racial harmony dae.. omg nice..=P heex..^^ hmmx..todae we bully mr cheng..=x ask gina to take a bo0k and hit his butt..=x he turned ard and gave us a sian diao lo0k..hahax... [[ norty gurls..=P ]] but mr cheng sae he will revenge b4 our Os..><" got home todae..then my sister tell me shocking..miss wong [[ the chinese tcher ]] she is getting marry nxt year!!! she went to to0k her wedding pics liao.. but she accidentally let my sister's class saw those pics.. so sweet..=x hmmx.. need t0 study super duper hard liao sianx..><" left 95 days to Os.. [[ if not wrong ]] hmmx..same old words... may GOD blesS KK to get well so0n.. ^^
Date : Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Time : 9:48 AM Title : -:: fun ::- hmmx...mondae again..a brand new week..=D back to schx lorx.. back to those remedial dae..=x [[ todae is SS and bio remedial ]] well..todae recess..stay in bread..=P [[ need save $ to buy fren de bdae gifts mahx.. no ch0ice.. >< ]] todae after SS remedial got 15 mins break..we all play a v childish thing..hahax..but v enjoyable..=P take pen and draw each other's hands..lolx..actualli oni a small grp of girls playing oni..then dunno y spread until 1/2 the class was playing...even the boys..l0lx..smmore chase ard and draw..starting is use pen..then change to marker..hahax..reali fun..=P nvr had such fun time in schx liao.. can brighten up the day..=D
then came the bio tcher..mdm tan..all the fun came to a full stop..=x then she taught "heredity" todae..hmmx..she sae ppl who are able to twist their tongues are go0d kisser.. [[ logic...=x ]] but from wat i noe.. me and en de tongue can twist..=x who cares whether can twist's heredity's the genes.. [[ started t0king abt bio liao..=P ]] after remedial then went to cwp..lo0king for banana's bdae gift... [[ banana is gina lahx..=P ]] then chose a bag for her..=D hope she like it..=) so tired todae..><" feel like slping.. and dun nd to attend schx tml..=x ending here..may GOD bleSs KK...h0pe he get well so0n..=D
Date : Saturday, July 23, 2005
Time : 4:49 PM Title : -:: cried again ::- went to the library for a talk...english de..lasted for 3 hrs.. [[ sit until butt pain ><" ]] then went to cwp and walk walk lorx..while waiting for BK to meet us and go to weizhang's bdae party...went to the bbq at fushan...felt kind of strange..=x cos al0t ppl there i dunn0 de.. not reali dunno noe but nvr tok de..=x then play until quite late..played true or dare lorx.. [[ evytime tis game de..=P ]] enjoyed lahx..=) but later when playing with those guys true or dare..then dun reali enjoy liao..=x [[ mayb cos wat they "dare" are abit too much for me lahx..but i nvr kanna..=P heng l0rx..>< ]] then when on the way back...saw him and his friends...dunno y the tears drop again.. [[ started to hate myself..=\ ]] BK tell me to 4get.. but not i dunwan to trying liao..but i reali dunno y like tat lorx... evytime force myself to the studii...nvr tink..but when al0ne or saw him.. i dunno y i like tat again.. [[ stupid me! ]]
Date :
Time : 8:15 AM Title : -:: first time ::- todae is fridae..but i didnt went to schx..n0t cos im sick..=x cos i dun feel like g0ing.. [[ bad h0rx? =x ]] todae is the "election" dae mahx...half dae no schx..oni got last 2 periods of lsn...s0 i chose to slp at hm...c0s afterno0n still need to go back to schx for a english talk..then meet en at cwp and have lunch with her..then met linfong at sat down and acc him l0rx.. =P [[ he is eating al0ne mahx..]] then gina came..we went to walk ard cwp l0rx..then rush back to schx.. [[ we need to reach sch at 2.20pm..but we were late =x ]] the talk ended quite early..lucky..=x c0s we were all freezing the AVA ro0m.. [[ hate the ava ro0m..cos it's v c0ld in the n0rth p0le..>< ]] then went h0me.. later mayb catching a m0vie with my sister.. =D [[ bug me not ]] n0 ppl acc g0 watch pathetic until find my sister...=x but she oso wanna watch so it's okiex lahx.. =)
Date : Friday, July 22, 2005
Time : 9:30 AM Title : -:: racial harmony day 2005 ::- well..todae went to sch in indian attire..saree..heex..todae is racial harmony dae cum be urself dae mahx..then early in the morning woke up..dressed up..BK BY yusi and en oso gathered at my help each other dress up..then we all ran to schx..=x cos need to help other classmates to dress up..hahax..anyway we were abit late so need to run...
whole class were in indian costumes..=P [[ united =D ]] last year liao mahx..united abit..lolx..cos our class can sae is nvr united..=x hmmx.. mr cheng oso worn a indian suit..he bought it for $70+ [[ tink so lahx.. ]] he so rich..$70+ to him like 70c oni..=x but tat costume made he became the best dressed up tcher choice..cheering so loud..lolx...then miss mazlinda and mrs karen tan are the best dressed up female cheng so lucky..lolx..two females on each side..lolx..but our class didnt win the best dressed class..too bad lorx..but quite happi tat the whole class is so united... took alot of pictures..lolx..last year liao mahx..scare no chance liao..=x took whole class de picture at the pond area..kneel down.. to0k f0rmal and informal pics..we even t0ok the pic with the "right hand rule" and "left hand rule" hand sign.. [[ lolx.. funniex class..but creative =P ]] reali a awes0me dae..heex..=P 4E1 ' 05 r0x =P l0v3 y0u aLL..=D
Date : Saturday, July 16, 2005
Time : 11:29 AM Title : -:: cried ::- todae..last MT paper..Listening weili and get saree from her..chatted with her awhile..walked hm..rain so heavy..vvv cold..
at nite went for tuition..then play with tutor's cute..><> mo0d mod3 : criiedd..sttupiid...
Date : Thursday, July 14, 2005
Time : 8:00 AM Title : -:: heart-broken ::- so worried abt my mum..haix..todae got hm from schx..just went to the room to place all my stuffs..then saw a miss call from my aunt on my hp..then called her back..she told me that my mum fell dwn when at work todae..><" [[ 1st time noe tat mum fell down..=( ]] reali worried abt her...i got hm she was slping in the living rm's sofa..guess the fall was bad..she was sent to a clinic for stitching on her back of her head..reali her left hand was full of blue black oso..haix.. i reali wanna cry out..y must tis happen to her?? haix..1st time saw my mum in such situation..heart reali upset.. [[ i guess i reali dunno how to express my sadness in words liao bahx..]]
mAy GOD blesS heR.. shE's a gReaT mUm..i duN waN hEr tO geT hUrt..=( helped mum to wash her hair..and change her plaster..saw the stitches..heart ache..haix...
Date : Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Time : 2:31 AM Title : -:: tried on ::- hMmx..todae go to schx as per normal lor..nthing reali special happen in sch todae..oni tat bio lsn is now more interesting oni.. =P [[ those ppl's fave topic mahx.. >< ]] then got remedial until 4.45pm..during the 15mins brk in between..the gals are all discussing abt the oncoming racial harmony dae..and abt their tummies.. [[ lolx.. gals are gals..=P ]] quite tired todae..><" then en BK and yusi came to my hse..learn how to put on their sarees..en one is the nicest liao le..=D after trying on still take a few pics..[[ lolx.. like models..still got pose..=P ]] so fun..hahax...think gtg and haf a gd nitex rest liao.. *yaWn* -- eyes closing soon..><
Date : Sunday, July 10, 2005
Time : 6:25 PM Title : -:: saree ::- hmmx..todae went to buy saree with BK,BY,florence and yusi..waited at the bus stop for them for 30mins.. i angry until i cry.. >< [[ sian diao horx? hahax..cos i reali canot control my tears when i tell them nxt time sms inform me if they r goin to b late..]] but they got apologise lahx.. [[ sorriex gals..cos i reali waited for alot of ppl many time liao..tatz y i canot control my tears from dropping.. sorriex.. ]] then we took 911 and went to old wdls..checking out the price of the sari..cos tis year we whole class r wearing the indian costume..hmmx..not v ex lahx..then BK and i bought 1st..yusi bring not enuff she goin with en another dae.. try on the sari..[[ v diff to wear..must remember the steps..cos still nd to go sch help other to wear..lolx..]] after tat went back hm.. florence got a headache..BK piggy back her to BK's hse to take her things..lolx..then later they came to my hse.. yusi again ask tat weijie..--" BK then asked tat zhiliang..then done hmk at me hse..florence oso came..but awhile later she went hm..then en n BY came..awhile ltr the rest oso go hm one by one..then left BY and BK [[ slping on my sofa ]] at my hse..they go hm ard 1+ am bahx.. then me and my sister awhile later went to 7-11 and buy some food to eat.. [[ hungry ! ]] then dad called hm and ask if we wanna eat anything..but actuali we r oready he still bought fried chicken back.. [[ yummy ]] eat liao..then watch tbee awhile lorx..then brush teeth and blog..and go orhxorhx liao..=P
en: xie xie ni..^^v mo0d mod3 : hapiiex.. +*[__SMILE____ ::-
Date :
Time : 1:08 AM Title : -:: daY oUt ::- 07 07 05 -thursdae..
actuali wan blOg de..but dunNo wat haPpen to my cOm..canOt blOg..then blOg todae lorx.. hmmx..tOdae ishx my chineSe conFidence in getting a distinction..>< [[ like tok to much craps not enuff points.. ]] the 2 examinaters male one female.. they sae the male tcher look like spiderman 1st movie de green globin..lolx.. [[ is quite like one lahx..=x ]] he v rude de lorx..i use both hands hand him my i/c..then when i was abt to read the passage as instructed by him..he throw the i/c back to me.. [[ like throwing poker cards like tat.. >< ]] the passage is not so diff lahx..still can manage it..=) the conversation part.. tcher got tok b4 one..but i too nervous liao..abit forget wat tcher sae..><" [[ newspaper report : abt a lady who donated $25000 to a poor family.. "daily chat" : tourists think tat most s'poreans r too proud..what u tink? what will u do if ur overseas friends oso complain to u tat s'poreans are proud and cold? ]] but even im least i still can remember some idioms..lolx.still got use..=P [[ but i nvr sae the most imprt one..><" ]] 08 07 05 finalli a fridae...tml can slightly haf a rest le..[[ but oni slightly..not totally yet >< ]] went hm to slp after schx..i reali buay tahan the tiredness liao..--" slp until 4.15..cos got tuition at 5.. [[ actuali is 4 wake up..too lazy to wake up..drag until 4.15..=x ]] went for tuition..but got one fren late..tutor sae wait for her..then me and gina went to play with tutor's boy.. so cute lorx for 45mins like tat bahx..then goin to start tuition liao..canot let him b inside the he got "dragged" out..=x after tuition i went to meet BK..then go florence hse..yusi and en oready there liao..then we chat chat awhile..then play with florence's relative's baby..she oso vvv cute..lolx.. [[ which baby not cute de? =x ]] now i tinking liao.. shld i b a kindergarden tcher or a nurse tat look after babies? children too much liao..=x then stay at florence hse until abt 1am..=x cos chatting mahx..=P [[ girls' tok ]] but oni me and beeyee is there..the rest gone hm one by one liao..>< ltr goin to study..=D study hard lo!! ^^o gampateh =x
Date : Thursday, July 07, 2005
Time : 8:54 AM Title : -:: guilty ::- haix...ytd read mr cheng's blog in guilty le..><" during the wkends i nvr touch until any of the math oready v guilty liao...after reading his blog..i reali feel like crying..><><" ]] must reali work hard for both my math..for myself..for mr cheng..or for whoever..must work extra extra hard!!!
tml is the chinese O'lvl oral liao worried..><> goOd luck to those who are taking the examinations tml..^^v goin to study at 846 le.. [[ tired ]]
Date : Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Time : 5:55 PM Title : haix...ytd read mr cheng's blog in guilty le..><" during the wkends i nvr touch until any of the math oready v guilty liao...after reading his blog..i reali feel like crying..><><" ]] must reali work hard for both my math..for myself..for mr cheng..or for whoever..must work extra extra hard!!!
tml is the chinese O'lvl oral liao worried..><> goOd luck to those who are taking the examinations tml..^^v goin to study at 846 le.. [[ tired ]]
Date :
Time : 3:34 PM Title : -:: streSsed ::- stressed up..studii for chemistry until so jialat...just canot get those info into my brain.. [[ useless brain! =x ]] starting to feel breathing difficulties had been a long time since i last had tat.. ><" [[ i reali canot over stress..sianx.. ]] have to studii hard le then.. reali dun understand anything abt esters and the carboxylic acid.. >< [[ headache! ]]
Date :
Time : 10:15 AM Title : -:: dead ::- i am dead liao...chemistry dunno anything abt alkanes, alkenes, alcohol, acids and esters.. canot get help..sianx..die le..='( [[ stressed ]]
Date :
Time : 9:12 AM Title : -:: studii ::- studii studii and studii.. goin to die soon..=x todae got geog hr..w/o mindmap.. nvr even studii or read it ytd..then todae all by wat i rem lorx..>< [[ shld be dead liao lahx.. ]] ytd c BK cried until so tears nearly oso drop with her..c a gd fren cry until so jialat..heart broken lorx..=( [[ hope she is fine liao le.. ]] later goin to 846 or mac to studii been helping weijie [[ sec 3 ]] to do his chinese proj during the weekends..with yusi and BK and en and flor..
todae recess told xf, pp and gina abt the thing tat made me stupid..cry for wat? haix.. but wat pp said is wat im reali feeling inside... tat dae en just gave me a "xin li che yan" qns..after answering 2 qns... i found out tat i like quite lose out in relationships..><" [[ got 98% chance tat my partner will change heart..><" then in relationship im the one who give lose out..>< ]] tml still got chem test on alkANes..alkEnes..alcohol and esters..sian liao lorx.. [[ stressed! ]] studii studii studii ! ! !
Date : Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Time : 12:51 AM Title : -:: forgive ::- tears rolled down...feeling better bahx...not tears of stress..haix..reali dunno i will cry again..i went to 846 ltr in the nitex..then when i got sister went to bed..i went to bed at ard 1am..but i cried..w/o anyone knowing it..for tat stupid thing i reali stupid..well..there are friends who care for me..[[ thx u all of u ]]
after crying..and lots of thinking..i tink..since it is the past..i shld let it be the's point crying over tat..well..forgiven..heex..=] forgiveness is a lifelong commitment. we shld forgive b4 we receive it..=D now is the critical period..had to focus on my studies and study hard..=P everything can leave it to after Os..[[ can all? ]] O'level reali had broken up pairs of loving couples..why huh? [[ all ur steads b4 ur husband are all those ppl tat taught u wat is love and how to love..u shld thx them =x heard from somewhere de..=x ]] en..if u r reading tis..cheer up horx..=D friends are alwaes there for u..=] and i will oso alwaes b there for u when u need me..just like the way u all acc me tat time.. [[ heex.. ]] goin to 883 mac to study again le..=) must study hard lo.. jiayou jiayou jiayou...[[ roti kaya guyou =P ]]
Date : Monday, July 04, 2005
Time : 11:17 AM Title : -:: diSapPointed + uPset ::- haix...found out smting tat happened quite smtime ago...reali upset abt this matter..although it is sort of none of my business now le.. but i reali dunno wat to do..when i heard tis frm one of my fren..i still put up a brave front..pretendin tat tis matter doesn't bother me..but inside me im v upset abt it.. i feel like crying..haix..wat to do? im disappointed tat once i had tok to u abt tis matter..but u didnt bother to tell me this thing tat is so vvvv hurt do u noe??
i'm not a super woman i'm not the kind of girl tat u can let go, n think tat evything is ok boy, i'm only human how can u mend tis broken heart? how can u stop tis tears from dropping? how can u return me my fantasy? if we are fated, i believe love will lead u back to my arms someday, i just know tat... mo0d mod3 : realii diSapPoiintedd + heeartt bbrokenn + uPsett ='( |
WENDY. 21st June. Everything else, you'll know when you know me. (: I’m unique, very; or perhaps just weird? Leave some of your love. (: xueni joanne.beloved jenn.beloved xf.pei flor janice ziqi yuchin xinting lina linda yvonne beekwoon weiearn mic.tan jie March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 January 2011 April 2011 May 2011 November 2011 February 2012 March 2012 June 2012 January 2013 Designed by { ★CRUSHthespeaker } Thankful to { blogskins l xox } Blogged to { 53-percent } |