Date : Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Time : 8:40 AM
Title : xiaowupo entry *` 56

die liao le.. ='(
today chinese O'level..
actually thought should be able to get at least a A2 de..
then after chatting with jun..
she say the bao zhang bao dao is xian xiang de..
so the zhong xin lun dian must be dan you..
but i didn't write dan you!!!
now i am very dan you le.. =(
sadx lehx..haix..

this time very difficult to get a distinction liao le..
haix..maybe school reopen or what then go ask teacher lorx..
don't hu si luan xiang 1st.. mood to continue liao...=(
so boring at home..somemore got this kind of sad thing happen...

to those who got faith in me : sorry..might disappoint you all..

buaixbuaix ^^

mo0d mod3 : dann youu + worriiedd + saddx ='(

*[__stay cheerful always____+:: - can i? -

Date : Sunday, May 29, 2005
Time : 2:42 AM
Title : xiaowupo entry *` 55

starting to get worried liao!!!
mother tongue O'level is nearing le!!!
everyone should be preparing now..
or had already prepared hao liao bahx? stressed up recently..
well..give it a best shoot..
so i don't have the need to study for it at the end of year..

monday mother tongue Os liao..
my sister still ask friends come my house and play mahjong!
how am i able to study like that worx...
but no choice lahx..
she holiday liao mahx..><
i REN..lolx..
after monday 12.30pm..
then can relax ABIT..

hmmx...think update more next time bahx...
got to study chinese liao le..
heex...good luck to everyone taking the paper!!
buaixbuai ^^

mo0d mod3 : worriiedd + iin ddeep thhouughts =P

*[__stay cheerful always____+::

Date : Saturday, May 28, 2005
Time : 9:33 AM
Title : Getting Nearer To Mother Tongue O'level...

left 4 days to mother tongue o'level liao le..
i really regret to start so late liao..><
i am wondering
why some of them don't seem to worry at all..
or am i too nervous for it?
no matter what..
i must have a distinction in my Chinese..
that can be counted as my only hope of getting a A..
the rest of the subjects..
is very difficult for me to get a A...

so sianx diao..--"
holidays still got remedial..(expected lahx)
but why must it on the 21st?!
1.30 to 3.30..after that can go where play?
alamak lehx...=x
everything till that day then see how bahx..
"chuan dao qiao tou, zhi rang zhi"

good luck to all..^^v

mo0d mod3 : worriiedd + troubleedd =\

*[__stay cheerful always___+`

Date : Thursday, May 26, 2005
Time : 7:26 AM
Title : Finally Can Update My Blog Liao Le.. ^^v Heex..

woahx...soOoOoOoo long never come and update my blog liao..
anyone miss me? =x heex..don't think there is any lahx..=P
hmmx...recently computer spoil never come and update..
i think is the com tio virus...=/
why don't want tio bacteria?
at least bacteria can be cure by antibotics mahx..=x
don't know correct information mahx..hahax..
scarly i say wrongly..=x

got back all the mid year papers liao le...
soOoOoOoo disappointed sehx...=/
all not up to my expectations...=(
but i won't give up de..heex..must jiayou liao..

today know my class position and L1R4/5..
so lao face to face people liao..><
but i soOoOoOoo proud of my sister..lolx..
she got 2nd in class..heex..
i think also 2nd in the whole secondary one level bahx..=P
why my sister so clever lehx?? ><
she at home so slack also can get 2nd...
so sianx diao... --"
never mind sister mahx...
of course clever lahx horx? =P
don't bhb liao lahx...lolx..

left 5 days to chinese O liao le..><
i still can say sort of never start lorx..=P
so busy with all the chinese paper 2 homework..
one day must do 3 paper 2...can die lorx..><
i am not a robot!! =x
need to go and rest liao le...

wish all the people taking MT O good luck and all the best..

mo0d mod3 : tiired + joyful =D


Date : Saturday, May 14, 2005
Time : 2:51 PM
Title : *` finally can blog liao

11 may 2005 --

me n BK sat in Mr Cheng's car..=P
cool lehx..><>
he send us to shiok...=x
then today wenkang, KK, Yaoxian, Jiahao, Shawn came..
play manjong...
com nvr blog for a few days...

12 may 2005 --

today i know weili evydae cm n read my blog..
so gandong..lolx..
nvr tink that smone will evydae read lehx..><
to weili : xie xie ni..^^ get back chinese listening and paper 1...
quite happy lorx..
listening - 10/10
paper 1 - 19/20 and 36/50

13 may 2005 --

got back chinese paper 2..
so disappointed..
overall oni got 73.5%..A2..
aimed for A1 de lehx..><
ishx paper 2 pull me down me de lorx..
miss wong v wat lorx..ask me to give talk..><
i die die also don't want!!! =P
the com still sot sot de.. --"
buaixbuaix ^^

mo0d mod3 : diisappoiintedd + ppek chhek =x

Date : Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Time : 11:04 AM
Title : *` last paper finally

woahx...heex...todae end of mid yr liao..^^
so happiex..but ltr on still got O'lvl..=(
after Os then can reali enjoy liao..heex..
todae sci (chem) paper 2...
alot from TYS de lehx..><
if O'lvl oso like tat then i cfm do the TYS again n again de..=x
amath paper 2..1st time sit for 2 amath paper..
last year is alwaes "amath paper" oni..
no part one or part two de..
so sianx diao lehx..
my amath gone liao lahx..><
dunno is paper hard or cos i didnt practice much..=\
todae do amath paper 1/2 then rain..
so cooling..=P
after tat went hm n slp..
need to give my body sm rest..=x
ytd nitex BK n Yusi came n over nitex again..
b4 tat my hse got "party"...lolx..
all come n study...lolx..the whole living room so packed..
but then good mahx..=x
i hardly got so many frens cming to me hse de..=P (kelianx horx? =x)
ytd my father tell me BK n Yusi alot of stories..
abt those "ghosts" "spirits" "gods" things..
sm is he experience it himself de..><
tok until 12+ goin to 1am then we start to study..=x
study awhile then all sae slp awhile..
ltr wake up again n study..
in the end is i wake up 1st...
then wake them up..
yusi read for less than 30mins..then went back to slp liao.
awhile ltr until BK's turn...hahax..
then i study alone lorx...then at ard 4am..
then i went back to slp..
then wake up n prepare for schx liao norhx..
got hm slp from 1+ to 7+..hahax...
so shiok after waking up..heex...
nxt week need to study hard for MT O'lvl liao le..
jiayou jiayou jiayou roti kaya guyou..=P
buaixbuaix ^^

mo0d mod3 : ffree + awwake + quiiett

*[__\\sttay chheerrfful + ______`

Date : Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Time : 4:33 AM
Title : *` 完蛋了

wan dan le!
haix..todae amath paper...
killer paper..
goin into the examination hall..
is like walking into the "xing chang"..
awaiting to be killed =P ... lolx..
so jialat..alot dunno how to do..><
ytd nitex BK n Yusi came n stay overnitex..
all slept in the living rm...=x sianx sia...
ytd pia de todae cm out little bit oni..
i tink tml paper 2 will be cming out bahx..=\
ltr they cming to study again..
sianx..tml amath paper 2 + sci (chem) paper 2...
can die!!! i both oso soOoOoo weak..><"
so tired..@@
wan go orhx orhx awhile le..^^" heex..
buaixbuaix ^^

mo0d mod3 : tiired + harddworkkiing =P + hhigh mettalboliism ratee =x

*[__\\sttay chheerrfful + ______`

Date : Monday, May 09, 2005
Time : 3:25 AM
Title : *` late then go hm

hmmx..ytd went to WYC (wdls youth centre) to study...
oni me en n flo reach there 1st..
no one there liao le..lolx..
then the rest ltr then came..
saw one "kong kar kiao" de cockroach..
hahax..still can move the leg abit..=x xin..flo v scare..hahax..
after that me mic yusi flo n en go cwp..
alamak lehx..c so many tops i wan de..><
no $$ to buy lahx..can oni cc oni..=(
after tat en n flo went hm..mic oso..
then left me n yusi..went to 883 mac...
actuali wanna stay there n study de...
then she dunwan c smone there..
then we buy ice cream jiu go BK blk there de playgrd..
then she suddenly sae wanna c tat person..=\
jiu went back le..then awhile ltr BK came n join us lorx..
then went to her hse...cos wenkang, shawn, linfong n KK play manjong...
tod go up n study sehx..><
put my plane..=x
then ard 9pm i went to mac alone..
tommy sae wan teach me chem..
actuali is no go de..then like v bad..=x
he offer to help then tio rejection...
then tink harm goin lahx..
then went dwn lorx..awhile ltr beeyee came to mac..
wait for me to acc me up her hse..
then watch "my sassy girlfriend" disc 2...
hahax..cos BK start watching liao le..><
vvv nice show..heex..=P
so sweet..><
then ltr me n BK cook maggie mee n food liao mahx..=x
then eat le toktok awhile..
cos wenkang linfong shawn went hm/went to eat mahx..
then ard 12+ then they came..
then start to "study" liao..hahax..
play n chit chat lahx actuali...
but got get into serious work..=P
BK father came back n treat us roti prata..hahax..
ard 3+ goin to 4am liao then went hm..
1st time so late go hm..><
got ppl send me im vv safe...hahax..
todae nd to pia amath liao le..=\
so sianx..still got 2 more days de exam to go..
after mid yr still nd to pia MT O'lvl..sianx..
hope june faster come!!
at least can go out mahx..=x
goin to eat liao..
buaixbuaix ^^

mo0d mod3 : tiiredd + harddworkkiing =P
*[__\\sttay chheerrfful + ______`

Date : Sunday, May 08, 2005
Time : 3:14 AM
Title : *` many days nvr blog lehx..>< many tings wan sae..=x
hmmx..let me recall...
todae got sci (phy) paper 2..
alamak..easier then pure phy alot alot lehx..><
shld b able to pass lahx..=x
but geog can die...
die of failing n writing..><
not enuff time de lehx..=\
then at nitex went to study again..
then mac closing liao..went to 846..
cos i still unsure of "vectors"..=P
then the tables all so dirty..
so we went to sit in the open space..
that KK smmore can lay down n slp..--"
then at 1st got light de...
then like quite late liao..light close liao..><
kelian until nd to use hp de light n shine..
smmore i more retarded..
keep asking wenkang to repeat..hahax..
went hm n pia for bio lorx..

hmmx..math paper2..DIE...FINISH liao..
2hr30mins..100marks.. not enuff time..
at 1st still tink got time to check.. liao lahx...=(
but in the morning actuali mr cheng not here de...
then we all like v sadx like tat..
then wan go hall that time saw him came..
all like c "jiu xing" like tat.. hahax..
all suddenly so energeric...hahax..
bio paper 2...actuali is quite easy..
but i nvr study much..=x
ytd study until slp mahx..><
then at nitex went to study again..
sae 7pm meet at mac... i go there liao..
nobody there.. call them..
BK sae ltr she cm..en oso..
shawn 9pm then cm...wenkang ltr then cm...
i sit there alone for ard 30mins..><
so lonely..=x
practice amath ytd...
hmmx...then got saw tommy oso..
smmore eat ice cream oso no treat..=x
after awhile mac wan close liao..
then we went out lorx..
but BK go help tuition zhiliang's sister haven cm back..
help her carry her things..
then went to her blk de void deck n tok..
all toking abt ghost de things..hahax...
then oso got sae lame jks lahx...
tok vv long..then florence n en went hm le...
left me yusi KK shawn n wenkang...
still waiting for BK.. then we tok abt ghost de things..
hahax..sae until all so scare..
then ltr move to playgrd there n tok..
KK go smell the flower..--"
then BK awhile jiu cm liao..
with her horx..i reali can get hrt attack v soon..
hahax...evytime kanna her xia dao de lehx..><
ytd nitex quite late then got hm...
todae goin to WSC (wdls social centre) to study..
until 6pm oni..hmmx..
then ltr dunno got go elsewhere anot liaox..=\
like v long liao..><>

mo0d mod3 : happiiex + hharddworkkiing =P

*[__\\sttay chheerrfful + ______`

Date : Thursday, May 05, 2005
Time : 4:51 AM
Title : *` wan dan liao.. finished liao..lolx..
finish = die liao..
anyhow write..rush n rush..
i smmore is more retarded de...
then nd to tink fast n write fast..die le lorx..
finish exam papers liao then horx...
walk out of schx..
hmmx..bought ice cream n eat wif BK..
heex..then walk 1/2 way..
saw mr cheng driving his new car..
long pang 3 FEMALE TEACHERS...
oni for a ride oni lahx...
then went back to schx wif KK n BK..
actuali wanna ask mr cheng send us hm de..
hahax..sports car lehx..><
he long pang the tchers tat time no shade lehx.
so shiok lehx..=\
call him, he sae he got smting on in schx..
so canot long pang..><
nxt time die die oso wan him to gif us a ride.. sianx lehx..
tml geog n physics paper 2..
die liao le..geo cfm die..
physics..hmmx..mayb will survive..
but mayb paralysed..hahax...
goin to mac to study again..
shld b until mac close like ytd bahx..lolx..
buaixbuaix ^^

mo0d mod3 : mo0ddlless + tiired

*[__\\sttay chheerrfful + ______`

Date : Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Time : 2:08 PM
Title : *`isit fate? =|

todae went to mac to study..
and pia 4 SS..hmmx..
alot of things happen 2dae..
counted as happiex de bahx..^^
hmmx..todae at mac..we sit at the window there de seat..
then me ishx back facing the window..
dunno y BK ask me qns..
then i teach her..then saw him crossing the road..
then when i when back to my seat..
i saw him leaving mac..
then sms awhile with him lorx..
then i nd study stop smsing..
he ask me take care and wrk hard..=]
of cos will wrk hard de lahx..lolx..
then ltr on..he brought mizu to mac..
let his colleages c..
then he call me ask me wan c mahx..
then i tod where is he..
actuali he is outside mac oni..lolx..
i pa jiao..canot c..=x
then quickly went out n c mizu lorx..
squat dwn and sayang her lorx..heex..
she lick me lehx..=P
long time no c her liao le..
miss her so badly..hahax...
she is still as cute as last time..^^ until quite juz gt hm oni..
then..shld b studying until passed 12 bahx..=\
need to study liao le..
study n read oni..didnt rem de..hahax..
buaixbuaix ^^

mo0d mod3 : happiiex + hiigh-spiiriittedd =D

Date :
Time : 3:18 AM
Title : *` sci paper 1 all killed le =P

@.@ "or ba kar" liao..lolx..
2dae got sci (phy/chem) paper 1 and bio paper 1
all the 3 sci lehx..><
ytd study at 846..pia until siao..=P
last minute work lorx..=x
pia until vvv late...ard 12+ like tat then go hm.. hm liao...continue studying...
then ard 2+ then slp..cos mummy scold le..=x
todae wake up late..><
hahax..but nvr late for sch lahx..
whole morning rushing oni lorx..
lucky nvr 4get to bring anything..=p
hmmx..take the sci (phy/chem) paper 1st...
phy is easier compared to chem..=x
but dunno will pass anot lehx..
chem..afew qns from TYS de..
i ytd got do...but got afew qns i 4get to ask..><
so sianx diao when i saw the qns..--"
drop to combine still fail i can go commit suicide liao..=x
biology paper 1...alot more easier then i expected..=x
most of the qns cm from TYS de..
got do TYS then i tink will pass le bahx..=]
hope my hard work pays bahx..=D
hmmx..tml ishx math paper 1 and SS..
giving up on SS liao le..
but i tink still nd to study hard lahx..^^
ltr goin to 768 mac to study...
but i feel like slping now..hahax...
pig horx? >< happiex and touched to c him tag..
heex..nvr expect him to tag or even browse my blog..
hmmx..thx u..i will jiayou de..^^
gtg liao bahx..tonite cfm stay up late late again le..
buaixbuaix ^^

mo0d mod3 : tiired + harddworkkiing + happiiex + ggann ddongg

Date : Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Time : 5:18 AM
Title : *` a fast fast blog

hmmx..nthing to cm n blog..=]
shld b a fast one bahx..
goin out to study so0n..
go 883 mac..dunwan to go 846..
dunwan to rem things tat i dunwan to tink of...=x
temporaily oni bahx..still nd time to get over..=]
ltr studying wif BK and sianx..
tml paper 1 for all the sci..
can faint + hrtbeat stop..><
v jialat lehx..mid yr stress le..
then O'lvl how? jialat...=s
hmmx...i say is a fast de blog wun long de..
heex...hmmx..i tink i start abt revision b4 BK call me bahx...
hmmx..chem so laoya..nd help lehx..><
but BK and Yusi de chem btr then me..shld b able to help bahx?
ltr all dunno jiu cham le..lolx..
must have faith in them..^^
heex...gampetah!!! ^^o
jiayou jiayou jiayou roti kaya guyou ! --eunice tan 4e1`05
hahax..quote from her de..=P
buaixbuaix ^^

mo0d mod3 : slleeppy hheadd + mooddless

Date : Monday, May 02, 2005
Time : 3:22 PM
Title : *` so late go hm ...heex..

hmmx.. todae v late then got hm..
lolx..ard 11.30++ then gt hm..><
hmmx..have another enjoyable dae again..
went to civil centre's mac..
meet up wif jiabao, wenkang and KK..
then wait for peipei..
when peipei came..jiabao and her go mos burger study..
then me wenkang n KK go 768 find en..
join her 4 lunch...
then after meeting her..
we 4 eat tgt lorx..then jiu go her hse le..
tat stupid wenkang horx...$$ face..
acc me oso nd charge de..><
smmore time interval de..12.59 to 1pm counted as 1hr..
day light robbery lehx..=x
at her hse got revise abit chem lahx..
then keep chasing BK to cm..
lolx..then wenkang n zhiliang play chess..
2 rounds oni vvv long liao..><
hmmx...we formed the "ELMO GANG"
hahax..all started with my elmo ringtone..><
they all started to infrare and bluetooth the tone..
then all set the same one..
either msg tone or ringtong..
then call ourselves the "ELMO GANG"
hahax..then went for dinner...
hmmx..went to c "ge tai"...=x
got c "ah nan"..the chnl 8 sissy..=x
wenkang suggest we go up the stage n sing elmo song..
lolx..reali a "elmo" day...=x
i oso dunno y suddenly we tis "gang" so gd..=x
since ytd bahx.=z
went for dinner liao..then the boys all goin hm...
then left me en n BK...
then we go walk walk n toktok lorx..
cos zhiliang cming to meet BK soon le mahx..
then we tok alot of things lorx...
girls' secrets..heex...=P
then me BK and zhiliang send en hm...
as expected..i bcm lightbulb liao..><
so bright sehx...
help them brighten the night..lolx..
i walk infront awhile..behind awhile..
and oh ya...todae i get awy my 1st time again..><
i 1st time..1st time..
so guilty lehx..tink of it goosebumps all cm out..
kill a snail lehx!!! guilty lehx..=( kelianx de snail..
sorriex lehx snail snail...not on purpose de..=(
rest in peace..=x
i reali v gong lehx..><
tues got phy/chem paper 1 and bio paper 1...
i tod oni phy/chem..><
gong horx? alamak..nd chiong + pia liao lahx..><
enjoy life..^^
buaixbuaix ^^

mo0d mod3 : enjjoyabble dday + happiiiex + llovee ellmo ggang..^^"

Date :
Time : 3:00 AM
Title : *` hu|.fU.daN.shEng

hmmx...back to single life le...
i admit i did cry lahx..=z
anyway still frens mahx..^^
hmmx...ytd so shiok..=x
shiok cos so many ppl conference together..
hahax..i sms my lao gong (BK)..
tell her i back to single liao..
then she ask me call her..
then i call lorx..
how i noe so many classmates with her..
then all noe paisehx..=P
then they pass the fone to evy single person to tok to me..
hahax..then sae todae wanna go out study together..
dunno wan go where...
then sae ltr call in n conference..
then ard 2.30am..KK sms me..
sae can call in liao..then jiu call in lorx..
when i call in..i tink wenkang n BK is there oni..
then KK join in..hmmx..alot of ppl lehx..
1st time conference so many ppl..><
got..BK,KK,Wenkang,Shawn,Weiearn and MEeE..
heex..tok until 4am then hang up..
hahax..dunno wat we tok abt oso..
but when toking got ppl fall aslp..hahax..
KK lorx..fall his name oso wun wake up..
then BK go his room wake him up..
funniex..hahax...then tat shawn..
v doin his yoga..lolx..
then when is silent..a voice will "pop" out..
WEI??? hahax...wenkang lorx..
wan hang up oso v mafan..dunno who to hang up 1st..
actuali is sae BK hang up then all "toot" liao mahx..
cos we call in her hp..
den in the end sae 1 by 1 hang up..
KK..then me..then wenkang..then weiearn..then shawn..
hahax..funniex lehx we all..
i enjoy the tok ytd..heex..
loOoOoOoong time no tok on fone until so shuang liaox..=x
hahax..thx u all..wo ai ni men..>.<"
muackx~ heex..=P
friends are gold cherish above all treasures..^^v
hmmx..ltr goin weiearn hse to study..
focus on studies hao le..=]
hmmx..hope my mama will get well soon lahx..
if not n ah mei nd to do alot of hsewrk lehx..=x
hahax..jkjkx lahx..=P long this entry..=x
tink btr stop le..heex..
buaixbuaix ^^

mo0d mod3 : happiiex + touchhedd + xiing ffu + ffree =)

Date : Sunday, May 01, 2005
Time : 1:31 PM
Title :

so sianx..=x
i oso quite boliao..lolx..
todae afternoon update blog liao..
now come and update again...lolx...
mama still sick..><
all the housework me n my ah mei do nohx..
mayb tis is her "mother's day" gift bahx..
lolx..who noes? =P
help her wash dishes and hang clothes lorx..
then papa todae work night shift..
b4 he go out pass me sm $$..
ask me n my ah mei ltr go help him buy things.. soya milk for mama..
9.30pm then go 883 buy..hahax..
watch tv mahx..glue to the tv liao..><
then watch finish the shows then go..=P
hmmx..todae after tuition go social centre..
revise wrk with frens there...
but awhile oni lorx..
actuali wanna go admiralty mac wif BK and Yusi de...
but when i got hm..
mama got fever again..
so no choice..haf to stay at hm...
need to take care of her...
hmmx..tml labour dae..hahax..
ppl dun nd to work..but we nd to study!!
die liao le chem so laoya..><
physics oso not gd..=\
hope can pass bahx..nd to study hard!!!
Gampateh =P heex..^^"
buaixbuaix ^^

mo0d mod3 : abiit siiaO + lamee + chhee

Date :
Time : 4:31 AM
Title : *` haO.wu.liaO

so sianx diao --"
ytd plan tat todae wake up liao..
study chem de..then afternoon go tuition..
then after tuition study chem again...
how i noe..todae is ah gong ji ren...
alot relatives cm my hse..
wan study oso v noisy...><

hai wo de plan failed...=\
but oso nvm lahx..hahax..
my nephew came!! cute..=P
i love kids lehx..><
he so damn cute lorx..
keep running into my room.. lolx..
but he oso v norty..=P
eat one meal oso anyhow run..
wun sit still de.. hahax..
nvm lahx..he's still a kid..
if i got a little bro like him how nice will it be..=x
but oso will be v distracting lahx...
cos i cfm evydae wanna play wif him..
then dunwan study de..xP
dunno y sudden feel like doin sm desserts lehx..><
hmmx..go on the net n find recipe and do.. heex...
ltr eat le stomachache..><
haven try to do jiu no confidence liao.. lolx..
scarly do liao no ppl wan try..=P
but oso nd to have the time lahx..
no time oso canot do..ritex?
hmmx..dunno wan go social centre and study mahx lehx...
how how how? tell me wat to do...=x
so mao dun..=\
wan go..but tuition until 4.30 -5.00..
go le 6pm nd go hm liao..><
might as well dun go...
but dun go horx..i mayb dunwan study at hm...=x
i v mafan lehx!! y i so mafan de...=z
dun care so much lahx..><
go revise chem liao..
hope todae will got smting nice happen bahx..
so tat it can brighten up my boring dae..><
buaixbuaix ^^

mo0d mod3 : bOriing + siiaNx + sttayiing chheerful =D


  • WENDY.
    21st June.
    Everything else, you'll know when you know me. (:


  • Look at others' virtues,
    not their shortcomings.


  • Leave some of your love. (:


  • xueni


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