Date : Saturday, April 30, 2005
Time : 10:17 AM
Title : *` cHam.liaO.laHx

ytd nitex pia chinese pia until 1+ then slp..
woahx..todae morning 6+ jiu wake up liao..=x
study until so late but haven study finish all..
so jialat lehx me..><
todae wrote "bao zhang bao dao"...
1st time in examinations i wrote tat..=P
like easier to just write lorx..=x
hmmx..then after paper 1 ishx listening...
the options so tricky de lehx..=\
dun even noe how to choose..
then anyhow ti-cam ti-cam shade..=x
hahax..listening oni mahx.=P
dun tink will fail v malu lehx..xP
paper 2...vomit blood!!!
i wrote one word correct liao..
then i last min go n change!!!
really can go and vomit blood liao lahx!!!
what done is done liao point getting sad over it..
ritex? heex.."zi wo an wei" =P
after that paper..move tables and chairs to hall...
next week onwards all mid year exam will be held in hall...
maybe is to give the O'lvl atmosphere bahx...=x
chinese haven't completely over yet..
still got O'lvl de to go...><
so sianx..faster "kill" chinese better...=x
smmore the paper 1 i wrote so many wrong words..><
marks confirm deduct until siao de..=z
xiang dao jiu sianx diao..--"
to make things worst..
mama fever!!
"tian you bu che feng yun, ren you dan xi huo fu"
"huo bu dan xing"
chinese paper do until so jialat + mama fever..
sianx diao de lehx...
smmore need to study for so many sciences..
study until become science freak jiu sianx..=x
lolx..still got humanities to go..
OMG...will stress si lehx!!
but this one only mid year only then i pia until like that..
my O'lvl how lehx? =\
need to go buy dinner liao..
i think these few days dinner is eat out de liao bahx..
mama sick cannot go market then also cannot cook..
also not bad lahx..=x
hardly eat out de..
stop here then..going out liao..
buaixbuaix ^^

mo0d mod3 : ennergetiic + headdacche

Date : Friday, April 29, 2005
Time : 6:07 AM
Title : *` haO.r3.Ar!!! hot todae..
i mean the weather..
wanna do a fast blogging..
i nd to study for tml de chinese liao..><
so jialat lehx me..=\
tml mid yr liao.
then sec 1 de chinese words oso had study finishx..
then 32 daes to O'lvl chinese le..
so jialat lehx me..=z
todae quite slack in class..
bio mdm tan nd to handle smting..
so we do our own tings..
then eng class oso alot go for practical..
im the oni 4e1 in band 2 eng class todae..><
so extra..=x
chinese class oso quite relax..=]
then last period cme..
oni 7 ppl left oni..
cos whole class go for practical.. cheng oso nvr cm n find us..=P
so naggy..=x
gtg liao..nd to chiong chinese liaox..>.<"
buaixbuaix ^^

mo0d mod3 : sttressedd + paniic >."<

Date : Thursday, April 28, 2005
Time : 9:41 AM
Title : *`

todae ishx combine sci (phy/chem) de practical...
me ishx do physic de 1st..
i dunno how to draw the circuit!!
sianx diao lehx..--"
but i tink i managed to get a few marks bahx..=x
at least i noe how to draw the switch...
ammeter, resistor, voltmeter..
oni dunno how to draw the metre rule...><

nvr revise mahx..=x
after that jiu change with fren..
do chem de liao..
got smting happen lehx!!!
chemical reaction lorx..=x
lame lahx..jkjkx..
tat stupid bunsen burner lorx..=\
i light 1st time can light up..
then i finish using it liao..
i off diao..><
then wan light back..
canot light!!!
call for help lorx..><
but tat tcher oso canot light!!
lolx..then take ard 3 lighters for me to light..
tat tcher oso scare...=x
i wan on the gas tap n light tat time..
he stand one step back...lolx..
timid tcher lehx..=P
but finally oso i light it de...=x
all tat bunsen burner's fault lahx..><
hmmx..but horx..
the chemistry practical like do b4 de..
jackie chew tat time give us do b4 de...
hmmx..finish liao still got alot of time left..
then i redo one...
cos i tink the result is wrong..
then in the end i redo again got the right one..
lolx..but nvm lahx..still got so much time..
but when i doin physics horx..
i c my fren do the chem like do until not enuff time..
scare me lehx..><
actuali is quite easy lehx..=P
hope will passed bahx..
ytd study ishx worried abt chem..
after im worried abt my phy!!!
lolx..siao horx me? =P
after practical jiu go AVA room le..
kanna qurantine nohx..><
in the ava rm me BK and afew other girls sing bdae song..
for yijun..hahax.. todae her bdae..^^ heex..

hmmx..nd to study le..
buaixbuaix ^^
mo0d mod3 : happiiex tthen saddx tthen mooddless =(

Date : Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Time : 8:35 AM
Title : *`dA.xiaO.yAn

alamak lehx todae...
"da xiao yan" Oo
one eye big one eye small..><
dunno wat happen..swollen lehx..=\
so many ppl ask me wat happen to my eyes..
lolx..ans until i oso sianx..=x
at least they got notice me...=P
tink tml shld b oritex le bahx...
hopex so..
hmmx..todae got biology practical...
1st time doin bio practical alone..
smmore is in examination de atmosphere lehx...
so scary..all so quiet de..=z
dunno will pass anot lehx..
xi wang hui bahx..^^
after finishing my practical...
i sit down mahx..
then saw the fren infront de test tubes...
i tink his horx.
is kanna contaminated liao lahx...
all his 4 test tubes is orange-red ppt...
lolx..scarly is i wrong..
but his ppt's colour reali look alike lehx..><
aiya..wat is done is done liao....
no point regretting..
now btr focus on tml science practical..
tml shift 1..heex..
2pm jiu go hm liao..^^
then after recess
straightaway go NE library and wait....
tml's lesson shld b relaxing for those combine sci de..
gtg liao le..
take care evyone..
buaixbuaix ^^

mo0d mod3 : siianx + choccohholiic + hheng xiiang tta =z

Date : Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Time : 6:21 AM
Title : *`

mdm tan take awy my 1st time!! ><
lolx..todae kanna her caught..=\
so malu..lolx..
cos infront of whole class..=P
but nvm lahx..
i wear 2 earstants on one ear..
jiu kanna her caught n record in offence file lorx..
1st time in my 4yrs lehx..><
c lahx..take awy my 1st time..=z shiok todae...
2pm jiu go hm liao..^^
exam week mahx..
no remedials..but todae class got pure chem prac...
lolx..i drop dun nd stay back...
hmmx...v hot weather todae..=\
must study hard hard this week liao le..><

plan for tis week :
*` study for bio, chem, phy
*` do TYS
*` learn chinese words!!!

hmmx..go studiiex le..
buaixbuaix ^^

mo0d mod3 : okiiexokiiex nohhx + mmalu =P + hhurtx??

Date : Saturday, April 23, 2005
Time : 10:31 AM
Title : *` kai.shi.le

hmmx..todae start mid yr exams le..
todae de english paper 2..
how i wish is O'lvl paper..=x
the passage is v easy to understanding..
i tink lahx..i dunno wat the others tink..
but the qns asked horx..
like all inferential de lehx..><
dunno will do well anot..=as for paper 1 lehx...
hmmx..quite satisfied with myself le..^^
cos at least i got use afew go0d phrases that i read..=P

plan for tis week:
*`complete all hmk by fridae
*`sat go to mr cheng hse for math
*`then go social centre for last session of english
*`revise on chinese

plan until so well..but dunno will do anot.. hook or by crook (dunno correct spelled anot)..
die die oso must carry out the plan!!!
lolx..abit crazziex horx? =P

hmmx..learnt smting todae..
"zuo ren yao zhi zhu" b contented with the things around you...
dun demand too much..or expect too much..
demanding too much might cause u to lose smthing..
mayb smthing which is actuali v important to u.. contented with my life!! heex..

go carry out my plan liao..
buaixbuaix ^^

mo0d mod3 : quiiet + ccontenntedd + hhao xiiangg hhao xiiangg tta (5th dae)

Date : Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Time : 1:18 PM
Title : `=+[ haO.yOng.gOng.l3hx ]+=` or two dae no update blog le...
hmmx..recently i turn hardworking le!!
heex..^^v go0d news nehx!
dunno y recently sudden find tat studying is quite fun..
lolx..weirdo horx? =x
but ishx go0d thing for me lahx..
at least im able to work hard le...^^
chinese..hmmx..left 40 daes oni...
cham le..not enuff time liao...=must pia n jiayou le..><
so stressful sehx...=x
no choice...for the freedom n relaxation after Os..
now have to suffer abit..=]
ytd, one of my classmate shout back to jackie chew...
so sianx diao..--"
1st time c a student shout back at a tcher so loudly...
the chem lab was quite noisy...
then suddenly heard his voice..shouting at jackie chew..
ytd chem practical oso got accident happen..><
one of the classmate got scald..
smmore bandage the middle finger..
lolx..funniex...wrap until so big the finger..=x
hmx..tink wun b updating so often le bahx..
nd to study for mid yr too..
get going liao..
buaixbuaix ^^

mo0d mod3 : hardworkiingg + conteentedd + xiiangg zzhee tta =P

Date : Sunday, April 17, 2005
Time : 11:09 AM
Title : [`[[ TWINS!! ]]`]

TWINS!! ^^
heex..bought their A4 size album todae..
so happiex..heex..
cos finally brought it liao..=x
actuali wanna buy at MJ de..
then buy another cyndi's album tgt wif Twins de album.
then will cheaper mahx..
the wat "green and red" promotion..=\
then beekwoon sae yishun there de cheaper..
oso same..then went to yishun there and cc..
got cyndi de..but no twins de..
all cheap de out of stocks liao..
then go yishun there de "sembawang" there buy lorx..
then oso got buy Cyndi de Honey album..
help meimei buy de..
todae after the eng class at the social there..
rain super duper heavy...
called papa and ask him bring umbrella cm n fetch me...
then he sae mama sae rain not big..
ask me go hm myself..=\
so sianx diao lehx... --"
the rain reali v heavy lorx..
smmore i carrying the poster..=\
but still okiex lahx..
oni kanna wet oni lorx..
walk long way hm..
to get shelter mahx..
walk carpark lehx!!!
so dark..smmore got so many uncles there..><
dangerous sehx..=P
but got home safely lahx..
if not still can blog mehx? =x
hmmx...the twins de songs vvvv nice..
juz found that Gillian Chung's bdae is the same as my sister's
lolx..both eyes bigbig de..=x
finally celebrated papa's bdae..
lolx..he cut the cake...
he anyhow cut the cake...
he wan cut where then cut where..><
cut until v ugly..=x
but the cake ishx nice..^^
heex..mama papa both sae nice to eat..=P
heex...i buy de cake of cos nice lahx..=P
hahax..jkjkx lahx... sianx...
btr finish up all hmk tonitex..
take care evyone...
buaixbuaix ^^

mo0d mod3 : happiiex + craziiex + haoo xiiang tta =P

Date : Saturday, April 16, 2005
Time : 11:37 AM
Title : ``

todae ishx papa's bdae..
but not a happiex dae..=(
alot of sad things happen todae..
haix...dunno wan tell mahx..
1st..todae nearly late for schx..=x
alarm rang at 6am liao..
i press it..then stop..
but i went back to drmland..=P
then dunno y 6.36am suddenly woke up...
look at the hp's time..
quickly jump up...=x
whole morning was rushing..
lucky nvr late...
actuali tod of not goin liao since im late..=x
but canot..todae got 3 a.math lessons...
canot miss it mahx..
but in the end 3 periods, 2 periods spent it in the hall..
international friendship dae's concert...--"
so sianx diao lorx...
but luckily, tat 1 period got teach new things..
then after tat..
went for tuition..
until 6.30pm..
then went to cwp..
walk there wif gina and asharf...
on the way when crossing the road..
saw zhixiang and chunwei..
but i reali nvr c them lehx...><
chunwei smmore sae me dao..--"
but i reali nvr c them mahx..=too bad lahx..i oni c shuai ge...=x
then went to meet "him"
then go cwp buy cake for papa..
went to all the shops that sell cakes..
in the end go "four leaves" and buy..
went home that time..
10mins got 8mins is silent de...=(
i oready try all i can to tok to him le..
his answers are all damn short..
like short ans qns like tat..
he nvr jk wif me oso...
not like the old "him" le..='(
went hm tat time..
he nvr went up the lift wif me like he usually do..
i cried in the lift..
then i call him lorx...
he's turning cold... that the real him?
more saddening de ishx when i got hm...
papa not at hm!!!
mama sae he went to play manjong..
play manjong lehx!!
cfm play until passed midnite de mahx..
sianx de lehx... --"
but todae at least got jackie chew to cheer up me..=P
the way she explained the carbon monoxide (CO)..
and abt wat we r suppose to do when there's a fire...
lolx..she sae CO is produced when there's a big fire...
then sae we must open the window..
cos CO is odourless and colourless..
then must open window..
take a wet cloth and cover the nose and mouth..
can help filter those ashes when we breath in..
then must crawl on the floor..
more oxygen at the bottom..
then we can wait to die..
lolx..funniex lehx she...
sae so much then ask us to wait to die..
hahax..then sae dun immediately jump dwn the window..
ltr the helicopter haven reach u then u jump liao..
she's reali cute lehx..=x
funniex tcher..=P
hope tat all those sad things can stop!!!
buaixbuaix ^^

mo0d mod3 : sad + criied + diisappoiinted + shoould ii miiss hiim? =/

Date : Friday, April 15, 2005
Time : 8:58 AM
Title : `*-|.yi.fAng.x|a -*`

todae oral end liao...heex..
but oni mid yr de lahx..
so early happiex oso no use..=x
hmmx..but horx..i quite happiex le..=P
but horx..kanna miss wong..=\
my chinese tcher lehx..
v scare she v strict...=x
but actuali tok to her oso not bad lahx..=P
she's go0d...=x
cos horx..she will tell me my weak points..
then give me another chance..heex..^^
right eye v painful todae...
dunno y...
pain oni..but itchy..=\ the hall waiting was super duper nervous...=x
too nervous not go0d..
but i cannot control..><
hmmx...nvm lahx...
at least i nvr nervous until blackout..=x
so relax nOw...=P
buaixbuaix ^^

mo0d mod3 : happiiex + relaxx + haao xiiang tta =x

Date : Thursday, April 14, 2005
Time : 8:34 AM
Title : `+ haO.lei.d3.yi.tiAn +`

hmmx..todae not as tired as ytd...
tatz go0d for me..=P
mayb cos ytd slp earlier bahx..=)
todae eat abit for recess and lunch oni..
dinner oso eat bit oni..=x
no appetite..dunno y lehx..=\
todae i nvr bring chem text to schx..lolx..
not dunwan to bring..=x
i brin tys oni..cos dunwan bag heavy mahx..=P
then jackie chew oso no sae anything..=x
she oni tell whole class if tml no bring then record in offence file..=\
evytime oso offence file..
but she is reali a "cute", "nice" little lady..=x
she was nagging at my friend in class...
saeing him..inresponsible...*blahx*`blahx`*blahx*
then she sudden sae..
"offence file out!"
hahax..wun whole class burst into laughter...lolx..
she herself oso laugh..
nag nag nag then laugh...
lolx..she's reali funniex..>< least i nvr hate her tat much now..=P
sianx..tml chinese mid yr oral..=\
dunno will fail anot..=x
my oral v laoya one lehx..=Z
hmmx...dunno hu will the tcher be..=x
hope is mdm mu..lalala~
btr dunwan miss wong..=x
most likely not her bahx..
cos she is our class de tcher...
kanna miss wong horx..
v jialat lehx..=x
ltr she suan in class jiu cham liao..=P
woahx..raining damn big now..hmmx..
go get a nap 1st...heex^^
buaixbuaix ^^

mo0d mod3 : abiit mo0diiex + loneliiex + miissiing hiim =

Date : Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Time : 1:26 PM
Title : `` sniff sniff ``

kanna flu liao..=todae in schx super duper tired..
nearly doze off in the last 2 periods...><
then after schx still got remedial until 4.45pm!!
can die lehx..=x tired until die..
hmmx...todae not much hmk..=D
which is a good thing..=P
hope tis week lesser hmk bahx..=x
hmmx...todae no c dao him..=his internet kanna cut off..
canot online liao..
he at hm cfm v sianx de...=x
canot play game mahx..=P
todae sms him..and asked him afew qns..
while waiting for the reply..
i abit scare scare..=x
scare that his reply will be v hurtful..=x
but i tink too much liao..><
his reply is unexpected de lehx..=x
hmmx..i give him all the time he needs and wan bahx..
heex...todae oso start on my chinese liao..=x
todae start le..but tat dun mean will revise daily..=x
canot!! diedie oso must revise daily..
left less then 50 daes liao..
canot slack liao!!!
must jiayou le..=P
take care evyone..
buaixbuaix ^^

mo0d mod3 : happiiex + tiired + fllu + headaache + miissiing hiim =P

Date : Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Time : 8:28 AM
Title : -x_[ ]_x-

todae got back my chemistry test paper.. pass..
but not v gd grades lorx...
so disappointed in myself..><

mdm tan set wrong test paper AGAIN..
she reali lao hu tu liao lahx...=x
she smmore tell us tat she tell her husband oni 3 topics..
dun nd to write down one..
she can remember... the end..
set wrong again...
her memory is weakening..=x
hmmx..todae no appetite..
recess eat bread oni..
after sch eat abit of tibits nia...=x
normally recess eat bread liao..
after schx cfm chi bao bao de...
todae's chemistry practical was quite fun actuali..=x
cos is combine sci de mahx..=P
geo. remedial is like wasting time lorx...
gif us qns to do...
then the tcher disappear...--"
do until 4.45pm, finish anot oso hand in...
tcher oso nvr teach anything de...
yipee..tis week no more test liao..
but nxt week got...=\
cos tat mdm tan lahx..
set wrong paper...
nvm lahx...mid year oso cming liao..
must work hard liao lo...
go0d luck to evyone bahx...^^
buaibuaix ^^

mo0d mod3 : bettter tthaan yessterdaay =]

Date : Monday, April 11, 2005
Time : 10:16 AM
Title : `* [ xin qin bu hao ] *`

tis weekend de hmk lesser then last week de..=]
more time for me to slack..=x
but reali lorx..
i feel tat i slack more when i complete my hmk earlier..
like tat v jialat lehx..><
i oso dunno todae wat happen to me..=/
not myself todae...=x
but oso dunno wat cause it and wat happen sehx..
todae like restless like tat...
moodless de..oO
hmmx..tink alot todae..
so many problems at one go cm..><
will die de lehx...
dun nd to commit suicide oso can die in the sea of troubles lorx..
too serious liao lahx..><
one is family ting..
when i nd him to b there for me tat time..
then got another prob..--" de lehx..
sms him tat time he sound sianx sianx de..
i so shi bai lahx..=(
dun even noe how to ask him if he's sianx..=/
smmore evydae, evytime oso sms ask him same thing..
not surprise if he got sick of it..><
hope he is fine bahx...
i dun even noe i wan to do wat now...
whole person bcm gong^2, like bai chi like tat..
tinking whole dae abt ytd thing..
came to no conclusion..
oni write out all those tods in my mind oni...><
reali shi bai sia...
end here then...

mo0d mod3 : mo0dlesS + siianx + baii chii + inviisible?

Date : Sunday, April 10, 2005
Time : 8:40 AM
Title : ``*[- FinAllY we3kenD l!aO -]*``

lalala..finally weekend liao...lolx..
todae wake up at 7am..
then meet BK at bus stop then go mr cheng hse..
math tuition again...actuali todae de quite little ppl..
quite casual oso..=D not stressful..
mayb cos got jk ard..
me n BK smmore buy cup noodles there and cook n eat..
lolx...funniex horx? but nice lehx..tom yam favour de..=x
we chat wif mr cheng too...
chat abt those quite yellowish de ting..
lolx..he then tink that wdls is not v safe..=x
he super rich us go hm cos he nd to rush to SEE CARS!!!
he is planning to buy new car...sianx..--"
rich until like tat..lolx...
but dunno got buy in the end mahx...=went to the social centre for english toO..
did paper one..lolx..river valley paper...
quite tough..=x but managed to finish and hand in...
need to go do other hmk liao...

mo0d mod3 : happiiex + nOt tiired + chOcohooliic + miisssing hiim =P

Date : Friday, April 08, 2005
Time : 10:55 AM
Title : `-*[[ anO+h3r tiir3d d@e ]]*-`

sianx..another tiired dae...=\
but todae smting happen in schx...
lolx..abt the biology test...
this kind of incident i tink oni happens once in a century =x
mdm tan set wrong test paper!!!
lolx...she got mixed up with the topics that she is testing us with those topics that she is goin to test 4e2..lolx..
when we took the test paper...
we didnt notice it..cos the 1st 2 qns are on one of the topic she is testing us too..
then one classmate ask her why got the qns on the topic tat she is not testing..
but she still blurblur...lolx..tod is the correct paper...
then the whole class tell her those topics she shld b testing..
she still abit dun believe us..
but she ask sihui and then she finally know her "mistake"...
but in the end tat paper we oso do it as a "test"...
no reference to discussion...><
but nvm least the test is postponed to mondae..=P
hmmx...todae i v hardwking..=P
finish up my amath hmk at one go at hm..w/o goin for any brk...=x
hmmx..nd to do other hmk liao...

mo0d mod3 : happiiex + tiired + boriing + miissiing hiim =P

Date : Thursday, April 07, 2005
Time : 8:37 AM
Title : ``-[ ]-``

*pain* *pain* *pain*
in schx oready got bad headache liao...><
dunno y todae so tired...
in miss mazlinda class that time suddenly doze off for tat second...
reali vvvv super tired...=\
but tml still got biology test..
need to study ltr..
plus so many incomplete hmk..
MT O'lvl left ard 58 daes oni..
i haven even start yet!!!
stress le..i oready start to feel the stress oready..
hope tat it isn't too late...=\
y must haf after schx remedials?
6hrs of schx hrs v tired liao le.. now another 5hrs of remedials...
the time i stay in schx is more then the time i stay at hm lorx...
prefer to go back hm n study after schx..
got the freedom to plan n organise wat to study..
in schx remedial all fixed de..--
so tired..goin to sick soon liao lahx~
haix...go rest 1st liao..
buaixbuaix.. ^^

mo0d mod3 : tiired + strresseed + heaadachhe + miissiing hiim

Date : Saturday, April 02, 2005
Time : 4:18 PM
Title : `+` [[ 2nd mOntth ]] `+`

todae went to mr cheng's hse in yishun/khatib for emath lesson..
lolx..ask zhiping to "pao cha" for us...cos mr cheng got tea set..=x
quite crump there lahx... but overall v gd lorx.. lolx..
after tat i went back to sbw to watch movie...
the eye 10..
with tommy, peipei, xiaofong, cai niao, junlong, waichiong...
after tat all go separate ways liao...lolx..
weird weird de.. came tgt to watch one movie oni..lolx...
so tired todae.. tml nd to pia hmk again liao...
todae 2nd month wif him..heex...^-^
sianx flu liao... i tink i btr slp early...
stay happiiex evyone..^-^v

mo0d mod3 : happiiex + tiired + sleeepiiex

Date :
Time : 10:52 AM
Title : *- [[ apriil foolll ]] -*

happiex april fool..=D
tis year de april fool not much fun de...
nvr "zhen" tcher..=x
last yr mr teo kanna...lolx..still rem until now..=p
todae actuali wanna play a trick on jackie chew de..
wanna tell her tat she got red stain on her skirt..=x
v bad horx? lolx..but in the end nvr trick..
todae went to chung cheng sec (main) for the last tournament of 2005..
and tis is oso the last tournament for me in the sec schx.. concentrate on my studies liao le..=D
but todae de lost lahx..=x cedar girls mahx..strong lorx...
finally fridae liao le..lolx..can relax ABIT..=x
tml morning nd v wake up damn early..
mayb earlier then the time i normally wake up for schx...
nd to go mr cheng hse in yishun de for emath extra class...
lolx..troubling wat to wear..=x
like go gaigai like tat..hahax..
i oso dunno wanna go for the english class at the social centre anot lehx..
dunno peipei they all got jio hu go watch movie tml..
dunno wanna watch anot oso..
lolx...v ma fan horx me?
i tink i reali v mafan...=x
tis weekend hmk oso alot..
hmmx..i tink i btr finish afew tonitex..
so tml go out can "fang xin" yi dian...lalala~
stop here then...

mo0d mod3 : tiired + streeessed + happiiex + miissiing hiim..=P

Date : Friday, April 01, 2005
Time : 3:19 PM
Title : ``+ [ siianx diiao ] +``

so tiired todae...any other dae oso lahx..=x
so sianx diao todae..
tat mary koh..
straightaway sae our class tee de colour...
sae the class tee colour match our class de dirt...
v sianx diao lorx...
we oready trying our best to decorate the notice board oready...
she still like tat sae..
i tink btr invite her to the class and take a look at the notice board...
todae wore that new class tee..
honestly speaking..
the colour reali abit like prison de colour lehx...=x
but the carto0n v nice..n cute..lalala~
my sister sae mr cheng wear tat class tee v cute..
she sae he small small size de wear until v cute...
but one ting quite disappointed..
the whole class didnt wear the class tee..
oni sm wore oni..
some ppl oso dun bother to wear...=\
quite disappointed lorx...
no unity in class..
todae oso got help out in the sewing of the cloth..
quite fun lahx..lolx..
so late liao..haven pack file n bag..
btr get goin liao..nitex evyone...

mo0d mod3 : tiired + busssy


  • WENDY.
    21st June.
    Everything else, you'll know when you know me. (:


  • Look at others' virtues,
    not their shortcomings.


  • Leave some of your love. (:


  • xueni


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