Date : Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Time : 11:13 AM Title : `*-[ tiired daee ]-*` soOoOoo tired todae...
todae's tournament play against river valley.. nvr tod of winning them until we saw the C'div gals played against them.. actuali the C'div gals of RV oso not v strong...mayb we can win the B'div one... but todae we got one less main player... she got MC for 2weeks.. canot PE...her mama oso dun let her play.. so she nvr a reserve got in... was a tight fight.. lost 2 and won 1... doubles..lost 1 and won 1.. total score is 3:2... well..pretty good results to me...=x dun expect to haf such a close results lorx... nvm lahx..dun wan continue to play liao.. i wanna focus on my studies!!! todae tat mrs koh..qi pian wo de gan qing!!! the whole class was afraid of being caught for the hair..the attire..etc.. then we all got our hair neatly pin up n tied.. tuck in all the tee... but she was late for sch!!! made us all look soOoOoo "toOt"... but wat mr.cheng sae was right.. there is alwaes tml...=\ todae got our class tee liao!! lolx..the colour starting i c horx.. dun reali like it..=x abit like shit de colour.. but c my classmates wear...then tink actuali the colour not bad..=x but the design ishx vv nice..heex..v cute...=P shld b wearing it on thurs bahx...=) gotta do hmk liao... buaixbuaix...;) mo0d mod3 : happiiex + tiired + chooccoholiic!!
Date : Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Time : 11:59 AM Title : `-`[ 1sst natiionall TT compeiitioon iin 2005 ]`-` weex...todae got my hair cut liao...being force de lorx..
2dae tat mary koh cm to our class...check class de tidiness n cleaniess.. then sae my fringe v long...then smmore i wan cut hair oso mahx.. then went to 883 to cut lorx.. not bad lahx.. but alot shorter then last time... hmmx..todae tournament against paya lebar methodist girls.. aiya..cfm lose de mahx..but reali lost lahx..=x we dun even wanna go for the tournament.. cos we will b skipping alot of lessons.. n remedials... v lugi lehx..=P smmore v tired after got hm... but lucky oni lasted for 3 daes tis weeks then no more liao... mon...tues..fri... sianx lorx..miss alot of classes liao...=\ went to Chung Cheng High (main) for the tournament.. then me, huiling, xiaofong n peipei went to walk ard the schx b4 the tournament start... then got one siao siao de boy.. cm n tok to me... he "imposter" lahx he... sae wat ishx my pri schx friend... ask him wat pri schx, he ans "same pri schx as u" then sae i 4get him liao he v lahx he.. aiya.. juz tell him "y must i rem u..=x" then he sae "nvm, so sadx" then walk awy liao.. but i sae out loudly.. "i same university as u lehx"..lolx.. he wan lame then pei he him lame lorx...=x but tis bcame a jk...lolx.. chelle esther n debbie knew abt tis then keep saeing go find my pri schx friend... lolx..tat guy look not bad lahx...=x okok oni.. not v shuai..=PpP too bad..not interested in him..lalala~ =x need to do hmk tired..=\ mo0d mod3 : tiired + happiiiex
Date : Monday, March 28, 2005
Time : 4:57 AM Title : _X` [ s+reSsfuL dA3 ] `X_ so stressed up todae!!!
so many hmk haven complete.. smmore tml got chinese test... die liao lorx...lolx.. juz wake up not long ago oni..=x faster update blog.. if not ltr nd pia hmk n study whole dae then canot use com liao.. abit scare like last week.. pia until 1am then slp.. if tis week like tat again then jialat liao lorx... so sianx lehx.. tis yr Os so imprt.. nxt week start having remedials until 5+ then can go hm... alot of subjects having remedial.. but lehx.. we got tournament.. so sianx de lehx.. but those schx we goin to play against cfm win us de.. is they win us not we win them lorx.. actuali we tod of not goin to play de... take it as we "surrender".. cos wan focus on studies mahx... but horx.. if mrs koh know abt tis.. miss tina woon will get scolded and we will too... so to play safe.. btr play.. lose jiu lose lorx....=x anywae is cfm lose de..=P lose le can faster go back schx n haf remedial..=x nd to go do hmk liao.. buaibuaix mo0d mod3 : smiiliing + strressfull
Date : Sunday, March 27, 2005
Time : 2:57 PM Title : _+_ [ rem3d!aLs da3 ] _+_ todae morning went to schx for mr cheng's math extra class..
actuali i personally prefer to have lesson in the canteen...=x cos got alot of things to c ard mahx.. then smmore no so warm like in the classroom.. oso not so cold like in the IT resource room..=P but one bad point is tat NO WHITEBOARD... but at least mr cheng is "creative" enuff.. he put 2 canteen tables.. both standing up.. and use them as his whiteboard..lolx... and starting he uses a "dunno-whose" EVG PE tee as the duster..lolx.. i reali canot imagine wat will happen if mrs koh noe abt this..=z he will b dead meat then...=x then todae we oso went to the wdls social centre for the FOC english tuition... well..the lesson was not boring at all.. n the whole class is our class de pupils..lolx.. well...shld end here liao then.. evyone haf an early nitex horx.. buaixbuaix...=D mo0d mod3 : happiex norhx..=D
Date : Saturday, March 26, 2005
Time : 7:52 AM Title : -*- [ is this a holidae? ] -*- sianx todae..
rotting at hm the whole dae.. "he" was reali slping juz now... wake up liao..then reply my sms.. v sianx diao lehx.. ask "him" wan go watch movie mahx.. dunwan oso dun sae dunwan.. i reali dunno wat to do liao sia.. im rotting at hm liao lahx!!!! is this a holidae? wan go out oso no company.. then tml wan go out oso canot.. morning remedials.. afternoon tuition.. sundae.. lazy to go out.. nd time to finish all hmk... left todae can go out oni.. then like tat wasted diao.. mo0d mod3 : pek chek
Date :
Time : 4:31 AM Title : ``*+ [ s|anxs!anx dE "go0d" fr|da3 ] +*`` so sianx...haix.. go0d fridae.. shld go enjoy yi xia xia de... but horx.. dunno can go wher.. plus "he" wan to slp.. then sae wan go out walkwalk de oso "him" lolx...reali dunno he wan slp or go out.. lolx..funniex.. but oso v sianx like tat... "he" slping in bed.. playing in "his" drmland.. then i at hm..doin nthing.. so sianx... dun intend to do any hmk todae... lolx...todae actuali is a MUST for me to go out de..=x cos tml nd go back sch for remedial.. then afternoon nd to go for eng tuition at wdls social centre... whole dae got bo0ked liao le... so sianx lehx... reali sianx until i oso dunno wat to do nxt...=\ end here hao le.. if still didnt end ltr read liao u all oso sianx.. lolx.. buaibuaix.. mo0d mod3 : super duper sianx
Date : Friday, March 25, 2005
Time : 7:44 AM Title : =*` [snaps snaps n snaps]`*= hot weather today.. hot hot hot...lolx.. todae no morning run..AGAIN.. wuahaha..=x cos of the mist lorx.. =\ todae kanna sabo by BK.. mr cheng ask her go the photo taking.. she dunwan..then sabo me n gina.. in the end all 3 kanna... lucky she nvr escape...=x but the photo-taking thing oso quite fun lahx..lolx.. i took one wif mr viknish and my classmate.. at the pond there.. lolx..super stupid + funniex lorx.. mr viknish was saeing stupid n lame things to make us laugh not smile...=x then went to the library n take... wif miss pushpra and miss teng.. heex... wif miss teng lehx..boi cfm jealous de..=x ltr goin out to buy present liao.. lolx.. my lao gong de lao gong's birthdae todae.. =P happiex birthdae zhiliang mo0d mod3 : hot + happiex (tml gd fri mahx..=x)
Date : Thursday, March 24, 2005
Time : 9:33 AM Title : `+*[[raiin rainn ggo awaay..comee agaiin anoother dae]]*+` raiin rainn ggo awaay..comme againn annother daee... lalala... todae got chinese sianx oral practice smmore! lucky tcher nvr pick me to tok in front of the whole class...lolx.. i will shy de lehx..=x actuali planned to go cwp n buy zhiliang's birthdae present wif keekwoon and gina de... cos of the stupid rain... cancel liao.. =\ but nvm lahx..lolx.. soooo sianx... ytd so hot.. todae rain.. v weird de weather lehx.. =\ hmmx... i tink shall end here for now bahx.. if ltr free then cm n add another... buaibuaix...^-^v mo0d mod3 : boriing + siianx =\
Date : Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Time : 7:06 AM Title : -+`[ third pOsting ]`+- so sianx... todae went to schx.. in the morn then saw one guy wearing a brown class tee... our 2nd class tee actuali oso brown de... i tink dunno change to wat colour liao.. so sianx diao... so lazy to go back schx for training now liao.. lolx.. dunno shld go back anot.. i tink btr go back.. or else ltr tcher qns qns n qns.. =\ todae mdm kartini show an advertisement to our class.. lolx..afew girls screamed in class.. lolx.. actuali not scary at all lorx.. =x mayb is the sound effect bahx.. =P hmmx... i tink stop here liao.. nd to rush back to schx.. sianx.. =\
happiex birthdae i yeu
Date : Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Time : 8:44 AM Title : *`*[ sec0nd pOsting ]*`* sianx...schx starts liao... haix... term 2 oready.. nearer to o'lvl already... stressed up... ytd acc chenghui to orchard.. lolx... v fast came back to wdls liao.. 1st time went to orchard n came back within an hr time.. she went there just to get her shirt..lolx.. $33... for tat shirt... she Q up for 3x.. the third time then she paid for it.. funniex lehx.. hahax.. she reali canot make her decision.. hahax... ytd was my mama's bdae.. celebrated for her.. hahax.. cook spagetti for her wif my sister... well.. hope she like the spagetti.. =x we are short of cash to buy her a big cake.. so we brought her tiramisu.. lolx.. i ate some too.. it's quite nice.. =P sianx.. so many ppl's bdae cming again.. nd save $$.. =\ end here then.. buaixbuaix...
Date : Sunday, March 20, 2005
Time : 7:00 AM Title : .+` [ fiirst posst ] `+. weex... got own blOg liao... heex.. quite hard to create one blOg lehx.. mayb i dian nao bai chi.. so v hard for me.. lolx.. hmmx.. dunno u all find it nice anot lehx... must gif comments horx.. heex.. =D 1st time.. dunno wanna write wat... hmmx.. hOpe u all like my blOg lorx... tatz all.. buaix.. ^-^v
WENDY. 21st June. Everything else, you'll know when you know me. (: Laugh, cures a multitude of ills. Leave some of your love. (: xueni joanne.beloved jenn.beloved xf.pei flor janice ziqi yuchin xinting lina linda yvonne beekwoon weiearn mic.tan jie March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 January 2011 April 2011 May 2011 November 2011 February 2012 March 2012 June 2012 January 2013 Designed by { ★CRUSHthespeaker } Thankful to { blogskins l xox } Blogged to { 53-percent } |