Date : Thursday, June 30, 2005
Time : 1:44 PM Title : -:: finally ::- finally she is back home safely..=D she went to her fren's hse to complete their proj.. she 4got to call hm and inform..><" had been doin my hmk just now.. [[ bio and emath ]] tml got emath test..i tried doin sm qns frm the TYS just now..i tink i realli need alot of help from others..same for other subj..found out tat my O'lvl oral is on the 070705..listening is on 150705..[[shld be glad tat im in e 1st two daes or shld i b worried? =\ faster finish faster focus on other subjs..]] mondae is youth dae..cfm nd to study at hm de..>< [[ mayb can ask sm frens to go study tgt..heex..=P ]] getting more n more bz these daes..
mr cheng had a tok with us in class 2dae..he suggest sm ppl to drop amath...but i dun tink im dropping..but if prelim reali CMI..i will absent for tat paper bahx.. need to start working suPer duPer hard for both my math liao..>< [[ bz!bz!bz! ]] jiayou lo!!!
Date :
Time : 10:01 AM Title : -:: worried ::- suffered frm bad headache until todae..><" [[ pain! Pain! Pain! ]] tml still got emath mock exam..paper 1… need to practice… I decided to do wat mr cheng recommended.. do @ least 3 qns of e/a math evydae… [[ hope I got the time to =x ]] todae nd to do bio hmk oso… now oready 7pm liao… my sister still nt hm yet.. ><" the whole family is so worried abt her… I oso no mood to do hmk le… [[ where r u?? ]] haix… hope she faster cm back.. dun make us so worried le.. ><
Date : Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Time : 10:25 AM Title : -:: bad headache ::- we got new banding for EL.. my EL tcher changed..>< [[ she is a new tcher..wonder how’s her teaching..]] todae need to rush hmk too… [[ SS and amath ]] had a bad headache the whole dae.. haf a nap le.. wake up oso pain.. ><" made me moody whole dae.. =x I wonder how m I goin to haf e time to revise for my work..>< [[ I guess I nd time management here le.. ]]
todae mdm tan [[ bio tcher ]] told us tat we shld had a goal by now.. if goin JC..which JC? If goin poly.. wat course? But im still struck between nurse and tcher! [[ wonder when I can make a decision…alwaes so indecisive..>< ]] she had oso mentioned tat black roses are used to for break up one..=x [[ but v ex lehx.. brk le still nd gif so ex de flower mehx? =x ]] she shared wif us a story or two oso… she sae got one girl…after her bf broke up wif her..she went to his hse and put prawns in the air ventilator… cos ltr the prawn decompose then e whole hse got e dead prawn smell… another one is abt a girl goin to her bf hse and cutting all his "Armani" brand clothes..=x [[ moral of the stories : nvr even offend a woman =x ]] lolx… biting of new shoe? Funniex mehx? Honestly I tink it’s a kind of "mi xing" ting lorx.. [[ wat my mum sae is –bite e shoe 1st b4 it bites u- ]] it doesn’t bother me aniwae… but I those who got go n bite de lorx..><>
Date : Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Time : 2:52 PM Title : -:: first dae of sch in e 2nd semester ::- today is the 1st day of the 2nd semester… stressed more le.. 2 more mths to prelim oni… todae got health check in schx.. check eyes, blood pressure, and got ask qns lorx.. blood pressure is normal.. lucky..tod I will have high blood or low blood pressure..=x the nurse said tat I was as skinny as her..>< then another one sae I was QUITE VERY thin bahx? =x we also got our new time table for the term…
then after school I went home to bathe and eat b4 meeting en at cwp.. [[actuali is meet at 2.45pm de… but I quite rush..then I tink she oso quite rush.. time subject to changes.. so we change the meeting time to 3pm..]] went to cwp to buy mic’s bdae present..=x it’s belated de liao.. cos too bz wif sch wrk..then nvr got the time… [[mic..sorriex..]] after buying I acc en to have her lunch.. she so kelian.. no ppl acc..then I acc her lorx.. I oni ate dessert oni.. =] both of us really missed those daes that we studied at 883 mac until it closes..=x but tis week BK and KK both have to wrk.. so mayb next week then study tgt again bahx.. [[starting to miss those grp studying daes le..><"]] actuali we intended to leave cwp by 4pm de..but in the end..after her lunch we walked in circles in cwp.. then keep chatting.. wonder y we got so much to tok abt.. she got xing shi but no time to tell BK… then keep inside like v xinku.. I lend her my ears to let her pour out all her sorrows lorx.. at night in msn.. jun oso came to find me tok.. she sae she v xinku.. cos she isn’t herself these daes… she did tell me y..[[ confidential ]] feel sad for both of them.. but hope that my ears r of gd use to them..=P I asked en to help me change my blogskin in msn… [[cos my net got prob again…then v mafan to change the blogskin…smmore I dian nao bai chi dunno how to do so.. so asked for her help..=x]] I think on by thurs she will be done bahx… [[en..after u have done rem to get a drink from me..=D]]
Date : Monday, June 27, 2005
Time : 8:18 AM Title : still got one whole pile..>< so sianx...still got alot of hmk not done..smmore tml start schx liao..>< [[stressed!!]] just finished my oral picture discussion and conversation oni..still got recording need to do..[[but cannot do now..cos the recorder with weien]] need to get back to work soon le..
ytd en come tell me smthing..can c tat she is sad lorx..spend smtime to console her..[[hope that she is fine liao..]] ytd very late then slp..cos console her and do hmk at the same time..><" today need to do alot..[[headache!]] wondering how is mizu le..=x really miss her alot..><" [[dunno got kanna bully or abuse anot...=x]] today actually tommy can return me the cd liao..but i cannot make it paisehx..>< [[actually if i wan take smting back shld go out and that then like more polite? jiu shi canot make it..paisehx..><]] need to get back to work liao le..jiayou bahx..=D intend to change my blogskin..need to get help..[[no choice..dian nao bai chi mahx...=x but weiearn had offered to help me..thx]]
Date : Sunday, June 26, 2005
Time : 4:56 PM Title : working hard on my homeworks.. i was doing my homework now...trying very hard to finish the oral picture discussion and conversation thing..[[headache!!]] got 10 oral practices to do..tml will do the recording of the 10 passages many hmk not yet done..after english i still got emath and amath.. [[i need a really long time for my math brain v weak at thinking math qns mahx..><"]] it's my just desserts nahx..who ask me play n play..dunwan do hmk..last min work only can sae : jay0u wendy!! jay0u loRx..
getting back to work liao..=\ [[wish me luck bahx..]]
Date :
Time : 1:50 PM Title : hapiiex biirthday to mEeEee agaiin!! hmmx...ytd was my "chinese" bday..[[so near to my "english" bday]] woke up in the morning then mama tell me table got 4 red eggs...2 for me and 2 for my sister..[[my sister also got cos mum sae unfair to her if i got she doesnt]] i oso dunno ytd was my chinese bday..i still ask mum what big occassion..=x [[nw hardly got ppl remember and bothers abt their "chinese" bday de liao mahx..of cos i oso..=P]] so gan dong by my mum..she sae she rem then got de..lolx..but she still rem..xie xie mummi..=D
whole day doing english hmk..the teacher is many paper 1 and 2 need to do..><" but managed to finished stressed up..=x today afternn while i was doin my hmk suddenly gastric pain..[[i dunno is gastric pain..cos i nvr had the prob..then i went to tell mum..she sae was gastric pain..but the weird thing is i got eat still got gastric pain..--"]] i got gastric pain then i keep eating chocolates..=x then kanna mum sae..=x then i went to drink some warm water..after awhile feeling btr liao..=D so hapiex that wanna schx reopen liao...[[although hmk alot havent done]] cos i find that holidays are not great time for me..[[cos i got alot of free time at hm..then will anyhow think things..then ltr moody again..i dunwan to c the word "unhapiex" in my dictionary again le..=) no matter what i must stay hapiex so that those ard me are hapiex too..=D]] when schx reopens..whole class will be studying hard tgt for Os le..hope Os faster come and faster pass.. recently family got financal prob..i wan go work but parents both dun let..cos Os mahx.. then no choice lorx..faster end Os then can go find work and yang that papa wun be so xing ku liao le..feeling abit excited when the thought of sch reopening is nearing..=P missed all my friends alot..miss their lame and dirty jks..lolx.. ytd watched one cartoon..learnt smthing..=x -laughter is the best medicine- and -the seeds of laughter can make everyone smile- weird horx? cartoon oso can learn things..lolx..but it's a nice cartoon..=P [[16 yrs old liao still like kid like that..=x watched cartoon..lolx..but mature doesnt mean good lorx..=x childish is btr..=P that's my thinking..lolx..]] recently my relationship with my sister is alot closer then the past...dunno why lehx..mayb recently i tends to tell her alot of my secrets bahx..[[dun try to bribe her =P]] but at least btr then giving each other cold shoulder mahx..=D love her..muackx..=P but i had been thinking..what i really wanna be? a nurse? or a teacher? honestly..what i really wanna be is a teacher..cos i love kids..but mum told me that teacher dun earn much.. mayb cos i wanna be a kindergarden tcher bahx...a primary schx tcher like also dun earn much... really confused now..cos if i wanna be a tcher..i will go ngee ann poly..if i wanna be a nurse then i will go nanyang poly..i really dunno lehx..><" my aunt tell me that being a nurse is btr.. cos go until where also will got job lehx? teacher? nurse? which one?? so confused..[[ju mng AR!!]]...=x hope i really know what i wanna be bahx..but i really wanna b a tcher..mum pay not nehx? =( [[troubled]] mo0d mod3 : troubledd + miissiingg HER *[__the seed of laughter can make evyone smile______::: =)
Date : Saturday, June 25, 2005
Time : 5:19 AM Title : drink vodka with mama..lolx.. ytd mama and papa repaint the master's room..from blue to purple..not bad lahx the colour.. anyway they like it can liao..their room mahx..=) actually me and my sister wanna help out de..then we went to haf a nap 1st..only slept for 1hr..but wake up that time they had already finished painting liao..--" [[actually wanna draw on the walls..=x]] then in the end never do any of the painting lorx..
when we woke up is ard 7pm..then watched tbee lorx..watched the "superstar".. the F2 [[kelly]] was great..i like her singing and her too..=P but i dun really like the F1 girl [[xinhui]]..=x she gif a feeling of "im-the-best" thingy..=x but all are great lahx..girls sing btr then the boys lehx..><" but the guys got shuai ge to c..=x [[looking 4ward to nxt week de..cos got 1 guy i tink v shuai..can c him liao..=P lolx..fa hua chi..=x]] but then 11.30pm is the results.. got 4 kanna "kick" out..but the 2 guys kanna "kick" out de i dun nvm..=x as for the girls lehx..i dunno why F3 [[jiaxin]] kanna kick out lorx..i tod F1 [[xinhui]] will be out...=x then while watching the tbee mama ask whether we wan drink anot..><" [[where got mama ask daughter wanna drink anot de? surprised lehx..]] then me and my sister share one bottle of vodka..[[cos i dun really like to drink..=x dun really like the taste bahx...or i too guai liao? =P bhb..=x]] my mama drink beer and eat peanuts.. --" [[but she v clumsy...split the drink and the shells of the peanuts..><"]] help her clean up lorx.. really hardly got mother and children drinking together de lehx..lucky that i dun really like to drink...=x then later she went to bed and my sister do hmk lorx..[[at night then do cos parents all slping..smmore we got afternn nap just now mahx..then not tired..]] awhile later went to bed liao..lolx..cos i tired liao..=x [[mayb cos i too piggy liao..=x evytime wan slp..=x]] quite stressed up recently liao..haix..need to pia the hmk mahx..[[it's my just desserts lahx.. who ask me play play play..dun wan finish up all the hmk asap..><" can't blame anyone for that..=\]] but all i can say to myself is : jiayou wendy! u can finish in time de!! =D better go and complete my english hmk liao le.. buaixbuaix ^^ today is mic's bdae...HAPIIEX BIIRTHDAY MIIC!!! mo0d mod3 : stressedd upp nohx.. jiay0u! =D *[__// jiay0u.jiay0u.jiay0u_____+::)
Date : Thursday, June 23, 2005
Time : 4:26 AM Title : ---siianx --" --- is the last dae of the holidae remedials..end at 12.30pm..quite short actually.. but is mdm kartini lesson that is very long..[i tink long mayb cos is in ava rm..then v the aircon is unable to switch off..freezing at the north pole..=x] then got science lesson..but time table nvr write is which sci..then mrs chew took over for chem..[actually oready expected de liao lorx..she evytime got free period then wan take over de "/] then later is mr teo's lesson..phy..he got a sudden test for us..>< [shld be able to do bahx..=x]
then intended to go ice skate..[but i dunno..=x just go there and learn lorx..can learn new things mahx..=P] but cannot find ppl go..><" oni me and gina..then looking for more ppl.. if really nobody then i tink not goin liao le...tonite goin over to youth centre..for movies.. [goin to overnite there..watching vcds..dunno got what nice movies..but shld be goin over quite late bahx..since they are there until thurs morning..=x] suddenly got a feeling that smone dislike me..=x [yi shen yi gui ><] dunno what i thinking also..=x too stress liao mayb..=P enter the lift then suddenly this tod came to my mind..=x mayb cos too tired liao bahx..@@ =/ [tink btr get sm slp 1st..=x] marilyn : xie xie ni..i saw ur "wishing" at ur blog..=D mo0d mod3 : tiired @@ + bottledd upp = *[__//l0v3.l0v3.l0v3____:))++
Date : Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Time : 2:43 PM Title : hapiiex biirthday to mEeEee!!! hmmx...ytd was my aunt [jane] birthday..very qiao horx? =P so close to my bday.. hahax.. good mahx..can celebrate tgt..then ytd aunt [janice] , another sister of my mama..she treat us to Kbox..[so nice of her..=P] then sing until shuang lorx..=x [1st time go very mountain tortoise lehx..><"] my aunt [janice] also bought a cake for my aunt [jane].. then she only took 1 candle..lolx..then sing bday song in the kbox room lorx..celebrated mine too.. [this year got 2 bday greedy..=x but taiwan ppl bday is 3 wishes de..i still got 1 more..hahax..3rd wish : have another 3 more wishes..=P jkjk greedy for what.. 2 is enough..=D] sang alot of songs..hahax..2pid song, nice song, lame song, romantic song, old songs, all sort of songs also one guy there quite shuai lehx..=S hahax... then got home at 12 accurate..=x [lucky we got the last train from jurong east back to wdls..if not will be taking the cab liao i think..]
suddenly recalled that on the 19th and my sister dunno y canot slp..=x then chatted in bed..from 12.30 to 3am then slp..=x some more nxt day i still got schx at 8am..hahax.. [so talkative horx? hahax..hardly talk so long with her in the night..=x some more is in comfortable de place..] told her alot of secrets..=x talk about those past of mine lorx.. [sad lehx..><" but when happen to talk abt the swt parts..dunno why i will smile xP siao liao lahx..><] but i think she also enjoy listening lahx..but still wanted her to study..i really regretted for starting the 1st relationship..regretted more to start a 2nd one..[both caused me so much pain and affected my studies..and my life..] life will never be the same when u started ur 1st relationship..then i even worst..2nd one..somemore in sec4..such and imprt year to me..but no matter what now..all have to wait! after O'lvl then take into consideration bahx...=] study more imprt now..ppl tell me many order to 4get someone u like/love..the easiest way is to fall for another person..but my reply will always be "too unfair to that person"..[ritex? it's too selfish to do such thing..for ur own sake, u sacifice another person's feelings..too much lorx..=x no offence to anyone horx..=x] smmore now im goin to have my Os..cannot afford to like anybody..[but since i had one in mind liao..either 4get or dun tink abt it juz wait until after Os..i cannot fall 4 anyone now!!!] i also dunno why suddenly wanna type so much in the blog..anyway hardly got ppl read nvm..=x to myself [girl! study now! continue to put him in the bottom of ur heart..dun think abt it.. even he wants u to study hard..not for for ur own sake! achieve ur goal.. NYP..nursing..must be a great nurse in the future..=x must jiayou! *haix* ] hapiiex biirthday to meEee bahx..=P heex..finally im 16 yrs old liao..[to ppl mayb nthing, but to me v imprt =x] hmmx..16 liao le..can watch NC16 and legal to enter pool centre..=P this time go cwp de pool centre the person want check i/c jiu let them check lorx..not like that time.. try to "smuggle" in but obviously is FAIL de..=x [i so short, who believe im 16? ><] today kanna shaving cream on the face..some more is 2x together! all thanks to linfong and shawn...--" then went to the staff toilet [cos nearest mahx..] and clean up.. hair also kanna... then wash lorx...but trick those class boys that i cried cos kanna into the eyes...=x i think gina lying skills not bad...they already believed 1/2 liao..=x [laoya eng..i think oni i understand bahx..=P] then just now linfong called me...asked if im angry and did i cry...lolx..[scare liao??=P] nahx...i won't cry and get angry over this kind of "sabo" thing de lahx..lolx..those who understand me well will know...=D 1st time "celebrated" my birthday in schx..=x [cos bday in the holiday mahx..nvr go back schx de..this time 1st time lorx..=x ] got alot ppl sms and wished me..friends are really great!! heex..=D hmmx..mayb wat papa said was true bahx...secondary sch friends are most likely to be the friends that acc through ur life.. poly or jc friends very sec sch friends are great..heex..=P must cherish time with them le..^^ starting to get abit worried..=x what if we all left sch? some go JC some go poly.. i scare i will miss them lehx.. >< [2pid horx? think so far..--"] thanks to all who had wished me hapiiex birthday..^^ i will stay hapiiex and enjoy my current life de..=D my world is full of fun with all of you..=] love you all..heex..=P mo0d mod3 : hapiiex + xiing ffu =x + miissiing HER [lalala~] *[_//hapiiex biirthday to meEee____+::
Date : Sunday, June 19, 2005
Time : 3:44 PM Title : hapiiex biirthday PARTY... don't mistaken that today is my birthday horx..=x
today my house got a birthday party... heex..of cos is fun lahx..=P today around 1+ i went to cwp.. collect my birthday cake with my sister.. then she went to 883 to buy things.. while i carried that 2kg cake home..><" just got home only.. then mum ask me to go buy ice.. then went to 883 with my sister again.. bought 2 big packet of 5kg ice.. but it don't weigh like 5kg..=x then bath liao went to 834 to acc en eat... she so kelian..those boys play CS play until bo chap her... then ccw zx and jane come find me lorx.. then went to youth centre awhile.. intend to go home tgt with them de.. then my sister called.. peipei xiaofong and congan oready at my hse liao..=x then i faster rush home with ccw zx and jane nohx...=P awhile later en wenkang chiahaw shawn jiu come liao.. then play mahjong lorx.. still need to serve food to them..><" but at least the 5 boys sing birthday song 4 me... wuahaha...but very nan ting..=x then BK KK and zhiliang jiu come liao... by that time the rest already started to drink liao..=x 10 bottles of vodka is not enough..>< then daddy went to buy again lorx.. he bought around another 10 bottles.. also finish in a short time..=x then gasbeng(don't know how to spell) afew ppl drink only.. then wait for gina and her sis lorx... they come le.. then sing brithday song and cut cake lorx.. then kanna KK put cream on left cheek.. wipe mum put cream on my right cheek..--" wipe liao..KK put some more.. then i want put on him he run..>< then i shun shou..put on wenkang and linfong's faces..=x then went to cut cake again.. linfong attack from behind..><" somemore use WIPE de.. whole face kanna cream...>< KK then wipe on my hand..--" but fun lahx..lolx..went to clean up lorx... then c en alone in the room.. me and KK went to put cream on her.. wenkang also in the room so he also kanna... lolx...very enjoyable.. but i don't know tuesday i going to die until siao liao.. linfong still say buy cream, flour..>< cannot imagine... but really very fun today.. BK drink alot..but got KK control her..lolx.. as for the presents.. abit sian diao.. they bought alot of "bad boy" things...><" im not so crazy over "bad boy" lahx... i more crazy over dogs, tarepanda, mickey mouse, etc..=P jkjk lahx..hmmx...but i think.. most ex de shld be linfong buy de.. "make new friends" de monkey..lolx.. somemore got birth cert.. that monkey name is "wendy"..--" but he don't know my actual bdae.. so he put 18 june..hahax.. nvm lahx..but really ex lehx..>< still help me "do facial"..>< but really appreciate all these.. xie xie ni men..=D thx..=] buaixbuaix ^^ mo0d mod3 : hapiiex !! hiigh-spiiriitedd ^^ *[_//frens r treasures cherish above all golds___+::
Date : Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Time : 1:30 PM Title : Getting More and More Boring at Home..haix... so sianx..boring..=/
today whole day at home.. super duper sianx.. intend to go out find job de.. but very mafan.. cos mama only let me work in the holidays.. that means for a month only.. very few want this kind of staff de mahx.. so mafan..>< *who got lobang must tell me horx..=P xiexie.. actually is got one nail polishing de.. but need go for training... actually today is training de... but start at around 4pm.. then i confirm very late go home de.. mama will bu fang xin..>< then never go..haix..mafan! but no choice mahx.. mothers normally worry alot for girls de..=] so boring today.. the back so painful somemore.. wanted to go out tomorrow de... but peipei not free for tml and thursday.. then ask BK to go mac do homework tml.. she don't want.. just now help her.. by planning saying i go cwp with her.. actually she is out with ZL.. still kanna nagging by my father...><" i think next time btr help her lesser.. paper cannot wrap fire.. one day all these will be discovered de.. haix..don't know why so sianx.. felt abit disappointed.. don't know for what..=/ i started to find myself not myself liao.. hapiiex infront of others... but actually im not hapiiex inside.. laugh with friends.. play with friends.. crack jokes with friends.. it's only the outside.. inside? getting more and more miserable.. who can i approach? starting to lose control of my tears... haix...tell me what to do?? when can i be back to normal? thinking that i had 4gotten.. and let out..and get over.. but those memories keep flowing back.. isit those things that happened that make me harder to let go? i wondered sometimes.. am i still a friend to him? least we are still in contact...(seldom) ending it here.. buaixbuaix mo0d mod3 : upsett + disappoiintedd + miiserablee + bluee ='( *[_allonee.iin.tthe.worldd.oof.darkneess____+::
Date : Monday, June 06, 2005
Time : 4:30 PM Title : Play Mahjong At Bk/KK hse again.. heex.. today BK came to my house to do hmk..
then i accompany her to 768.. buy her contact lens for a month.. then i also ask the price for 6 months de.. so cheap lehx.. ><> at home still got 2 months de haven't use... do hmk do 1/2 way.. then c which other de sunburnt how jialat.. lolx..girls mahx..=P my one red-er then hers..=x do hmk awhile only.. then all want play mahjong..lolx.. then later at night went to her house and play liao..=x until ard 12+ going to 1am then go home.. cos i around 1.10am reached home mahx.. with my sister lorx..=] today need to do hmk liao le.. ><" gampateh liao nehx.. ^^o buaixbuaix ^^ mo0d mod3 : hapiiex + ppaiinful ><" *[___liive liifee tto tthe fullestt_____+::
Date :
Time : 4:33 AM Title : sms.. Never say i love you if you don't really care...
Never talk about feelings if they aren't really there... Never hold my hand if you are going to break my heart... Never say you are going to if you don't plan to start... Never look into my eyes if all you do is lie... Never lock my heart if you don't have the key... Never say hello if you actually mean good bye... If you really mean forever then say you will try... Never say forever if you don't mean it... Cos' forever makes me cry... just wanted to post..don't know why... i just cannot sleep yesterday night... my back was super duper painful... cos of that stupid sunburnt..=x but i think alot too.. i was thinking about the past again.. haix..i cried again.. what's happening to me? thinking about the past can't make the time turns back... everything is already over le.. must learn to forget!!! >< mo0d mod3 : cconfusedd = *[___learn to forget!!_____+::
Date : Sunday, June 05, 2005
Time : 2:24 PM Title : A Great Day at Sentosa..lolx.. 03 june 05:
tan jiajun and dom don't know y suddenly so kind.. treat me BK and my sister to seoul garden...>< also don't bother to ask... since they so rich..then they treat lorx..=x hmmx..very mountain tortoise.. i 1st time go seoul garden eat..=P heard alot of "ouch" here and there..=x BK keep shouting..cos she kanna the oil..lolx.. saw alot of people that i haven't seen for a long time.. jane jie.. meiqiang..weili and her dear...lolx.. 04 june 05: today went to sentosa with a big grp of friends... have a great day..heex.. 1st..i go rollerblade.. got chenghui..ruby (just noe him today..=x)... gina..and raymond..these 4 ppl to teach and support me.. heex..thankx guys..=P but i learn until very malu..lolx.. keep need ppl hold de..><" but got chenghui and gina to let me hold..lucky..=x but then they also bad! dump me at the back..ask me blade myself..>< fell down twice..lolx.. 1st time so malu... cannot stop in time.. fell into the bush..lolx..funniex horx? then want return blade that time fell again.. this time i also drag chenghui down..=x but she is fine!! i got injured ><" after blading..went to play volleyball.. then went to play in the sea.. very fun..heex..^^ but chenghui got a cut in her toe..=x she still can jk that she step on chilli sauce..--" when the person help her clean the wound.. he say not pain de.. then she go shout "ouch".. lolx..funniex lehx...=P then play volleyball again lorx... whole day activities only afew.. but very fun..^^ heex.. very sianx diao lehx.. i apply sun block lotion liao.. still kanna sunburnt..--" but is 1st time kanna lahx..=P become like roasted pig..lolx.. red red tan tan de..lolx.. the most sianx part is the Q-ing up for bathrooms.. so many people..=\ waited for quite a long time.. but nvm lahx..get to bath in the end..lolx.. the water very big!!! very pain when it hits my back..--" i guess my skin is goin to peel soon..=x hmmx...ard 10+ then reach wdls bahx.. florence and en alighted at admiralty with wenkang and shawn.. then i alight at wdls with linfong, chiahaw and jianghan.. have a great day...heex..=P never went to sentosa with friends b4..>.< really and enjoyable day..heex.. got to go and rest le.. buaixbuaix..^^ mo0d mod3 : ssunburntt + hapiiex + eenjjoyedd mysellf =P *[__stay cheerful always_____+::
Date : Friday, June 03, 2005
Time : 10:36 AM Title : hapiiex biirthday mr cheng ^^ another person's biirthday today...lolx..
MR CHENG CHUNG YU lorx...hahax... today got english remedial for 4 hrs in total.. can diie..=x today lunch break went to 883 to buy fruit cake for mr cheng.. then ask him go class lorx.. sang birthday song.. cut cake.. eat lorx.. ( same old steps =P ) late for mr tan chai hock's class.. cos of the mini celebration.. maybe is the last time le bahx...=/ hope not..=P today need to start on hmk liao le..>< die die also a must!!! stop here then... buaixbuaix ^^ mo0d mod3 : hapiiex + tiired =z *[__stay cheerful always____+::
Date : Thursday, June 02, 2005
Time : 7:28 AM Title : hapiiex biirthday janiice..^^ june..
my aunt's biirthdae..heex..^^ nothiing much happen today lorx.. =x HAPIIEX BIIRTHDAE AUNT! mo0d mod3 : =\ don'tt knoww llehx.. *[__stay cheerful always____+::
Date : Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Time : 7:35 AM Title : xiaowupo entry *` 57 yesterday was so fun..hahax..
so many people come my house.. "celebrate" finish chinese Os..=P my house yesterday like casino...hahax.. the government's casino haven't ready then my house got liao..=x in the room play mahjong.. in the living room play poker..>< let me who come.. those usual ones lorx... BK KK En Kang.. "unusual" ones got.. Jianghan Yaoxian Zhiliang... until ard 10+?? i also not very confirm.. then went to the petrol station.. buy tibits..went to the playground.. sit and went crazy..hahax... after awhile went home lorx.. then en and KK come up awhile.. me and KK help Kang lorx.. "trick" en..=x he want give her "surprise".. long story..lazy to type out...=P heex.. today went to the 1st remedial class for the June holidays.. 1st period is biology.. afew people late..but surprisingly.. mdm tan never scold or what..=\ next is physics.. mr teo got a new picture of his baby.. so cute..>.< then math.. usual lorx..nothing happen lorx.. mr cheng's birthday is coming.. don't know what the class planned to do.. chemistry.. wahx..jackie chew go through very fast.. faster then the speed of light..=x too kuan zhang liao lahx..hahax.. then went home lorx.. so sianx..>< so many homework... i go do some liao le..=P buaixbuaix ^^ mo0d mod3 : siianx + joyyfful =D *[__stay cheerful always____+:: |
WENDY. 21st June. Everything else, you'll know when you know me. (: Look at others' virtues, not their shortcomings. Leave some of your love. (: xueni joanne.beloved jenn.beloved xf.pei flor janice ziqi yuchin xinting lina linda yvonne beekwoon weiearn mic.tan jie March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 January 2011 April 2011 May 2011 November 2011 February 2012 March 2012 June 2012 January 2013 Designed by { ★CRUSHthespeaker } Thankful to { blogskins l xox } Blogged to { 53-percent } |